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Drunken Neighbor Is A Pain


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I just moved in the Sukhumvit area and been having this problem with my neighbor who gets drunk with his friends almost every night. Their loud late night parties is driving me nuts. I went over to them and politely requested them to tone it down several times. Last night this young punk said that Thai law states that they can do whatever they want until 12 am.

Not a Thai and don't understand their laws, but is there anything I can do legally to get these guys to shut up so my family and I can finally get a good night's sleep???

Appreciate some legal advice and some help here.

Many thanks..

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The "young punk" as you put it may in fact be correct, your only real recourse is to possibley bung one of Thailands finest some cash and ask him to "talk" to them.

You pushing the issue will only end in tears for you, Young Thai males + alcohol + a farang getting in their face, not a good combination..

The other option is to wait for the nights they dont have parties....and you have your own, you might make a point that way..

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3 options i reckon with this 1.get in touch with the police and see what they will do about it

2.buy a handgun walk into their apartment and blow the sterio away dirty harry style

3.buy some sleeping tablets

4. Move.......and maybe face another problem

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The other means of coming to a solution is in the early morning hours after their big night is you have a big morning music event by aligning the speakers of a stereo in their direction and giving it full blast.

If he is a young punk classical music works best.

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You can't complain about noise in Thailand. Like Kubota said.. you're the problem.

I wouldn't go and mess with them.. they might just shoot you.

I wouldn't get any 'heavies' involved either.. you don't know who these guys are...

My perfect peace in Kanchanaburi is ruined every morning by some ancient motorbike/noisy grandmother combination.. but what can i do?

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3 options i reckon with this 1.get in touch with the police and see what they will do about it

2.buy a handgun walk into their apartment and blow the sterio away dirty harry style

3.buy some sleeping tablets

Suggestion 2. rather irresponsible suggestion dont you think ?...

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I don't know if you have noticed but Thais can sleep through anything, they are not affected by noise.

As one poster has mentioned, they'll see it as you are the one with the problem. Confronting these people and making a scene is a good way to get killed.

By some good earplugs or move, those are your options.

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Why do people always think that moving is the easy option, what if the guy is 2 months into a 12 month contract? what if the place is rented by his works, etc etc etc.

Moving seems to be his only option.

No it isn't.

he can discuss with condo management, he can tell his landlord, and hopefully his landlord will deal with them, he can pay the police to do it, he can get help from neighbours, he can call their bluff and kick seven shades of <deleted> out of one of them, he has many options.

I think some of you guys must have been castrated when you moved to Thailand as none of you seem to have any balls, you will just slink away with your tails between your legs.

Deal with it, yes be careful, but deal with it <deleted>. I have had issues and dealt with them firmly and in the right way and there have been no comebacks, don't buy into the arguments on here that standing up for yourself will get you shot or beaten up, in some cases it will, that is why you be careful about how you do things. But just packing up and moving house should be the last option. One guy at near my house threatened to shoot my dog so i marched up to his door with my dog and told him there and then to do it or shut the fuc_k up, he backed off, a lot of it with Thais is bravado and trying to be the big man in front of neighbours.

Anyway you guys do what ever you want, run away if it makes you happy. It is ok to battle as long as you pick your battles carefully.

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Why do people always think that moving is the easy option, what if the guy is 2 months into a 12 month contract? what if the place is rented by his works, etc etc etc.

Moving seems to be his only option.

No it isn't.

he can discuss with condo management, he can tell his landlord, and hopefully his landlord will deal with them, he can pay the police to do it, he can get help from neighbours, he can call their bluff and kick seven shades of <deleted> out of one of them, he has many options.

I think some of you guys must have been castrated when you moved to Thailand as none of you seem to have any balls, you will just slink away with your tails between your legs.

Deal with it, yes be careful, but deal with it <deleted>. I have had issues and dealt with them firmly and in the right way and there have been no comebacks, don't buy into the arguments on here that standing up for yourself will get you shot or beaten up, in some cases it will, that is why you be careful about how you do things. But just packing up and moving house should be the last option. One guy at near my house threatened to shoot my dog so i marched up to his door with my dog and told him there and then to do it or shut the fuc_k up, he backed off, a lot of it with Thais is bravado and trying to be the big man in front of neighbours.

Anyway you guys do what ever you want, run away if it makes you happy. It is ok to battle as long as you pick your battles carefully.

+Yes, good idea.. cause trouble in a foreign country with drunken men somewhere where you've lived only a short time. No problem. If there's any hassle just take random with you and he can tell them to #uck off.

Good one.

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"Drunken Neighbors Is A Pain In The @Ss!"

Drunken Neighbors ARE A Pain In The @Ss! Jeez, talk about annoying... :ph34r:

Or if you prefer

"Drunken Neighbors Is A Pain In The @Ss!"

As I am pretty sure all parties concerned are not the OP's Neighbour


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Why do people always think that moving is the easy option, what if the guy is 2 months into a 12 month contract? what if the place is rented by his works, etc etc etc.

Moving seems to be his only option.

No it isn't.

he can discuss with condo management, he can tell his landlord, and hopefully his landlord will deal with them, he can pay the police to do it, he can get help from neighbours, he can call their bluff and kick seven shades of <deleted> out of one of them, he has many options.

I think some of you guys must have been castrated when you moved to Thailand as none of you seem to have any balls, you will just slink away with your tails between your legs.

Deal with it, yes be careful, but deal with it <deleted>. I have had issues and dealt with them firmly and in the right way and there have been no comebacks, don't buy into the arguments on here that standing up for yourself will get you shot or beaten up, in some cases it will, that is why you be careful about how you do things. But just packing up and moving house should be the last option. One guy at near my house threatened to shoot my dog so i marched up to his door with my dog and told him there and then to do it or shut the fuc_k up, he backed off, a lot of it with Thais is bravado and trying to be the big man in front of neighbours.

Anyway you guys do what ever you want, run away if it makes you happy. It is ok to battle as long as you pick your battles carefully.

+Yes, good idea.. cause trouble in a foreign country with drunken men somewhere where you've lived only a short time. No problem. If there's any hassle just take random with you and he can tell them to #uck off.

Good one.

you spend your life running away then, anyone that thinks running away with their tail between their legs is a bit of a sad case to be fair. I made it clear there are other options open to him, police, management, landlord, but I guess you would just pack up at the first sign of trouble, you family must be so proud to be with you :lol:

is this you?


To the Op, don't listen to the people on here that say your only option is to run away, take the options I mention, firstly management, then landlord, then police. if none of these work then I will leave the last option up to you, run away or deal with it. Also search the forum, there are other posters that have had positive outcomes from situations such as this. Don't buy into the theory that all thai men will beat you to a pulp, if you show weakness it is more likely to happen.

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Im just going by my experiences here. I lived in an apartment (quite hi-so) with a dreadful neighbour right above me. I did all sorts of complaining and banging and whatever. But she would just forget anything 2 mins after i had gone. Thats their way.

Same with complaining to the landlord. He/she won't give 2 figs as long as he gets the rent.

I myself would go talk to them, the earlier in the evening the better. But i can speak Thai like they can, and i know how to approach it.

If the OP were to do the same, after weeks of being driven nuts, would the outcome be the same. I think not. Gleng jai is what they (the thais) need to be.. and it doesnt appear they are.. so i wouldnt mess with them.

In my opinion.

I can also remember the time i told a young (17) Thai lad to "get the #uck away from my car" in Bkk once cos he was messing with it. He just stood up, pushed me and within seconds there were at least 6 youths kicking the shit out of me.

I'm no loudmouth either. But neither am i a softie. But i was badly done my friend. A Thai's fuse is normally long, but when it reaches the end it sure does explode.

And im not that lot.. Im Billy Connerly (sp) warning them about the deadly rabbit....

Edited by justaphase
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Why do people always think that moving is the easy option, what if the guy is 2 months into a 12 month contract? what if the place is rented by his works, etc etc etc.

Why you think the previous people left ?

In my country you have the right for a full refund because they 'forgot to tell you something'.

For peace of mind I would be 'glad' having a reason to go look for a new location, move in there from TODAY and start solving the problem with the old place, sublet it out to some locals for the rest of your rental period, something like that.

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"Drunken Neighbors Is A Pain In The @Ss!"

Drunken Neighbors ARE A Pain In The @Ss! Jeez, talk about annoying... :ph34r:

Yes they are and i have had the misfortune over the yrs to have had many, the worse were from swedan, they slept all day and drank all night but i was renting to them so there was not much i could do if i want the income but as soon as they were late with rent they were out. i have an older guy next door now who likes to close the bars and come home and have pool parties at 3:30 and 4:00 in the morning, the first time he did it i thought there was a fight happening. the next moring i took the streo aimed the speakers at his window and cranked up the heaviest metal i had as loud as i could. he came by later that day and said he got the message. he still has his pool parties but he keeps the noise down.

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best thing to do is buy them a couple of boxes of the cheapest law kaw you can find. leave it outside his room with a happy new year message.. then wait to hear the rescue workers sirens when they get so drunk and messed up they are going psycho on each other...or need their stomachs pumped.

either way.. win , win for you.

Edited by thaicbr
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ezmac, i feel for you had same problem here in pattaya asked the thai girl politly to have some respect for others (the elderly,falang next door ill ,and in poor health) even started to effect my relationship with my TG ,she said its my fault for making it a problem ,WHF....as we were on a month to month rolling contract,we moved , ,did not move here for problems, if i was on a 6 month or 12 month contract ,not sure what i would have done, good luck trying to get it sorted :angry:

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