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Woman Beaten Unconscious On Phuket Beach

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In all of my time of living in Thailand, this is the first time that I have heard of this. What does an isolated incident have to do with 'cruel LOS'?

Not a whole lot different than a few years ago, When a Bkk brothel owner named Chuwit hired truckloads of thugs to level an entire city block of Bkk - to get rid of vendors there. Granted, bodily harm wasn't done. How did Chuwit get off the hook? He had a truckload of smut on the police captains and openly threatened to reveal all if indicted.

Did it work? Of course it did. Not only that, the thug went on to become a respected politician.

Similarly, I won't be surprised if the restaurant owner in the current incident will pull a similar scheme: threaten to reveal dirty laundry on Phuket's police chief and/or hierchy if they intend to slap him with any serious charges.

Here's a little something any Phuketians can do if concerned. A. boycott the restaurant. B. purchase from vendors stationed on the beach by the restaurant.

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Assault and battery, grievous bodily harm, attempted murder - why is the restaurant owner not in custody now and that being reported? I guess it would be too hard for the police to try to 'prove' the case against the owner as he can simply say - no idea what you are talking about! Then it is hearsay until proven otherwise. The other post was right, the girl is insignificant and the family probably can't "pay" for justice. Very sad situation indeed. But let's see if public outcry will motivate the Police Minister into getting things happening. Another nail in the coffin of the Thai Tourism Authority and Phuket as a destination.


Having lived here a while and lived in the west a while i have to say Phuket can be pretty scary. It seems people are going crazy for the chance to come to Phuket from all over Thailand and make money from the rich farrangs.

Phuket is a tiny island, surely the crime rate for similar cases is quite high per capita here?


Was hoping that one of the newspapers there like the phuket gazette, can get hold of the names of the mafia and their pictures and post it up. Good to see waht the local cowards are like.....beating up a woman and maybe even pictures of families of these men ie their wives and mothers, kids, etc.

<br />
<br />Craig3365, as it will be a criminal case, when charges are reported in the media I'm assuming the names of the defendants and their establishment could be repeated here as easily as the original post? This would be reporting, not shaming/naming. Any issues I'm missing?<br />
<br />As/when it is reported in mainstream press it can be reported and discussed here too.  Until then the mention of names is out of bounds.  This is to protect members (and to a lesser extent ThaiVisa) from the harsh laws of libel/defamation that exist in Thailand.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Fair enough. thx for the clarification.


In all of my time of living in Thailand, this is the first time that I have heard of this. What does an isolated incident have to do with 'cruel LOS'?

Not a whole lot different than a few years ago, When a Bkk brothel owner named Chuwit hired truckloads of thugs to level an entire city block of Bkk - to get rid of vendors there. Granted, bodily harm wasn't done. How did Chuwit get off the hook? He had a truckload of smut on the police captains and openly threatened to reveal all if indicted.

Did it work? Of course it did. Not only that, the thug went on to become a respected politician.

Similarly, I won't be surprised if the restaurant owner in the current incident will pull a similar scheme: threaten to reveal dirty laundry on Phuket's police chief and/or hierchy if they intend to slap him with any serious charges.

Here's a little something any Phuketians can do if concerned. A. boycott the restaurant. B. purchase from vendors stationed on the beach by the restaurant.

Well to be fair, he did own the land in question, he gave notice for the bar owners to move out which they refused to do, he moved them out with the only option left open to him, nobody was hurt, and the land is now a very nice park on the shitty area of sukhumvit road (the park was built by him).


Nobody deserves what this poor lady got and there is no justification for the use of violence (or intimidation) against people who are not breaking the law.    

BUT, I seldom visit the beaches of Thailand because of the constant pestering of the vendors.  As nice as it is to have them walk by with food, snacks, newspapers and what not at your finger tips, it's quite intrusive when they set their stuff down in front of you and start begging.  

I have been in restaurants when vendors have come in and started selling things.  Occasionally they have permission from the owner, but some get chased off.  There needs to be some oversight of the numbers of people allowed and the area that they can service.    


Whatever happens, the person(s) that hired these scum should get punished to the full extent of the law ( like that will happen)

and, with all the tourists, no one got a video of the incident?

What law ?


Seems every topic in every forum comes down to one thing, there is no law,it is full of corruption,etc etc.. this is where we chose to live, we, as so called "farrangs" can discuss and fight amongst ourselves,but the mighty Thai river flows and anyone who fights against the current will be washed away....lol :rolleyes:


What a very brave young girl Ms Maiwadee Tonglaw is. And good on her for standing up to the filth bags. It is most unfortunate that it came to her having to take a beating in order to have her case bought to the attention of the 'authorities'. I praise her for her actions as I am sure her fellow vendors do.

I too would like to know the name of this restuarant. As I can see there are alot of us members here in Thaivias.com that would prefer not to support such a establishment.

Unfortunately it is still " money talks and bullshit walks " in this part of the world hence the big fish keep getting bigger whilst the small fish get smaller. Good for you Maiwadee and I wish you a speedy recovery.


six men against one women, what a bunch of cowards. Says it all about the Thai mafia really.

I read the article and found no mention of a Thai mafia.

surprising the name of the restaurant was not mentioned. Could be fear of Russian mafia retaliation.B)


To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

No your right... this kind of shit just doesn't happen in England or the U.S. ... we are far too civilised for groups of men to be beating the shit out of defenseless women for something as petty as selling goods on someone elses supposed turf.:rolleyes:

But doing it for fun..now that's a different matter..

Heres a little selection it took me all of 10 seconds to find...




By all means be disgusted at what happened to this woman...undoubtedly these guys are scum...but don't give it the self righteous 'this shit don't happen back home' nonsense, because it does and far worse...And if you watch some of the documentaries on Chinese cockle pickers on the beaches of England the exact same shit happens ...

Thanks for those links ....to some incredibly mindless violence....these three examples, two American, one Brit, make Phuket seem like a vicar's garden party...

Note too how all the violence has either an economic or a class or a racial dimension...and of course a combination of all three...


Doesn't matter what she did, this can not happen. there is NO "other side" to an act like this.

So Phuk Phuket altogether then to avoid this establishment.


To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

No your right... this kind of shit just doesn't happen in England or the U.S. ... we are far too civilised for groups of men to be beating the shit out of defenseless women for something as petty as selling goods on someone elses supposed turf.:rolleyes:

But doing it for fun..now that's a different matter..

Heres a little selection it took me all of 10 seconds to find...




By all means be disgusted at what happened to this woman...undoubtedly these guys are scum...but don't give it the self righteous 'this shit don't happen back home' nonsense, because it does and far worse...And if you watch some of the documentaries on Chinese cockle pickers on the beaches of England the exact same shit happens ...

Thanks for those links ....to some incredibly mindless violence....these three examples, two American, one Brit, make Phuket seem like a vicar's garden party...

Note too how all the violence has either an economic or a class or a racial dimension...and of course a combination of all three...

What is this world of ours coming to? We human need to take a long hard look at ourselves. Sad.


To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

No your right... this kind of shit just doesn't happen in England or the U.S. ... we are far too civilised for groups of men to be beating the shit out of defenseless women for something as petty as selling goods on someone elses supposed turf.:rolleyes:

But doing it for fun..now that's a different matter..

Heres a little selection it took me all of 10 seconds to find...




By all means be disgusted at what happened to this woman...undoubtedly these guys are scum...but don't give it the self righteous 'this shit don't happen back home' nonsense, because it does and far worse...And if you watch some of the documentaries on Chinese cockle pickers on the beaches of England the exact same shit happens ...

Thanks for those links ....to some incredibly mindless violence....these three examples, two American, one Brit, make Phuket seem like a vicar's garden party...

Note too how all the violence has either an economic or a class or a racial dimension...and of course a combination of all three...

What is this world of ours coming to? We human need to take a long hard look at ourselves. Sad.

Mentioned (and correctly so) on page 1 by Naiharn:

'Just looking at the 3 disgusting incidents you quoted I noticed these facts:

"Police arrested Jarell Johnson, 18, and have charged him with King's murder. They are still looking for a second assailant."

"Police arrested three men in Havelock Road after the 9pm attack on Saturday. The rest of the gang ran to their double decker bus to escape but police caught up with them and arrested another three men."

"The bus driver on the No. 27 line quickly called police, who responded and arrested the nine juveniles, said Jawauna Greene, an MTA police spokeswoman. All nine suspects, ages 14 and 15, were arrested and charged with aggravated assault."

Whereas, in Thailand, the police do nothing. Relatives of the victim have to go to Town Hall to demand action, and only when it becomes a media story do the authorities start making promises that the police will actually do something. Pathetic.'


Having read the administrator's warning, all I might say is that you may not be surprised to discover a connection with jet skis.

And the sad thing is they were probably actually trying to kill her ..... just so they could sell some more 30 baht phad thai.

Yes, how about the name of the restaurant? Anyone?


I get fed up with the overuse of 2 words. 'Community' . 'culture'. As in:

The police asked the muslim community in Bradford to help.

We met the community leaders.

It is our culture, we cannot change.

In my culture we do it different.

We are a community.

This would not happen in my culture.

And don't get me onto nouns becoming verbs.

yours impacted upon.


To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

It is sad for the lady, and I hope that she recovers soon. But.....................................

You are right - there will not be a case of people beating up others over selling fruit, on a beach in England.

1 they cannot afford the fruit

2 the local council would not let them sell it on the beach

3 the health and safety people would demand that they wear protective clothing 'in case it was tainted'

4 it's too cold on the beach

In all of my time of living in Thailand, this is the first time that I have heard of this. What does an isolated incident have to do with 'cruel LOS'?

In the UK yesterday there was a case of 'sexual grooming by two Asians on white girls'. (Not the first case.) Cruel LOS ?- I almost choked on my BBQ sweetcorn. (&lt;deleted&gt; ??)

Tropi - have you ever heard of trending - the violent acts that are reported are gruesome sure - but what about the ones that go unreported - ISOLATED INCIDENT ? MY ARSE

there is a very dark side to Thai's that needs to be brought to everyone's attention to bring awareness to the community so the general public and tourists can be on safe-guard for anything before it happens

there are tourists being robbed and beaten daily that does not get reported

the police shun any selection of tourist crime reports as unreported in their books - to save their lazy asses from doing anything that does not drop a baht into their greasy palms

the mafioso police consider themselves doing Thailand a favor because the crime rate index would be through the roof if they actually reported everything that came to their attention from tourists

tourists are to be used and abused in Thailand - and those of us that live here get the back-lash from that everyday

come on - wake up - this is serious news reporting - it goes much farther beyond a fruit vendor being assaulted over a 300 baht a day business

the Thai's are desperate for cash with the drop in tourism over the last few years and are doing many violent crimes which are in an upward trend - its only the big news breakers you see here

its only a matter of time before each and everyone one of us is a victim to some act of criminal minds no matter to what severity - its a cruel world out there - but the Thais will hit you with your back turned - they take a cowardly approach to most all of their life

remember that many Thais detest Farangs and only look at them as a source of income - whether from providing a service or commodity - all the way to being willing to take it off you by force

if you do not keep an eye over your shoulder here - it can happen to you too


In all of my time of living in Thailand, this is the first time that I have heard of this. What does an isolated incident have to do with 'cruel LOS'?

The first time you have heard of turfs and pitches of public property protected by menaces and intimidation ?? You cant get out much.

The exact same modus operandi runs the entire taxi / tuktuk system on phuket.

The exact same etc etc runs the rental pitches on Patong beach

The exact same etc runs the sun loungers..

The exact same.. add jetskis.. Touts.. Etc etc etc. Almost ALL biz activity on phuket is controlled in this manner.

The list goes on and on.

On Surin beach one restaurant has walled off a substantial section of actual beach (sand) and its now for their own exclusive use.. You mean the or bor tor and or bor jor cant see this with their own eyes ?? Or merely they just get paid not to see it.

Surin now has a jetski group having arrived.. Despite the claim of no new jetskis 7 years ago and a deadline of Feb or so for them to be completely removed from the province !!

The slime is spreading.. Once you could just get out of Patong or limited areas of the west coast and be away from the worst of it.. Nor girly bars and massage fronts are lining streets around the entire south of the island and will just keep spreading. No one has any desire to stop it while they make increasingly comical claims to be interested in 'high end' travelers.


The men responsible for attacking Ms Maiwadee will be prosecuted, V/Gov Weerawat said.

Like hell they will.

It appears these thugs have a free hand otherwise they would all be in jail awaiting trial right now.

The police are not really interested because the victim is not a person of wealth and considered of little significance. The police stand to gain nothing by enforcing the law for this poor kid and as usual they would prefer that this matter is forgotten and if left alone it will go away.

Who says that there will be no follow-ups to this story in the media? Place your bets here please.

The police owning the business in question is not an impossibility.


To the routine annoyance of people within ear-shot, I can normally talk for England,

but this report, assuming it is totally accurate, makes me speechless with gloom and


Anyone else having second/third/fourth....thoughts about living in this cruel land ?

(given the endless stream of bad-news....perhaps just stop reading TV altogether.)

And before anyone jumps up with the usual: Bad things happen everywhere, even

in cuddly England...absolutely right....but I bet you cannot come up with any story of

a gang descending on and beating a lone woman for trying to sell a few items of fruit ?

Behind all the gold decor, posing in pastel shirts, and quaint mannerisms, Cruel LOS ?

This poor woman,treated like a dog or slave or worse.May she exact revenge on these animals.

Spent eight years in and out of Thailand-mostly up north.

Great country,beautiful people but something is definitely wrong with the place.

I left four years ago when it became abundantly clear that those of us that legitimately spent their disposable income in the country were being treated less than proper.

Bye bye Thailand.

There are much better places and people to enjoy.


Water scooter mafia beating up tourists, wild animals as photo-props on the beach road, 6 guys beating up a woman in full daylight and no-one jumps in to help her.... wonder why tourism in the high season is down 25% in Phuket?


I think we all know that bad things happen all over the world, the real problem in Thai is the police response, she is just a beach seller so it probably isn't important until it is publicised and the profile is raised. What we need here is a motivated police force that are anxious to find and prosecute criminals in the interest of justice, this means having honest good men/women at the top projecting this mentality down to the ranks.


I am back in Australia for a few months, but seriously trying to decide if I will return or not. I have lived in different parts of Thailand and was considering giving Phuket a go. Think I have changed my mind. :blink:


six men against one women, what a bunch of cowards. Says it all about the Thai mafia really.

yes they are like baboons, always attack in group, never man to man


The men responsible for attacking Ms Maiwadee will be prosecuted, V/Gov Weerawat said.

Like hell they will.

It appears these thugs have a free hand otherwise they would all be in jail awaiting trial right now.

The police are not really interested because the victim is not a person of wealth and considered of little significance. The police stand to gain nothing by enforcing the law for this poor kid and as usual they would prefer that this matter is forgotten and if left alone it will go away.

Who says that there will be no follow-ups to this story in the media? Place your bets here please.

Yes plus another one for the pot officer


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