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Fancy Dress Farang Party Anyone?


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I would bet the OP is American (from USA), where people are supposed to behave and dress the way society expects them to do. My experience is that in USA people are much more constraint by the "rules of society" than in any other country I have lived.

If you have a certain income, you are supposed to drive a certain kind of car and live in a certain neighborhood, dress accordingly. Except "casual Friday" a business man must wear a suit and vest of a a specific color. Any deviation from standard is frowned upon.

Americans? Well dressed? Have you ever been to USA? You are pulling my leg here, right?.
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I would bet the OP is American (from USA), where people are supposed to behave and dress the way society expects them to do. My experience is that in USA people are much more constraint by the "rules of society" than in any other country I have lived.

If you have a certain income, you are supposed to drive a certain kind of car and live in a certain neighborhood, dress accordingly. Except "casual Friday" a business man must wear a suit and vest of a a specific color. Any deviation from standard is frowned upon.

Here in Thailand there is much more freedom and anyone (especially farangs) can dress the way he or she wants and feels. So loosen up and don't look down on people who dress differently that what you would. Show some tolerance.

i think that statement is a little naive. have you ever been some of the more dynamic cities like miami, NY, LA or chicago?

and look at what goes on in this country, your social status (among thais at least) dictates which muu baan you live in, what car you drive, what you wear. it is exactly here where deviation from the norm is frowned upon, and not just in the sense of dress, as far up to the way you are supposed to think. but after all, it is a collectivist culture...

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