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Militants In Thailand's South 'Seeking Foreign Attention'

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Militants 'seeking foreign attention'

By The Nation


The recent attack on an army outpost in Narathiwat's Rangae district was part of the Malay-Muslim insurgents' strategy to attract international attention with the hope that they could pressure the government into making a peace agreement, intelligence officials said yesterday.

The attack, which killed four soldiers and wounded seven others, came about as lawmakers were urging the government to take the 56-nation Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) up on its offer to help mediate an agreement.

Since late last year, the OIC has been organising meetings with representatives from separatist groups to help come up with a strategy to resolve the conflict.

However, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya has said that mediation from outside is not needed, as the conflict in the South is a domestic matter.

According to a report shown to The Nation, intelligence officials believe the insurgents will step up attacks against police and military installations - so-called "legitimate targets". Attacks that affect local residents could slowly disappear, as the insurgents' strategy is to win people over to their side, the report said. Also, picking on "legitimate targets" would improve their profile and standing in the international community.

In Bangkok, the Armed Forces' supreme commander, General Songkitti Jaggabatara, dismissed suggestions that the Rangae attack was an insider job. He said Task Force 38 had a good working relation with the locals and the camp was open to all. But since the attack took place, the camp has been declared off limits.

Another government source said the camp was also used as a detention centre for suspected insurgents. He said two of the four makeshift buildings that were torched were used as interrogation centres where torture tactics may have been used.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Fourth Army Area's Internal Security Operation Command (Isoc) Advance Unit, Colonel Banpot Poonpien, said only 20 military weapons were stolen, not 60 as reported earlier.

He also dismissed reports that the soldiers had been drinking, saying the troops had been having dinner at the time of attack. But it was not clear why security around the perimeter of the camp appeared to have been relaxed.

Thailand's representative of Human Rights Watch (HRW), Sunai Phasuk, said the attack should be seen as "a wake-up call for Thai authorities - showing that their headway in counterinsurgency over the past three years is only tactical and temporary".

Sunai said recent attacks were well planned, well coordinated and aimed more at security bases.

"This new strategy is driven by a more radical and hardened group of insurgents - who seem to have no interest in dialogues," he said.

The government's failure to address local grievances, combined with ongoing heavy-handed tactics, human-rights abuses, mistreatment of Muslims and blatant impunity, gives rise to militants' recruitment and allows them to enjoy local support, Sunai said.


Meanwhile, friends and family yesterday fondly remembered Captain Krit Khampirayan, commander of the unit, who was killed in the attack.

His mother Sumonmas, 64, tearfully said Krit, who was affectionately known as "Commander Boy", was a very loving son to her and his ailing father, a retired lieutenant-general. She said the last time they saw him was on January 8 during his monthly visit.

The mother said she often prayed for her son's safety after learning that he was posted in the South. "Boy told me that since he came from a family of soldiers, he did not fear dying while on duty. He didn't tell me anything about clashes involving his unit, but always called after the incidents took place."

Nattha Ponsombatinan, 44, one of the captain's four sisters, recounted: "Boy was always the beloved brother of his four sisters."

She said the family was shocked by his untimely departure. "If Boy were here now, I would tell him not to worry about our parents. We will take care of them for him, so his spirit can rest in heaven."

Krit's girlfriend Nuanrawi Chanlun, 28, said they had been seeing each other for two years and were planning to have a family together.

"We wanted to be a good example for our children," she said tearfully.

Colonel Supot Sawakapan, a friend and former classmate from the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, said: "Boy was always good-humoured and I had never seen him get angry with anyone."

In a separate development, a roadside bomb in Pattani's Khok Pho district yesterday injured two police officers. Also, in Pattani's Muang district, a Muslim paramilitary ranger was fatally shot in the back as he was leaving the mosque.


-- The Nation 2011-01-22



"Another government source said the camp was also used as a detention centre for suspected insurgents. He said two of the four makeshift buildings that were torched were used as interrogation centres where torture tactics may have been used."

I suspect this Govt source should be urged to either <deleted> or requested to provide the evidence that Thai forces are torturing suspects.



"Another government source said the camp was also used as a detention centre for suspected insurgents. He said two of the four makeshift buildings that were torched were used as interrogation centres where torture tactics may have been used."

I suspect this Govt source should be urged to either <deleted> or requested to provide the evidence that Thai forces are torturing suspects.


Nattha Ponsombatinan, 44, one of the captain's four sisters, recounted: "Boy was always the beloved brother of his four sisters."

She said the family was shocked by his untimely departure. "If Boy were here now, I would tell him not to worry about our parents. We will take care of them for him, so his spirit can rest in heaven."

Krit's girlfriend Nuanrawi Chanlun, 28, said they had been seeing each other for two years and were planning to have a family together.

"We wanted to be a good example for our children," she said tearfully.

Guess some of us will also have an untimely departure......:jap:


".................. intelligence officials believe the insurgents will step up attacks against police and military installations - so-called "legitimate targets"."

Well won't that make a nice change from Buddhist monks, school teachers, geriatric farm workers and all the other true-heroes' targets. :annoyed:


"The recent attack on an army outpost in Narathiwat's Rangae district was part of the Malay-Muslim insurgents' strategy to attract international attention"

They have probably succeeded in this part....


"The recent attack on an army outpost in Narathiwat's Rangae district was part of the Malay-Muslim insurgents' strategy to attract international attention"

They have probably succeeded in this part....

It is big news on the foreign networks.

The government's failure to address local grievances, combined with ongoing heavy-handed tactics, human-rights abuses, mistreatment of Muslims and blatant impunity, gives rise to militants' recruitment and allows them to enjoy local support, Sunai said.

Just typical dhimmi speak. Islamic militants fight for jihad regardless of whatever else is going on. If Jews abandoned Israel and NATO left Iraq and Afghanistan, they would still be after the kafirs, who they are commanded to slay wherever they find them.

Three Things about Islam:



Nothing wrong with seeking attention.

Just do it in Antarctic.

Why do Muslims feel so insecure they have to get attention. Maybe they should look into Paganism. It makes a lot more sense than they do.



"Another government source said the camp was also used as a detention centre for suspected insurgents. He said two of the four makeshift buildings that were torched were used as interrogation centres where torture tactics may have been used."

I suspect this Govt source should be urged to either <deleted> or requested to provide the evidence that Thai forces are torturing suspects.


So.... what do you think?

That the Thai arm forces are above and beyond using counterintelligent tactics to gather intel info....?

Did you watch the Thai govt televised meeting about 2 weeks ago, where the Thai defense minister was asking for proof from Thai news lady that the land where the 7 were kidnapped by the Camb soldiers did indeed belong to Thailand....?

Are you by any chance using the similar tactics here.... asking for judicial evidence.... if, when or how.... the Thai forces used torturing tactics on their suspects....?

Initially,when the defense minister was confronted with about 20 Warranty Deeds presented by local farmers in the kidnapping of the 7, his comrades flatly denounced the legality of those farmers' warranty deeds.... but then what could these knuckled heads do, when their very boss, PM Apisit, declared that those warranty deeds were legit....

Apisit was calling an urgent meeting on Saturday night. We'll see what comes off it....?

As for your question, perhaps, you ought to get out more often and get in touch with the grass roots who have been seeing, experiencing and dancing to a different tune and from perhaps a different drummer as well....;)


Nothing wrong with seeking attention.

Just do it in Antarctic.

Why do Muslims feel so insecure they have to get attention. Maybe they should look into Paganism. It makes a lot more sense than they do.

It is not that Muslims feel so insecure....

It is much rather that certain injustices against them, their brothers and sisters, occurred either intentionally or by virtue of ignorance by the then PM Tuxsin govt policies and the applications of those policies causing unnecessary death among Muslim brothers some 10 years ago without even an apology....

Perhaps, if several of our own family members were shamed and executed unjustifiably.... then we could fathom the feeling of the deep south....

No, it is not the matter of insecurity at all as you can see....

They want the same things that everyone of us desires....

For Tuxsin to refer to them on public tele, as a small band of thug.... was really not a formulae for peace....

Well serious damages have been inflicted and both sides suffered immensely, though differently....

Come to think of it.... won't it be a great idea to have some soldiers doing the same things at the currently hotly disputed borderline territorial....

but then it is alot easier to bully someone or some group who are mostly peaceful in nature.... isn't it?

Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute.

I was hoping the current govt would be a lot friendlier and more soliciting and accommodating toward the deep south....

We'll see during the balance of the current govt term, if more innovative ideas would emerge and be implemented for the deep south with friendlier attitudes and implementations.... :jap:


Nothing wrong with seeking attention.

Just do it in Antarctic.

Why do Muslims feel so insecure they have to get attention. Maybe they should look into Paganism. It makes a lot more sense than they do.

It is not that Muslims feel so insecure....

It is much rather that certain injustices against them, their brothers and sisters, occurred either intentionally or by virtue of ignorance by the then PM Tuxsin govt policies and the applications of those policies causing unnecessary death among Muslim brothers some 10 years ago without even an apology....

Perhaps, if several of our own family members were shamed and executed unjustifiably.... then we could fathom the feeling of the deep south....

No, it is not the matter of insecurity at all as you can see....

They want the same things that everyone of us desires....

For Tuxsin to refer to them on public tele, as a small band of thug.... was really not a formulae for peace....

Well serious damages have been inflicted and both sides suffered immensely, though differently....

Come to think of it.... won't it be a great idea to have some soldiers doing the same things at the currently hotly disputed borderline territorial....

but then it is alot easier to bully someone or some group who are mostly peaceful in nature.... isn't it?

Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute.

I was hoping the current govt would be a lot friendlier and more soliciting and accommodating toward the deep south....

We'll see during the balance of the current govt term, if more innovative ideas would emerge and be implemented for the deep south with friendlier attitudes and implementations.... :jap:

are you sure they are not insecure. Try to go against any one of there principals and see how secure they are in there belief. They can not allow any divergent attitude. Look at who they are killing a lot of there own people who do not agree with them. Muslim answer death.

That aside what they are doing in the deep south is a religious issue. Drop all Thai laws and use Shara laws(sorry about the spelling) teach only the Koran in school and the problems will end. Remember this is a issue that arises in any country with a substantial Muslim population. Thaxin is just a excuse. He is no longer in Power much less in the country and his policies have ended.


Nothing wrong with seeking attention.

Just do it in Antarctic.

Why do Muslims feel so insecure they have to get attention. Maybe they should look into Paganism. It makes a lot more sense than they do.

It is not that Muslims feel so insecure....

It is much rather that certain injustices against them, their brothers and sisters, occurred either intentionally or by virtue of ignorance by the then PM Tuxsin govt policies and the applications of those policies causing unnecessary death among Muslim brothers some 10 years ago without even an apology....

Perhaps, if several of our own family members were shamed and executed unjustifiably.... then we could fathom the feeling of the deep south....

No, it is not the matter of insecurity at all as you can see....

They want the same things that everyone of us desires....

For Tuxsin to refer to them on public tele, as a small band of thug.... was really not a formulae for peace....

Well serious damages have been inflicted and both sides suffered immensely, though differently....

Come to think of it.... won't it be a great idea to have some soldiers doing the same things at the currently hotly disputed borderline territorial....

but then it is alot easier to bully someone or some group who are mostly peaceful in nature.... isn't it?

Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute.

I was hoping the current govt would be a lot friendlier and more soliciting and accommodating toward the deep south....

We'll see during the balance of the current govt term, if more innovative ideas would emerge and be implemented for the deep south with friendlier attitudes and implementations.... :jap:

"but then it is alot easier to bully someone or some group who are mostly peaceful in nature......" "For Tuxsin to refer to them on public tele, as a small band of thug..."

Make up your mind sport; are they a small group of thugs or a large group of thugs? "mostly peaceful in nature" would describe the people of Germany in 1936, the majority of whom let a small group of thugs take them down a path of intense pain and suffering for millions. Want a repeat?

Muslims demand tolerance for thugs committing acts of barbarism in their name, yet are the least tolerant group that I know of, and their logic seems to belong in the dark ages. Explain to me how that woman in Iran can be given 10 yrs in pokey for her part in the murder of her husband, and then be sentenced to be stoned (very modern execution method, practically painless unless you get a cramp in your throwing arm) for a stray shag.

You could also explain if Thaksin's actions were a root cause, why was this already happening?

When they start burning mosques (a la churches in Indonesia) and shutting their poor excuses for schools, they might really have a human rights complaint. Tell someone who cares.

You could also try finishing a thought..........................:D


Nothing wrong with seeking attention.

Just do it in Antarctic.

Why do Muslims feel so insecure they have to get attention. Maybe they should look into Paganism. It makes a lot more sense than they do.

It is not that Muslims feel so insecure....

It is much rather that certain injustices against them, their brothers and sisters, occurred either intentionally or by virtue of ignorance by the then PM Tuxsin govt policies and the applications of those policies causing unnecessary death among Muslim brothers some 10 years ago without even an apology....

Perhaps, if several of our own family members were shamed and executed unjustifiably.... then we could fathom the feeling of the deep south....

No, it is not the matter of insecurity at all as you can see....

They want the same things that everyone of us desires....

For Tuxsin to refer to them on public tele, as a small band of thug.... was really not a formulae for peace....

Well serious damages have been inflicted and both sides suffered immensely, though differently....

Come to think of it.... won't it be a great idea to have some soldiers doing the same things at the currently hotly disputed borderline territorial....

but then it is alot easier to bully someone or some group who are mostly peaceful in nature.... isn't it?

Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute.

I was hoping the current govt would be a lot friendlier and more soliciting and accommodating toward the deep south....

We'll see during the balance of the current govt term, if more innovative ideas would emerge and be implemented for the deep south with friendlier attitudes and implementations.... :jap:

"Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute."

What do you condone if the other party wants to use violence to settle a dispute?


Nothing wrong with seeking attention.

Just do it in Antarctic.

Why do Muslims feel so insecure they have to get attention. Maybe they should look into Paganism. It makes a lot more sense than they do.

It is not that Muslims feel so insecure....

It is much rather that certain injustices against them, their brothers and sisters, occurred either intentionally or by virtue of ignorance by the then PM Tuxsin govt policies and the applications of those policies causing unnecessary death among Muslim brothers some 10 years ago without even an apology....

Perhaps, if several of our own family members were shamed and executed unjustifiably.... then we could fathom the feeling of the deep south....

No, it is not the matter of insecurity at all as you can see....

They want the same things that everyone of us desires....

For Tuxsin to refer to them on public tele, as a small band of thug.... was really not a formulae for peace....

Well serious damages have been inflicted and both sides suffered immensely, though differently....

Come to think of it.... won't it be a great idea to have some soldiers doing the same things at the currently hotly disputed borderline territorial....

but then it is alot easier to bully someone or some group who are mostly peaceful in nature.... isn't it?

Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute.

I was hoping the current govt would be a lot friendlier and more soliciting and accommodating toward the deep south....

We'll see during the balance of the current govt term, if more innovative ideas would emerge and be implemented for the deep south with friendlier attitudes and implementations.... :jap:

"Just for your info, I do not condone violence as a means to achieve settlement to a dispute."

What do you condone if the other party wants to use violence to settle a dispute?

On a personal level, when a person or group is intended to use violent means, I would of course try to avoid such confrontation at all cost, at first.

Walk away and take the shame, disgrace and disgust along with me.... like any peaceful person would normally do....

And count it as a blessing that, that was that...., no harm is done except a little losing face and damaged ego....

If my peaceful and non-provocative approach is not fruitful and means nothing to the other person(s), I would then have to assess my immediate options.

Do I need to be there physically to continue the situation? Do I have a choice to remove myself from the impending violent intended environment?

If I have a choice, I would hang my head and walk away sheepishly....

However, if my peaceful retreat is not appreciated nor is it an option....

Then, I'll immediately reassess my options:

Do I 'neutralize' ?

Do I 'subdue' ? Or

Do I 'engage' w/o causing permanent damage?

As we all know so well.... violence will only beget more violence....

I do not have a ready made formulae to deter nor curb violence or extreme violence....

But I do know that tolerance of others' differences in opinion, ideology, life-style, religion and appearance.... could help immensely to promote good will and non-violent.... even in the deep south....

Yes, many of our relatives still live and operate their various biz in YaLar, PurtTaNee and NarRaTeWart areas.... to this day....

And they all do participate in community affairs and contribute regularly to local charities for the homeless, senior citizen, abused centers and flood victims etc....

And may I hasten to add, this is just my humble one man experience.... :jap:

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