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I believe he's had it a couple of months. There are other MaxNet threads out there in which he reports his speed from this site:

Streamguys Speed Test

His results have always been dramatically better than any of the rest of us who got suckered into signing up for MaxNet4Home.

The subject speed test server is in the US. If you use a Thai-based speed test you get results that are about equal to what you're paying for.

International results are quite variable, but usually suck.

My own opinion is that they made a mistake and are giving him a higher level of international bandwidth.

My own results are almost always awful. I have used the above site too many times ("license expired") but I just tested with another US-based site:


And got the following wonderful result:

57.1 kilobits per second

Thai based server:

Bandwidth Meter

Your current bandwidth reading is: 310.10kbps

I'm off to the States for a month, but when I return I intend to persuade Ms. Buadhai that we definitely need to switch.

Edit: See what I mean? My service is so slow that two posts were added to this thread while I waited for mine to get up there.

And, yes, with the home version all P2P ports are blocked.

Edited by buadhai
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This site has two speed test options (look to the right of the linked page), one within Thailand and one to the U.S. (with a choice of servers). My intra-Thailand speed test results closely match the advertised speed, and are relatively consistent albeit over just a few days. The results of speed tests back to the U.S. show, again relatively consistently, ~ 200 kilo-bits per second DOWN, and ~ 150 UP. I have CSLoxInfo 1024/512 on a TOT fixed line.
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Now I'm 100% sure Kid is pulling our leg :o

First, you cannot get 503 kbps downloads through a 512kbps connection.

There is overhead, inherrent to the IP/TCP protocol, where at least 5% of the data travelling up and down is used for data verification/error control and to hold the source and destination ip adresses of the packets and the response from the receiving end wether the packet has arrived or not,etc ...

In the best case this leaves you with 490 kbps available for actual download speed, but very unlikely in Thailand!

The only way you might get the full 512kbps is when receiving streaming media, where no error control is happening (this also doesn't use the IP/TCP protocol)

Second As some of our members have noticed, the test website Kid posted results of on the 31st of August, isn't working since 28 August.

This test is placed on the website from Streamguys( a provider of streaming media), who have to pay for this service to the speedtest software provider Myspeed

Obviously Streamguys license expired and hence the test stopped working on the 20th...

So where the h*ell Kid got his nice results from on the 31st?????

For those liking this test, it is still available from


Edited by monty
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Ok kid,

i have also maxnet 512/256 790 baht a month unlimited and it is shit but better than dialup.

If you tell us today you check the speed with http://myspeed.streamguys.com/myspeed/ than you a liar,

because this site is over 72 hours down (show you  only the Licence Expired message).


As I posted that was my latest speed test read my post where did I say when it was taken ? Duh....

As for the site being down now maybe but this site was up yesterday and that's when the test was taken Don't be a hater

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If you really are getting what you say, you ought to rephrase the way you post!!!

Something like Strangely enough Maxnet4home is working very good for me

The way you post you might motivate some unknowing soul into signing up for this package, and while the chance exists he might get lucky like you are, this chance is very slim!!!

As proven by quite a lot of people on this board (well everybody apart from you using Maxnet) the service sucks.

Its not a good idea convincing somebody to sign up for a service where he has maybe 1 chance out of 30 it'll work out OK....

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If you really are getting what you say, you ought to rephrase the way you post!!!

Something like Strangely enough Maxnet4home is working very good for me

The way you post you might motivate some unknowing soul into signing up for this package, and while the chance exists he might get lucky like you are, this chance is very slim!!!

As proven by quite a lot of people on this board (well everybody apart from you using Maxnet) the service sucks.

Its not a good idea convincing somebody to sign up for a service where he has maybe 1 chance out of 30 it'll work out OK....


I agree this is the exception not the rule so it seems but I think you will agree that the membership here are adults and if they have read the threads on Maxnet they can make there own choice. There is no where in any of my posts regarding Maxnet that I have told people to run out and get the service right ? please take a look you will see that is true. And to be very honest if I had discovered the threads about Maxnet here before I got the service I WOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN IT so I have to tell you that I am glad I did not read those threads as The speed tests posted are what I am getting I am very happy I think what it all comes down to Monty is that it is good for me and that's what I care about. Thanks for reading


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Yes, I too signed up for Maxnet 512/256 790 baht / month service two months ago. Initially good but not as advertised. After two weeks complained that KBPS was usually below 50 and only once in a while above 100 KBPS. Service improved for a week or so before returning to low bit rates as before. Only time that the service is acceptable is pre-dawn - guess most people are still in their beds.

The office said the service would improve quote "quite soon" unquote. That was six weeks ago and it only seems to get worse. In short, the Maxnet service speeds suck, but I am at a loss to know what else I can use up here in the sticks of Surin.


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For those liking this test, it is still available from


I tried this speedtest, and the results were in the same range as I was getting from sites in the U.S. (at speakeasy):

download speed: 217 kbps

upload speed: 96.8 kbps

QOS 62%

Round trip time: 12850 ms

Max. pause: 671 ms

I have a 1024/512 CSLoxInfo ADSL connection on a TOT fixed line.

By the way, CSLoxInfo turned on my ADSL line four days early, and my modem was quite easy to configure. It took six calendar days from initial request/application to service being turned on. I was very impressed.

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What do you pay for your Loxinfo?

I'm still on Maxnet, but upgraded to MAxnet4life @ 2500/month (512/256)

My results:

download speed: 417 kbps

upload speed: 213 kbps

QOS 72%

Round trip time: 926 ms

Max. pause:486 ms

So even though it's at a premium price, at least I get what they advertise...

It does slow down during peak times, but never under 300kbps...

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My point is, even with better known ISP's you'll still have to get the more expensive packages to get closer to advertised speeds...

Hey, they all have to buy their product (international bandwidth) from the same provider (CAT) at the same price...

So apart from small differences in profit margin, or certain promotions, comparable speeds will cost comparable prices :o regardless of ISP...

BTW, my speakeasy results:


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Went along to TT&T and signed up for the 256/128 with Maxnet as I thought anything would be better than dial up, little did I know :D Their service was excellent, and I installed the modem when I returned home. Just wait for the red light to come on they said, and you'll be on line. It should take about three days. Well it was on in two! Great stuff, now to do some speedy downloading :o Before eight in the morning it's pretty good, but after that, forget it, not much up on dial up. However the upload speeds are extremely good.

Time: 0:00:03, Efficiency: 11.92 KBytes/s (12202 bytes/s) this was from uploading the pics below. I have no complaints with the upload, perhaps I was expecting too much with a budget package. I did call the manager and asked why it was so slow. He replied that they just didn't have the bandwidth allocation at this time, but it should improve. Did I hear that somewhere before? :D

Anyway for what it's worth below are some speed results...




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I believe he's had it a couple of months. There are other MaxNet threads out there in which he reports his speed from this site:

Streamguys Speed Test

His results have always been dramatically better than any of the rest of us who got suckered into signing up for MaxNet4Home.

The subject speed test server is in the US. If you use a Thai-based speed test you get results that are about equal to what you're paying for.

International results are quite variable, but usually suck.

My own opinion is that they made a mistake and are giving him a higher level of international bandwidth.

My own results are almost always awful. I have used the above site too many times ("license expired") but I just tested with another US-based site:


And got the following wonderful result:

57.1 kilobits per second

Thai based server:

Bandwidth Meter

Your current bandwidth reading is: 310.10kbps

I'm off to the States for a month, but when I return I intend to persuade Ms. Buadhai that we definitely need to switch.

Edit: See what I mean? My service is so slow that two posts were added to this thread while I waited for mine to get up there.

And, yes, with the home version all P2P ports are blocked.

:o Is there any way to unblock the P2P ports on Maxnet4Home 256/128 connection? I haven't connected yet, using dial-up but need a regular service out in the wilderness where I'm camped.

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Apart from breaking into Maxnet's place where the servers are housed, and changing their settings, no :o

Sometimes you're lucky with P2P clients using ports normally not used, or used for something different... They can't block everything!!

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Monty Posted

First, you cannot get 503 kbps downloads through a 512kbps connection.
Then the next post he posted

If you really are getting what you say, you ought to rephrase the way you post!!!

Something like Strangely enough Maxnet4home is working very good for me

Well is that interesting first I can not get the speed so I must be a liar Right ? but wait then why the second post ?

I can understand guys getting pissed off at not getting the speed there paying for but don't hate the player hate his speed Pumpkin. :o

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Monty Posted

First, you cannot get 503 kbps downloads through a 512kbps connection.

Then the next post he posted


If you really are getting what you say, you ought to rephrase the way you post!!!

Something like Strangely enough Maxnet4home is working very good for me

Well is that interesting first I can not get the speed so I must be a liar Right ? but wait then why the second post ?

I can understand guys getting pissed off at not getting the speed there paying for but don't hate the player hate his speed Pumpkin. :D

Streamguys license expired and hence the test stopped working on the 20th...

So where the h*ell Kid got his nice results from on the 31st?????

I was sure I took the speed test on the 30th or 31st as you disbelivers can see here is the email sent to me by the people that run the speedstream site.

From: Jonathan Speaker

Date: 09/02/05 23:37:27

To: [email protected]

Subject: [NPX-34818]: speedtest site

speedtest site

Hello xxxxx,

it expired yesterday and is on our list of things "to do" today or over the weekend.


Jonathan Speaker


[email protected]


1.707.516.0009 fax

If you want to call some one a liar you should get your facts down first no :o:D

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I am back in the U.S.A. for a few days, and am using residential cable modem service...I ran the intra-Thailand speed test ( at www.adslthailand.com ) and got a download speed of 297 kbps. I ran a local test (to speakeasy) and got 2.525 mbps down and 670 kbps up. (I think they advertise this service as 3 mbps?) If it helps, accessing Thai websites from here is just as slow as accessing U.S. websites from Thailand. :o

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Kid, I never called you a liar outright :o , it was some other poster....

In my first post I just pointed out that one cannot get 503kbps actual speed on a 512kbps connection. This is just a technical impossibility!

An unmodified volkswagen beetle tops out at maybe 95mph, so anybody claiming his beetle goes 150mph will be met with a certain amount of scepticism :D

In my opinion the only way you can achieve these results is because of some mistake at Maxnet's side, probably wrong settings in their QOS system. Mainly because you are simply the only one I know who is happy with it!

In my second post I just pointed out that if you indeed are getting these speeds, you might mention that you are the absolute only one out there getting that marvelous performance out of a Maxnet4home connection.

It's of course your right to report you experiences but I'm a bit worried that people reading your post might rush out and subscribe. They will be seriously dissapointed!

I do agree people should do a bit more research like you point out, but the previous thread about the bad Maxnet performance is already pretty deep away, and not obvious to find non regular users of this forum...

And yes, i'm a bit envious since I pay more then triple of what you pay, and my connection is still not as perfect as yours! But I do not hate you for it...

I do hope your speed stays the same for a long time :D

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Kid, I never called you a liar outright  :o , it was some other poster....

In my first post I just pointed out that one cannot get 503kbps actual speed on a 512kbps connection. This is just a technical impossibility!

An unmodified volkswagen beetle tops out at maybe 95mph, so anybody claiming his beetle goes 150mph will be met with a certain amount of scepticism  :D

In my opinion the only way you can achieve these results is because of some mistake at Maxnet's side, probably wrong settings in their QOS system. Mainly because you are simply the only one I know who is happy with it!

In my second post I just pointed out that if you indeed are getting these speeds, you might mention that you are the absolute only one out there getting that marvelous performance out of a Maxnet4home connection.

It's of course your right to report you experiences but I'm a bit worried that people reading your post might rush out and subscribe. They will be seriously dissapointed!

I do agree people should do a bit more research like you point out, but the previous thread about the bad Maxnet performance is already pretty deep away, and not obvious to find non regular users of this forum...

And yes, i'm a bit envious since I pay more then triple of what you pay, and my connection is still not as perfect as yours! But I do not hate you for it...

I do hope your speed stays the same for a long time :D

Thanks Monty I guess I over reacted :D

I think another poster mentioned that they were most likely giving me the better service by mistake. When I go pay my bill I will ask them......... NOT :D:D

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  • 1 month later...

Resurrecting an old thread....

I was in the States for the month of September and when I returned I noticed a marked improvment in my MaxNet4Home throughput. A month later it remains good. The Speakeasy speed test results using the Los Angeles server:

Download Speed: 401 kbps (50.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 155 kbps (19.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

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Well, I was so pissed off over the MaxNet4Home package, I went into the Carrefour office in Pattaya and upgraded to the 256/128 Kbps MaxNet4Life package. It costs 1,450 baht per month + VAT.

Results (from the same website and LA server) are as follows:

Download Speed: 26 kbps (3.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 75 kbps (9.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

It's not my hardware... I've got an Intel Centrino laptop and a D-Link DSL-500T router capable of 8Mbps downloads.

Now who is ripping who off? :o

I'm really ready to spit the dummy big time... :D

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