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New Fish And Chip Place At Meechok Plaza


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I just ate at a new fish and chip place and thought it was remarkably good. So in spite of the excess of fish and chip topics I decided to post. It is called Kelly's Bistro (they also serve other things than fish and chips) in Meechok Plaza at the junction of Ring Rd 1 (not the Superhighway) and the road to Mae Jo. It is in the long line of shops opposite to Rimping. And no, I am not in any way whatsoever connected to the ownership etc.

Edited by neilrob
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Kellys took over from Pratty's (same place, different owner, semi different menu)

The fish and chips are excellent - he won an award in england for his previous fish and chips shop

He has daily specials (around 4-5) about 120 baht

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You've lived here for 3 years and you don't know that Kelly's used to be Praties.

I've lived here a lot longer than that, and have been near Meechok plaza only one time. (not noticing much except the supermarket and a kid's clothing shop at the time. )

Chances are you don't live in San Sai. We in San Sai have been pretty much starved for local farrang restaurants with decent food ever since Ridgley's closed in 2009. That is until Praties opened. Praties lasagna was impossible to beat and Kelly's owner claims that he is not going to change it (much). I agree that Kelly's fish and chips are quite good. I haven't tried much else since Kelly's took over.

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I tried a fish and chip place about a year ago in Chiang Mai. Cannot remember the name but they claimed to be real English fish and chips.

I can describe the experience in one word; awful. It was some dump located in the back of beyond somewhere.

The whole deal was just a basic fry up and it was expensive. My girlfriend makes better at home.

Now I stay with the devil I know, such as the Red Lion and the good ole Dukes.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Potatoes are not imported, ofted uses frozen chips! Lasagne has been changed slightly, it is now cooked in individual dishes and the bottom layer is now a layer of pasta which has made the dish less sloppy.

Pizza's have not changed at all and therefore still not to my liking.

Rob is a good guy and knows his stuff. He's planning on changing the layout of the place slightly to maximise his space as it's sometimes difficult to get anywhere to sit these days.

There are also a coouple of deserts on the menu now which is nice.

And to clarify, like others I have no connection with the place in anyway apart from being a regular customer.


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Kellys took over from Pratty's (same place, different owner, semi different menu)

The fish and chips are excellent - he won an award in england for his previous fish and chips shop

He has daily specials (around 4-5) about 120 baht

What award was that?

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Where is Meechok Plaza?


It's about 1250metres North up the 1001 which runs from the SuperHighway Road (11) to Mae Rim and beyond. At the big intersection with the 3029, across the lights, its on the left. Not sure if the obvious Clock Tower is still standing after the extensive construction works.

On this map its called "Ruam Choek Plaza" same thing (I think)

Its NE of the old city .

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Where is Meechok Plaza?


It's about 1250metres North up the 1001 which runs from the SuperHighway Road (11) to Mae Rim and beyond. At the big intersection with the 3029, across the lights, its on the left. Not sure if the obvious Clock Tower is still standing after the extensive construction works.

On this map its called "Ruam Choek Plaza" same thing (I think)

Its NE of the old city .

There is a new McDonalds there now which shares the parking lot and is impossible to miss.

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Kellys took over from Pratty's (same place, different owner, semi different menu)

The fish and chips are excellent - he won an award in england for his previous fish and chips shop

He has daily specials (around 4-5) about 120 baht

What award was that?

I had a chat with Rob one day who is a very nice guy from Scotland. His shop won Best Fish and Chips - South West, 2 years in a row in England. His shop was in Cornwell. His awards are hanging on the wall. His fish tastes really good; not at all fishy and the batter is the best I've had with not a drop of grease or oil anywhere. His Christmas pudding was the best I've ever had also.

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"It's about 1250metres North up the 1001 which runs from the SuperHighway Road (11) to Mae Rim and beyond"

All correct, except it is the road to Maejo and beyond (Phrao). It's certainly the case that the McDonalds is horribly garish, just beyond the middle (officially #1, I guess) ring road. But using it, turning in immediately beyond McDuck's and going straight, you'll see Kelly's perhaps 2/3 of the way down the row of shops on the right. Parking may require you to go beyond to the larger lot.

Don't know it for a fact that there's a typo above, but his shop could have been in Cornwall, although what a Scot, let alone a Kelly Scot, would be be doing in Cornwall beggers the imagination.B)

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Kellys took over from Pratty's (same place, different owner, semi different menu)

The fish and chips are excellent - he won an award in england for his previous fish and chips shop

He has daily specials (around 4-5) about 120 baht

What award was that?

why dont you visit and find out

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You've lived here for 3 years and you don't know that Kelly's used to be Praties.

Change in ownership & name, but food still the same.

TIT :whistling:

Another positive post from Thaihog. I thought you might have at least have given a fellow jock the benefit of the doubt!

for the record, Rob is passionate about fish 'n Chips and as mentioned above is a Scot who made his name in Cornwall. Not so crazy: Celtic cousins an' all!!.

Doees it really matter where his certificates or commendations come from? Go there try it, its something new in town! If you don't like it, don't go back!

I do know Rob's worked really hard at this venture and deserves everyones support!

We haven't been, Went there to try it on a Monday. Closed. If you open a business in Chiang Mai, don't close for a day. no-one can remember the day!!

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Where is Meechok Plaza?


It's about 1250metres North up the 1001 which runs from the SuperHighway Road (11) to Mae Rim and beyond. At the big intersection with the 3029, across the lights, its on the left. Not sure if the obvious Clock Tower is still standing after the extensive construction works.

On this map its called "Ruam Choek Plaza" same thing (I think)

Its NE of the old city .

According to my wife:

Meechok Plaza - The Rimping Supermarket and the strip of shops that includes Kelley's Bistro.

Ruam Chok - The fresh market immediately north of Meechok Plaza.

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We haven't been, Went there to try it on a Monday. Closed. If you open a business in Chiang Mai, don't close for a day. no-one can remember the day!!

Seconded, and places that just close down for a day-off whenever they get the urge lose even more business as you never can be sure that they will be open and just go somewhere else that is consistent.

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Original Praties closed Mondays because there is a set-up market on Mondays at Mee Chok evenings. Parking and traffic were a complete zoo, and for many customers for Praties, their business fell off - there have been remarks here that traffic is awful then and should be avoided. The new McDonald's there multiplied anticipations. Because of that extra open market (food wagons, but also gadgets odds and ends), parking was v. difficult.

The new Mee Chok has multiplied also with fixed stores in the new construction. However, they've introduced a one-way driving pattern and angled parking that may relieve the pressure once folks become accustomed to the one-way movement.

RaumChok is indeed the open market selling foodstuffs. It is just beyond the entrance to MeeChok, which contains Rimping, quite large, and offers many native fruits, vegetables, plus fish, meats and so forth. It is the place to shop.

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That market also runs on Tuesday evenings, and I certainly wouldn't blame the owner for closing (on Monday) as it's a right maelstrom with the usual cheap crap you'll find anywhere... brings the whole place down somewhat.

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