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Anyone Been To The Coaches Pizza?


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Thinking of getting a pizza Saturday. A while back saw someone mentioning there was a new pizza place called Coaches Pizza not far from me off Hang Dong Road. Has anyone been there recently that could give a review - good or bad? It's on the same road as Pizza and Pasta but I'm not sure exactly where.


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Not tried it, but I can help you with the location. It's on the new (ish) road that was built to connect Hang Dong road with the Rajapruek festival site. If coming from Hang Dong road it's on the right about 2/3 the way to the Canal Road, set back amongst some trees.

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My wife and I ate there a couple weeks ago. Sorry but we will not go back it was not good and way over priced ... There are much better places to get pizza .....

Thanks for the feedback. Went last time to Mr. Chan Miss Paulines and wasn't impressed at all with their pizza either. Another place I won't be back.

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My wife and I ate there a couple weeks ago. Sorry but we will not go back it was not good and way over priced ... There are much better places to get pizza .....

Thanks for the feedback. Went last time to Mr. Chan Miss Paulines and wasn't impressed at all with their pizza either. Another place I won't be back.

In six (6) years of searching I have not found a decent pizza place in Chiangmai. I am sorry but Thai's have absolutely no idea how to make pizza.

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Would second BB1955's comments. Tried their pizza and ribs a few weeks ago. Pizza was dull and flavourless, ribs tasted like mystery meat smothered in way too much sauce. For ribs and pizza Duke's is head and shoulders better than anyone else in Chiang Mai IMHO.

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Obviously from this news flash...the Pizza Company fails as well.

I too am on an endless search for the "right", not even perfect, pizza.

"We cannot stand idly by while the so-called Pizza Company continues to create these deformed culinary abuses and call them pizza," said Mario Lugano, a spokesperson for the Council. "We have been patient with the Company for over a decade, politely asking them to use another word as early as 1997, when they were Pizza Hut Thailand, and they introduced the seafood pizza with imitation crab stick and Thousand Island dipping sauce."

According to Lugano, the Pizza Company's violations against pizza integrity grew more and more unbearable during the 2000s, with the creation of a cheese-filled crust, a hot-dog-ring crust, the sausage-cheese-bacon crust, and the goda-glazed sausage-bite crust. The final straw was the introduction of the prawn-topped cheese-pool crust.

"You cannot look upon such a monstrosity and even think it resembles pizza," Lugano said. "To do so is to spit in the faces of my Neapolitan ancestors."


you gotta love notthenation for this

Edited by mamborobert
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It's a ways to go from where you are located. But I agree with one poster, DUKES has the best pizza so far in my opnion. Either location is fine. My best is the Hawaiin pizza. Love their chicken fetuccini also.

Coach's - I have to ride past their appalling logo everyday. If their Pizzas are as bad as their logo (is it a basketball or a pizza I ask myself?) then they've failed before they start. I don't normally enjoy Pizzas (horrible food usually) but I must say that the Pizza (I nibbled my son's) at that place on the corner of the road that joins the Hang Dong Road to the road to Samoeng (Just by the traffic lights on the Canal Road) seems to be better than the crisp pastry and out of the packet over-flavoured muck that others offer.

Anyway guys, we're here in Thailand - enjoy this wonderful healthy Thai food! Who needs that gut-destroying wheat anyway?

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We went on their opening weekend so too early to post a meaning review but our impression was it was overpriced for the setting (plastic cups and paper plates) and, as someone else has mentioned, way too much overpowering sauce on the ribs. Wouldn't suggest it as a destination eatery but maybe if you were passing and were desperate for a take out....

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I hate to intrude on a thread about American food, as most of the posters on this thread seem to be, but Mrs Millwall_fan and I took Junior and Step Junior to Coaches Pizza about a month ago and thought the pizza and the ribs were of a good quality and reasonably priced, the location was second to none. The perfect pizzas are, I'm sure to be found about in some special little place 100 miles outside Chicago, but for the north of Thailand, we found the pizzas and the ribs very enjoyable!!

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Always hard to ask a question when you know the answers are going to be subjective. I was writing off the Coaches Pizza and then read Millwall Fan give it a pretty good review. Others like the Duke and I've had pizza there a few times but am not that crazy about it.

Biggest disappoint so far was the Mr. Chan/ Miss Paulines. Actually the pizza I have liked the best so far in Chiang Mai is Nicks pizza at Mad Dog. Maybe I'll try the Happy Pizza that DavidOxon seems to like since it's just around the corner from me. Anyone know how their pizza stacks up to the 3 other places I mentioned (in their opinion of course)?

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When I'm hurting for pizza I'll go to Pizza Hut now and then. Doesn't taste great but it does temporarily satisfy the craving.

What is not satisfying though is the price. 500 baht for a thin, cheeseless medium pizza that they call "large" is too expensive, IMHO.

So... what are prices like at Happy Pizza and Duke's?

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Always hard to ask a question when you know the answers are going to be subjective. I was writing off the Coaches Pizza and then read Millwall Fan give it a pretty good review. Others like the Duke and I've had pizza there a few times but am not that crazy about it.

Biggest disappoint so far was the Mr. Chan/ Miss Paulines. Actually the pizza I have liked the best so far in Chiang Mai is Nicks pizza at Mad Dog. Maybe I'll try the Happy Pizza that DavidOxon seems to like since it's just around the corner from me. Anyone know how their pizza stacks up to the 3 other places I mentioned (in their opinion of course)?

Try Thursday nights.... music night :)


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I think my favorite pizza is the pizza with Ham and Cheese and Pineapple served at the Pizza Company.

It is thick and delicious (unlike The Dukes) every time. I appreciate the consistency of their pizza :)

Everyone has their own tastes about Pizza :)

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I think my favorite pizza is the pizza with Ham and Cheese and Pineapple served at the Pizza Company.

It is thick and delicious (unlike The Dukes) every time. I appreciate the consistency of their pizza :)

Everyone has their own tastes about Pizza :)

So far Im going to agree with you . I ve had two dropped off at the house . Both were good ... I ve tried Pizza and Pasta on the corner of Canal road it is also very good . I hate those thin crusts most places are serving . Its like eating ketchup on a cracker ....

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I think my favorite pizza is the pizza with Ham and Cheese and Pineapple served at the Pizza Company.

It is thick and delicious (unlike The Dukes) every time. I appreciate the consistency of their pizza :)

Everyone has their own tastes about Pizza :)

So far Im going to agree with you . I ve had two dropped off at the house . Both were good ... I ve tried Pizza and Pasta on the corner of Canal road it is also very good . I hate those thin crusts most places are serving . Its like eating ketchup on a cracker ....

The first to agree with my choice of Pizza! :thumbsup:

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Saying you like Pizza Hut/Company is like saying you liked the band the Carpenters in the 60s. Everyone knows that they are not all that bad (compared to other pizzas in Thailand), but it is not fashionable to admit it. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It's a ways to go from where you are located. But I agree with one poster, DUKES has the best pizza so far in my opnion. Either location is fine. My best is the Hawaiin pizza. Love their chicken fetuccini also.

Well we tried Dukes had quite an aray of food too . It was all good, the pizza was great and was prized reasonable. Wife had ribs and enjoyed them . Very please with our visit .... We ll go back .. If you go try the super nachos best I have ever had .....

Big Thumbs up for Dukes ...........

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I went there with the family and we shared pizza and ribs. It was edible, but far from great, and fairly expensive compared to most places in Chiang Mai. I didn't like the standing in a shop first and ordering it like I was buying a takeaway - even paying for it before we got it. The only good thing was it meant they got no tip ( I don't tip for standing and ordering my food...).

On the plus side, if you are from America and miss home you should go - you will be entirely surrounded by the residents of World Club, and it will feel just like home!

Not for me I'm afraid. It wasn't terrible, but far from memorable! Once only... :unsure:

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Don't let the World Pizza coucil know about them! :o


This deserves to be spread more widely George!

World Pizza Council Revokes Pizza Company’s Use Of Word ‘Pizza’

NAPLES, ITALY – The Pizza Company, Thailand’s largest pizza chain, may soon lose its right to use the word “pizza” if the World Pizza Council has its way.

The Naples-based Council, whose charter is to “protect the traditions and purity of Italy’s most famous and beloved culinary export”, filed suit in European Union court this week to demand that The Pizza Company “cease and desist using the word ‘pizza’ to describe its products.”

The Council also issued a press release outlining its position in detail, expressing regret that legal action was necessary, but defending the suit as a “crucial defense of the integrity of pizza,” citing numerous violations of pizza tradition that had been committed by The Pizza Company.

“We cannot stand idly by while the so-called Pizza Company continues to create these deformed culinary abuses and call them pizza,” said Mario Lugano, a spokesperson for the Council. “We have been patient with the Company for over a decade, politely asking them to use another word as early as 1997, when they were Pizza Hut Thailand, and they introduced the seafood pizza with imitation crab stick and Thousand Island dipping sauce.”

................You cannot look upon such a monstrosity and even think it resembles pizza,” Lugano said. “To do so is to spit in the faces of my Neapolitan ancestors.”Under the terms of the suit, the Pizza Company must stop using the word “pizza” in its name, on its products, in its marketing materials, and as a keyword in its web pages.

The suit has also suggested alternative names the Company might use, including “Thai Pie,” “Tropical Wedges,” and “Circle Of Krup.”

I think the World Pizza Council would pass The Olde Bell Pizzas, as well as Dukes, Coaches and many others around town!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

At Coach's you can watch them hand make your pizza, see the huge amount of toppings they pile on each pizza and then enjoy their delicious pizza's in a very nice garden setting. The place is exceptionally clean and all their food is their own recipes. His pizza is real American style pizza. His prices are also below his competitors, so not sure what the other posts on here are comparing it to. I would sure give it a try.

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