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I really love an active lifestyle and enjoy a variety of activities such including scuba diving, muay Thai, rock climbing, snorkeling canoeing, trekking etc etc. However I don't ever really see that many Thais that do these things.

I know a fair few Thai boxers but this is their job and not necessarily something they do out of choice. Do you know any Thai people enjoy partaking in such activities or exerting themselves in any way?

I like Thai people a lot but it appears they are so laid back they only care about planning what to eat or watching soap operas or singing Japan's revenge for WWII in their spare time. I have also had 2 girlfriends in Thailand and trying to get them to partake in something, anything active is just too much hassle. Even the road on samed is considered far too dangerous to drive a motorbike slowly and cautiously on. Thai women are lovely, beautiful, doting creatures but it is looking increasingly likely that I am not going to meet one that I am able to share these interests and experiences with. Male Thai friends I have had have been fantastic intelligent guys but again, prefer not to do anything that involves activity. I have gay friends that only really go to a air conditioned gym to keep themselves attractive for other men.

I also notice many Thai people go to places like Koh chang or Samed and spend the entirety of their time on an expensive resort. For me I just like to stay somewhere basic and secure and then take daily excursions to enjoy the natural beauty of the area and can't understand why they would travel a big distance just to sit in a hotel when they can do that in Bangkok.

This is not a moan about Thai people nor am I saying that they should be more active, each to their own but it would be good to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences.


Thais who I know and the things/sports they do:

Football, Badminton, Cycling, Surfing, Swimming, Jogging, Golf, Tennis, Taekwondo, Paragliding, Car/ Motorbike racing, Aerobic, Tai Chi, Shooting, Basketball, Volleyball, Boule, Takow, Tabletennis, Snooker/Billiard, Dart, Fitness/ Gym, Bowling, Thai and Standard Dancing, Sailing, Inlineskating, Modelcars/ airplanes, Gardening, Hunting/ Fishing, Chess, Sing/ play instruments, Meditation/Yoga/Sex and many more...

Thais are quite active and like to try all kinds of sport/hobbies.


Most of the activities you have listed are generally considered middle class activities. You need to have the money to be able to do many of those things.. You also need to have the free time. I know people here who do most of them, but they are in the minority. If you are working three jobs and raising a family you probably do not have time to do anything else. As the middle class grows and people are comfortable enough to have other concerns than just living, more people will do them. In the US most of those activities were fringe activities at best as little as thirty years ago,


Maybe im lucky but my girlfriend is quite adventurous she likes snorkeling / diving and the occasionally trecking did paintball a few times too. She does not require a luxury resort and understands cheap resorts are fine too. Stayed at similan with her and some other basic places. I think its up to the kind of girl you meet.


I would look into clubs and organizations that focus on said activities. Thais often feel more comfortable with organized events and doing things in larger groups. If your Thai is good enough, it should not be to much trouble to get an invite to some of these activities.

My wife has spent hours in the gym on a daily basis, hiked the Grand Canyon and many national parks in the US, as well as sky diving in Hawaii but almost none of her friends like the same things. They are out there but it is up to you to find them. Try being a little more organized in your search.


Hmm, My friend gets up for work at 07:00 hrs and is at his desk by 08:15. He finishes work at around 17:30 on most nights.

He gets home by 18:30 to eat and do some things around his place and some homework for university.

That's his schedule M-F. On saturday he goes to school from 08:30 until 18:00 and on Sunday 08:00 to 15:00 He then has meetings with study group and gets home for 19:00hrs exhausted on both nights. He does this 12 months a year.

Please tell me when he has time to have "fun"? His classmates who are professionals and workers have families to take care of.

Most Thais work 6 days a week. 8 to 5 or 6 pm. On the day off, they have to cram in all the chores of the week.

Please tell me when the typical Thai worker or manager has time for "fun"?


Hmm, My friend gets up for work at 07:00 hrs and is at his desk by 08:15. He finishes work at around 17:30 on most nights.

He gets home by 18:30 to eat and do some things around his place and some homework for university.

That's his schedule M-F. On saturday he goes to school from 08:30 until 18:00 and on Sunday 08:00 to 15:00 He then has meetings with study group and gets home for 19:00hrs exhausted on both nights. He does this 12 months a year.

Please tell me when he has time to have "fun"? His classmates who are professionals and workers have families to take care of.

Most Thais work 6 days a week. 8 to 5 or 6 pm. On the day off, they have to cram in all the chores of the week.

Please tell me when the typical Thai worker or manager has time for "fun"?

The typical Thai worker can barely survive. However if i look at my wife and her friends they still find time to do fun things. They are a bit higher as the typical thai worker (not that much). Some work 5 days a week others 7 days a week and drive a benz. Its all about priorities. This month i wont see my wife much as it is high season for tour guides. But when its low season there is plenty of time to do things. Not everyone a an office worker or factory labor.


Look at poor mans' sport to see how active Thais are. Come five pm everywhere Thais will be plating badminton if they are women and the game that is like volleyball with the feet with the wicker ball. Games that can be played everywhere pretty much. Football games are pretty popular too , all you need is a ball and some space. Jumpers for goalposts and all that..........


I have gone trekking and diving with more Thais than you can shake a stick at, perhaps you are looking in the wrong places?

There are many Thai trekking and diving operators/groups, and I'm sure for all the other activities you mentioned but this two are the ones I have experience with.


i see thai guys playing sepak takraw all the time after work or whatever, i see thai men paying boulles, i see thai woman excercising on the beach in pattaya every nite, i see thai woman excercising in parks in nearly every town i visit . i see thai kids swimming in the sea in the rain at night . the play golf, they do everything we do, how long have you been here ? maybe just a lot of them havent the money to spend on scuba diving etc.


In Chanthaburi, every evening the park is full of people exercising, playing takraw, badminton, roller-blading, and many numerous activities. One of my neighbors is a woman who ran the BKK marathon. The roads are full of Thai's in full cycling kit, akin to the Italians.

Their out there, do your thing and they'll find you.

Keep in mind, most Thai's don't go for active holiday's. When they go to Kho Samed it is to relax.


Hmm, My friend gets up for work at 07:00 hrs and is at his desk by 08:15. He finishes work at around 17:30 on most nights.

He gets home by 18:30 to eat and do some things around his place and some homework for university.

That's his schedule M-F. On saturday he goes to school from 08:30 until 18:00 and on Sunday 08:00 to 15:00 He then has meetings with study group and gets home for 19:00hrs exhausted on both nights. He does this 12 months a year.

Please tell me when he has time to have "fun"? His classmates who are professionals and workers have families to take care of.

Most Thais work 6 days a week. 8 to 5 or 6 pm. On the day off, they have to cram in all the chores of the week.

Please tell me when the typical Thai worker or manager has time for "fun"?

I think you have knocked the nail right on the head here and about summed it all up.

Everyone is so wrapped up in their own whatever is it they do and busy full time schedules, they hardly have time for social activities anymore.

Exactly the same in the west. Seems to be a lot more pressure nowadays on people in this highly competitive world. There is also a lot of self indulgence with people and at most times I end up doing my own thing, extremely difficult finding others with enough free time and same interests as myself. Plus of course many do not have the money to socialise too often.

A little sad really, would be nice to have a time machine and go back to the 1960s when real people, not social networking friends or forum posters, actually interacted with each other and family and friends seemed to have more time and we enjoyed ourselves more even through we never had much money.

My girlfriend believes that we need money to have fun, that’s rubbish, it`s the type of friends in our circles that can make being together enjoyable and these days the right crowd seem to be few and far between.

If people really want to do something, they’ll do it and will find ways to make the time.


Actually, I have seen a marked increase in Thais on road bikes (bicycles) since 2006. There are also many out there doing things that are active in other ways. The issue becomes ... will the OP meet them? and Is the OP willing to do things more solitary until he meets them? and finally does the OP speak Thai?


Hmm, My friend gets up for work at 07:00 hrs and is at his desk by 08:15. He finishes work at around 17:30 on most nights.

He gets home by 18:30 to eat and do some things around his place and some homework for university.

That's his schedule M-F. On saturday he goes to school from 08:30 until 18:00 and on Sunday 08:00 to 15:00 He then has meetings with study group and gets home for 19:00hrs exhausted on both nights. He does this 12 months a year.

Please tell me when he has time to have "fun"? His classmates who are professionals and workers have families to take care of.

Most Thais work 6 days a week. 8 to 5 or 6 pm. On the day off, they have to cram in all the chores of the week.

Please tell me when the typical Thai worker or manager has time for "fun"?

The typical Thai worker can barely survive. However if i look at my wife and her friends they still find time to do fun things. They are a bit higher as the typical thai worker (not that much). Some work 5 days a week others 7 days a week and drive a benz. Its all about priorities. This month i wont see my wife much as it is high season for tour guides. But when its low season there is plenty of time to do things. Not everyone a an office worker or factory labor.

HAHAHA... So from your post you are saying your wife is a Hi-So tourguide. You are kidding us right ??? I have never heard of any Thai's or any other people for that matter saying that a tour guide is a good job .

I am British.. and i am guessing from the B.S you are talking here you must be british to ? Why do so many of my fellow Brits feel the need to make up such B.S when it comes to jobs and how much the earn..


All our Thai friends are into sport and with an ex Thai National team softball player as wife that comes probably naturally. The foreign friends we have are also very active people who either are into Golf, Tennis or Fitness.


Hmm, My friend gets up for work at 07:00 hrs and is at his desk by 08:15. He finishes work at around 17:30 on most nights.

He gets home by 18:30 to eat and do some things around his place and some homework for university.

That's his schedule M-F. On saturday he goes to school from 08:30 until 18:00 and on Sunday 08:00 to 15:00 He then has meetings with study group and gets home for 19:00hrs exhausted on both nights. He does this 12 months a year.

Please tell me when he has time to have "fun"? His classmates who are professionals and workers have families to take care of.

Most Thais work 6 days a week. 8 to 5 or 6 pm. On the day off, they have to cram in all the chores of the week.

Please tell me when the typical Thai worker or manager has time for "fun"?

The typical Thai worker can barely survive. However if i look at my wife and her friends they still find time to do fun things. They are a bit higher as the typical thai worker (not that much). Some work 5 days a week others 7 days a week and drive a benz. Its all about priorities. This month i wont see my wife much as it is high season for tour guides. But when its low season there is plenty of time to do things. Not everyone a an office worker or factory labor.

HAHAHA... So from your post you are saying your wife is a Hi-So tourguide. You are kidding us right ??? I have never heard of any Thai's or any other people for that matter saying that a tour guide is a good job .

I am British.. and i am guessing from the B.S you are talking here you must be british to ? Why do so many of my fellow Brits feel the need to make up such B.S when it comes to jobs and how much the earn..

Your a fun guy, where did i say she was hi so. She is a guide its considered a good job if you make 30k. So yes she has a good job. The girl in the benz is also a friend but she works 7 days a week selling insurance.

I am Dutch and feel no need to tell how much i make. I suggest you start learning how to read your own language. Maybe a little bit more Thailand experience might help too. You seem fresh of the boat.

But the whole reason i brought my wife up was to show that also normal people can have fun and do activities. Also she guides a lot of those activities, just because you don't seem them it does not mean they don't exists. Thais just like to do things in groups and its hard to get in between then.


Hmm, My friend gets up for work at 07:00 hrs and is at his desk by 08:15. He finishes work at around 17:30 on most nights.

He gets home by 18:30 to eat and do some things around his place and some homework for university.

That's his schedule M-F. On saturday he goes to school from 08:30 until 18:00 and on Sunday 08:00 to 15:00 He then has meetings with study group and gets home for 19:00hrs exhausted on both nights. He does this 12 months a year.

Please tell me when he has time to have "fun"? His classmates who are professionals and workers have families to take care of.

Most Thais work 6 days a week. 8 to 5 or 6 pm. On the day off, they have to cram in all the chores of the week.

Please tell me when the typical Thai worker or manager has time for "fun"?

The typical Thai worker can barely survive. However if i look at my wife and her friends they still find time to do fun things. They are a bit higher as the typical thai worker (not that much). Some work 5 days a week others 7 days a week and drive a benz. Its all about priorities. This month i wont see my wife much as it is high season for tour guides. But when its low season there is plenty of time to do things. Not everyone a an office worker or factory labor.

HAHAHA... So from your post you are saying your wife is a Hi-So tourguide. You are kidding us right ??? I have never heard of any Thai's or any other people for that matter saying that a tour guide is a good job .

I am British.. and i am guessing from the B.S you are talking here you must be british to ? Why do so many of my fellow Brits feel the need to make up such B.S when it comes to jobs and how much the earn..

Your a fun guy, where did i say she was hi so. She is a guide its considered a good job if you make 30k. So yes she has a good job. The girl in the benz is also a friend but she works 7 days a week selling insurance.

I am Dutch and feel no need to tell how much i make. I suggest you start learning how to read your own language. Maybe a little bit more Thailand experience might help too. You seem fresh of the boat.

But the whole reason i brought my wife up was to show that also normal people can have fun and do activities. Also she guides a lot of those activities, just because you don't seem them it does not mean they don't exists. Thais just like to do things in groups and its hard to get in between then.

Well for a start, I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years now and not once have i came here by boat. Can you please tell me who the hell comes from europe to Thailand by boat these days ?? Also you make it sound like its some sort of good thing if people have lived in Thailand for a very long time. 6 years here and thats enough for me the place is starting to get kind of boring. So what if your GF makes 30 k a month. Yes its a quite good salery for Thai's. Its not great i know many thais who make twice that and quite a few that make 4 or 5 times more than that. You say she is just a tour guide.. I have known a few thai girls who are tour guides and non of them have made over 20 k a month. I am told there are tour guides who can make more money if they offer ' extra services ' with there tours. So before you start having ago at me saying i am so fresh off the boat ( which ever boat this may be ) You should start having a look at yourself and how your gf makes 30k a month from just being a tour guide... i would say 15 - 20 tops for a tour guide in bkk so the other 10 - 15 k must be coming from other services ..

Its starting to look like you only got off the boat last week.


The typical Thai worker can barely survive. However if i look at my wife and her friends they still find time to do fun things. They are a bit higher as the typical thai worker (not that much). Some work 5 days a week others 7 days a week and drive a benz. Its all about priorities. This month i wont see my wife much as it is high season for tour guides. But when its low season there is plenty of time to do things. Not everyone a an office worker or factory labor.

HAHAHA... So from your post you are saying your wife is a Hi-So tourguide. You are kidding us right ??? I have never heard of any Thai's or any other people for that matter saying that a tour guide is a good job .

I am British.. and i am guessing from the B.S you are talking here you must be british to ? Why do so many of my fellow Brits feel the need to make up such B.S when it comes to jobs and how much the earn..

Your a fun guy, where did i say she was hi so. She is a guide its considered a good job if you make 30k. So yes she has a good job. The girl in the benz is also a friend but she works 7 days a week selling insurance.

I am Dutch and feel no need to tell how much i make. I suggest you start learning how to read your own language. Maybe a little bit more Thailand experience might help too. You seem fresh of the boat.

But the whole reason i brought my wife up was to show that also normal people can have fun and do activities. Also she guides a lot of those activities, just because you don't seem them it does not mean they don't exists. Thais just like to do things in groups and its hard to get in between then.

Well for a start, I have lived in Thailand for about 6 years now and not once have i came here by boat. Can you please tell me who the hell comes from europe to Thailand by boat these days ?? Also you make it sound like its some sort of good thing if people have lived in Thailand for a very long time. 6 years here and thats enough for me the place is starting to get kind of boring. So what if your GF makes 30 k a month. Yes its a quite good salery for Thai's. Its not great i know many thais who make twice that and quite a few that make 4 or 5 times more than that. You say she is just a tour guide.. I have known a few thai girls who are tour guides and non of them have made over 20 k a month. I am told there are tour guides who can make more money if they offer ' extra services ' with there tours. So before you start having ago at me saying i am so fresh off the boat ( which ever boat this may be ) You should start having a look at yourself and how your gf makes 30k a month from just being a tour guide... i would say 15 - 20 tops for a tour guide in bkk so the other 10 - 15 k must be coming from other services ..

Its starting to look like you only got off the boat last week.

Ah yes a Brit who lacks the intelligence of knowing his language's own sayings. Then he goes on talking about soomething else he has no knowledge off.


It all depends on high and low season how much she makes. She gets a 1000 a day plus tips sometimes more then a 1000 a day. So you do the math. For high season she makes that kind of money. Ask anyone in the industry what a guide makes a day (if experienced) and you will get these figures. If she works for Indian companies she sometimes get loads of commission and sometimes she does not. So yes she does make 30k in the high season and 20k or so during low season.

You seem to be a loudmouth with almost no knowledge. And ill take your word for it that you have been here 6 years. 30k is a nice salary and yes there are who make a lot more. But there are plenty who make a lot less. I would not be happy with only 30k here.

That your bored here is of your own doing you can always leave nobody is keeping you here.

So what i know of you so far:

- you cant read

- you don't understand your own language

And now i have to trust your wisdom that my gf is selling extra services. :D

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