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Six dead, U.S. Congresswoman Giffords among at least 12 injured in Az. shooting


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Fox News made an Anti Semitic connection on Greta Wire. Rupert Murdock's ownership of Fox News makes it an issue with the Right Wing Fringe that Jingathing refered to in a different context. Anything such as this reported as anti-semetic sets the Right Wing Fringe into motion. That is how it all got started as a matter of religion.


First off, its Fox News (USA). Other Fox news outlets are quite different from the local U.S. operation. Rupert Murdoch gives editorial leeway to the U.S. operations. This is in part due to an over abundance of care to avoid being called a "foreign" meddler in U.S. politics. The Congresswoman's religious affiliations may or may not be related to the shooting. People are quick and loose when they post on blogs. A blog posting is not necessarily a substantiated factual statement. My personal view is that she was an easy target and one that was seen as closely linked to President Obama. She voted against Nancy Pelosi's continued leadership role, but supported the healthcare initiative. I doubt that the Chief Federal Judge was an intended target as he was passing by after attending mass to say hello to the Congresswoman.

Although some people may make references to religion, it really is not germane at this time. People are scrambling for cover to avoid dealing with the key issue of society's descent into aggressive, rude personal attacks manifested through wild allegations and smears against public servants. If one has any semblance of civility, one will refrain from diving into the gutter with such references. Politicians are human beings too and a great many enter public service because they are trying to make a positive difference in their communities.


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There is merit to some of Jing's position. The right wing fringe is often anti-central bank as more of an anti-Jewish matter than one of pro-gold.

Doesn't fit that well here because both the Congresswoman and the shooter were members of the same reform synagogue.

The Loughners and the Giffords were members of the same Congregation Chaverim. On the Congregation Chaverim website we learn that this Reform synagogue that was founded in 1973 has 140 families. That's a very small group. The Rabbi, Stephanie Aaron surely knows every single family member of her congregation on a first name basis! That includes 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner.

The father is not jewish. The mother is alleged to be jewish by one of the accused gunman's friends. This comes from the statement nade by a former friend of the accused that states that Jared Lee used Mein Kampf as a way to upset his mother. This is hearsay and is uncorroborated. There is no record of the family being a member of any jewish synagogue. Please cite your source and hopefully it is legitimate. According to the local jewish community news source;

Amy Loughner's maiden name is Totman, according to Arizona public records, and she married Randy Loughner in 1986. Totman is a common old English name and JTA could not uncover any record of Jewish affiliation for the family. Jewish Tucsonians said they were unaware of the family.

I really do not know why religion is brought into this discussion now. The accused certainly was not a member of any Church or Synagogue, Mosque or Temple. He made no references to religion.

This really is descending into the most despicable of depths. What's next, a discussion of the accused's sexual preferences or whether he preferred single or double ply toilet tissue?

Fox News made an Anti Semitic connection on Greta Wire. Rupert Murdock's ownership of Fox News makes it an issue with the Right Wing Fringe that Jingathing refered to in a different context. Anything such as this reported as anti-semetic sets the Right Wing Fringe into motion. That is how it all got started as a matter of religion.


"DHS compiling facts known so far" no connections are made at all

That is just a list of things to check into - they even mention the judge

" He did rule on a 32 million dollar civil rights lawsuit in February, 2010. That ruling brought death threats to Roll and his family, and for a time he was given a protection detail".

Things like that have happened to judges for the last 200 years and they also list it as a possible motive and what time line is it on at this point anyway. looks like minutes after the event - besides the judge was not even scheduled to be there he just showed up and they didn't know that yet it would seem.

So how valid a paper or memo is it anyway. It reads more like the random thoughts that someone at DHS wrote down at the vary opening of the event - it was also anonymous sent to them, why? - its meaningless.

If they ran with anything from this and I don't watch FN so wouldn't know if they did - then they are just as bad as saying it has a Tea party feel to it at that early stage. It never did, the guy thinks the sky is orange and trees are blue, his words to a friend a few days before. He can't be motivated by anything - he is not on the same planet with us - he checked out years ago

There is no Karma in this - sometimes bad things happen to good people.. Nothing said or done on the left or the right has anything to do with what happened. In 2007 he asked her a question that was never answered and he was upset at that, but still it has nothing what so ever to do with anything politic - it is more the misplaced rejected feeling he got rather then the issue that was at hand - as much as that would make it more interesting for some - it just does not apply to the case at all.

The feeling that the country may not be communicating well these days is a completely different subject then what has happened, so I don't really want to regress ether but will point out that it started long ago and the lessons the right put into practice today are from the lefts resent past and none have been as mean spirited as they are, government is all bad when they don't run it. - goes around comes around.

When it comes to the responsibility of the other side you guys act like the police in Casablanca Rick - I am shocked there is gambling going on in the back.

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This really is descending into the most despicable of depths. What's next, a discussion of the accused's sexual preferences or whether he preferred single or double ply toilet tissue?

If you look at Pakboong's posting history, you will soon notice that he makes a specialty out of exposing each and every supposed Jewish "conspiracy" and enjoys providing links to some very questionable material concerning the Holocaust. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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