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Russian Tourist Stabbed And Robbed By Construction Workers


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Moral of the story; Don't get so plastered that you can't remember where you live and don't drink with strangers :rolleyes: ..

Doubtful. You have little idea what is said in the TAT brochure for Russian tourist. LOS is advertised to the Russian market as Land of Smiles not Land of Stabbings. Russian tourist thought Thailand was a paradise by the seashore. I'm sure the TAT doesn't let its' tourist marketing dwell on the bad things that could happen to tourist.

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Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

OK, but if you went onto a building site anywhere in Europe at 4am as a stranger and joined in with a big group of mates who were already hammered, and then it got a bit out of hand, I am not so sure they wouldnt all gang up on you as well. From the experience I have seen of groups of mates, they do tend to stick together when one of their own is getting into a scrape with an outsider. Dont think the Thai's are any more animalistic than men from most other countries when it comes to fighting when drunk. No disrespect intended, but construction workers globally do tend to act in a more base manner, wolf whistling being another example. I saw a man get bottled in the UK one night by a group of lads in a nightclub. His crime? He asked the gang of lads to leave his extremely attractive girlfriend alone.

He was lost walking past a building site, he never entered the building site. He was called over, greeted then offered a drink. Does that warrent being stabbed? Also i very much doubt a foreman or health and saftey officer on a construction site in Europe would let workers sit outside the site getting pissed at 4 am, just my opinion. Being in a nightclub is a totally different situation and surrounding, not that it makes it right to get a bottle round your head regardless of where you are, but i would guess most people would be less surprised if it took place in a nightclub over a woman, not walking past a construction site lost on holiday.

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The report only says 'a group of construction workers', not how many, but no matter how many there were, what struck me was the contrast between the whole Muay Thai pride in unarmed highly-trained combat, and the shameful use of a knife in this incident. I don't care what the Russian said or did to 'provoke' an attack - if he was outnumbered by at least 3 to 1 ( as the use of the word 'group' must mean ) why did the Thai perps resort to a knife just to rob him ? No, that smells real bad to me - attempted murder ? ( That would be the charge nearly everywhere in the world.) I live way away from the hot-spots, in NongKhai province, but we have still had around 20 attacks on farangs by Thai youths in the past 18 months or so - and of course that's only the ones that my 'circle' of friends have noted down - an American friend returned from a bar near his house a year ago to find a Thai in his kitchen with a gun, and his Thai wife and 3-yr old daughter asleep upstairs. Luckily, my friend is a tall, fit guy, under 40, and after a firece wrestling session the Thai ran out of the house and off into the night, never to be seen again. If it had been small me, my only rational move would have been to grab the nearest blade and stab the intruder before he could shoot me or the family upstairs. I'd still be doing time of course. I mention this only to bring to everyone's attention that in my opinion - and opinion is all any of us is offering - all farangs are an obvious, stand-out potential target in any area of Thailand - or in any country where they appear to have unlimited funds and unlimited time to indulge their whims and desires right in the faces of poorer indigenous folks. For what it's worth, I live my whole life by the 'Precautionary Principle' - if it could happen, behave as if it is going to happen very soon ! Everyone who has used Thai roads, bars, tradesmen.... and is in good shape after years, has already been living this way by instinct or calculation.

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Moral of the story; Don't get so plastered that you can't remember where you live and don't drink with strangers :rolleyes: ..

Doubtful. You have little idea what is said in the TAT brochure for Russian tourist. LOS is advertised to the Russian market as Land of Smiles not Land of Stabbings. Russian tourist thought Thailand was a paradise by the seashore. I'm sure the TAT doesn't let its' tourist marketing dwell on the bad things that could happen to tourist.

The way TAT deal with 1 to 1 enquiries is even more interesting :lol: :

"Dear Mr. Robert Burch,

I am Mr. Payoonsak Rattanamas, representative of former Tourism Authority of Thailand Director, Southern region 4. I will explain you about the pictures that we brought from your website to show 2 photos.

From our understood the festival for vegetarian in Phuket organize by TAT and Phuket Province then all picture from this event we can use for non-profit organization like us and if you want to take photos from this event to make your business you should ask permission from us and very funny when you use advantage from the event that we created and paid all expenses and you ask too much money from 2 photos like over 10,000 pounds.(you should advise your stupid wife, your stupid friends or some people you close they will told you why you do stupid work like this)

Please confirm your your desire direct to me who handle this case we will consideration your asking and if you confirmed the same from beginning we may have to black list your name for immigration division and Thai Embassy to protect people like you to come to Thailand to take advantage from Thailand Government again.

Payoonsak Ratanamas

Authorize Representative"

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Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

OK, but if you went onto a building site anywhere in Europe at 4am as a stranger and joined in with a big group of mates who were already hammered, and then it got a bit out of hand, I am not so sure they wouldnt all gang up on you as well. From the experience I have seen of groups of mates, they do tend to stick together when one of their own is getting into a scrape with an outsider. Dont think the Thai's are any more animalistic than men from most other countries when it comes to fighting when drunk. No disrespect intended, but construction workers globally do tend to act in a more base manner, wolf whistling being another example. I saw a man get bottled in the UK one night by a group of lads in a nightclub. His crime? He asked the gang of lads to leave his extremely attractive girlfriend alone.

Good posting, hear hear...

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I like this line from the story, "Once found, the suspects can expect to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.".........ummmmmm........what is that supposed to mean? really? the "full extent of the law"....what law?

I hope he gets better soon and makes a full recovery.

The full extent of their wallets!

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It's hard to imagine the Thais I see at the places I go to beating me like this. Maybe they might find my facebook page and post something mean. So much for the extols of low income Thais. I'll stick to my "hi-so" life style, thank you very much.

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Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

That's my experience too unfortunately, it's a common scene.

Mine too...unfortunately. never seen a one on one.

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Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

That's my experience too unfortunately, it's a common scene.

Mine too...unfortunately. never seen a one on one.

Muay Thai.

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I hope this guy has a full recovery and those responsable are held to account.

what are the odds? ...

That depends, firsty in the case of the injury,on the level of expertise of the health care workers. Secondly, if they are caught and adequately punished, I think its good if they are Burmese and average if they are Thai. However, in this guys defence, in some cultures it is rude to refuse a drink and if the guys seem friendly enough, why not. Also this guy must have been really hammered as he couldnt find his way home and didnt realise he had been stabbed or robbed til after the fact. I guess he was lucky he had his arm raised as the knife was aimed at his head, it could have been much worse.

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Another story with Russian. According to the voices the seller of bananas(he tries to help now) kicked a Russian man in head by leg. He just could not understand what he had told him. all people are sober


...racism, hatred, jealousy and resentment....and absolute cowardice. Stop trying to rationalize it or attribute it to 'cultural differences'. Face it. I get heckled to my face daily, just for walking by.

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There is a lesson for newbies here. Do not consort, or even go near, a drunk Thai and certainly not a flange of them. I use the collective noun advisedly.

Guess I'd better stop seeing half my drinking buddies then given that they're so dangerous. One thing I can't understand is why they haven't robbed or assaulted me in the last two years. Come to think of it, Farangs win 1-0 in the assaulting me stakes - probably best to avoid drinking with all Farang as well.

I pity you with your ignorant attitude.

Thais love foreigners willing to by them beer. Plus, I pity anyone who hates their life so much they must 'go out drinking'...

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It's hard to imagine the Thais I see at the places I go to beating me like this. Maybe they might find my facebook page and post something mean. So much for the extols of low income Thais. I'll stick to my "hi-so" life style, thank you very much.

I have a hard time seeing that too against me, but it isn't your friends you might have to worry about...but perhaps the drunk crowd on that backstreet you decided to shortcut via that late night on your way home from a delicious hi-so girl...

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Time to put up 'Beware of wild animals' signs...

What, at immigration on the way into the country?

Please don't make this international incident even worse by making up ridiculous rationales that this crime victim "deserved" to be beaten to a pulp.

International incident? Please, don't make me laugh.

Many of the construction workers in Pattaya are not Thai and who knows what happened prior to the attack ...

Correctomundo. Many Burmese mixed in those camps.

The presser specifically says -- Thai construction workers. Accurate? Who knows. In any case, let's not jump to blame "foreigners" for beating up this foreigner until you actually know that.

Please. We all know just how diligent the Thai media and press perform their duties.

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not that the ThaiVisa Kangaroo Court needs to delay judgement in the absence of facts.


The only time I have been attacked at night was from an english bloke

Did he have a shaved head, tattoos and was wearing a Man U shirt?

Only time I've been attacked in LOS was by a Thai bloke at the Asoke / Sukhumvit intersection in Bangkok. Except this one had huge bolt-on tits and was wearing a skirt. :lol:

It just seems that TV can't even get out a headline these days.

You are just now figuring that out?

The only problem I ever had in BKK (about 8 years ago) was being assaulted by a couple of Pommie skin heads. Never had a problem with Thai people - ever.

I'll take Russians over these folks any day. The UK should require mandatory IQ tests before issuing passports, that would weed out most of this riff-raff.

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The sad thing is that they never fight alone. Happened to me about three years ago, that four Thais, some of them good Muay Thai fighters kicked my ass so badly that I had to go to a hospital.

Says a lot about your host country, no?

I believe that god never existed. :jap:

<deleted>? I with you on that one, but where the hell did that come from in context with the rest of the thread?

Thais can't hold their liquor? - THais can't do this, Thais can't do that...THEY aren't capable of......the trouble with Thais is......

the problem here is pure racism on the part of some posters.

No it's not, it is the truth. Thai men cannot hold their liquor and have zero self-control when intoxicated. Now is that a racist statement? You should get down off that soapbox and pull your head out of your patootie.

I was polite and this guy started telling me I must pay him, didn't want to let me leave the 6 x 8 feet toilet. He had rage in his eyes and I thought he wanted to fight. Maybe one needs to wear body armour when going out in Thailand???

No, no, no. You are a racist and don't understand Thai culture. <deleted>.

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Correct! one of the funniest i ever experienced, once i relocated into the sticks, was this very old thai man, probably in his 80's, which surprised me a lot as almost nobody around here can put 2 english words together, he was basically keep repeating like a broken record old anti-americans slogans used during the Vietnam war.....nice :D

Yep, love those folks. And they usually parrot these slogans with a huge smile on their face, not knowing what they are actually saying. Just like the Thais who will deride you to your face when speaking Thai or Lao. I love to shut these people up and cause them to lose face when I call them on their BS when this happens. Sometimes I will switch to a third language and cuss them up one side and down the other, of course with a smile on my face. :rolleyes:

this thread seems to have attracted some of the worst comments for some time on TV - posters with no interest apart from saying how good they are when it comes to violence and how interior Thais, Russians and just about anyone who isn't a WASP is to themselves.

So what color are you?

...racism, hatred, jealousy and resentment....and absolute cowardice. Stop trying to rationalize it or attribute it to 'cultural differences'. Face it. I get heckled to my face daily, just for walking by.

but, but, but, the Thais are such lovely, gentle people. You must be mistaken -or- a racist. Yeah, that's the ticket, you racist pig. You brought this upon yourself for not being born Thai.

Could Pattaya's name get any worse? I don't know what you guys see in the city?

Easy, the reasons are usually 150cm tall and weigh around 42 kilos and go by the name of Noi or Poi or Porn or.....

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I like this line from the story, "Once found, the suspects can expect to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.".........ummmmmm........what is that supposed to mean? really? the "full extent of the law"....what law?

I hope he gets better soon and makes a full recovery.

It's clearly just another example of someone stating the obvious (as in what's supposed to happen!) with said person taking everyone else as being so stupid that we will confuse the suggestion of taking action with taking action itself!! Just more b******s really!!! :ph34r:


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snapback.pngChunky1, on 2011-01-05 19:58, said:

Could Pattaya's name get any worse? I don't know what you guys see in the city?

Easy, the reasons are usually 150cm tall and weigh around 42 kilos and go by the name of Noi or Poi or Porn or.....

All 3 together? That's 126 kilos!! Now they could do you some damage, I'm sure!!!


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Sorry for the long series of quoted replies I responded to on this thread. It's just that there is too much material here to pass up. You guys crack me up and should stop taking yourselves so seriously.

Does get a bit bitchy, doesn't it? Personally, I believe there isn't a country on the planet where there aren't bad and good people, though I do think that such 'developing' countries as Thailand, still frantically playing catchup to what they see as the money-bags west, also with much hotter climates and deeper, often quite recently feudal, cultures, historically etc, do seem to have greater extremes, of both good and bad...

(just a thought!)


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The only problem I ever had in BKK (about 8 years ago) was being assaulted by a couple of Pommie skin heads. Never had a problem with Thai people - ever.

I'll take Russians over these folks any day. The UK should require mandatory IQ tests before issuing passports, that would weed out most of this riff-raff.

Pommie Skinheads? Mandatory IQ tests for UK passports? So, how did this get on to an English-knocking session? Then again use of the word 'pommie' kind of gives away your OZ origins, and we DO have a bit of history, don't we.. met some great people from OZ (and everywhere else!!) here though, so whatever, knock away!!! (I just hope the poor guy recovers and those responsible get what they deserve!! - as building workers they may not even be Thai, but Burmese, from my experience, note!)


Edited by spectrumisgreen
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