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Anyone Having Trouble Finding A Relationship Here?


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Ok so you disagree with me. Is that why you have to moan about my crappy spelling? But thanks for your remark. My T9 spelling check sucks.:-)

I guess you and I are in different phases in life. I still love farang women to bits.

I don't moan - I just have a bit of fun :)

Farang women - been there, done that. Some are charming. But most have also received farang education, believe in role models of the 70ies and that is tiring in the long run. I don't need a semi-man in bed.

If you want more intellect than what you generally find in Thailand, go to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore or Malaysia. Even Vietnam has some better educated women compared to Thailand. Here I found the major difference between a farm girl and a Chula graduate is the latter owns a Blackberry.... :)

You cannot get everything in a single woman. Must make compromises. And for intellectual discussions, male friends are a much better solution than 99% of women. Just don't sleep with them (some may disagree on that) :)

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I would say if one have the standard as back home it can be hard to find a decent companion.

To find a educated girl without previous kids, who can support herself by a decent work, and can hold a interllectual dialog are in my opinion quite hard to find in thailand.

For what do you need interllectual dialogues?

Women have different qualities and for interllectual dialogues you have your mates.

The interllectual dialogues you commonly have with a Western woman are some of the most tiring aspects of a relationship there.

Yes, 'intellectual' is pushing it a bit - not many men require this, and they're certainly not going to get it from their mates in the bar!

Perhaps just understanding the problems of everyday life is more to the point. Their mates at the bar will appreciate and understand this.

Meanwhile, they're missing the same understanding at home - let alone a woman who can actually point out the truth of any situation and point out the right way forward.

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Ok so you disagree with me. Is that why you have to moan about my crappy spelling? But thanks for your remark. My T9 spelling check sucks.:-)

I guess you and I are in different phases in life. I still love farang women to bits.

I don't moan - I just have a bit of fun :)

Farang women - been there, done that. Some are charming. But most have also received farang education, believe in role models of the 70ies and that is tiring in the long run. I don't need a semi-man in bed.

If you want more intellect than what you generally find in Thailand, go to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore or Malaysia. Even Vietnam has some better educated women compared to Thailand. Here I found the major difference between a farm girl and a Chula graduate is the latter owns a Blackberry.... :)

You cannot get everything in a single woman. Must make compromises. And for intellectual discussions, male friends are a much better solution than 99% of women. Just don't sleep with them (some may disagree on that) :)

Semi-men? Why? Because we aren't prepared to pretend we love you whilst concentrating on the money in hand??

You really need to grow up.

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To find a educated girl without previous kids, who can support herself by a decent work, and can hold a interllectual dialog are in my opinion quite hard to find in thailand.

Yes, that is way TOO MUCH to expect from a Thai lady, especially the last requirement.

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?


I dropped my bank book, can you help me find it?

This is especially useful, when the bank book is nearby, in clear view, and shows a large balance.

That is sad why money always is involved

LIke Mark said, it's always about money. It's why women will have affairs with the handsome tennis pro, but don't leave her wealthy husband. Bill Clinton's wife didn't leave him for having affairs and neither did John Kenedy's wife, Jacky. The women valued the power and wealthy life style more than their husbands fidelity. Women need to know that they won't be left destitute if their love affair turns sour. That is the same story I hear over and over again from bar girls in Thailand. There IS no back-up if a Thai boyfriend gets them pregnant and then does a runner. It happens all the time. Unlike North America ( and possibly Europe), the Thai government won't chase after a father to support the children he's left behind. The smart Thai women learn this the hard way and don't make the same mistake twice.

PJClark was just having a bit of fun with the dropped bank book story. Years ago an ex-girlfriend told me that all we had was just temporary because she was going to marry either a doctor or a wealthy lawyer. She wasn't going to settle for Joe Lunchbucket (me). She had her head screwed on straight and knew what HER priorities were. The marriages that I see lasting the longest are where two independent people come together in some sort of mutual agreement that suits both their needs. It might change over time, but those marriages usually last longer than the ones that are based on lust and instant attraction. But, there is no one size fits all and everyone has different expectations in life.

I heard a similar story of a friend in Europe. he was a police officer and had a nice girlfriend.However one day he decided to quite his job as policeman and wanted to study at an adult college. Within months the relationship collapsed as the women no longer saw in him a stable provider.

That is probably how women are because of their biological progamming. They will always go for the provider, regardless how nice and truthful you are.

The only difference between Western women and Thai women is that Thai women go straight for the provder while Western women look for the provider once the hit 28.

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Perhaps he meant seamen?:-D

Ok I admit by saying "intellectual" I was maybe pushing it to far. But after dating lots of thai girls here from all walks of life I never meet one that was "fun" to hang out with;

-How was the food?


-What did you think about the movie?


I just feel that farang girls have a lot to offer. They are not all gloom and doom.

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What rubbish!

But don't worry - you clearly understand Western women inside and out....

Fanatic, I think you need to enlighten him! (just kidding)

:annoyed: One of these days I will... How dare he equate Western women with the women he meets here!

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What rubbish!

But don't worry - you clearly understand Western women inside and out....

Fanatic, I think you need to enlighten him! (just kidding)

:annoyed: One of these days I will... How dare he equate Western women with the women he meets here!

If men in Thailand equated western women with the women they meet here I would venture to guess there would be few western men here.

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But after dating lots of thai girls here from all walks of life I never meet one that was "fun" to hang out with;

-How was the food?


-What did you think about the movie?


I just feel that farang girls have a lot to offer. They are not all gloom and doom.

Haha, good examples.... :)

But really, you can get the best of both worlds by dating other Asian ladies, see my earlier comment. They are still ladies in the good sense, unlike their Western counterpart, but more fun to be with.

But the best discussions you will have with a male friend, I hope you have some :)

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But after dating lots of thai girls here from all walks of life I never meet one that was "fun" to hang out with;

-How was the food?


-What did you think about the movie?


I just feel that farang girls have a lot to offer. They are not all gloom and doom.

Haha, good examples.... :)

But really, you can get the best of both worlds by dating other Asian ladies, see my earlier comment. They are still ladies in the good sense, unlike their Western counterpart, but more fun to be with.

But the best discussions you will have with a male friend, I hope you have some :)

Yes, Western women are not only as thick as sh.t, but avoricious too.

Whilst Thai women are incredibly intelligent and have absolutely no interest in money.

Meanwhile male friends really give you the support you need in everyday life....

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But after dating lots of thai girls here from all walks of life I never meet one that was "fun" to hang out with;

-How was the food?


-What did you think about the movie?


I just feel that farang girls have a lot to offer. They are not all gloom and doom.

Haha, good examples.... :)

But really, you can get the best of both worlds by dating other Asian ladies, see my earlier comment. They are still ladies in the good sense, unlike their Western counterpart, but more fun to be with.

But the best discussions you will have with a male friend, I hope you have some :)

Yes, Western women are not only as thick as sh.t, but avoricious too.

Whilst Thai women are incredibly intelligent and have absolutely no interest in money.

Meanwhile male friends really give you the support you need in everyday life....

thai women don't have interest in money???? i hope that was a joke because the whole sin sod thing might blow that idea out of the water. A lot of girls i have met all over thailand that are in their 20's and have degree's are looking for providers; even the ones the females that prefer girls have said that about qualities in another girl.

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Yes, Western women are not only as thick as sh.t, but avoricious too.

Whilst Thai women are incredibly intelligent and have absolutely no interest in money.

Meanwhile male friends really give you the support you need in everyday life....

thai women don't have interest in money???? i hope that was a joke because the whole sin sod thing might blow that idea out of the water. A lot of girls i have met all over thailand that are in their 20's and have degree's are looking for providers; even the ones the females that prefer girls have said that about qualities in another girl.

yes, F1fanatic WAS joking... and sarcastic also... for good reason.

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Yes, Western women are not only as thick as sh.t, but avoricious too.

Whilst Thai women are incredibly intelligent and have absolutely no interest in money.

Meanwhile male friends really give you the support you need in everyday life....

thai women don't have interest in money???? i hope that was a joke because the whole sin sod thing might blow that idea out of the water. A lot of girls i have met all over thailand that are in their 20's and have degree's are looking for providers; even the ones the females that prefer girls have said that about qualities in another girl.

yes, F1fanatic WAS joking... and sarcastic also... for good reason.

ok, i am not good at identifying sarcasm on the internet :/

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glad you jumped in with the female's perspective, F1fanatic. Men and women have been debating the same subject for as long as we've been on earth. All I have to reply to hawkup2000 is this oldie but goodie


Wow. I never seen you with a full head of hair before. When was this painting made?:D Be careful or it might end up all over Chiang mai.:D

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I reckon that there is a relationship between the length of a thread, and the lack of thought that people put into their posts.

The longer the post, the less thought. Presumably because their intellect has been numbed by the dross beforehand.

I reckon that any thread that considers emotional relationships within the context of Thailand, and particularly Thai - farang relationships, will evoke a greater level of prejudice, bigotry and ill-feeling than discussions which are not related to Thailand, but not as much as any thread which discusses shortcomings of Thai business, society, behaviour or culture, or problems that farangs face when living here.

There - I've found two relationships, just based on the threads in the General forum. In my opinion, anyone who cannot find a relationship here is either not trying hard enough, or lacks the basic mathematical training to understand what a relationship is.


Right, tea-break's over, back on your heads...

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After my first relationship ended, same happened with me.

Just make sure one go to the decent venues.

I,m intrigued as to what you define are decent venues?

A list of 10 names perhaps would help.

A decent venue for me is a place where the main goal for the customers is NOT to find someone only for their money.

To enjoy the evening with friends, maybe meet other people (friends of exisitng friends) and maybe befriend them.

Bangkok is, as you probably know, a very big city.

In any big city one will find many places like that.

Easiest is actually outside the downtown areas.


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I don't know. I met my Thai wife in Pattaya. She was not a bargirl.

I simply walked up to her and proposed to her. :)

If I were the OP, I would go to a site such as Dateinasia.com or thailovelinks.

Shouldn't be hard to find a girl AT ALL.

Compared to the west, it's 10x easier here.

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I'm 47. My options are/were....

middle aged western woman, usually divorced with kids, has attitude, and won't go near me unless I have a decent bank balance. We can marry and 10 years down the track she can have the house and I'll be homeless and past the point of no return. Hopefully find a basement to live in and try and scrounge up enough money to have a night out on the booze once a month. My ex will have found another, richer, sucker and will be living the high life in our ex marital home. (rarely have I seen a homeless woman after relationship split)


Thai girl, mid 20's, usually never married, maybe has child maybe not, has little attitude, doesn't look at bank balance as all farang are automatically rich. We will marry and 10 years down the track she will probably trade me in for a richer younger version.. I'll have had 10 good years with a nubile young lass and can now go back to square 1 and get another 20 ish girl and repeat the process until my demise.

Now, give me a nano second to think which I would prefer.

I am so happy I have never married before and have no kids. I can still have a life. :D

Edited by Wallaby
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In response to all the caps criticising Western women-


I think that my culture has helped my race prosper and stamp its identity throughout the world, so that the principles of the world economy are shaped by my alumni.

And I am pleased that my children are cared for by a lady that will help pass that culture on to my children.

For sure, I could sow wild oats elsewhere, but they wouldn't grow up oats.


Let's face it - if you need to get married to have sex, then desperate times call for desperate measures!

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Have you asked any of your female co-workers for advice.

I'm thinking that your lack of self-confidence and femininity may be leading many to think that your gay.

Perhaps your gay and don't realize it yet. Women are very astute at detecting it.

This could be a big reason for your social disability with the opposite sex.

Try going to some gay bars and check out the vibe.

Might work for you. Good luck.

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