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Facebook Mail 'Project Titan' - What Happened To It ?

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<br />When I follow the link in your post I get to a Facebook page explaining it.  Or is that what you are trying to do?<br /><br /><br />MSPain<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Facebook page explaining it ? All I see is a dead Facebook link and few links to articles on other websites. Facebook themselves seems to have no information about it !


Facebook are pretty much the last people on the planet I would ever entrust my email to.

Are they more untrustworthy than Google / Gmail?


Facebook are pretty much the last people on the planet I would ever entrust my email to.

Are they more untrustworthy than Google / Gmail?

What makes you say that? They clearly say they are using the content of your mail to *automatically* match it with some ads when you sign up. What's untrustworthy about that?

Are they more untrustworthy than Google / Gmail?

For whatever it is worth, I think so. Google's track record on privacy is significantly better than Facebook IMHO - they've owned up to some things they didn't have to (eg. the WIFI data collection), fixed privacy issues when they went too far (eg. Buzz) and resisted government oppression at least to some small and debatable extent (eg. China). Facebook's philosophy is more like 'just do it an apologise afterwards'.

I trust Google more than I trust any other technology company, let me put it that way :)


Case in point - and I just *hate* the patronising way Facebook responds to these things:

Facebook, in its latest privacy flap, has delayed a plan to share home addresses and mobile phone numbers of its members with outside developers of applications...

"Over the weekend, we got some useful feedback that we could make people more clearly aware of when they are granting access to this data," said Douglas Purdy, director of developer relations at Facebook.

Useful feedback like 'jam it up your ****' :)

From the SMH.

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