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Tot Landline, ?Last Number Recall?Other Services

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In the UK with good old BT, it was possible to call, I think 1471 and find out what the last number that called you was. There were other services, like witholding your number, an answerphone service etc. By now I am sure there are more.

Are there similar services available on a TOT landline? I know there is no telephone directory but is there a directory enquiries ( in English!)?

A list of these, if they exist would help me ( and others, I'm sure)

Thanks in advance if you know and post


For an extra 30 baht per month addition on the landline rental fee, you can have the last caller ID number service. This allows you to press a special key on your phone, it displays the phone numbers of the last callers. Not all phones have this facility, you need to buy a phone with a LCD display and last caller ID key button.

There is no equivalent to the UK answer call 1471 service in Thailand and no reverse or collect call charge service available.


For an extra 30 baht per month addition on the landline rental fee, you can have the last caller ID number service. This allows you to press a special key on your phone, it displays the phone numbers of the last callers. Not all phones have this facility, you need to buy a phone with a LCD display and last caller ID key button.

There is no equivalent to the UK answer call 1471 service in Thailand and no reverse or collect call charge service available.


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