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Elderly Foreginers A Heavy Burden For Thai Hospitals

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I keep seeing and hearing people say that treatment in the UK is free, its not, National Insurance Contrbutions . ever heard of it.

I think most have heard of it, it is pre paid though.

No it is not free, as a person pays his dues and demands through N.I. stamps which are deducted from his earnings, weekly / or monthly. What people are saying really, (it is free) is that you don't pay at the time of treatment, apart from the prescription charge at the clinic/hospital/shop. Doctors usually diagnose, and give out a prescription, and it would be dealt with at a chemist.

It is FREE if you are over 65 or have cancer!!

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Some thoughts for you to keep in mind.

In Thailand if you are drowning no one is going to throw you a life line.

My wife and children and close relatives certainly would

For the older guys, many young Thai women want to screw you. Not for your bodies but for your cash. Yes, they are lying when they call you a sexy guy or they are not concerned about age only that you are kind and generous.. As far as they`re concerned, kind and generous equals stupid.

I have experience of both types of Thai women, my wife is not in the habit of telling lies but then she does not call me a sexy guy.......I guess every body just knows this :D

Treat your money the same as your life blood, because without it you`re dead and ready to be thrown away with the trash.

My wife handles our money better than I would

If not sure of anything or have lack of experience, seek advice from those who have been here longer, know the ropes and listen to some of the old hands here on Thai visa.

There appear to be too many old hands that have been burned

Be wary at all times and don`t become a fool guy.

If you have not learnt this is the case everywhere in the world, perhaps you need to travel a bit further

Now, would I lie to you?

Don't have to lie to misrepresent

+1 :clap2:

Thais are generally very compassionate and charitable which is a lot more than I can say for my fellow compatriots.


I keep seeing and hearing people say that treatment in the UK is free, its not, National Insurance Contrbutions . ever heard of it.

I think most have heard of it, it is pre paid though.

No it is not free, as a person pays his dues and demands through N.I. stamps which are deducted from his earnings, weekly / or monthly. What people are saying really, (it is free) is that you don't pay at the time of treatment, apart from the prescription charge at the clinic/hospital/shop. Doctors usually diagnose, and give out a prescription, and it would be dealt with at a chemist.

It is FREE if you are over 65 or have cancer!!

It's also free if you climb in the back of a lorry in France and break a leg climbing out in Britain.

In Britain there are no cashiers to meet and greet, nobody checks a persons eligibility for treatment before treating.

Many doctors are opposed to checks on patients eligibility as if people avoid treatment their condition will get worse and be more difficult to treat.


I personally think we should also insist on visitors to the UK having compulsory travel insurance, but this still will not cover those who fail to declare they are sick, pregnant or overstay and the insurance runs out, etc.

Not only do we have people get in to the UK illegally, work illegally, but we pay their airfare home unless they have disposed of their passport and as the immigration detention centers are full so UKBA just let them back into the community.


Some thoughts for you to keep in mind.

In Thailand if you are drowning no one is going to throw you a life line.

My wife and children and close relatives certainly would

For the older guys, many young Thai women want to screw you. Not for your bodies but for your cash. Yes, they are lying when they call you a sexy guy or they are not concerned about age only that you are kind and generous.. As far as they`re concerned, kind and generous equals stupid.

I have experience of both types of Thai women, my wife is not in the habit of telling lies but then she does not call me a sexy guy.......I guess every body just knows this :D

Treat your money the same as your life blood, because without it you`re dead and ready to be thrown away with the trash.

My wife handles our money better than I would

If not sure of anything or have lack of experience, seek advice from those who have been here longer, know the ropes and listen to some of the old hands here on Thai visa.

There appear to be too many old hands that have been burned

Be wary at all times and don`t become a fool guy.

If you have not learnt this is the case everywhere in the world, perhaps you need to travel a bit further

Now, would I lie to you?

Don't have to lie to misrepresent

+1 :clap2:

Thais are generally very compassionate and charitable which is a lot more than I can say for my fellow compatriots.

+2 :thumbsup:


Some thoughts for you to keep in mind.

In Thailand if you are drowning no one is going to throw you a life line.

My wife and children and close relatives certainly would

For the older guys, many young Thai women want to screw you. Not for your bodies but for your cash. Yes, they are lying when they call you a sexy guy or they are not concerned about age only that you are kind and generous.. As far as they`re concerned, kind and generous equals stupid.

I have experience of both types of Thai women, my wife is not in the habit of telling lies but then she does not call me a sexy guy.......I guess every body just knows this :D

Treat your money the same as your life blood, because without it you`re dead and ready to be thrown away with the trash.

My wife handles our money better than I would

If not sure of anything or have lack of experience, seek advice from those who have been here longer, know the ropes and listen to some of the old hands here on Thai visa.

There appear to be too many old hands that have been burned

Be wary at all times and don`t become a fool guy.

If you have not learnt this is the case everywhere in the world, perhaps you need to travel a bit further

Now, would I lie to you?

Don't have to lie to misrepresent

+1 :clap2:

Thais are generally very compassionate and charitable which is a lot more than I can say for my fellow compatriots.

+2 :thumbsup:

+3 :thumbsup:


Can't be bothered to read all through this, it's full of crap and maybe someone has already commented as same !!! What I do not understand is !!! They could only of been able to stay here in Thailand in first place with 1 yr extensions to stay so where or why isn't that money used to fly em back. ?????


Post #156: ... so where or why isn't that money used to fly em back. ?????

From the article referenced in Post #1: Some of them produced fake financial statements to have their visas renewed...

another article with the Phuket Hospital manager suggested that there is a 3-month loan shark racket that lends the 800K for visa extension after which the accounts are liquidated.


Can't be bothered to read all through this, it's full of crap and maybe someone has already commented as same !!! What I do not understand is !!! They could only of been able to stay here in Thailand in first place with 1 yr extensions to stay so where or why isn't that money used to fly em back. ?????

Isn't there a 65k a month income based retirement visa?

If so let's see, major operation, in hospital a month......cost 1m baht (Cheaper if you use Naams' gardener) income for said month 65k

shortfall 935k?

Which part do you not understand?......the gardener?


another article with the Phuket Hospital manager suggested that there is a 3-month loan shark racket that lends the 800K for visa extension after which the accounts are liquidated.

..and Banks are not loan sharks ? :lol:

Like a Banker-friend once admitted to me.."Banks are legalised Mafia"..how correct he was and still is.

BTW...if this " loan shark" is giving out such loans he must have some security...no?...Risky business for the shark and I wouldn't call that a shark but a high roller pr playing Russian Roulette, lending money to a Farang he doesn't know.



US hospitals are worse. A year ago I had a minor operation scheduled and I went in three days prior for my pre-op visit which I thought was medical related. However, all they wanted was for me to prove up insurance so they could get on line to determine their probable reimbursement and have me pay copays and percentage coinsurance up front that day. Another thing was to sign documents attesting to their written disclosure that I was aware that the operation could result in anything from death to a variety of permanent disabilities. First I had heard of that ...not even from the surgeon...and of course he and the anesthesiologist also required my upfront payment of co-payments and estimated insurance coinsurance a week prior to the scheduled operation. Forget billing after your treatment ...they want all their money up front or its no treatment.


BTW...if this " loan shark" is giving out such loans he must have some security...no?...Yes -- for the account with the 800K they keep the account ATM card, account passbook, and possibly any 'fee' upfront ... or maybe they just never thought of that... they may even keep the Passport itself.


BTW...if this " loan shark" is giving out such loans he must have some security...no?...Yes -- for the account with the 800K they keep the account ATM card, account passbook, and possibly any 'fee' upfront ... or maybe they just never thought of that... they may even keep the Passport itself.

they can not keep the passport and the account book because these documents are needed to get the visa.


In Britain there are no cashiers to meet and greet, nobody checks a persons eligibility for treatment before treating.

Actually there are, my cousin worked in this job in a UK hospital.

You have never met these people because they only appear when someone who sounds or looks foreign asks for treatment.

She said it was a horrid job, and she felt like a racist doing it.


they can not keep the passport and the account book because these documents are needed to get the visa... So maybe after holding the Passbook and passport for 3 months one of their goons accompanies the retiree to the IMM office ...

At any rate, why don't you and LP tell them yourselves what they can and cannot do: Somchai /AT/ Mafia.co.th

... and what would make you so sure that there is not a 'preferred' officer at the bank who is entirely aware of the set-up?


It's not her fault for 'taking' his money, it's his fault for giving it to her.. I get so tired of these idiot falungs giving their money to a bar girl and then saying she 'took' it. If you give money to someone like that and she doesn't keep 'her end of the bargain' whatever stupid agreement you had with her between the language barrier.. then that's money you gave away, don't give what you can not afford to lose when a medical emergency comes up because your old.

People that have enough money to buy an expensive plane come out here and drink every night and to go on 'visa runs' every 3 months should not expect any free medical care, especially since these people are old, irresponsible because they are doing the for-mentioned things in the first place, and will die soon anyways shortly after when another part of their anatomy fails.. better for the hospital to spend it's resources on younger thai people who have a life threatening illness and cannot afford to pay. . . lets keep in mind evey hospital is going to have at least some people that are going to be turned down for lack of funds and then expire.

Also (while i'm on my soap box. If the Thai wife has nicked his money find the wife and make her pay. It's her fault for taking all his money in the first place. And as for the parasitic foreign-thais in the UK claiming free health care on the NHS........well don't get me started

Note: I use the term parasitic as it is implied in the context of the OP that the foreigners here are in some way bleeeding the hospitals and taking resources away from Thai people, so what is good for one is good for all. It is not a personal view of Thai people or foriegners in the UK.



Can't be bothered to read all through this, it's full of crap and maybe someone has already commented as same !!! What I do not understand is !!! They could only of been able to stay here in Thailand in first place with 1 yr extensions to stay so where or why isn't that money used to fly em back. ?????

Isn't there a 65k a month income based retirement visa?

If so let's see, major operation, in hospital a month......cost 1m baht (Cheaper if you use Naams' gardener) income for said month 65k

shortfall 935k?

Which part do you not understand?......the gardener?

The gardener can buy the ticket for a flight home out of 65,000 to England and keep the change, so my shortfall was not including or thinking about other countries.:lol:


Quite. Here on Phuket you have a choice between 'The Mill' aka Bangkok Hospital, and The Slaughterhouse' (Thai named) the Wachira, who still charge farang several times more than Thai nationals.

By the way, there are several Thai insurance companies who do not discriminate between the locals and farang and are much cheaper.

It's only the stupid farang who will 'only deal with BUPA'.

ok so can you please tell us who these companies are then so we do not fall int the BUPA trap


Some thoughts for you to keep in mind.

In Thailand if you are drowning no one is going to throw you a life line.

My wife and children and close relatives certainly would

For the older guys, many young Thai women want to screw you. Not for your bodies but for your cash. Yes, they are lying when they call you a sexy guy or they are not concerned about age only that you are kind and generous.. As far as they`re concerned, kind and generous equals stupid.

I have experience of both types of Thai women, my wife is not in the habit of telling lies but then she does not call me a sexy guy.......I guess every body just knows this :D

Treat your money the same as your life blood, because without it you`re dead and ready to be thrown away with the trash.

My wife handles our money better than I would

If not sure of anything or have lack of experience, seek advice from those who have been here longer, know the ropes and listen to some of the old hands here on Thai visa.

There appear to be too many old hands that have been burned

Be wary at all times and don`t become a fool guy.

If you have not learnt this is the case everywhere in the world, perhaps you need to travel a bit further

Now, would I lie to you?

Don't have to lie to misrepresent

+1 :clap2:

Thais are generally very compassionate and charitable which is a lot more than I can say for my fellow compatriots.

+2 :thumbsup:

+3 :thumbsup:



:thumbsup: at last someone who can tell it the way it is and always will be


Yes, they are lying when they call you a sexy guy or they are not concerned about age only that you are kind and generous.. As far as they`re concerned, kind and generous equals stupid.

You can look at it that way ... On the other hand one could say the old farang is getting the benefit of some knock-out's prime-of-her-life TG pulchritude for pennies on the dollar compared to the 'trophy wives' back home ... and for whatever reason you tire of her, you can then dump her and go find a another 24 year old... there's a new crop every year.

Personally, I would say the desired outcome is somewhere in-between.


In Britain there are no cashiers to meet and greet, nobody checks a persons eligibility for treatment before treating.

Actually there are, my cousin worked in this job in a UK hospital.

You have never met these people because they only appear when someone who sounds or looks foreign asks for treatment.

She said it was a horrid job, and she felt like a racist doing it.

I know there are such people but when a ambulance turns up they are not asking for payment first, nobody in the UK is refused emergency treatment, unless things have changed in the last few years the hospital administrators normally only chase up days afterword's by this time many patients have gone home.


It's only the stupid farang who will 'only deal with BUPA'.

And pray tell...why are Farang stupid if they deal with BUPA ?

I certainly would not by choice.

I have been enrolled in BUPA for 20 years as a company scheme, had to pay tax on the companies contribution with no option to opt out, had a work colleague a few years ago who needed treatment after seeing him they told him to go away and see his doctor because he had cancer, and the BUPA cover would not cover the treatment, unfortunately it was too far gone and he died within 6 months.

Another reason for not choosing BUPA is that when you have been on a company scheme and you retire they start to load the premiums and after a few years you can not afford the cover.


Can't be bothered to read all through this, it's full of crap and maybe someone has already commented as same !!! What I do not understand is !!! They could only of been able to stay here in Thailand in first place with 1 yr extensions to stay so where or why isn't that money used to fly em back. ?????

Isn't there a 65k a month income based retirement visa?

If so let's see, major operation, in hospital a month......cost 1m baht (Cheaper if you use Naams' gardener) income for said month 65k

shortfall 935k?

Which part do you not understand?......the gardener?

The gardener can buy the ticket for a flight home out of 65,000 to England and keep the change, so my shortfall was not including or thinking about other countries.:lol:

Great idea........


from the BUPA Thailand website:

We are the leading health insurance specialist in Thailand with over 80% share of the specialist health insurance market.

So even though they can pull the wool over the eyes of the Kingdom, they sure as hell can't fool those in ThaiVisa-land... and the Premium sheet that I have has the same premium levels in both English language and Thai.


Some bad mathematics here. THe hospitals recive less than 3000 baht a year for each thai person on their books to provide all inpatient and out patient services and drgs. The foreigners who have got to the stage of not being able to pay their medical bill has probably contributed to the hospital several hundred thousand baht or more. This means they have helped the Thai patients recieve treatment they would not otherwise have done...or in Thailand more to the point have allowed the hospitals drug suppliers and medical practitioners the opportunity to earn much more money than they would have with Thais alone.


Some bad mathematics here. ? If you go back to the article referenced in post #1 there is no indication that the problem stems from farang patients who become indigent AFTER paying the first 200,000 baht or so of their bill ... It's that they have run out of money before even being admitted to the hospital and cannot pay anything... and that the hospital cannot collect from families in home country, embassies, etc.


Maybe the government could set up a state run insurance scheme for foreigners. If it was cost effective and properly run, I am sure it would be popular and the profits could be used for te more 'genuine' needy cases.

The other alternative is for Vachira Hospital to do the same thing as it;s sister hospital in Patong. RIP OFF ALL THE FOREIGNERS!

Why should the Thai government have to set up insurance for adult foreign men who are too irresponsibly unable to take care of themselves?


Maybe the government could set up a state run insurance scheme for foreigners. If it was cost effective and properly run, I am sure it would be popular and the profits could be used for te more 'genuine' needy cases.

The other alternative is for Vachira Hospital to do the same thing as it;s sister hospital in Patong. RIP OFF ALL THE FOREIGNERS!

Why should the Thai government have to set up insurance for adult foreign men who are too irresponsibly unable to take care of themselves?

Why then should insurance companies cut of cover for elderly responsible men and not allow men who wish to be responsible to get coverage?

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