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Form Vaf1 - Question Pls

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Hi, I am about to hand in the tourist application for my girlfriend. it says on the form VAF1a - part 4 - full name of partner/spouse. I am not her spouse as we are not married. I am her boyfriend though. is this considered her partner???

i have put my details in section 8, - under ''your visit''.

shall i also put my details in part 4, under partner? ( i do not live in thailand. I see my girlfriend for 1 month in thailand, then go home for 2 months ).

any help pls?

edit; also my girlfriend has 2 photos which she took in Surin. They are passport size,, but from her waist up, and so in my opinion are not passport photos, as they are not just of the face. am i correct pls?

Edited by kunash
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I think if your relationship is less than 2 years you would not be classed as her spouce anyway, so probably dose not matter that much as long as she details your relationship, a lot will depend on her reason to visit the UK.

I doubt the photo will do, I have looked up the requirments for passports which I think will be the same, the hight of the face should be between 29 & 34mm as detailed.



Edit, still seem to have trouble uploding picture.

PP Photo.bmp

Edited by Basil B
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For a visit application, whether or not you and she consider yourselves to be partners is up to you; but you should explain your relationship in your sponsor's letter. (Living together for at least 2 years applies to settlement as unmarried partners.)

As far as the form is concerned, question 4.11 says

Full name of spouse/partner (If single go to 4.16)>>>>>>>>
so if you do not consider yourselves partners, then go to question 4.16.

The photos must meet the requirements of the UKBA PHOTOGRAPH GUIDANCE or the application will be rejected. The VAC will take her photo for a fee of 250 baht if she cannot get them done elsewhere.

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