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Owning A Condo On It'S Own Land

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Foreigners can notown land, but can own a condo. Foreigners can ownabout half a condo building.

I have seen some ‘townhouse’ developments that advertise thata foreigner can own them out right under the same laws as a condo building is registeredas. Each of these townhouses are in anestate with a common pool, little roads, but they are not built up verticallylike a block of condo’s, they are all on their own land. Does anyone know if this is true.

Also, does this meanthat my wife can buy some land, then we build two “condo’s”, and I could ownone of them?

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Foreigners can notown land, but can own a condo. Foreigners can ownabout half a condo building.

I have seen some ‘townhouse’ developments that advertise thata foreigner can own them out right under the same laws as a condo building is registeredas. Each of these townhouses are in anestate with a common pool, little roads, but they are not built up verticallylike a block of condo’s, they are all on their own land. Does anyone know if this is true.

Also, does this meanthat my wife can buy some land, then we build two “condo’s”, and I could ownone of them?

Just because someone want's to call something a condominium does not make it a condominium under the Condominium Act, so those adverts you are seeing are pure BS. And no, you cannot build buildings on your land and have them qualify as "condos" for you to own

I would suggest that you peruse this thread:

The Condominium Act And Definition Of A Condominium In Thailand

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beg to differ but there are several developments where 'horizontal' condo's have been built and sold under the condo act. no doubt some 'negotiating power' was required for approval.

from my understanding , subject to certain conditions this is possible, but the development must meet the condo requirements other definitions. For example yuo cant build a house and split it into 2 condos on your own land.

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Nothing wrong with "horizontal" condominiums. There are a few out there. As long as it has common areas and enough units it can be registered as a condominium. I think the purpose of the law was to only allow the vertical style but they forget to put that in the law. :)

Anyone wanting to build one be prepared to fight an uphill battle with lots of tea.

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Thank you,

Anyone know how expensive it is to register 10 small apartments, room with bathroom and little kitchen, built as a horizontal condo as a condo that can be sold separately ? Compared to just registered as 1 building for 1 owner?

I didn't reread that condo stuff but if I'm not mistaken you have to have a minimum 40 units and they need to be a minimum size.

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Thank you,

Anyone know how expensive it is to register 10 small apartments, room with bathroom and little kitchen, built as a horizontal condo as a condo that can be sold separately ? Compared to just registered as 1 building for 1 owner?

I didn't reread that condo stuff but if I'm not mistaken you have to have a minimum 40 units and they need to be a minimum size.

yes i believe thats correct, perhaps subject to a little 'negotiation' but basically thats it.

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