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I have recently bought a new TV set, the first for 8 years.

Although the content of Thai TV is still not up to anything in the west, the quality of picture is!

I get my TV programs from True using dish on the roof, both True programs and Thai.

True quality is absolute rubbish compared to Thai. OK, there may be a good explanation for this, distance of transmission etc. but I'm just wondering when reading about new HD programs to be launched by True if they are not conning us into paying extra for HD by lowering the quality of existing programs.

The new TV by the way is a LG.


Thai TV is a long way off the quality I had become used to in Australia, there are only 2 HD channels on True. One thing that really is annoying flicking through Thai TV channels is the ones that have cranked up the volume that the transmit, when will they learn more is not always better.


Are you talking about Thai tv from an antenna on your roof, or via a cable system or from satellite?

Cable systems add their own degree of distortion and noise to the signal.

A direct satellite signal should be best, relatively. :whistling:


Truevisions picture is so poor because they have to compress the channels so much due to lack of bandwidth that they have on their transponders. It is supposedly 480 i quality but I think it is less because when I watch some programmes I have downloaded off the internet, it is poorer quality than this and most of it is 602 by 302 lines. The HD channels are good but as stated there are only 2 channels available, when they promised more channels would be made available very soon (May 2010) and we still are waiting. Compare this with satellite availablility from Vietnam and Malaysia where 8 or 10 HD channels can be viewed and you get the picture. TRUEVISION SUCKS !!!!!!!


TrueVisons KU Bank (around 12GHz) are very interference prone....atmosphere interference, radar interference, etc...etc..etc. I have tried using the standard 75cm dish that comes with TrueVisions DSTV systems, swapped LNBs on the dish, now using a KU band LNB on my C Band dish, have different set-top boxes made by different manufacturers, multiple TV sets by different manufacturers, checked for 50Hz line frequency interference, and the signal displayed still has rolling, vertical black bands which can be seen when looking closely. My neighbors have the same issue. Heck, it hards to receive a good FM signal in my area. TrueVisions techs say it's interference of some kind and how easy it is for a KU band signal to be disrupted/distorted. I live in Bangkok where there are lots of signal interference possible causes. I have resigned myself to understanding I'm just not going to get what I consider a quality, very clear signal from TrueVisions.

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