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How Bad Is It For The Expats In Chiang Mai


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illegal workers in my country, UK, get housing and benefits (hard cash) every 2 weeks. Thai's buy property in my country, I can't here etc etc.

impoverished nation? just saw a report that 50% of the nation got satellite TV and even house maids got mobile phone. When's the last time you heard of a Thai starving? impoverished nations. look at India, Pakistan and many African nations. Respect the laws? maybe just following the locals LOL

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The Thing is:


Let the THAI AUTHORITIES handle that and NEVER start taking pictures of me while i try to make some cash to support my THAI WIFE AND DAUGHTER!

There are many reasons why people do what they do and you should start to think a little deeper before you not only fuc_k up a falangs life,but also the life of his THAI family,the people that you care soooooooooomuch about, that he maybe supporting!

People like you made me leave my country and now they start gathering here....THIS IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY!!!

Play police or sheriff or whateva unfullfilled dreams you have in your country and let us just enjoy a little bit freedom in a country that has for sure much bigger problems than a falang that brings a few tourists to a temple or a cooking class!


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The Thing is:


Let the THAI AUTHORITIES handle that and NEVER start taking pictures of me while i try to make some cash to support my THAI WIFE AND DAUGHTER!

There are many reasons why people do what they do and you should start to think a little deeper before you not only fuc_k up a falangs life,but also the life of his THAI family,the people that you care soooooooooomuch about, that he maybe supporting!

People like you made me leave my country and now they start gathering here....THIS IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY!!!

Play police or sheriff or whateva unfullfilled dreams you have in your country and let us just enjoy a little bit freedom in a country that has for sure much bigger problems than a falang that brings a few tourists to a temple or a cooking class!


You make a good point.

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The Thing is:


Let the THAI AUTHORITIES handle that and NEVER start taking pictures of me while i try to make some cash to support my THAI WIFE AND DAUGHTER!

There are many reasons why people do what they do and you should start to think a little deeper before you not only fuc_k up a falangs life,but also the life of his THAI family,the people that you care soooooooooomuch about, that he maybe supporting!

People like you made me leave my country and now they start gathering here....THIS IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY!!!

Play police or sheriff or whateva unfullfilled dreams you have in your country and let us just enjoy a little bit freedom in a country that has for sure much bigger problems than a falang that brings a few tourists to a temple or a cooking class!


newbie001's juvenile rantings got my back up, but your post hit the nail on the head. This guy is running around taking photos and handing to authorities???? He is messing with people lives and as you say, could be his wife and kids lives also. newbie001 YOU REALLY NEED TO THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS..... OTHERS PEOPLE"S LIVES ARE NOT A GAME

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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

Wow, what a good citizen......and thanks for guiding us regarding what we should do too.

Yeah let's all buy cameras and hunt down these scum, report them or drag them to the police if necessary, get them kicked out screaming....yeah let's do it, cos we want to be the honest clean living guys, with good consciences.

You`re just a big softy.

I say; lock them up in a Thai jail. Torture them until they`re eyes bulge, then execute the bastards.

Yeah and after we execute them we will kill them!! huh.gif

Who cares if they might be struggling a bit or trying to get money for their Thai wife and kids....we're superior beings and want blood!

Edited by uptheos
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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

You must be a nice guy, with a lot of friends. Is there any reason why you left your own country ? Many new friends and a social life in Thailand ?

And what i like to know, was the police happy with your action to nail these criminals ?

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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

You must be a nice guy, with a lot of friends. Is there any reason why you left your own country ? Many new friends and a social life in Thailand ?

And what i like to know, was the police happy with your action to nail these criminals ?

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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

So if you were successful and they did get deported but nikotin888 possibility that these falangs were just trying to provide for their Thai wife and kids and they are now gone, what are your comments then?

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The Thing is:


Let the THAI AUTHORITIES handle that and NEVER start taking pictures of me while i try to make some cash to support my THAI WIFE AND DAUGHTER!

There are many reasons why people do what they do and you should start to think a little deeper before you not only fuc_k up a falangs life,but also the life of his THAI family,the people that you care soooooooooomuch about, that he maybe supporting!

People like you made me leave my country and now they start gathering here....THIS IS NOT YOUR COUNTRY!!!

Play police or sheriff or whateva unfullfilled dreams you have in your country and let us just enjoy a little bit freedom in a country that has for sure much bigger problems than a falang that brings a few tourists to a temple or a cooking class!


newbie001's juvenile rantings got my back up, but your post hit the nail on the head. This guy is running around taking photos and handing to authorities???? He is messing with people lives and as you say, could be his wife and kids lives also. newbie001 YOU REALLY NEED TO THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS..... OTHERS PEOPLE"S LIVES ARE NOT A GAME

I agree 100%. This guy must have a black out ! Full of frustrations. If he loves this country and the people so much let he think about the Thai families these "poor" Falangs (who probably spent all their good money already in Thailand ) try to support.

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People who abide by the law and are outraged when others create situations that will make it harder for other foreigners here are the reason you left your country?

I just don't understand why you or anyone would condone illegal workers. In my time in Thailand, Immigration and the labor department have made much tougher regulations and have had an increase of investigations on many businesses because they want to stop these low life touts poaching lower income bracket jobs from the Locals.

What is wrong with wanting middle class economic members contributing to society?

If a foreigner is breaking the law in Thailand while trying to support a family, he is an idiot and deserves any bad luck that happens. There are enough legal opportunities for people in this country. I pity any woman that marries such a loser in the first place.

Why would I report to the police? They are not the proper authorities. They would just pull a sting operation and fleece the guy for some pocket money.

Honest businesses that conduct themselves accordingly are a wonderful asset to any community, but some touts who barely speak the language guiding others around is pretty lame.

Anyone who thinks that 500 a day is a lot of money for someone giving a private tour are the one's that don't know this country. That is still less than 15,000 baht a month unless they worked every day which they probably don't.

FYI, the average income in Thailand is 15K baht a month. More than 30% of the local residents in CM province make more than 30K a month as of last years tax records reported.

Anything under 15K is still considered poor in this country. You don't pay taxes on salary under 13K a month.

Sorry if I have no pity for expats who live on a poor wage when there are opportunities for them in their country. This country will only prosper when it increases its middle class and bridges the gap.

Touts stealing these jobs is not helping.

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People who abide by the law and are outraged when others create situations that will make it harder for other foreigners here are the reason you left your country?

I just don't understand why you or anyone would condone illegal workers. In my time in Thailand, Immigration and the labor department have made much tougher regulations and have had an increase of investigations on many businesses because they want to stop these low life touts poaching lower income bracket jobs from the Locals.

What is wrong with wanting middle class economic members contributing to society?

If a foreigner is breaking the law in Thailand while trying to support a family, he is an idiot and deserves any bad luck that happens. There are enough legal opportunities for people in this country. I pity any woman that marries such a loser in the first place.

Why would I report to the police? They are not the proper authorities. They would just pull a sting operation and fleece the guy for some pocket money.

Honest businesses that conduct themselves accordingly are a wonderful asset to any community, but some touts who barely speak the language guiding others around is pretty lame.

Anyone who thinks that 500 a day is a lot of money for someone giving a private tour are the one's that don't know this country. That is still less than 15,000 baht a month unless they worked every day which they probably don't.

FYI, the average income in Thailand is 15K baht a month. More than 30% of the local residents in CM province make more than 30K a month as of last years tax records reported.

Anything under 15K is still considered poor in this country. You don't pay taxes on salary under 13K a month.

Sorry if I have no pity for expats who live on a poor wage when there are opportunities for them in their country. This country will only prosper when it increases its middle class and bridges the gap.

Touts stealing these jobs is not helping.

the average income in Thailand is 6-8K baht a month. And a grass is a grass.

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Mc G - Do you know that Jerry Falwell claimed in 1999 that Tinky Winky, one of the Teletubbies, was a homosexual role model for children? Falwell based this conclusion on the character's purple colour and his triangular antenna; both the colour purple and the triangle are sometimes used as symbols of the Gay Pride movement.

Jerry Falwell, now there's one nasty piece of work....bah.gif

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Been here only a year and they made you the town sherrif already ? Good for you."

So anyone who lived in Thailand became a TV member the same day?

How stupid logic is that?

I have been a permanent resident for more than 5 years. I have lived here for more than 14years total and 9 years straight without leaving.

I also think that it is pretty lame for any foreigner here to take jobs and money from Thais that are on the low pay scale. It is not like they are competing with middle class. They are taking money from the ones that need the money.

I don't personally care how good or knowledgeable an expat is, they just shouldn't do jobs that they are not allowed to.

It reminds me of illegal immigrants in USA, probably the same people that think it is ok for them to do it here are the ones that hate Mexicans from doing it in the US or the equivalent group in their home country

Well you are not alone. I do feel that taking there pictures and reporting them to the police was a bit strong. How ever we know that nothing will come of it.

You know that there is a lot of fine folks from other countries calling Thailand home. But there is a certain element that comes here with no intention trying to be a part of Thailand. And that is OK they have there villages and communities and cause no trouble for the Thai neighbors. As well they contribute to the economy. Fine Folks. Then you come to the rest they have no intention of trying to fit in. Drinking whoring and in general being a drag on the society is there specialty. They can not be bothered to learn to teach English and it would not pay enough any how so they do what ever comes to hand and as back home they were not qualified to do any thing They are left with -----. Generally these people are not really wanted where they come from. Thailand on the other hand excepts them. Not the smartest thing for them to do but that is the way Thai's are. And they can always come on Thai Visa and get support from most of the members.

Maybe you have only been a member of TV for a year but that is long enough to make a judgment on the type of posters here. And as you have noticed there is only one other who did not defend what the tour guides were doing.

I suspect it comes from there low opinion of Thai's. If a Thai did it it is wrong if a foreigner does it it is obviously rite.

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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

So if you were successful and they did get deported but nikotin888 possibility that these falangs were just trying to provide for their Thai wife and kids and they are now gone, what are your comments then?

If I follow your line of reasoning you are saying it is OK for any foreigner to come to Thailand marry a Thai and have kids.

When the only thing he has going for him is the ability to talk and a map.

You sound like one idiot I know who had not one good word to say about Thai's when I asked him why he didn't go back to where he came from He said he had kids here.

Now how do you stay long enough to get a wife and kids under those adverse conditions.

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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

So if you were successful and they did get deported but nikotin888 possibility that these falangs were just trying to provide for their Thai wife and kids and they are now gone, what are your comments then?

If I follow your line of reasoning you are saying it is OK for any foreigner to come to Thailand marry a Thai and have kids.

When the only thing he has going for him is the ability to talk and a map.

You sound like one idiot I know who had not one good word to say about Thai's when I asked him why he didn't go back to where he came from He said he had kids here.

Now how do you stay long enough to get a wife and kids under those adverse conditions.

where you get "it is OK for any foreigner to come to Thailand marry a Thai and have kids" from my post is beyond me. Any farang trying to get a another deported without knowing all the facts is out of order and is a grass in any society. And grasses should be cut. And posters like you make me realize why I got away from TV for obviously not long enough. I'm off out for a drink now so I'll read your drivel tommorrow, cheers

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I did what any law abiding citizen should do. I took their photos and submitted to the authorities. I hope that they get deported.

yeah-i remember reading that some farangs are SO hard up that they rat on others just like newbie and get a nice kickback from the bib.

no shit,

how much is the cut ?

how many do you need to get trough the month?


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People who abide by the law and are outraged when others create situations that will make it harder for other foreigners here are the reason you left your country?

I just don't understand why you or anyone would condone illegal workers. In my time in Thailand, Immigration and the labor department have made much tougher regulations and have had an increase of investigations on many businesses because they want to stop these low life touts poaching lower income bracket jobs from the Locals.

What is wrong with wanting middle class economic members contributing to society?

If a foreigner is breaking the law in Thailand while trying to support a family, he is an idiot and deserves any bad luck that happens. There are enough legal opportunities for people in this country. I pity any woman that marries such a loser in the first place.

Why would I report to the police? They are not the proper authorities. They would just pull a sting operation and fleece the guy for some pocket money.

Honest businesses that conduct themselves accordingly are a wonderful asset to any community, but some touts who barely speak the language guiding others around is pretty lame.

Anyone who thinks that 500 a day is a lot of money for someone giving a private tour are the one's that don't know this country. That is still less than 15,000 baht a month unless they worked every day which they probably don't.

FYI, the average income in Thailand is 15K baht a month. More than 30% of the local residents in CM province make more than 30K a month as of last years tax records reported.

Anything under 15K is still considered poor in this country. You don't pay taxes on salary under 13K a month.

Sorry if I have no pity for expats who live on a poor wage when there are opportunities for them in their country. This country will only prosper when it increases its middle class and bridges the gap.

Touts stealing these jobs is not helping.

I'm a keen fisherman myself, and like you i love to cast the rod out in the TV pond from time to time. If you have the right topic on the end of the hook, then there is always loads of fry with their little opinions to be caught. Sad really isn't it. People will believe anything that they read. Always fun to read how so many people get worked up about it. I loved the reply ' my husband told a young person in Pai that you need a work permit for for giving out leaflets'. I mean come on! If you saw a farang giving out leaflets in Pai, and you felt the need to approach them and tell them of their rights and wrongs of working, you must either be sad, boring or a massive pretentious <deleted>.

Glad you joined the club.

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Anyone who thinks that 500 a day is a lot of money for someone giving a private tour are the one's that don't know this country. That is still less than 15,000 baht a month unless they worked every day which they probably don't.

FYI, the average income in Thailand is 15K baht a month. More than 30% of the local residents in CM province make more than 30K a month as of last years tax records reported.

LOL who ever said that private tour guides get 500 Baht per day? Oh wait, you did. You really don't have a clue do you? Last time I lined someone up for visiting friends (Thai and farang), the minimum was 1700 Baht per day + expenses (gas, food and a room).

And whoever told you that the average monthly income in Northern Thailand is 15-30K? You are also way off on that. They get more like 8.5-13K per month on average; sadly many get less. Even teachers with Masters Degrees teaching at schools in Chiang Dao, etc. only get 8500 Baht per month.

Didn't your Mother ever teach you to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS?

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Troll for sure. I suppose the next thing he will do is report his neighbors for cutting their grass.

To be sure I understood the expression, I looked up grassing in the OED and some other dictionaries. I understand that in the British Isles or Oz that grassing is a bad thing. In the United States, we call it "not wanting to become involved," I think. There, all classes can refuse to be witnesses or prevent injustices or crimes - or prosecute them by admitting that they don't want to be involved.

The idea that "not telling the law," is good practice, however, is espoused by the lower and criminal classes. And I repeat my wonderment that the majority of us seem to favor the plight of westerners (seems everyone working in gray regions of the economy here are married with families to support) over the unemployment of Thais. This is pure prejudice. I am no troll, and national laws are their laws to determine. ( I have admitted that my disassociation with enforcement is for my own peace of mind, as opposed to considerations of right and wrong.)

If OP resents the harm done to Thais, who am I to say OP is wrong, even if he took the action claimed? And anyway, if I advise him to mind his own business (and when confronting illegality or injustice, this is dubious advice), I'm not minding mine!

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