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I Am Writting The Book "Dark Sides Of Thailand"


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Thank to everyone for the answers.

My first story "Grand Rieltor of Thailand" was written as black-humored thriller and based on real events. I got many positive emotionally charged reviews.

I think I will change the final title of the book.

If somebody can tell how to publish&distribute the book here and how much it cost it will be very helpful for me.

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I'm a professional writer and I don't know that I would want to tackle such project. Fookhaht gave a good example why. Not everyone can write in a humourous manner which would be the only way to tackle it. Everything has to be well documented and done in a balanced fashion. That's not easy to do in Thailand, and is fraught with peril if you step on the wrong toes. Just a bunch of stories by expats won't get the job done. Just reading all the debates on Thaivisa would show that. No two people will have the same viewpoint and everything is open for debate. You have to tred a VERY narrow path when dealing with religion or politics. And, if you are TOO nice it will all sound wishy washy.

Then, you have to think who is your market going to be and who are likely to buy such a book. Publishers are pretty choosy when it comes to publishing books by unknown authors... even good books are difficult to sell. And, if you decide to publish it yourself it's then a problem paying for it and getting it on the shelves. You have to continually hound the book stores to carry your book and THEN try to collect the profit from the sales. It ain't an easy thing to do. .

Professional...? :whistling:

beat me to it. a photographer too, apparently.

Yup, and an artist and illustrator as well. That is how I make my living. I don't claim to be a good typist. Spelling mistakes are what editors are for. And, if the intermittentent net was better here in Thailand I wouldn't make so many mistakes. The spell check on thaivisa is an archaic system.

The word "Humour" is the English version of the word "humor" which was changed by Americans who don't like the letter "U". The Americans don't like the word "Cheque" either and changed it to the word "Check" ... which has an entirely different meaning.

Of course, spelling Nazis are people who don't have the ability to do things themselves. They only have the ability to deride the abilities of others

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If you really want to write the true story of crime in Thailand, not only will you have to leave Thailand, but maybe you won't be able to go back to Russia either, if you know what I mean. Perhaps you could go to Switzerland.

I cannot write true story of crime in Thailand because I am not criminal. Just ironic and maybe sarcastic story with a lot of samples that you cannot be too careful.

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If you really want to write the true story of crime in Thailand, not only will you have to leave Thailand, but maybe you won't be able to go back to Russia either, if you know what I mean. Perhaps you could go to Switzerland.

I cannot write true story of crime in Thailand because I am not criminal. Just ironic and maybe sarcastic story with a lot of samples that you cannot be too careful.

I don’t want to belabour what has already been said, but if you write a book about things that powerful people in Thailand do not want written then who is going to publish it? It could be dangerous to your health if you are in Thailand. If you publish it outside Thailand then that might affect your ability to return. Is it worth it?

However, if you wrote a FICTION book based on true events in Thailand then that might sneak under the radar. Even then you are treading in dangerous territory. Two popular scripts based in Thailand made good money for their authors... Bangkok Dangerous and Private Dancer are a success whether you like them or not.

“Boston Legal”, a popular television program in the USA, was based on true legal cases, but fictionalized for television. However, I don’t know how you would get permission to access certain data in Thailand.

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If you really want to write the true story of crime in Thailand, not only will you have to leave Thailand, but maybe you won't be able to go back to Russia either, if you know what I mean. Perhaps you could go to Switzerland.

I cannot write true story of crime in Thailand because I am not criminal. Just ironic and maybe sarcastic story with a lot of samples that you cannot be too careful.


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Yup, and an artist and illustrator as well. That is how I make my living. I don't claim to be a good typist. Spelling mistakes are what editors are for. And, if the intermittentent net was better here in Thailand I wouldn't make so many mistakes. The spell check on thaivisa is an archaic system.

The word "Humour" is the English version of the word "humor" which was changed by Americans who don't like the letter "U". The Americans don't like the word "Cheque" either and changed it to the word "Check" ... which has an entirely different meaning.

Of course, spelling Nazis are people who don't have the ability to do things themselves. They only have the ability to deride the abilities of others

Its always nice to find a job you can do well, and to be appreciated for what you do.

Limited talents are talents none the less


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