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Children Under 18 To Face Curfew In Bangkok

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Dont worry they will run outof money soon and have to sack half the BIB

40 billion bhat overdrawn on the budget in the first 3 months .. they aint gonna claw that back , not even if they sell the 10billion bhat worth of copy gear they confiscated.....:annoyed:



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My very first post!! Do you think the curfew will applied to the 6-11yr olds who work in Bangla Rd (Patong) selling merchandise?


Many municipalities here in Southern California have the same ordinance ... these curfews are usually start at 10 PM during the weekdays and midnight on the weekends. Statistics have shown that juvenile delinquencies and teen-committed crime rates were down since instituting such ordinances.


because all children who go out after dark are the children of satan and must be punished.


I am not sure if this is a good idea or Thais over reacting? Parents should be more responsible, but here they give into their kids too much (por, can I borrow the car...). Maybe the parents need more guidenance/enforcement and thus loosing face to police will force them to be more responsible?

The police can start by sorting out those horrible little kids that pester you around tourist areas at night selling you gum and roses, and who do steal wallets, etc. Hum!


A rule kim jong il would be proud of wink.gif

Thats silly. :rolleyes:

Children have no place in the streets late at night. They should be at home, simple as that.

100% right! But we are not speaking about children here. We are speaking about 17.5 years old people. Some married with a baby already.

This curfew should be only for less than 13, 14 or 15 years old kids.

Hold on, we have the Social Workers on one thread crying about how a 17 year old is 'JUST A CHILD' and then we have others claiming that 17 year olds are old enough to roam the streets.

Perhaps if the 17 year old parents werent on the streets at age 15 they might not have become parents at such an early age. Please, don't shoot the messenger but surely these 17.5's with families in toe have already demonstrated the reasons why there should be a curfew.

The people need to be controlled. :Dave:

ps: I note the update mario & clearly this is a step in the right direction. ;)

Agree totally my friend, Do the parents know they are out after 10-Yes, do the parents know if they

are drunk-Yes, Do the parents know if they are on drugs-Yes, also sex for money, theiving, gambling, motor bike racing, they know Yes===if they dont WHY ?????...this is where the control should come from, the police could clean up after them.


A rule kim jong il would be proud of wink.gif

Thats silly. :rolleyes:

Children have no place in the streets late at night. They should be at home, simple as that.

Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

I agree children should be home at a reasonable hour, but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly , I think 15 years would be of an appropriate age.

Just my opinion.


The English in this report is confusing and doesn't make sense. Surely they are not implying that a 17+ year old teenager (under 18) staying out late will lead to them getting a criminal record, are they???? Or does it mean that they will run a criminal check on them which would at least be understandable?

Just what are these so called people in the higher echelons of Thai society thinking when they come up with these ill-thought out, non-starter, ideas? This one is unworkable and takes the proverbial biscuit for stupidity (even in Thailand)!!!


What a third world country Thailand is trying to be. This is the stupidest things I have heard for a long time. So now when one of these poor children are out after 10:00pm they will end up with a criminal record? That should really help there future when looking for a job.

Wasn't it a few days ago that this Government declared that Education should be first in line? Yeah this really helps that.

God I whish I could afford to get out of this backwards Country now.

And to all of you with children, what a sad day this is when the police can just hand out Criminal Records to children.

If you could afford to get here in the first place, surely you can get out of here as well.

Off topic but I had to respond.

I'm sure there are people here who want to but can't afford to leave.

I came here because I was offered a very well paid job on a one year contract. After 6 months of not being paid what I was promised the company folded.

I'm not talking about some dodgy boiler room or sales operation either.

I didn't (don't) have any savings to fall back on or assets to sell.

So I cannot afford to return to my home (which is not my country of birth or the country of my passport). Where I called home for the previous 35 years is very expensive and jobs are very hard to come by unless you speak Chinese or Mandarin (neither of which I do). So I've been stuck here for almost 3 years now.

Had the job not gone sour I would have worked here for a year, saved a decent chunk of change (with which to get somewhere to live once back home) and most likely returned to my original job, or having been away for only a year (with regular visits home planned through that year) I'd still be plugged into my network and could have found another job.

As it is I've only been able to return twice since I left so am now out of the loop for job opportunities.

I still hope to get out of this place one day and return home where I'm a permanent resident and can enter and work without a visa etc, but I'll need to go back with at least 2 million baht just to set myself up.



Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.


What a third world country Thailand is trying to be. This is the stupidest things I have heard for a long time. So now when one of these poor children are out after 10:00pm they will end up with a criminal record? That should really help there future when looking for a job.

Wasn't it a few days ago that this Government declared that Education should be first in line? Yeah this really helps that.

God I whish I could afford to get out of this backwards Country now.

And to all of you with children, what a sad day this is when the police can just hand out Criminal Records to children.

If you could afford to get here in the first place, surely you can get out of here as well.

If someone has sold up their life in their home country and invested their life in Thailand with a partner, then that might not be such an easy thing to do. This remark is about as naive as calling 14-17 year old's "children" in a country where they probably have to "pull their weight" from a much younger age - if they arent working outside the home then they are usually working inside - amazing Thailand!



Easy to pick the threads that will cause the usual farang hysteria .

Its pretty obvious this law was designed to crackdown on the rouge kids who roam around in groups getting up to no good.

You only have to look at the news of kids roaming around in these "wannabe" american style gangs, kicking people off their bikes, robbing and assualting people,drug dealing ect ect..not to mention the shootings by kids that we've heard of in the past months.

I would think the BiB would use some discretion, and i doubt they would bother to haul in a kid going around the corner for somtam. I'd like to think they will apply the power of this law to prosecute minors who have been found to have already committed offences late at night, or at least those who are known to be perpetual troublemakers.

Anyway...No excuse, if they are that young they should be home in bed..So good news for mine


Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.

"The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late", well you were out later than the 10!!

As I said in my post " but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly "

"If we find them road racing or hanging out at Internet cafes, we will send them to police stations," Piya said.

Here in Bangkok opposite my apartment there's an internet shop which seems mostly crowded from 10PM till about 1AM. Lots of motorcycle outside, some kids talking outside. Never a problem. The business owner will not be amused when this new directive will be enforced. This suggest enforcement will be tricky.

Mind you personally I think parents have a major role here, not police. Sunday to Thursday nights kids should be home early as they have to go to school the next day. Friday/Saturday nights no problem as long as they behave. Let police patrol a bit more. Should be enough.

Your suggestion makes much more sense than that what they are planning on implementing. It seems like education and parental guidance is the better option here with less restrictions on their freedom such as restricting it to those nights only (that you mention in your post) whereby they have to attend school the following morning.

A much better idea would be to lower the age to 14 or 15 as I know that if I was a 17 year old law abiding teenager being told that I couldn't leave my house after 10.00 PM I would be more than a bit unamused about it, especially considering the consequences of getting a criminal record for repeat offending of this archaic, unworkable legislation - if it is disobeyed.

We can all remember the rebelious attitudes we harboured against anybody who tried, no matter how well intentioned, to run our lives. I'm afraid that this smacks of the "nanny state" to me.


I wrote a long paragraph with all the reasons why and why not, and suddenly realized this is just another way to extort money from Thai citizens more or less like all the other laws that are only enforced on pay days.


Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.

"The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late", well you were out later than the 10!!

As I said in my post " but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly "

Just to correct your misinformation -- you are correct that children are allowed ro work in Thailand, from the age of 13 (for "light work") -- however , it is illegal for an employer to employ children between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. You should also know that the legal age for driving in Thailand is 18.


Nothing wrong with this. Have similar in the States, no minors out unaccompanied by adults after midnight. Obviously it's not something that's going to be enforced all the time, even in the States. It's just something they can get you with if they catch you doing something else. And as long as kids know it, it can dissuade some going out if they know that they'll get in trouble with the police if they're out too late.

It's not the kind of thing that's meant to be enforced on each and over minor, more like a guideline.


again the rich against the poor. the students who can afford to go to tuition classes (and have spare cash from mummy and daddy to buy cigarettes, booze and the odd gram of cheap powder) will be free, but the poorer kids will be picked up. same old.

it's the poor kids that make most problems


Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.

"The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late", well you were out later than the 10!!

As I said in my post " but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly "

No, no, back to the original article for you. Children on the way home from uni, legit reasons are exempt. There might be people at that age working at 11pm, so beit, as they leave work they obtain the necessary documentation & make their way directly home, EASY.

As I said, in another group of threads we had certain social bleeding hearts stating that children (under 18's) can't be held accountable for their crimes etc, so perhaps they shouldnt be on the street until their old enuf, which according to the bleeding hearts is 18.


Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.

"The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late", well you were out later than the 10!!

As I said in my post " but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly "

Just to correct your misinformation -- you are correct that children are allowed ro work in Thailand, from the age of 13 (for "light work") -- however , it is illegal for an employer to employ children between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. You should also know that the legal age for driving in Thailand is 18.

ok driving but I was correct on the working part which is what the two of us are discussing in these post. So if they are at work until 10pm how do they get home before the curfew?

This rule is not a bad idea but like with many things here it has been poorly thought through.

I give you my personal gripe with this rule;

My daughter is 17 and will be 18 in 7 months she is trustworthy and responsible and also hard working with a strong work ethic she likes to work with her Aunt in the evening to earn some extra pennies I am proud of her for this fact.

Now under this new law she could possibly become a criminal , a criminal record would be with her for life and for what showing a willingness to work?



Hold on a sec , you mean to tell me at 17/18 years of age you were home before 10pm!!!!

At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.

"The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late", well you were out later than the 10!!

As I said in my post " but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly "

No, no, back to the original article for you. Children on the way home from uni, legit reasons are exempt. There might be people at that age working at 11pm, so beit, as they leave work they obtain the necessary documentation & make their way directly home, EASY.

As I said, in another group of threads we had certain social bleeding hearts stating that children (under 18's) can't be held accountable for their crimes etc, so perhaps they shouldnt be on the street until their old enuf, which according to the bleeding hearts is 18.

Right sorry.....have they said where you obtain said documentation?

I can feel another shake down coming .......

I am sure BIB will be willing to look the other way for the correct coinage.

Look at this in respect to how things are implemented here, I do not want my child paranoid of being caught out late at night ( by late after 10pm) and being held to ransom.

This rule punishes all because of the few that is the issue here.

Lets stop selling alcohol because of the drunks that cause accidents and problems or stop granting visas due to the foreigners committing crime here.

My point is that there is a good idea here but it needs more thought and like I said in my opinion 18 is the wrong age.


At age 17, thats correct sir. The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late, but I would make my way home immediately from there - NO EXCEPTIONS. It never did me any harm, but I had alot of respect for my elders and understood the rules were there not only to protect me but to make a better person of me.

"The only time I may have been out later than 10pm whilst 17 was when working late", well you were out later than the 10!!

As I said in my post " but at an age when you are legally entitled to work and drive its a little silly "

Just to correct your misinformation -- you are correct that children are allowed ro work in Thailand, from the age of 13 (for "light work") -- however , it is illegal for an employer to employ children between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. You should also know that the legal age for driving in Thailand is 18.

ok driving but I was correct on the working part which is what the two of us are discussing in these post. So if they are at work until 10pm how do they get home before the curfew?

This rule is not a bad idea but like with many things here it has been poorly thought through.

I give you my personal gripe with this rule;

My daughter is 17 and will be 18 in 7 months she is trustworthy and responsible and also hard working with a strong work ethic she likes to work with her Aunt in the evening to earn some extra pennies I am proud of her for this fact.

Now under this new law she could possibly become a criminal , a criminal record would be with her for life and for what showing a willingness to work?


I am sorry but even if she is "trustworthy and responsible" , " hard working with a strong work ethic " and " showing a willingness to work ", if she works after 10:00PM before she is 18, she is breaking the law - or more correctly her aunt, as employer , is breaking the law..

There is no difference here from the parent who allows their underage child to drive, because he/she is "a very good and careful driver" . Both show an irresponsible lack of respect for the law.


No worries i've seen lots of em were waiting for shoppin centre to open at 11 am erm...they supposed to be in school? wait only in BKK? how about another areas? wow that'd be great!!

I have two Thai daughters 16 and 14 both honor students but they go lots of the time to school on alternate days one is at school other one is home and then on Sundays too.

I gave up while ago to make any sense out of it. Curfew? Is it on extra way to make tea money?


Just to correct your misinformation -- you are correct that children are allowed ro work in Thailand, from the age of 13 (for "light work") -- however , it is illegal for an employer to employ children between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. You should also know that the legal age for driving in Thailand is 18.

ok driving but I was correct on the working part which is what the two of us are discussing in these post. So if they are at work until 10pm how do they get home before the curfew?

This rule is not a bad idea but like with many things here it has been poorly thought through.

I give you my personal gripe with this rule;

My daughter is 17 and will be 18 in 7 months she is trustworthy and responsible and also hard working with a strong work ethic she likes to work with her Aunt in the evening to earn some extra pennies I am proud of her for this fact.

Now under this new law she could possibly become a criminal , a criminal record would be with her for life and for what showing a willingness to work?


I am sorry but even if she is "trustworthy and responsible" , " hard working with a strong work ethic " and " showing a willingness to work ", if she works after 10:00PM before she is 18, she is breaking the law. There is no difference here from the parent who allows their underage child to drive, because he/she is "a very good and careful driver"

who said she was working after 10pm?

I said if she was travelling home after working , if she helps for a couple of hours say from 7.30 to 9.30 it takes an hour for her to get home therefore she is breaking the curfew.


It might sound overly protective to impose a curfew on the kids, but to some extent the measure is needed. It is for their own sake; for their own safety as well as preventing them from causing a public nuisance after dark. Most importantly, I don't think it's sensible for Thai children to venture out after dusk since nowadays the city and other big Thai provinces seem to be saturated with sick-minded farangs who seek to prey on minors.

I have no statistics on this, but doubt criminal cases against 17-or-less old children committed by farang are only a very minor part of all crimes against children. Most is 'Thai only' business. Mind you the new curfew is also meant to combat crimes by children.

PS to be sure, in no way do I want to defend 'sick-minded' farang, neither sick-minded Thai.

What about the other 80% that behaves like children under 18 years?


No worries i've seen lots of em were waiting for shoppin centre to open at 11 am erm...they supposed to be in school? wait only in BKK? how about another areas? wow that'd be great!!

I have two Thai daughters 16 and 14 both honor students but they go lots of the time to school on alternate days one is at school other one is home and then on Sundays too.

I gave up while ago to make any sense out of it. Curfew? Is it on extra way to make tea money?

Amen!! some who sees it for what it really is .

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