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Ask For Advice On Marriage In Uk And Thai Visa

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Hi, Fisrt of all may I apologise if my queries is too long and have been answer before as I am new to this forum.

My situations are as follow. I came to England as a student 1999 which later in the same year I have received a Thai government scholarship in the demand of Minister of Foreign Affairs. I am still doing my dissertation and looking forward to finish it within March 2004.

Since 2001, I have a British citizen boyfriend and now we are getting serious about our relationship and may plan to get married. So, here come my dilemma, I love to go back to Thailand; my beloved country and work for Minister of Foreign Affairs as this is also my dream job. (and it was in the contract) Also my husband-to-be will be able to leave his life in England and start again in Thailand. However, I have no idea how can he get Visa and work permit and what can he do. Hence my questions arise and would like to ask you for the best advice.

1. After I have finish my duty here i.e. studying, and it is the time that I have to go back to work in Thailand,

- How can my boyfriend acquire a visa to stay with me in Thailand?

- Do we have to marry in UK first to get Thai Visa or do we have to make some arrangement in Thailand?

- Will he have a permanent stay in Thailand?

- Will he be able to acquired work permit?

- Is there any financial requirement as he is self-employed and we do not exactly have much money in the account?

2. If we choose to marry here before go back to Thailand and do so at UK register office, do we need to inform Thai Consular and if so, how? Does it has limited period to inform the consular (for instant, within 30 days of UK marital statement, etc.)

3. This may not related to this forum but just in case anybody here work at Minitry of Foreign Affairs. As I mentioned earlier, I am a government scholarship student in the demand of Ministry of Foreign Affair and I do love to go back to Thailand to work at Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Is it possible for me to work and to serve our Thai community in UK as I am going to marry an English citizen and I get used to the way of life in England. Do you know who can I contact. I am thinking about writing letter to the Ambassador but I think it will waste his time. I know that this is to much to ask for and has little chance but it will make life easier for my husband-to-be as he can carry on with his job rather that give up everything and have no idea how to deal in Thailand.

Thank you very much in advance.

Looking forward to receive some good advice.



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1. Does he have degree (minimum), teaching degree or special skills that might be used in Thailand? If not there is very little chance for him to earn enough to feel he is supporting. If he is content to be the minor earner that is another story. Am not trying to make a judgment here but many men will not adapt well if unable to provide major support.

2. If you marry he can obtain a muti entry type non immigrant visa each year that only requires he exit Thailand every 90 days (cross border). Copy of marriage certificate and you (to prove really together) at any Royal Thai Consulate should be enough to obtain visa. If marriage in Thailand he must first obtain paperwork from his Embassy (divorce papers required) and have translated/registered with MFA prior to going with you to district office to register. Then he could go to Penang to obtain multi entry visa.

3. He must find work first that allows for a foreigner to obtain a work permit. Then he can apply for the permit. Marriage is not a basis for a permit to work.

4. Believe to be self employed he would have to own a company and that would indeed involve a bit of money; but others can answer you better on this.

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Thank you khun LOPBURI3 and DR PAT PONG for a sensible and very useful advice.

Does it have a specific period to have that kind of Money in Thai Bank account (for instance, 3 months before he applied for thai visa) or it doesn't matter how long.

Answer to the first post's comment; no he did not after Thai green card. That's typical pointless comment as it does not answer my queries. He has got the same comment from typical english who told him that I am after his UK passport to have permanent UK visa. I found this forum always give sensible answer unlike somewhere else that always turn to be insulted the original poster. I respect all your opinion here since I have ask for some advice. And I wish you to respect mine too.

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Tk, have you tried contacting the Thai foreign ministry from the UK? I wouldn't bother with the Ambassador either as he isn't in charge of hiring decisions. Try emailing (altho I don't know if they actually answer their emails) or phoning to see if it's possible to start work in Thailand and then be posted to the UK. Am not sure how the Thai system works but I do know in the US preference is given to people with fluency and familiarity with the culture when postings are made.

As for marriage, try contacting the Thai embassy in the UK, they will definitely know about getting married, my feeling however, is that you can get married in the UK and it is binding in Thailand. Good luck to you!

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Thank you so much SBK. Your advice is actually very assuring. I was thinking about contact the ministry before; I mean the department that deals with hiring and posting but I always got discouragement but I will pluck up my courage and email them next week, hopefully they will answer my email otherwise I have to think of the other methods. I used to send email to Thai embassy in UK 8 months ago about somethingelse (asking to do some internship) but never received any single reply (at least just say no or refer me to somebody else), I think may be they prefered phone. :o

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your future husband can apply for a visa any time but needs the bank deposit in a Thai bank only when he asks for an extension of the visa inside Thailand!

foreigner finding a job in Thailand:

this is like trying to find a needle in a haystack unless he has 'outstanding' qualifications or contacts to an international company. A language teaching degree may open some doors.

self employment:

is possible, but it can be costly because you have to set up a company here and is only possible in fields open to foreigners. For example a self employed plumber, electrician etc. in the UK will not be allowed to set up shop here in Thailand in these fields.

working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

after graduation under your current scholarship you will have to work for some time (3-5 years) in Thailand and "climb up the ladder of promotion" before you will be able to ask for a posting abroad.

NOTE: this info is from my Thai sister- and brother-in-law who work for the government, but not for the MFA. It appears to be a basic rule, that anybody on a government scholarship has to prove their worth for some time before asking for promotion/special postings.

Please contact the MFA directly for the exact rules!

regards and good luck


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Does it have a specific period to have that kind of Money in Thai Bank account (for instance, 3 months before he applied for thai visa) or it doesn't matter how long.

Nope...only if and when he applies for a one year extension of his O visa in Thailand.

As you are going to work for MFA why not seek out a young Thai lady in the Thai Embassy London and try to get some general advice. Someone of first or second secretary rank will have some guidance for you.

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