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Being Single In Thailand


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when i had a gf in thailand it was about 6 months ago it was good but very boring... most of the foreigners living in thailand that i have met so far all have a girl friend or a wife but they are normally a lot older then me so i guess thats what they are looking for.. just now after 6 months i dont think i would want a gf here again.. nothing wrong with the girls and i have met some great people and not saying that im a playboy or anything because im not. i dont go out getting laid every night.. but life is very easy without one.. what do you think?? or maybe it is just a age thing

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I remained single throughout my 20s, 30s and into my mid-40s before I settled down and got married. I had a great time but single life is not for everyone.

No sure what the issue is. If you are looking for validation don’t bother. Just do what feels right for you at the moment and if you change your mind again at some point, don’t worry about it too much. I doubt any decisions you make at this time in your life will be lifelong in duration.

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Now that you have got this off your chest - you will get over her soon enough.

You know the old saying, better to have loved and lost, than have loved and lost big time.

I don't think he needs to get over her, he is happy without here.Read again

"good but very boring... just now after 6 months i dont think i would want a gf here again..... but life is very easy without one."

And it's an age thing yes.

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Now that you have got this off your chest - you will get over her soon enough.

You know the old saying, better to have loved and lost, than have loved and lost big time.

I don't think he needs to get over her, he is happy without here.Read again

"good but very boring... just now after 6 months i dont think i would want a gf here again..... but life is very easy without one."

And it's an age thing yes.

denial is a wonderful thing. If I felt the same way as the OP apparently does, would I need to tell the world about it? Anyways, i am sure George can give him a deal on a banner ad so he can spread the news :lol:

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Having been single in Canada for 57 years I am 200% in agreement with the OP. Life for a single man is great in Thailand. A man can have a maid to do the cleaning ,a woman to wash his clothes, eat all his meals in restaurants. And date available women as long as he has disposable income. I came to Thailand tried marriage what a waste of time and money. Also if a man really wants a good woman who will take care of him and can clean a house properly and cook and is a good lover,then he should look at Philippinas or Vietnam women. Thai women seem to think the house cleans itself and meals should be brought home in plastic bags or eaten in restaurants and of course anyone with a foreign husband doesnot do laundry but sends it out. So why bother being a patsy. I think to be truly happy in thailand a man should stay single.

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"Thai women seem to think the house cleans itself and meals should be brought home in plastic bags or eaten in restaurants and of course anyone with a foreign husband does not do laundry but sends it out"

Sounds like you are looking in the wrong places or attracting the wrong women. Most of these gals are like something out of a 1950's sitcom in my experience.

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Having been single in Canada for 57 years I am 200% in agreement with the OP. Life for a single man is great in Thailand. A man can have a maid to do the cleaning ,a woman to wash his clothes, eat all his meals in restaurants. And date available women as long as he has disposable income. I came to Thailand tried marriage what a waste of time and money. Also if a man really wants a good woman who will take care of him and can clean a house properly and cook and is a good lover,then he should look at Philippinas or Vietnam women. Thai women seem to think the house cleans itself and meals should be brought home in plastic bags or eaten in restaurants and of course anyone with a foreign husband doesnot do laundry but sends it out. So why bother being a patsy. I think to be truly happy in thailand a man should stay single.

Bitter are we?

So Vietnamese or Filipina's trump Thai womanhood in all aspects.

Yet here you are, still in Thailand, with a Thai maid and getting your laundry done locally.

So your place must be grubby and your clothes are wrinkled and smell mildewed.

No wonder you don't want get repeat dates.

PS. Philippine cuisine? Don't get me gagging again! And Vietnam? How do you like your dog done?

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Sorry Lovelomsak

What my Thai ladies wanted to do for me (assuming a relationship of 3+ days/dates/purchases)

Cook, clean, wash clothes, wash me, cut my toe and fingernails, clean my earwax, extract my nasal hairs.

Not going into details about sex but most of them I have encountered also seem to be keen at least once a day.

I don't know where you have been finding ones that think the house cleans itself, food arrives in plakky bags, or washing should be sent out.

I just hate it when they attack with scissors, wanting to trim my bits!

Edited by pjclark1
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

I couldn't resist replying. I could even post a bunch of pictures to prove my point, but that might get me a suspension. :D

I'm a LOT older than the OP and I agree with him 100%. But, it all depends on what a "man" wants out of a relationship. It would be entirely different than what a women wants. Or, at least MOST women. The sex part of a relationship could be better or worse depending on the partners. Most often, sex between a loving couple is better than sex between strangers. But that isn't always true. The 99% of the rest of the time is really what matters.

Unfortunately, unless foreigners have spent a long time in Thailand they seldom speak the language fluently enough to discuss other matters. That leaves a couple sitting there like lumps of coal talking about such inspiring things as... "what you want to eat?"

The OP is correct... It can be boring.

The only solution is to take up some all consuming interest that occupies your thoughts for the 99% of your time when you aren't having sex. :D

Edited by IanForbes
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"Thai women seem to think the house cleans itself and meals should be brought home in plastic bags or eaten in restaurants and of course anyone with a foreign husband does not do laundry but sends it out"

Sounds like you are looking in the wrong places or attracting the wrong women. Most of these gals are like something out of a 1950's sitcom in my experience.

biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif So true.

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Thailand is fantastic for chaps who have no interest in their own private parts providing them with entertainment.

It really is a nice place to live die once you've vanquished your libido.

fixed that for you...:)

O'contraire. Ooooo'contraire mon amie.

Live here long enough and you'll soon be put off completely, your mind wanders to degenerate sports like tiling, mowing lawns, changing oil in motorbikes . . . the last thing you want to do is complicate your now happy, simple, stress free existence.

Of course it's not for everyone you understand.

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wow surprised how quickly there was reply's on this topic.. i was just to see if anyone else has same experience and i think this was a good topic to get many people talking but yeah good stuff :)

It will certainly get 'em talking.

I was a single man in Thailand in the 80's. Rode the ragged edge, been there, did that, gave away the t-shirts. Then I got married, then separated and finally divorced before I left. Stayed single in other countries like Australia, Cuba, Brazil and the US (plenty girlfriends and one fiancée) but was very, very happy being single.

However, before I left the US, I found my self in an age group that was racing towards terminal loneliness. You know how it goes, you have hundreds of 'friends' but in reality, they are people you only know by first name who happen to hang in the same bars, clubs and sports venues as you. Valentine's loses it's allure when you don't have a real date. When you dine by yourself, why is it the maitre'd seats you in the far corner beside the shithouse whilst the nice comfy booths get given to love struck, good looking young couples? Now that could just be the city I was living in (for over 10 years) or lack of real distractions and hobbies. I had three real good buddies back there, me being the middle-aged of the group. Out drinking together one night at the height of our 'happy bachelorhood', the oldest one, an avowed bachelor for life, claimed this was the best way to live for most of the reasons stated by lovelomsak (before he lost the plot about Thai women). One guy the same age as me agreed with him. Since I was the only one that had been married before, the guys said my opinion didn't really count for much. The youngest took one look at us and said there was no way that he wanted to be just like us in ten more years, ie. four old lonely guys in a bar.

Move on ten years and I relocated back to Thailand. I observed lots of lonely older guys having a whale of a time, be it 7-year itch, male menopause, finally divorcing that b*tch (but I'm not bitter) or simple mid-life crisis. But my (younger) buddy's comment was always in the back of my mind. I popped back to the US for a visit and arranged to hook up for beers with my buddies. There they were, 10 years on, older and more lonely but only three of them. The other one, closer to my age, had been going to Brazil on business, relocated to his employers office there and married the girl he had been dating off and on for a year. Sure the oldest was still happy but the youngest was pretty upset when I reminded him of what he said 10 years earlier. He was even more upset when I said I had met someone special in Thailand and marriage may be on the cards. Three months later, when my Thai girlfriend said she would like to have a baby, we got married. My son will be three come April; just 3 months older than my mates Brazilian baby boy.

As it stands now, the old geezer is still married to the bar in the US, the guy in Brazil, like myself, is working on another baby (man, that's fun!) and the youngest one is casting around mercilessly for Mrs Right instead of Miss Right Now. He is also my son's Godfather.

Don't let bachelorhood have too much fun with you and leave you standing gasping for breath, alone on the platform as the last train of emotional fulfillment, true unconditional love and everlasting happiness pulls away.

(Ooooh... that last bit's good eh?)

Edited by NanLaew
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O'contraire. Ooooo'contraire mon amie.

Live here long enough and you'll soon be put off completely, your mind wanders to degenerate sports like tiling, mowing lawns, changing oil in motorbikes . . . the last thing you want to do is complicate your now happy, simple, stress free existence.

Of course it's not for everyone you understand.

As my Brazilian stripper ex- girlfriend used to say, "Exatamente!!!"

I can hardly wait to get out of the <deleted>' Philippines here, get back home to Isaan and fit the new kitchen sink!

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O'contraire. Ooooo'contraire mon amie.

Live here long enough and you'll soon be put off completely, your mind wanders to degenerate sports like tiling, mowing lawns, changing oil in motorbikes . . . the last thing you want to do is complicate your now happy, simple, stress free existence.

Of course it's not for everyone you understand.

As my Brazilian stripper ex- girlfriend used to say, "Exatamente!!!"

I can hardly wait to get out of the <deleted>' Philippines here, get back home to Isaan and fit the new kitchen sink!

Buy quality. Cheap doesn't work. My sink is rusting and for the want of a couple of thousand extra baht . . .

Nice range available in Global as always, although I think I may adapt the unit to accept a Belfast type sink, far more character.

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Buy quality. Cheap doesn't work. My sink is rusting and for the want of a couple of thousand extra baht . . .

Nice range available in Global as always, although I think I may adapt the unit to accept a Belfast type sink, far more character.

LOL. Off topic (but it aint goona kill anybody), but I DID buy the new sink at Global. It was awesome, perfect, rigid, imported... and the only one left apart from the display unit and was way, way up on top of the storage racks and the pallet lifter was DOA (battery charging). So they tried their damnedest to sell me a 'discounted', similar but really thin and shitty, locally made equivalent. Took 20 minutes before they acquiesced to my demands and manhandled the one I wanted to the checkout line. And they were also saying the heavy imported stainless-steel one would have sanim as another argument for buying the bendy, tinny, chrome-plated one made out of coffee cans!

7020 baht... only 20 baht more than their 'recommended' one.

Now, when it comes to buying electricals, since there's NO quality in anything locally made here, buying cheap makes no difference.

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Buy quality. Cheap doesn't work. My sink is rusting and for the want of a couple of thousand extra baht . . .

Nice range available in Global as always, although I think I may adapt the unit to accept a Belfast type sink, far more character.

LOL. Off topic (but it aint goona kill anybody), but I DID buy the new sink at Global. It was awesome, perfect, rigid, imported... and the only one left apart from the display unit and was way, way up on top of the storage racks and the pallet lifter was DOA (battery charging). So they tried their damnedest to sell me a 'discounted', similar but really thin and shitty, locally made equivalent. Took 20 minutes before they acquiesced to my demands and manhandled the one I wanted to the checkout line. And they were also saying the heavy imported stainless-steel one would have sanim as another argument for buying the bendy, tinny, chrome-plated one made out of coffee cans!

7020 baht... only 20 baht more than their 'recommended' one.

Now, when it comes to buying electricals, since there's NO quality in anything locally made here, buying cheap makes no difference.

20 baht eh? :huh: I know, I know . . .

One exception is perhaps Nikon cameras. Yup, rest comes in a suitcase, like the Dell XFR E6400 currently waiting for someone to bring from Blighty and the Leatherman Charge multitool with extra tool kit and a bunch of other fancy bits 'n pieces wot ye cannae git 'ere.

Anyway, guess we should make some remarks pertaining to the single life here.

I have expat friends here who have been single for 10-15 years, run businesses and love it and these are not brothelite types. I am the same and I really do enjoy it. I recommend it.

Highly recommend it. :jap:

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Girlfriend? You don't say live in or not. But dating is trying to find someone who doesn't have a lot of habits you hate. Also someone who is trustworthy.

Trial & error..

Being single is OK but I love waking up to a sweet young thing 1/2 my age. it's a partnership.

We got it made here. I have been lucky to find 2 real gems. Thailand has everything I need - no need to look elsewhere.

Edited by powderpuff
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Let's just say that it's easier for some men to stay single than others. It's not easy being this good looking.

Haha, indeed.

Dress well, behave well, have a good job and be above moderately attractive and one has to beat them off with a stick - it becomes a real challenge being a 'playboy'. ;)

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Sorry Lovelomsak

What my Thai ladies wanted to do for me (assuming a relationship of 3+ days/dates/purchases)

Cook, clean, wash clothes, wash me, cut my toe and fingernails, clean my earwax, extract my nasal hairs.

Not going into details about sex but most of them I have encountered also seem to be keen at least once a day.

I don't know where you have been finding ones that think the house cleans itself, food arrives in plakky bags, or washing should be sent out.

I just hate it when they attack with scissors, wanting to trim my bits!

The first 3 months are always insane in this aspect, they will do anything you ask and don't ask of them. After that, well...you made the mistake of falling for them, now it is your turn to pay back - for life.

In conclusion, I love my gf and if she reads this: hny, I didn't mean you, you are always great. Don't hit me!

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