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Leaders bullish on cable and satellite TV growth

By Sirivish Toomgum

The Nation

Published on January 21, 2011

Thailand 's cable and satellite TV business leaders are convinced the sector will continue to post impressive growth for many years and say satellite dishes will soon be seen on almost all households.

Can the experts here at Thai Visa shed some light on how anyone can be positive in an environment where only one provider is allowed to offer their services to the public ?

I am so tired of seeing these fluff pieces about the so called rules to be enacted by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), the 2008 Broadcasting Act, etc. that rate up there with the vapor ware that is 3G in this country

What good is it going to do to make new rules if the current monopoly holder will just file a lawsuit to block any competition, like CAT did for 3G




Unless and


the local citizen

will stand up and

say.... enough is enough....

not much will change....

So someone plse stir up the

sleepy locals, won't you?


Another example of Thai "democracy." LOLOLOLOL Amusing Thailand. NOT.

And do some wonder how a neighboring communist country can surpass this approach to business etc?

LOS = Land of Scams/Lack of Sanctions


is there enough demand for a rival pay tv company? I would guess a high percentage of customers that already have TrueVision only pay for the basic package so they have a clear signal for the local thai free to air channels? Australia for an example only has one pay tv company "foxtel", but there was briefly a rival company "optus Vision". Demand for pay tv was not high enough and optus vision ended up losing out giving up its license. If a big enough company wants to, im sure they could come into the market but at 300baht for basic package the margin for profit isnt so big...

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