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This system is required for bathrooms without natural ventilation in the UK and although ours will have a window, security considerations mean it might not always be open. Our architect looked blank at this suggestion! Fans in the UK can be bought with an integrated delay timer - anyone seen a model here? Failing that, any suggestions how it can be done automatically in some way.


I put a duel pole switch outside the bathroom so you can have fan or no fan. In the '' winter '' months here you do not need a fan so easy to switch light or light and fan. :)


Dual switches are a last resort since my stepson is notoriously bad at remembering lights. It really needs to be automatic and allow for a change of air after use.


Nope, never seen them here :(

Anybody a bit handy with a soldering iron could knock one up with a 555 timer, but if you're not.... :(

Perhaps get someone to bring one from the UK.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Nope, never seen them here :(

Anybody a bit handy with a soldering iron could knock one up with a 555 timer, but if you're not.... :(

Perhaps get someone to bring one from the UK.

I am OK with a soldering iron but had to look up 555 timer so I don't know quite where that leaves me! I found this kit which sounds just the job and won't break the bank so I'll give it a go. I think asking someone to bring over a whole fan unit is probably stretching it a bit...


I am OK with a soldering iron but had to look up 555 timer so I don't know quite where that leaves me! I found this kit which sounds just the job and won't break the bank so I'll give it a go. I think asking someone to bring over a whole fan unit is probably stretching it a bit...

NPE do a kit http://www.mynpe.com/more.php?data=014398792045 but it needs a 12V supply and some means of triggering it (kit provides a button), could probably be modified to be light controlled. I actually have one, bought for another purpose, unfortunately I'm nowhere near it at present and won't be for 6 weeks :(

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Try Clipsal. I had one exactly as you described installed some 10 years ago. Not sure if they still make them or not. They do have an agent in Thailand, but I'd search Australia first. Good luck


I do not know that they have units like it in Thailand but it would actually surprise me that it isn't . Normally they put a timer/ circuit breaker and and i've stayed in plenty of hotels in Thailand where the elec switches of after a couple of minutes after removing the electronic key . Check out the elec department at homemart homepro and globalhouse , they will have a circuitbreaker like it ( i think ) .


I do not know that they have units like it in Thailand but it would actually surprise me that it isn't . Normally they put a timer/ circuit breaker and and i've stayed in plenty of hotels in Thailand where the elec switches of after a couple of minutes after removing the electronic key . Check out the elec department at homemart homepro and globalhouse , they will have a circuitbreaker like it ( i think ) .

We had a hotlamp in a house we rented years ago on a timer switch. It must be available in the major shops or Some of the electrical shops probably will carry it.


I do not know that they have units like it in Thailand but it would actually surprise me that it isn't . Normally they put a timer/ circuit breaker and and i've stayed in plenty of hotels in Thailand where the elec switches of after a couple of minutes after removing the electronic key . Check out the elec department at homemart homepro and globalhouse , they will have a circuitbreaker like it ( i think ) .

We had a hotlamp in a house we rented years ago on a timer switch. It must be available in the major shops or Some of the electrical shops probably will carry it.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I just noticed that I failed to include the link to the kit I mentioned in my last post, Duh! Delay Timer Kit.

Just to be clear, it's not simply a time switch that is needed, it's got to come on with the bathroom light and turn off a set period after that circuit is switched off. I'll investigate around here more closely since some say they've seen them in the past.


That is ideal, with luck the shipping costs won't make it prohibitive :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


That is ideal, with luck the shipping costs won't make it prohibitive :)

I'll let you know how it goes!

It's a Velleman kit, so you may be able to get it from an alternative source. Velleman do have a Thai distributor but I've failed to be able to contact them (it was a while back so may be worth looking them up again).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


That is ideal, with luck the shipping costs won't make it prohibitive :)

I'll let you know how it goes!

It's a Velleman kit, so you may be able to get it from an alternative source. Velleman do have a Thai distributor but I've failed to be able to contact them (it was a while back so may be worth looking them up again).

The company in the US will only quote for Fedex type service at about $40 so I'll be looking for an alternative.


Posted this question quite some time ago and Elk provided this answer and links

Well remembered LB :)

Anyone find out if these things are actually available in Thailand (links go to Clipsal Oz).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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