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Nice Stuff Being Built In Chiang Mai


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I'm always happy and encouraged when I see new houses, shops or other buildings being built that are nice. My standards are not very high, when anyone bothered to do more than chunking down a white slab of cement and concrete then I already feel happy. And I see it more and more, that more effort is made to build something with some local style, be it traditional or modern. It is also nice when an existing ugly structure is taken and improved.

Sometimes nice buildings are in unexpected places. One of the most horrible areas inside the moat is probably along lower Moon Muang, and into Soi 1 / Soi 2. Mandalay is an absolute monstrosity, but a but further down the new Tiger Kingdom 'In Town' restaurant is an example of a building that does look nice. And an existing crappy apartment building (or defunct hotel) next to it is currently undergoing extensive renovation.

But then I was truly surprised and impressed when I ventured into Moon Muang Soi 1; at the end of Soi 1 when turning right (North) towards the Soi 2 end, a couple ugly shophouses got torn down and an absolutely incredible wooden house (restaurant) was built. Anyone with plans of ever building (or renovating) something in wood should go see this place. It's traditional and modern at the same time; modern in the sense that there are large open areas inside, as opposed to boxing in tiny rooms. And that there is a lot of window space. Most nice wooden houses that I see (that have money spent on them) tend to be very traditional, with a lot of heavy teak, which makes them very expensive. This one seems not over-built with heavy wood, and the result is very airy and modern, while still looking like a traditional wooden house.

I walked past and while staring at it almost with open mouth the lady who owned/built it called me over. Nice older lady who moved back to Chiang Mai after spending time in the USA. Anyway it's a restaurant that recently opened, and they're still very much getting to grips with running a restaurant. It is affordable though, at least cheaper than you might expect for such a nice looking place. I'd go with low expectations though, this is much more of an architecture recommendation than a food recommendation. That it is a restaurant does allow you to walk in and check the place out on the inside, which you can't do as easily with someone's house.

Does anyone know of other examples of new (or renovated) buildings that are nice, and show some (neo)traditional architecture? (Especially if they're (partly) wooden structures?)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Thanks for the tip! Sounds lovely. I'll be sure to check it out, as the resident of a wooden/brick house myself :)

I'll take you there Wednesday. (While mostly travellers seem to visit the place, you may want me there to help you navigate Pervy-Farang-Soi. ;) )

To Dean: Looks great! Would love to see some more pictures.

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You are absolutely right, Winnie. Following your directions I walked by there today to take a look for myself---I'd never have gone that way if you had not mentioned it. The restaurant/bar seems to be called Dash---odd name but nice building. There are so many inappropriate, even downright ugly buildings in the old city that it is a real pleasure to see one which is both attractive and appropriate to the area.

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You are absolutely right, Winnie. Following your directions I walked by there today to take a look for myself---I'd never have gone that way if you had not mentioned it. The restaurant/bar seems to be called Dash---odd name but nice building. There are so many inappropriate, even downright ugly buildings in the old city that it is a real pleasure to see one which is both attractive and appropriate to the area.

Thanks Neil! I meant to take better pictures during the day (also to use as inspiration for my own (distant) future designs) but did not get around to it. So I only have a nighttime cell phone pic, which I include anyway. Hope people's imagination does the rest. Also I need to take some shots inside; the roof structure is open (so no lowered ceiling) which greatly adds to the sense of space. Also basically all the walls upstairs are 2 meter folding door-panels that completely open all the sides.


Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I'll take you there Wednesday. (While mostly travellers seem to visit the place, you may want me there to help you navigate Pervy-Farang-Soi. ;) )

Believe it or not, I take that soi regularly. It's my main traverse from the moat to my favorite restaurant :) Although I usually turn left at the T on MM Soi 1 instead of right, so have yet to see this grand building. Wednesday sounds good. (And, erm, yes, there do seem to be rather a lot of OLD white men on that soi...what is up with that?!)

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I'll take you there Wednesday. (While mostly travellers seem to visit the place, you may want me there to help you navigate Pervy-Farang-Soi. ;) )

Believe it or not, I take that soi regularly. It's my main traverse from the moat to my favorite restaurant :) Although I usually turn left at the T on MM Soi 1 instead of right, so have yet to see this grand building. Wednesday sounds good. (And, erm, yes, there do seem to be rather a lot of OLD white men on that soi...what is up with that?!)

Yes there's whole nests of them. Or maybe a sign of getting close to their hive.. ... . . :ermm: Not something you'd want to accidentally disturb.

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