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They Bought Cars But Don'T Know How To Drive.


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Bangkok Drivers. I have just driven back from the Ubon area yet again and I always come across Bangkok registered cars at some point. They are normally the ones that go like a dingbat on the straight and pile on the brakes at every bend in the road. Acouple of brand new Captivas went hurtling past me at 140k near Denchai today, by the time I had got to the top of the mountain, toddling along at under 100k I had caught up with them, until we hit a long straight that is. I think a lot of the problem in Chiang Mai is the road system. Having people queue up for a U turn in the fast lane is asking for trouble especially when forward planning is called for. When Auchan (as was) had the old Big C store they had the foresight to put in that under pass when the highway was being built. PErhaps it should be a requirement that all new super stores should contribute to the highway system instead of asking their customer to 'U' turn everywhere causing more traffic problems. Tesco could do well to take note.

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Bangkok Drivers. I have just driven back from the Ubon area yet again and I always come across Bangkok registered cars at some point. They are normally the ones that go like a dingbat on the straight and pile on the brakes at every bend in the road. Acouple of brand new Captivas went hurtling past me at 140k near Denchai today, by the time I had got to the top of the mountain, toddling along at under 100k I had caught up with them, until we hit a long straight that is. I think a lot of the problem in Chiang Mai is the road system. Having people queue up for a U turn in the fast lane is asking for trouble especially when forward planning is called for. When Auchan (as was) had the old Big C store they had the foresight to put in that under pass when the highway was being built. PErhaps it should be a requirement that all new super stores should contribute to the highway system instead of asking their customer to 'U' turn everywhere causing more traffic problems. Tesco could do well to take note.

Those Chiang Mai U-turns are something I was first amazed at when coming to Thailand. I like to go to the busy ones at rush hour and take video to show to folks back home in Canada. I'm amazed that it seems to work, but I hardly ever see accidents at them.

Where I see the accidents is people going through red lights LONG after the light has changed. And, the light jumpers are often the ones hitting the guys going through too late. Of course, there is the ones who just don't care and run red lights at any time.

But, that isn't what the original topic was about. I meant the people who don't understand their vehicle and how to handle it properly... both at speed and when going slowly. Going too slow is almost as bad as going too fast... but not quite. Pulling out without looking is another bad one. But again, I'm not talking about the obvious infractions. It's not understanding the physics of a vehicle and what it is capable of... or not capable of.

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