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Internet Connection For Several Pcs

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I am moving to a new office (in BKK) in a couple of weeks and will require an ADSL/other non dial-up connection for 3-4 PCs.

Got the "SME Hi speed Package" quotation from TRUE:

3,875 baht to purchase an ADSL router

1,500 baht a month for 256/128

1,900 baht a month for 512/256

2 months for free.

Anyone knows of better options?


simply get the true high speed package for home users....

adsl wifi router ~ 4,000 baht

true 2500/512 ~ 1200 or 1300...

im not sure it maynot be legally allowed to use this connection for more than 1 PC....but when we installed out first package at out office, the true technitian who did the install set it up in our LAN to allow all computers to share the connection without us telling him anything....so that makes it legal for us ;-)



unless a special law appears, it's completly legal to share a connection indoor.

to run a business out of it is different, then you need a special package.

but sharing up to 10 com or more in your own place for employees is 100% legal.



unless a special law appears, it's completly legal to share a connection indoor.

to run a business out of it is different, then you need a special package.

but sharing up to 10 com or more in your own place for employees is 100% legal.


It is an office building. Anyway there seems to be a contradiction in your reply. :o


i think by "to run a business out of it is different" he ment like runing a cyber cafe....or a wifi hotspot or something....

i tend to agree with francois.....cant veryfy as i dont know where i burred the true's terms and conditions(if i ever got one)


i have 265kb true-dsk .. for 560 THB only ...

nobody check if u use more as one PC ..

i got the offer alst time at true-shop about to buy a wifi router and connect whatever i want free ;-)


Last that I recall, True's contract specifically states "for one computer only". So, legally, sharing the connection is not allowed, according to the contract.

However, as has been said many times, you can go ahead and share. No one is going to send a lawyer down to check whether you're sharing or not, and they don't do any checks through the connection itself.

However, again, as has been said many times, the home package can, and many times will, suck royally. It depends on where you live, the CO, the current bandwidth state, feng shui, your religion, and other things. The SME package, OTOH, at a slightly higher cost, give you a more stable and reliable connection.


tnx, I guess I will go for it, as there will be a few people using the connection regularly, including during peak hours, and the time wasted waiting for the connection to move will probably be much more expensive than the difference in package prices.

simply get the true high speed package for home users....

adsl wifi router ~ 4,000 baht

true 2500/512 ~ 1200 or 1300...

im not sure it maynot be legally allowed to use this connection for more than 1 PC....but when we installed out first package at out office, the true technitian who did the install set it up in our LAN to allow all computers to share the connection without us telling him anything....so that makes it legal for us ;-)

are you getting the same speed if you use two computers on the same connection ? or more computers slower it got ?


its more or less no diference....

at office(1024/512) we have 5 computers on a true home package...

we just use it for mails, browsing, IM, etc....and occasional downloading.

my file sharing stuff is 24x7 on at my home(2500/512)...

these days the speed is amazing....but earlier it used to drop during the day times.

it doesnt matter how many computers are connected using the same line...its how much they are using.

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