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Thailand! Never I Said

DJ Moore

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Fifteen years ago I was 39. I guess in 1988 It started. Friends were begging me to go with them on trips to the LOS. Each trip I'd turned them down. It was to far, to much trouble. I was just to busy.

Finally in early July 1990 I said ok, but for one week only. Not the 15 days they were staying.

It turned out to be a great trip and as I waved good-bye, I really hated to see them leave........ DAM it, I wasn't leaving the place if I had anything to say about it. Staying over a month, I practically had to be dragged back on the plane.

The same day I landed back in the US, I told my business partner start packing, you'll about to see wondrous things.

Sure enough two weeks to the day, we were flying back to Thailand.

Within a 3 years period we made the trip about a dozen times. Over staying our (30 days) many a time. We would pack getting ready to leave, just to say nah not yet, and unpack again.

Advance 2005........

Now 54, I finally decided to relocate, making Thailand my home. I am in the midst of transferring my businesses, and should be smiling and living a somewhat comfortable life in the LOS.

Target date July 2007. Till then, I'll have many pleasurable periodic visits of course......................DJM

PS: I love listening to Radio Bangkok

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What EXACTLY is the lure of Los for you ? Beautiful scenery ? hot climate ? Low cost of living ? Turquoise seas ? Smiling people all day long ? Chang ?  Love would to know.  :o

I apologize if you were not asking those questions of me.

The lure exactly ha??? Well let me say this. On that first trip that I took. I was amazed of how easy it was talking to the Thai's................ Even though I didn't speak Thai.

Certainly I was looking for excitement, and naturally found the night life extraordinary. Being able as well to meet so-called every day peoples and becoming more then friends within a day or so was unbelievable to me.

The beautiful scenery, well I wouldn't say that, but the sights and sound of Thailand especially Bangkok are exhilarating.

Climate is good, and without a doubt the cost of living has clinched my decision to relocate.

BUT it's the people I found in general (as far as I am concerned) who sells Thailand.

A story that I tell left it's mark on me. I recently sent it in to Radio Bangkok, .

It was one of my first visits there, I was walking near Patpong when I tripped by miss-stepping a curve' as I was crossing the street.

I fell to the ground, and my ankle was really hurting bad. I couldn't walk. My ankle started to swell.

In pain my business partner who was with me, got us a Tuk-Tuk. We went back to the hotel right to my room.

What happened next was unbelievable.

I was lying in bed in pain, when there was a knock on the door which was slightly opened. Come in I yelled, and in came 2 females and a bell boy who had brought some compresses. One started to placed them on my ankle. They seemed generally concerned, and without a blink of an eye, started rubbing my foot. I remember now, it felt so dam good.

More people stated coming in asking how was I. Before long, I would say over a course of an hour or so, about 20 people came in my room checking on me.

Even into the next shift, people had heard and came to visit. It just about made my eyes teary. I was brought food and drink as well.

Able to walk the next day, I was ask about my condition from just about every employee, including some of the store merchants there in the hotel, who somehow found out of the incident.

The accident was basically minor and would have soon been forgotten, if it

hadn't been for the warmth and kindness of the Thai people there at the


It left such an impression on me, and this to has been added to my list of the many reasons why I will retire in Thailand.

And on, and on, and on I can go. But I won't. ................ DJM

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What EXACTLY is the lure of Los for you ? Beautiful scenery ? hot climate ? Low cost of living ? Turquoise seas ? Smiling people all day long ? Chang ?  Love would to know.  :D

Some people miss the beautiful scenery,the hot climate,the turquoise sea etc,cause their too busy eating,aren't they Simbo? :o

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What EXACTLY is the lure of Los for you ? Beautiful scenery ? hot climate ? Low cost of living ? Turquoise seas ? Smiling people all day long ? Chang ?  Love would to know.  :D

Some people miss the beautiful scenery,the hot climate,the turquoise sea etc,cause their too busy eating,aren't they Simbo? :o

you there again, are you, M :D

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REF::::::I would be interested to know what type of business you are transferring from the States to Thailand?

Oppppps.....Sorry if I didn't make myself clear.......

I am transferring my companies here in the states, to one of my main Asian workers. He in reality runs the manufacturing, and is my key man.

He has just acquired a new 15000 sq .ft. building. Now and for the next year, year and a haft, will only handle all of the manufacturing that my companies have been doing for the last 20 years.

My staff and I will now only be buying and selling. We will only be an office now. (no more manufacturing.) His already newly formed company will be our main supplier. We do buy from other venders as well.

This transfer is the first phase, of what I am planing. My headaches, not that I have many, but my burden will be lighten considerably. I will have no more concerns about the manufacture aspects of the business. The money coming in will be less, and more going out, but this will be offset by all the expense that is attributed when operating a manufacturing facility.

As time goes on, there will be a point where I will turn over all my customers to his company. The second phase. At that time, we will become, my partner and I, consultants to the new company at a handsome price. Naturally other agreements will be in affect.

My partner is married and will remain here in the states, as a consultant as I said.

He'll be over-seeing and continue helping in generating more sales, but will do so from a home office.........................

He too even at 44 will enjoy a much more leisurely life then in the past. I on the other hand will have a permanent office at the new company. Of course however I plan to spend little time there. I'll be in Thailand..................... DJM

Edited by DJ Moore
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I would be interested to know what type of business you are transferring from the States to Thailand?

hmm, you still didn't answer the question.

I presume you manufacture basic consumables (erasers, staples, maybe even some sticky tape).

Or perhaps troll?

:o I am sorry again. I read into your question that your were more curious about the transfer of a business from the USA to THAILAND. That is why I answered that I was not moving my compaines to Thailand.

You are basically asking what my businesses are.

My main business is the manufacturing of Springs and Wire forms.

My family married into the family who's relative invented the slinky. The toy. I however have nothing to do with the slinky.

We manufacture all kinds of springs and wire forms, and we sell to the US Government, Governments abroad, an company internationally.

Our products are use in jets, trains, computers, toys, and anything that needs a spring....... If you start thinking about it, many of the things we use, utilizes springs ........... watches, eye glasses, beds, cars, doors windows, key-rings and all them springs that hold say a triple A battery etc, etc, etc, etc., and much, much more.

My other company re-news car batteries. It's a much smaller company but good profit. Our main customer there are use car dealers

Bye for now..................... DJM

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