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Any Free Medical Diagnosis Places In Bkk


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Hello. I am a 49 year old Farang man who has suffered with Diabetes for the past 30 years. I should not say "suffered" because actually it hasn't been so bad since moving to Thailand 10 years ago.

Anyways in the past year I have had some bad luck that has left me to this day broke without Money or food etc. I have worked here and done ok for many years but just had bad luck lately. Please do not go into the "go home if you need help" mode. I have already asked my embassy etc about this and they do nothing. Also friends or family is not an option.

I have always been a heavy smoker and in the past year have been single and just not looking after myself really and like I say recently have been lacking money. Now I do have food, water and a roof over my head but the last week I have had very bad health it seems.

Because I have been broke, lonely etc my health went to the point of being so tired and weak and lazy that I can't get enough energy to get out of bed for more then 1 or 2 hours now. I did a visa run to Cambodia and got back on December 29th 2010 and pretty much have been in bed ever since and have only left my room 2 times to go to the grocery store to buy some food. The last time was 2 days ago and the store is not far and I did take a motorcycle taxi there but when I got into the mall i was so weak I could barely walk and felt like I should be in hospital. I rested and ended up buying some food and then immediatley got back home and into bed.

I have still 4 cartons of smokes that I brought back from Cambodia and normally smoke between 1 and 2 packs per day but yesterday decided to give quitting a good go and only had 4 smokes. Today I have had none.

Anyways my symptoms lately have been:

  • Fatiuge
  • Dizziness in my head
  • Weak eye site (more then normal)
  • Lazy
  • Tired
  • Weak
  • Just feel like I'm in a fog.

I know it's not HIV etc because I am not a player here and have not even had sex for a couple of years let alone un-protected sex.

The thing is I do not have any health insurance and no money left so I am asking if anyone has any suggestions or knows where I can go to get a physical or tests done to determine what I might be suffering from?

I stay in Rangsit and not that close to any transportation but can get to a mini van and into bangkok but the problem is I seem to weak now to do anything and I am alone here. I have no family and no friends so this also doesn't help

I just ask that PLEASE when you reply do not just say things like "you can try the Bkk Christian Hospital maybe". I need to have 100% good reliable information because if and when I venture out to get checked out I cannot afford financially and physically to be just tromping around Bkk looking. I get to weak for this believe me.

Any help or suggestions of the best place to go etc please advise me thanks.

PS, I am now down to a Tourist Visa so is there any company that I could get Health insurance from cheap?

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Health insurence would always exclude existing consitions.

Your best option seem to be a goverment hospital, which are low cost. But there may be some foundations in Bangkok that help the poor where you can turn too.

You worked before, did you have social security at your old job? (monthly payments to the social security fund) In that case you might fall under the Thai social security sceme, which includes health care.

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There is a free clinic at Saint Louis Hospital Fridays from 6 - 8 PM.


I am not sure how much they offer by way of diagnostics, but it's worth a shot.

It is outpatient care only and pretty basic. if it turns out you need inpatient care or anything extensive, you may have to somehow find a way to get back to your home country, although you can discuss with the hospital. I think they have a foundation which assists with the hospital bills of indigent patients (office on 1st floor) although an application by a farang on a tourist visa is likely to raise eyebrows.

Longer term, you do need to get yourself sorted out in terms of means of support and provision for health care. even the government hospitals expect to get paid.

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I have read your post carefully and I will give you the advice you don't want to hear. Firstly let me tell you that I too am a diabetic of 30 years standing and I am insulin dependant.

I also suffer form coronary disease and a number of other chronic illness so I have have had much experience with the medical profession here in Thailand.

In my opinion the diabetic care in Thailand, outside of the major private hospitals is about 30 years out of date and in almost every case is treated by a GP rather than a specialist and usually I know more about diabetes than he does.

It is also my considered opinion that you are extremely unlikely to obtain any kind of free treatment at any hospital or clinic in Thailand. Even if it were available, you would probably have to queue up for many, many hours and the treatment would be extremely perfunctory and would not properly deal with your problems. The likelihood is that they will give you some bullshit pills and tell you to go home and sleep it off.

I'm sorry to sound so pessimistic on this but I really believe this to be the case.

It has always been a worry for me that one day I may end up with no money and thus unable to seek proper medical treatment for my conditions. However, for the foreseeable future I am OK, added to which I have many friends in Thailand (Thai and farang) and family overseas that I could call on if I was really in a very tight spot.

It seems difficult to believe you are truly alone. If you want to try and find some free or very cheap treatment from a Thai hospital or clinic, then in the first instance, you really need a good Thai friend who can help you. I am assuming your Thai is not up to much, but even if it was I doubt whether you could get through all the Thai bureaucracy and bullshit by yourself.

My best possible advice is that you gather up all your energy, and book a ticket back to England ASAP where you will be immediately admitted to hospital and get proper care. If you cannot afford an air ticket, the British embassy will stake you on this, but there will be strings.

Good luck.

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I would seem that you are suffering the effects of diabetes and more than likely depression, you really need to get medical treatment as soon as possible.

You say that family and friends are not an option, but surely after 10 years here you have someone you can turn to for help.

You need to get back to your home country as soon as possible, as being broke and sick in Thailand is a very bad situation to be in.

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I have read your post carefully and I will give you the advice you don't want to hear. Firstly let me tell you that I too am a diabetic of 30 years standing and I am insulin dependant.

I also suffer form coronary disease and a number of other chronic illness so I have have had much experience with the medical profession here in Thailand.

In my opinion the diabetic care in Thailand, outside of the major private hospitals is about 30 years out of date and in almost every case is treated by a GP rather than a specialist and usually I know more about diabetes than he does.

It is also my considered opinion that you are extremely unlikely to obtain any kind of free treatment at any hospital or clinic in Thailand. Even if it were available, you would probably have to queue up for many, many hours and the treatment would be extremely perfunctory and would not properly deal with your problems. The likelihood is that they will give you some bullshit pills and tell you to go home and sleep it off.

I'm sorry to sound so pessimistic on this but I really believe this to be the case.

It has always been a worry for me that one day I may end up with no money and thus unable to seek proper medical treatment for my conditions. However, for the foreseeable future I am OK, added to which I have many friends in Thailand (Thai and farang) and family overseas that I could call on if I was really in a very tight spot.

It seems difficult to believe you are truly alone. If you want to try and find some free or very cheap treatment from a Thai hospital or clinic, then in the first instance, you really need a good Thai friend who can help you. I am assuming your Thai is not up to much, but even if it was I doubt whether you could get through all the Thai bureaucracy and bullshit by yourself.

My best possible advice is that you gather up all your energy, and book a ticket back to England ASAP where you will be immediately admitted to hospital and get proper care. If you cannot afford an air ticket, the British embassy will stake you on this, but there will be strings.

Good luck.

Thank you for the post but like I asked in my OP im not looking for this sort of support. The one reply regarding the free clinic at St Luis was good advice but I know that hospital oh to well. Also the Q's would be crazy. I just want to find out if I have anything major lice Cancer etc so I know what I'm facing.

I am not from England, I am Canadian and can speak Fluent Thai so no need for help in that department.

Also "gather up all your energy and book a ticket back to England" ?????? Im not sure that the Airlines take "Energy" for payment. I'm sorry to be so sarcastic towards your post but I don't think you read mine well in the first place.

To all other replies yes your correct, I will just have to get to the closest Government Hospital and ask them to do some tests etc.

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Health insurence would always exclude existing consitions.

Your best option seem to be a goverment hospital, which are low cost. But there may be some foundations in Bangkok that help the poor where you can turn too.

You worked before, did you have social security at your old job? (monthly payments to the social security fund) In that case you might fall under the Thai social security sceme, which includes health care.

Thank you Mario but if I had medical coverage I would know it and I do not have nor do I fall under any social security rule which I have never heard of here in LOS. Whenever you work here the companie either supplies medical or not. Normally anyone can get it on their own if the have a work permit etc however I do not right now.

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There is a free clinic at Saint Louis Hospital Fridays from 6 - 8 PM.


I am not sure how much they offer by way of diagnostics, but it's worth a shot.

It is outpatient care only and pretty basic. if it turns out you need inpatient care or anything extensive, you may have to somehow find a way to get back to your home country, although you can discuss with the hospital. I think they have a foundation which assists with the hospital bills of indigent patients (office on 1st floor) although an application by a farang on a tourist visa is likely to raise eyebrows.

Longer term, you do need to get yourself sorted out in terms of means of support and provision for health care. even the government hospitals expect to get paid.

Thank you but I looked at the site you posted here and saw nothing on the site about free clinic on Fridays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

When I click on that site it takes me to a page that is in French. I'm Canadian but not French Canadian. However I looked at all of the site in English and still could not find this free clinic part?

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I would seem that you are suffering the effects of diabetes and more than likely depression, you really need to get medical treatment as soon as possible.

You say that family and friends are not an option, but surely after 10 years here you have someone you can turn to for help.

You need to get back to your home country as soon as possible, as being broke and sick in Thailand is a very bad situation to be in.

I fail to find any help or advice in your post? Yes after 10 years here moving around I have no friends to turn to or I would have done that rather then posting here.

Yes I know I need to get back to Canada but like I say as much as people think or believe that your embassies are there to help you,,,,,,,,,,they are not. Done that route already.

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My apologies for mistakenly thinking you are English. I obviously didn't read your post as well as I thought I had. However the advice still applies - simply substitute Canada for England - a bit obvious isn't it?. As for 'energy', I was referring to the effort to pack bags get to the airport and get on a plane. You stated that you didn't want to go on any 'fool's errands' to hospitals, and you also stated you were exhausted by a trip to do some shopping. So I think it was reasonable to exhort you to gather up sufficient energy to get yourself back to your home country. Of course you know that very well and are just being pedantic - not a good way to be if you are looking for help and advice.

As to your reply to Mario about Health Insurance, I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken if you think any insurer is going to insure you without you declaring your pre-existing conditions which will obvious include Diabetes, (which is most likely the cause of your current bad state of health). Many illnesses are diabetes related, so unless you do have cancer then any insurance you manage to take out is unlikely to cover you. In any event you will find that the cheapest medical insurance you could take out in Thailand would be prohibitively expensive for someone who is in straightened circumstances.

I did reply to your opening thread with the best possible motives so please try to understand that we want to help and if we get something wrong, then please be understanding.

I still wish you all the best, and repeat my advice to get on the next plane home - IMHO there's no way that you will find the medical help you need in Thailand without any money.

Edited by Mobi
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I would seem that you are suffering the effects of diabetes and more than likely depression, you really need to get medical treatment as soon as possible.

You say that family and friends are not an option, but surely after 10 years here you have someone you can turn to for help.

You need to get back to your home country as soon as possible, as being broke and sick in Thailand is a very bad situation to be in.

I fail to find any help or advice in your post? Yes after 10 years here moving around I have no friends to turn to or I would have done that rather then posting here.

Yes I know I need to get back to Canada but like I say as much as people think or believe that your embassies are there to help you,,,,,,,,,,they are not. Done that route already.


My heart goes out to you and if going home is not an option, and then I really don’t know how you can survive here.

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I fail to find any help or advice in your post? Yes after 10 years here moving around I have no friends to turn to or I would have done that rather then posting here.

Yes I know I need to get back to Canada but like I say as much as people think or believe that your embassies are there to help you,,,,,,,,,,they are not. Done that route already.

Obviously I cannot speak for the Canadian embassy, but I must say I am surprised that they would not help to repatriate you. I find it difficult to believe that if you told them you were destitute and sick that they wouldn't arrange to put you on a plane back to Canada.

These days they try to recover such costs by restricting your passport validity. You then have to pay back the cost of the airfare before you can get a new passport.

Are you sure you told them you needed to be repatriated and that you had no money?

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There is a free clinic at Saint Louis Hospital Fridays from 6 - 8 PM.


I am not sure how much they offer by way of diagnostics, but it's worth a shot.

It is outpatient care only and pretty basic. if it turns out you need inpatient care or anything extensive, you may have to somehow find a way to get back to your home country, although you can discuss with the hospital. I think they have a foundation which assists with the hospital bills of indigent patients (office on 1st floor) although an application by a farang on a tourist visa is likely to raise eyebrows.

Longer term, you do need to get yourself sorted out in terms of means of support and provision for health care. even the government hospitals expect to get paid.

Thank you but I looked at the site you posted here and saw nothing on the site about free clinic on Fridays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

When I click on that site it takes me to a page that is in French. I'm Canadian but not French Canadian. However I looked at all of the site in English and still could not find this free clinic part?

Sheryl's advise is spot on TBG - her link looks fine but like you it took me to the wrong page. Here's the info from the page:

To celebrate the visit of Pope John Paul II to Saint Louis Hospital on his pastoral trip to Thailand 25 years ago (1984-2009), John Paul II Charity Clinic has been established under the supervision of Saint Louis Hospital. The Clinic provides medical and consultation services to increase accessibillity to quality and affordable healthcare,thus,upholding Pope John II's concern for the poor and the sick with the hope that the poor with good health can bring about better living conditions.

Saint Louis Hospital, inspired by its philosophy,"Where charity is, there God is" launches John Paul II Charity Clinic as "Clinica Gratuita" with a collaboration of dedicated volunteer doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.

The Clinic provides medical care to patients, without distinction of race, social condition and religion, who cannot otherwise afford the services in these following areas :

1. Basic medical services.

2. Health promotion and health education

- Heart

- Hypertension

- Diabetes

- Breast cancer

- Colon cancer

- Cervical cancer


1. To offer additional health care accessible to the poor.

2. To show corporate social responsibillity by giving quality medical consultation and health promotion service without business objective.

3. To commemorate Pope John Paul II Pastoral visit to Thailand.

4. To promote our staff participation in social service..

5. To promote hospital’s image and philosophy.


General public with health concern.

Office Hrs.

Physical Examination

Friday 18.00 - 20.00

Heath Consulting & Health Promoting

Friday 18.00 - 20.00

Remark Except public holiday.

JOHN PAUL II Charity Clinic Coordinator :

Saint Louis Foundation Officer

1st Floor Surmkhun-Louisvey Building

Tel. 0-2675-5000 Ext. 40125,26

Good luck with getting yourself treated and sorting things out.

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My apologies for mistakenly thinking you are English. I obviously didn't read your post as well as I thought I had. However the advice still applies - simply substitute Canada for England - a bit obvious isn't it?. As for 'energy', I was referring to the effort to pack bags get to the airport and get on a plane. You stated that you didn't want to go on any 'fool's errands' to hospitals, and you also stated you were exhausted by a trip to do some shopping. So I think it was reasonable to exhort you to gather up sufficient energy to get yourself back to your home country. Of course you know that very well and are just being pedantic - not a good way to be if you are looking for help and advice.

As to your reply to Mario about Health Insurance, I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken if you think any insurer is going to insure you without you declaring your pre-existing conditions which will obvious include Diabetes, (which is most likely the cause of your current bad state of health). Many illnesses are diabetes related, so unless you do have cancer then any insurance you manage to take out is unlikely to cover you. In any event you will find that the cheapest medical insurance you could take out in Thailand would be prohibitively expensive for someone who is in straightened circumstances.

I did reply to your opening thread with the best possible motives so please try to understand that we want to help and if we get something wrong, then please be understanding.

I still wish you all the best, and repeat my advice to get on the next plane home - IMHO there's no way that you will find the medical help you need in Thailand without any money.

Yes I appreciate your concern but again you are just not reading or getting it. How can I get on the next plane back home with NO MONEY ?????????????????????????????

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There is a free clinic at Saint Louis Hospital Fridays from 6 - 8 PM.


I am not sure how much they offer by way of diagnostics, but it's worth a shot.

It is outpatient care only and pretty basic. if it turns out you need inpatient care or anything extensive, you may have to somehow find a way to get back to your home country, although you can discuss with the hospital. I think they have a foundation which assists with the hospital bills of indigent patients (office on 1st floor) although an application by a farang on a tourist visa is likely to raise eyebrows.

Longer term, you do need to get yourself sorted out in terms of means of support and provision for health care. even the government hospitals expect to get paid.

Thank you but I looked at the site you posted here and saw nothing on the site about free clinic on Fridays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

When I click on that site it takes me to a page that is in French. I'm Canadian but not French Canadian. However I looked at all of the site in English and still could not find this free clinic part?

Sheryl's advise is spot on TBG - her link looks fine but like you it took me to the wrong page. Here's the info from the page:

To celebrate the visit of Pope John Paul II to Saint Louis Hospital on his pastoral trip to Thailand 25 years ago (1984-2009), John Paul II Charity Clinic has been established under the supervision of Saint Louis Hospital. The Clinic provides medical and consultation services to increase accessibillity to quality and affordable healthcare,thus,upholding Pope John II's concern for the poor and the sick with the hope that the poor with good health can bring about better living conditions.

Saint Louis Hospital, inspired by its philosophy,"Where charity is, there God is" launches John Paul II Charity Clinic as "Clinica Gratuita" with a collaboration of dedicated volunteer doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.

The Clinic provides medical care to patients, without distinction of race, social condition and religion, who cannot otherwise afford the services in these following areas :

1. Basic medical services.

2. Health promotion and health education

- Heart

- Hypertension

- Diabetes

- Breast cancer

- Colon cancer

- Cervical cancer


1. To offer additional health care accessible to the poor.

2. To show corporate social responsibillity by giving quality medical consultation and health promotion service without business objective.

3. To commemorate Pope John Paul II Pastoral visit to Thailand.

4. To promote our staff participation in social service..

5. To promote hospital's image and philosophy.


General public with health concern.

Office Hrs.

Physical Examination

Friday 18.00 - 20.00

Heath Consulting & Health Promoting

Friday 18.00 - 20.00

Remark Except public holiday.

JOHN PAUL II Charity Clinic Coordinator :

Saint Louis Foundation Officer

1st Floor Surmkhun-Louisvey Building

Tel. 0-2675-5000 Ext. 40125,26

Good luck with getting yourself treated and sorting things out.

Wow great investigative skills you have. Thank you very much for that. Maybe I gave up on the web link due to bad mood etc. Lol. Anyways maybe I will try to make my way there tonight and see what happens. It is always better traveling in the cooler part of the day anyways (evening) as it seems the heat and the sun just knocks me off my feet.

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Yes I appreciate your concern but again you are just not reading or getting it. How can I get on the next plane back home with NO MONEY ?????????????????????????????

I do get it and I wrote this in response:

Obviously I cannot speak for the Canadian embassy, but I must say I am surprised that they would not help to repatriate you. I find it difficult to believe that if you told them you were destitute and sick that they wouldn't arrange to put you on a plane back to Canada.

These days they try to recover such costs by restricting your passport validity. You then have to pay back the cost of the airfare before you can get a new passport.

Are you sure you told them you needed to be repatriated and that you had no money?

....which you have yet to respond to. I just do not accept that the Canadian Embassy would refuse to repatriate you if you told them you were destitute and sick....

Or maybe you just asked them for money to go to a hospital.....which of course they would refuse, as would any embassy.

You are a surly person aren't you? No wonder you have no friends....

Hope you find some and good luck.....

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I found the following on the Canadian embassy website. It's pretty much how I thought it would be:

4. Will the government pay to bring me back to Canada?

The Canadian government will not pay for your return to Canada. However, Canadian government officials abroad will assist you in contacting relatives and friends to ask them to transfer money or airfare to you.

In certain emergency situations, if it is not possible to arrange for funds from a private source, a Canadian government office abroad can provide limited financial assistance in the form of a loan for a return trip to Canada. This service is offered only as a last resort and is subject to strict rules. A consular service fee of CAN$75 will be applied to this loan.

The loan must be repaid as soon as possible upon you return to Canada. As a condition of the loan, you will be required to surrender your passport, which will not be returned or reissued until the loan is repaid in full. Such a loan carries an interest rate established by the Department of Finance Canada (Bank of Canada rate plus 3%). This interest cannot be waived and will be applied monthly until the debt is paid. For more information on how to repay a loan received from the Governement of Canada, please see question 5 of this FAQ.

Financial assistance is not a right and depends on the circumstances of each case.

Upon your return to Canada, you will be issued an invoice from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada detailing your debt. This invoice will include a customer number, which you should use as a reference. There are several payment options available:

1. Passport Canada: To pay at a Passport Canada office, you may pay by debit card, credit card, certified cheque, or money order. These payments must be made in person. Make sure you have your customer number available.

2. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada: To pay directly to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, you can provide a money order, a certified cheque, or post-dated personal cheques payable to the “Receiver General for Canada” (allow 30 days for personal cheques to clear). Cheques should be mailed to the following address:

If you are desperate, I suggest you go back to the consulate and tell them....

Edited by Mobi
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I found the following on the Canadian embassy website. It's pretty much how I thought it would be:

4. Will the government pay to bring me back to Canada?

The Canadian government will not pay for your return to Canada. However, Canadian government officials abroad will assist you in contacting relatives and friends to ask them to transfer money or airfare to you.

In certain emergency situations, if it is not possible to arrange for funds from a private source, a Canadian government office abroad can provide limited financial assistance in the form of a loan for a return trip to Canada. This service is offered only as a last resort and is subject to strict rules. A consular service fee of CAN$75 will be applied to this loan.

The loan must be repaid as soon as possible upon you return to Canada. As a condition of the loan, you will be required to surrender your passport, which will not be returned or reissued until the loan is repaid in full. Such a loan carries an interest rate established by the Department of Finance Canada (Bank of Canada rate plus 3%). This interest cannot be waived and will be applied monthly until the debt is paid. For more information on how to repay a loan received from the Governement of Canada, please see question 5 of this FAQ.

Financial assistance is not a right and depends on the circumstances of each case.

Upon your return to Canada, you will be issued an invoice from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada detailing your debt. This invoice will include a customer number, which you should use as a reference. There are several payment options available:

1. Passport Canada: To pay at a Passport Canada office, you may pay by debit card, credit card, certified cheque, or money order. These payments must be made in person. Make sure you have your customer number available.

2. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada: To pay directly to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, you can provide a money order, a certified cheque, or post-dated personal cheques payable to the "Receiver General for Canada" (allow 30 days for personal cheques to clear). Cheques should be mailed to the following address:

If you are desperate, I suggest you go back to the consulate and tell them....

Ok. My troubles began last March when I lived at Sathorn Bangkok. I went into my embassy and went through all of the proceedures. What they do not tell you in the posting you read is that all of this needs to go through Ottawa and they tell you that it could take anywhere from 5 to 7 weeks to get a reply and maybe more depending on how busy they are in Ottawa.

This was at the time when the rallies were going on so you think it would be the perfect time to ask for help to "get out"

After I gave my story and they told me what I need to do to start the process, I explained that I could not wait 5 to 7 weeks for food or Insulin. I was told that they could only provide me with a list of hospitals that "Might" help, (which turned out they couln't) and when I told the "Lady" at my Embassy who is clearly "Thai" that if I did not get food or insulin that I could die. You know what her reply was and I even had a friend who was visiting Thailand at that time as my witness? The lady said these exact words; Well if you die then I guess that is the way Buhhda wants it". And she is supposed to be a Canadian citizen? My friend broke out in tears as she had already helped me out with what money she could. When she booked to come and visit me here I was on the HIGH part of my last 10 years here. 3 months later when she arrived I had lost everything.

Anyways, So, I did all they asked for and provided them with all the names, emails and phone numbers of people I knew in Canada (which is the first part of the process). This took 2 weeks just for them to find the people and get replies (meanwhile I'm still looking for work).

I could not just sit there and wait 5 to 7 weeks so fortunately I found a job in the North teaching English and they provided me with travel expenses and accommodation so I took the job and through borrowing money from the job I survived and even had a decent salary to look forward to.

I heard back from my embassy about 7 weeks after first starting the process on a Tuesday and they said that Ottawa had given aproval and that there was a Plane leaving that Friday. 3 days to move all of my things from the north and find somewhere to store everything was impossible and unpracticle so I had to decline.

I was told by the embassy that if I refused that if I ever needed help again that it would be next to impossible to get it again. And yes I kept every email from and to them.

So there is my reply to you and if you think I am somewhat "surly" as you put it (whatever that means) maybe I have a right to be. And by the way I dont live in an area where there are Farangs and all of my "Friends" all dissapeared when my money ran out.

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i have read this thread and others where you are asking for help, and i thought that you are in a situation, (that could if the circumstances were really stacked against us), that a lot of people could find themselves in. and i was genuinely sad at the story.

But there you were dying or in a very bad state of health, in a foreign country with no friends/family,and offered a flight back home. and what are your first thoughts about the generosity of your homeland, - thank you for that chance to get home and seek medical help, no! they were - how can i pack up and leave in three days, what about all my things.

well sod all your things get to the airport and live, all your possessions are no good to you dead. three days is plenty of time to get to the airport its a once only offer.

sorry to be down with you but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by steve187
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Synonyms for 'Surly' include: gruff, brusque, abrupt, curt, churlish, rude, impolite, discourteous.

If the cap fits then wear it; if not then I apologise, I must have misread you.

I have been in Thailand for 9 years now and I am a bit of a grumpy old fart and do not make friends easily, having moved to Thailand at an age where most of my life's friendships have long been formed and unfortunately long since disappeared due to me moving on to pastures new. But throughout the past 9 years I have found a few, genuine friends, both farang and Thai in Thailand, who I know I can call on to help me in an emergency, as they can of me.

Maybe you should ask yourself whether being 'surly' or some other appropriate epithet maybe the reason that you find yourself so alone after ten years here.

It does appear to be the case that you have brought much of your misfortunes upon you by your unwise decision to decline a ticket home when it was offered and maybe due to your attitude towards those who would-be your friends.

But you are where you are and I feel for you. Maybe depression has played a major part of your current situation and being a sufferer myself, I can sympathise.

I hesitate to suggest that you try some antidepressant, but you could do worse than study the subject on the net and see if you do fit into a defined depressive pattern and if so look at the possible meds that may help you.

You sound like an intelligent person so I assume you know how to monitor your sugar levels and adjust your insulin shots accordingly. I am sure you know that very high sugar levels can cause extreme fatigue (which is one of your main symptoms) and eventually will cause permanent damage to extremities and organs. If you are not monitoring your blood sugar levels you should take immediate steps to do so - most clinics will have a blood test meter if you do not have one. If high blood sugar levels are the cause of your fatigue, the problem can be corrected in a few days by appropriate insulin shots.

It is a pity that you aren't in Pattaya for if so I would try to meet with you and maybe give more practical help.

Please keep us informed of your progress on this thread as I believe it will help you to come to terms with your problems and maybe find a solution.

Good luck, mate, if you have no friends in the real world, at least you have a few here.

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I'm a little concerned that you posted here at 6 Pm Friday night as it may mean you did not go to the clinic.

Do you have a test kit with which to monitor your blood glucose? As determining if your glucose level is Ok would be step one for you.

If that is normal, a blood count to rule out anemia and infection would be next. And should at least have your vital signs checked and heart and lungs auscultated.

Depression is most certainly a possibility, either in addition to an illness or as sole cause, but in a 49 year old diabetic with history of heavy smoking, other causes need to be first excluded.

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I'm a little concerned that you posted here at 6 Pm Friday night as it may mean you did not go to the clinic.

Do you have a test kit with which to monitor your blood glucose? As determining if your glucose level is Ok would be step one for you.

If that is normal, a blood count to rule out anemia and infection would be next. And should at least have your vital signs checked and heart and lungs auscultated.

Depression is most certainly a possibility, either in addition to an illness or as sole cause, but in a 49 year old diabetic with history of heavy smoking, other causes need to be first excluded.

Your right. I do need to monitor my sugar levels but don't have a machine any more. I tried to go for a short walk today around 3:00 because I planned on trying to get into Bkk to go to St Luis but my walk was cut very short due to the same feeling so I knew I couldnt make it into the city.

I have actually had diabetes for 30 years so I am aware of most of the symptoms however with age I'm sure that can change too. Yes I'm SURE that I am suffering from depression also but don't know much about it. And people TRUST ME if I could I would go to the hospital for all of these tests but I cannot.

Ok Thank you all for your posts but I'm sorry this is doing me no good. I made a post, asked my question, it has been answered so thats it. I'm not afraid of dying, I AM afraid of dying alone.

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Your right. I do need to monitor my sugar levels but don't have a machine any more. I tried to go for a short walk today around 3:00 because I planned on trying to get into Bkk to go to St Luis but my walk was cut very short due to the same feeling so I knew I couldnt make it into the city.

I have actually had diabetes for 30 years so I am aware of most of the symptoms however with age I'm sure that can change too. Yes I'm SURE that I am suffering from depression also but don't know much about it. And people TRUST ME if I could I would go to the hospital for all of these tests but I cannot.

Ok Thank you all for your posts but I'm sorry this is doing me no good. I made a post, asked my question, it has been answered so thats it. I'm not afraid of dying, I AM afraid of dying alone.

Yes, you have been supplied with the information requested, and your larger problem is a matter between you and your embassy. You made a serious mistake in turning down their offer of a flight home, and that will indeed count against you in getting further help from them, but I really don't see that you have an alternative but to go back to them, apologetic, and again beg for help -- this time, not turning it down if given. Or, if there are any people back in Canada to whom you can appeal for a flight home -- even if you have strong reasons for not wanting to approach them -- swallow your pride and do so.

It is impossible to determine from your posts whether your stated inability to get to the clinic and so forth is due to depression or to illness or a combination of both. What is evident is that you are allowing yourself to be overcome by self-pity and a feeling of victimization.

These feelings are very counter-productive and you need to make a firm decision not to let them take over. The truth is that more than bad luck has led you to your situation; there have been some poor choices on your part too. And the choices you now make will determine your future. They are going to be hard choices, and ones that require putting aside pride and putting up perhaps with recriminations form others, but at this point you do not have a better choice.

If you are genuinely so ill (as opposed to depressed) that you cannot travel to medical care then the only thing to do is call the police and ask for an ambulance, or take a taxi, in both cases to the nearest government hospital. There will be a problem of how to pay for care there -- government hospitals are not free for foreigners -- but on the other hand, you may get more response from your embassy if you contact them from a hospital bed.(Assuming of course you are in fact ill enough to warrant hospital admission. if you are just overwhelmed with depression, you won't be admitted. But if - -as is often the case -- you yourself don't know how much is depression and how much illness, safest course is to go to the hospital).

As a matter of policy we cannot allow posts appealing for funds, either from the person appealing or on their behalf. If anyone reading this wishes to offer any type of help, they may PM the OP.

This thread is now closed. OP, if further questions arise of a medical nature, feel free to start a new thread.

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