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Single Entry Non Immigrant Visa Thai Consulate Hull

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i would really like to know if single entry Non-O or Non-B is as easy as multiple in Hull?

Reason being that i don't ever have to leave the place really nor do i intend to if not necessary. My mum and all my family live here in Thailand and i have been here for the last 12 years or so, so single entry would be good.

Apart from that it is anyway more interesting to have single entries and stay over 90 days because once you can do that and register, if you stay on a one year visa for 3 years and don't leave the Kingdom then you can apply for permanent residence in the Kingdom of Thailand. This is of course why multiples are normally the ones given unless they cant get out of giving you a single entry; in order to prevent you from being able to apply for residence.

So i would love to hear news that Hull issue single entries as this is what i wish to apply for next time.

Any body got any info on that?

Apart from this, a secondary question

A friend of mine sent his passport to a friend in UK to send to Hull. He was in Thailand and still on a valid Visa at the time he sent his passport to Hull.

Hull stamped him a Non Immigrant B and he got the passport back with new Visa. He then stamps out with his still valid old visa and stamps in again on the new one

I have never heard of this before, and myself had to go to Malaysia and send to UK from these because i thought that we must first stamp out of Thailand to apply for new Visa.

Apparently not. Anybody else got info on this?

Because if its possible then i'm not leaving here anymore if necessary. I hate Malaysia and only other country apart from Thailand where i can really manage to get along in is Laos.

Living in the South makes that a long journey too. The Visa runs tire me out so much and i hate them. It is a disturbance to the rhythm of life and a reminder that one is not really welcome.

I feel sorry for my mum who is 76 and has to do all this Visa run crap. Shes not very well either.

Anyway if anyone has info on the single entry possibility in Hull consulate, plea let me know as that is what i wish to apply for

And if anyone can clarify the bit about sending from within Thailand (us that really possible?) then please tell us about that too.

Thanks in advance for any info contributions wai.gif

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i would really like to know if single entry Non-O or Non-B is as easy as multiple in Hull?

I see no reason why Hull would not happily issue a single. Provided you have the necessary means to extend your stay in Thailand it would be a cheaper option.

Apart from this, a secondary question

A friend of mine sent his passport to a friend in UK to send to Hull. He was in Thailand and still on a valid Visa at the time he sent his passport to Hull.

Hull stamped him a Non Immigrant B and he got the passport back with new Visa. He then stamps out with his still valid old visa and stamps in again on the new one

Your friend has an invalid visa. The fact that he got out of Thailand without it being spotted and cancelled probably means he's never going to get caught unless a particularly vigilant immigration officer spots it. If it is spotted there could be a world of hurt coming as every entry made on that visa would be invalid.

Note to the 'you never get locked up' brigade. We try to provide accurate and legal information here, just because one (or indeed several) got away with it doesn't mean you will, there is at least one report on ThaiVisa of a traveller who did the send from Thailand trick being caught and having his visa invalidated.

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i would really like to know if single entry Non-O or Non-B is as easy as multiple in Hull?

I see no reason why Hull would not happily issue a single. Provided you have the necessary means to extend your stay in Thailand it would be a cheaper option.

Apart from this, a secondary question

A friend of mine sent his passport to a friend in UK to send to Hull. He was in Thailand and still on a valid Visa at the time he sent his passport to Hull.

Hull stamped him a Non Immigrant B and he got the passport back with new Visa. He then stamps out with his still valid old visa and stamps in again on the new one

Your friend has an invalid visa. The fact that he got out of Thailand without it being spotted and cancelled probably means he's never going to get caught unless a particularly vigilant immigration officer spots it. If it is spotted there could be a world of hurt coming as every entry made on that visa would be invalid.

Note to the 'you never get locked up' brigade. We try to provide accurate and legal information here, just because one (or indeed several) got away with it doesn't mean you will, there is at least one report on ThaiVisa of a traveller who did the send from Thailand trick being caught and having his visa invalidated.

Thank you for the concise and clear to understand answers

It is as i thought with the 'friend' i mentioned, who actually isn't so much a friend rather af friend of another person i know whom i all consider to be a bunch of idiots and of those 'never get locked up brigade' types, who will probably one day end up on their asses. The kind you feel sorry for because they are more dumb than anything else.

I will try applying for a single entry and put that if not possible that a multiple would be second choice.

They seem a reasonable bunch at Hull and seem definitely interested in helping Westerners and foreign husbands/wives to be able to ease their immigration problems. At least in comparison to Asian Thai Embassies.

I shall post the results of my application later when it is through, to share with you all for our benefit.

Last years on the reason for application i put that my mum lives here and that i also live here and thats all.

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You are aware a single entry non immigrant O visa will only allow you to stay here for 90 days? Your post is very unclear on that point. To stay longer you would need another visa or meet conditions for extension of stay, which it appears you do not or you would be doing so now.

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No i dont mean a single entry 90 day visa.

I mean a visa where you can stay more than 90 days, namely 365.

Please don't tell me they dont exist because then the 90 day reporting rule wouldn't exist either.

I mean non multiple one year Visa. o, b, or even e - i dont care really, so long as it allows staying the whole year without a single Visa run.

I have no reason to go anywhere outside of Thailand

Edited by thailandfaq
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No i dont mean a single entry 90 day visa.

I mean a visa where you can stay more than 90 days, namely 365.

Please don't tell me they dont exist because then the 90 day reporting rule wouldn't exist either.

I mean non multiple one year Visa. o, b, or even e - i dont care really, so long as it allows staying the whole year without a single Visa run.

I have no reason to go anywhere outside of Thailand

You really should pay attention to what you are asking for. You apparently aren't asking for a one year visa, you are asking for a one year "Extension of Stay", that is not a visa. The question Lopburi3 is asking, for what basis would you qualify? Are you married, working, retired, etc.

Edited by beechguy
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The only such visa that allows a one year stay on entry is the non immigrant O-A visa issued to those over age 50 with proof of 800k in bank/or 65k income or combination to meet 800k and also requires police report and medical certificate.

Extension of stay for one year criteria are listed in police order 777/2551 which you can download from useful information pinned items at top of forum or Google.

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"This is of course why multiples are normally the ones given unless they cant get out of giving you a single entry; in order to prevent you from being able to apply for residence."

OP, thanks for the laugh. The only thing funnier, is that I think you really believe that.


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The only such visa that allows a one year stay on entry is the non immigrant O-A visa issued to those over age 50 with proof of 800k in bank/or 65k income or combination to meet 800k and also requires police report and medical certificate.

Extension of stay for one year criteria are listed in police order 777/2551 which you can download from useful information pinned items at top of forum or Google.

Thanks for this info. I think i can do that

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"This is of course why multiples are normally the ones given unless they cant get out of giving you a single entry; in order to prevent you from being able to apply for residence."

OP, thanks for the laugh. The only thing funnier, is that I think you really believe that.


Yes i do believe that especially after talking with someone in the Ministry of Immigration who smiled in agreement after i rose this point.

The Thail law is striclty regulated and influenced to prevent foreigners from having rights equal to indigenous citizens. Unfortunately this defeats the object. For example, the problem with selfishness and lack of 'samakee' which is currently becoming a rather big problem in Thailand (to the point where tv has to constantly show little child psychology ads to try to instigate more mutual helpfulness between each other). This problem would be solved in a Multinationally integrated society (yes i know of course there would be new different problems appearing). The Western world has a more moral and ethical conditioning. If Thais and Westerners could integrate and live together more on an equal basis then i feel that people would not have so much of a corruption problem. Even the veg shop on the corner who i have known for ten years still tries to short change me/ This is an attitude problem which needs help in curing. The only way for this to happen is to stop the legal segregation and allow us to integrate as equal foreign citizens.

The only way to do this is to begin by opening up the discussion and causing waves, cause people to think and change

Unfortunately, few people are willing to become active in such areas, either out of fear, or out of laziness or just out of the old 'im allright jack screw the rest' mentality

Lastly i would like to say that thaivisa.com has always been the best place for sharing info and help each other, but unfortunately the grand number of people who only like to ; flame others, be sarcastic, make fun, or insult others are predominant and totallty have turned thaivisa froma useful place to collect info into a (still useful for info) forum that is full of people slagging each other off or trying to make each other look stupid.

reminds me of the kids on you tube who call each other noobs etc in the comments

The funniest thing is that the ones who manage to make fun of the others most seem to be the biggest noobs of all with their petty attitude of criticizing or making fun of others instead of just trying to be helpful

Looking for kicks i suppose when their lives are so boring that they need to try to stir up inauspicious communications in order to seek entertainment.

Anyway glad you got a laugh out of my theory sir. Don't see why though. Because laws are not made randomly, they are specifically created with specific aims in mind as well as sub-aims/peripheral aims

The reason that visas are 90 days and the registration rule is 91 is directly connected with the permanent residence rule

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Hull will issue both single and multi entry non immigrant 'o' visa, based on visiting family/friends, they will only send by post to a EU country, or by personal visit by apointment, and in order to issue the person should not be in Thailand

As a side your posts are very long and very deep, at least your question was in the first or so paragraph.

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