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Strange Farang Phenomenon


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I get what you are saying and I occasionally feel the same way -- but on the other hand, just because I'm of the same ethnicity as someone doesn't mean I necessarily want to know them any more than I do soeone from another ethnic group; I obviously don't greet every Thai I see so why should I automatically get a greeting from a falang?

Having said that, it does seem sometimes -- especially if you are somewhere where there aren't a lot of Falangs around -- that a friendly nod or whatever would seem appropriate...

Some of the time I'm sure it is that odd phenomenon of expats getting all snobbish about how long they have been here compared to the other guy (it cracks me up when I run into that -- so often its some guy who's been here for a year or less trying to act superior to me based on that -- and I've been here since he was still a teenager)...

Yep, I had that from some pond-life photographer who seemed to think that because 'he' was working without a WP from his apartment anyone else was a 'tourist' :D

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I do find it strange when Westerners use the term 'farang' like its a race, country or religion. Sure the Thais use it but most 'upcountry' locals with the greatest respect are not the highest educated or most worldly people in the world. They will generalize over a billion people from over 60 countries on 4 continents with hundreds of languages and cultures with a single word because they dont know any better. But you lot should know better than that. And as for the original poster, just because someone isn't Thai they should give you some sort of supermarket recognition? For what? You don't even know what continent they are from yet expect them to go out of their way to say hello to you. That's bizarre. Really bizarre.

Edited by Kananga
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I do find it strange when Westerners use the term 'farang' like its a race, country or religion. Sure the Thais use it but most 'upcountry' locals with the greatest respect are not the highest educated or most worldly people in the world. They will generalize over a billion people from over 60 countries on 4 continents with hundreds of languages and cultures with a single word because they dont know any better. But you lot should know better than that. And as for the original poster, just because someone isn't Thai they should give you some sort of supermarket recognition? For what? You don't even know what continent they are from yet expect them to go out of their way to say hello to you. That's bizarre. Really bizarre.

Kananga, did you bother to read his posts before leaping to the keyboard, ''expect them to go out of their way to say hello to you''.

The whole point being, in situations where it is easier to say hello than not to, some people will look here there and everywhere rather than straight ahead, in order to avoid eye contact and a simple hello or nod of the head.

And the word farang? Depends on the context really, in my social circle we would say for example ''is it a farang bar or a thai bar?'', ''was the builder a farang or a thai?''. Easier than saying ''one from over 60 countries on 4 continents with hundreds of languages and cultures''.

I could go on but .... And Pattaya Parent I forget exactly what you said but you also chose to deliberately miss the point. Disappointing from someone with your knowledge and experience.:(

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I do find it strange when Westerners use the term 'farang' like its a race, country or religion. Sure the Thais use it but most 'upcountry' locals with the greatest respect are not the highest educated or most worldly people in the world. They will generalize over a billion people from over 60 countries on 4 continents with hundreds of languages and cultures with a single word because they dont know any better. But you lot should know better than that. And as for the original poster, just because someone isn't Thai they should give you some sort of supermarket recognition? For what? You don't even know what continent they are from yet expect them to go out of their way to say hello to you. That's bizarre. Really bizarre.

Kananga, did you bother to read his posts before leaping to the keyboard, ''expect them to go out of their way to say hello to you''.

The whole point being, in situations where it is easier to say hello than not to, some people will look here there and everywhere rather than straight ahead, in order to avoid eye contact and a simple hello or nod of the head.

And the word farang? Depends on the context really, in my social circle we would say for example ''is it a farang bar or a thai bar?'', ''was the builder a farang or a thai?''. Easier than saying ''one from over 60 countries on 4 continents with hundreds of languages and cultures''.

I could go on but .... And Pattaya Parent I forget exactly what you said but you also chose to deliberately miss the point. Disappointing from someone with your knowledge and experience.:(

It just so happens that I like 'leaping' to the keyboard. Keeps me trim. Nothing worse than a fat farang. Why is shopping in a supermarket a situation where it is easier to say hello than not? Mind your own business, leave people alone. Tesco Rotus isn't a speed dating location. Carry the 3 kilos of hom malee and the 4 gallons of cooking oil for tee rak, take a few minutes to stare into the window of the gold shop on the way out, stick it in the fortuna and get back to the porch.

And just for the record, when would a question arise when you would ask ''was the builder a farang or a thai?'' and what possible useful information could you get out of a reply?

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Kananga you're at it again, please read posts before replying. Was a supermarket mentioned? Or some moneygrubbing female and her disgusting groceries? No sir no mention at all, you are determined to stray from the point at issue.

I do most certainly mind my own business and leave people alone. I have no desire at all to make the acquaintance of some fat, jowly, shuffling loser with the dress sense of a bag of shit, which usually describes the appearance of these social inadequates. A nod of the head and a curt hello is quite sufficient.

Farang or Thai? Well quite obviously it's code for a) were you cheated and B) is the place likely to collapse around us?

Now be about your business cully and leave me in peace.


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To Rott and JK, (singled out because you are the most recent positive posters), thanks for more great comments. I am still amazed at the cynicism that just pops out from some of these guys. They have said that their perceived ideas about what I was witnessing and the reason I decided to start the topic up again was that I am exhibiting "bizarre behavior". I find their mindless and deliberately taunting posts to be bizarre.Like I have said NUMEROUS times now in multiple posts, I do not wish to strike up a conversation at all whenever I see another westerner. Let me reiterate another way. When I see a western person on the street, in a store, or anywhere else, I do notice them almost immediately as I see light clored skin and sandy blonde hair a handful of times a month. It is an uncommon occurence. As such, I do look to see if they are looking back and ready a nod or smile of some other small form of acknowledgment and do not even contemplate having any conversation at all with any of them any more than I would with the cashier or security guard at the door of the Tesco store. (Incidentally, the Thai guard and Thai cashier always gives me a bow and sawasdee krap.) That having been said, I have no problem talking to, nodding to, smiling at, or talking to ANYONE. What exactly can be the harm? I'm a reasonably intelligent adult with the capability of shutting down a conversation if it turns south for some reason. The possiblity of a conversation going badly is still no reason to not talk in the first place. Your paranoias are sad. I'm actually amazed at the ongoing retouching of this topic by those who intitially complained about opening this topic again as though they were really bored of it or loathing of it. In the end, they are addicted to it and like a moth drawn to the flame, they just can't stay away and keep bumping their thickly calcified skulls against their computer monitors, eagerly typing their next negativistic quips. So on top of everything else, you guys are hypocrites as YOU are the ones who really need the western contact yourselves. Why else would you be on this western forum every day making comments galore to other westerners. (And of course they won't even see the irony in that either. LOL)

Those of you who "get" what I am saying, all your posts were great. If you're ever passing through Maesot, give a holler. I'll make sure you get that friendly acknowledgment we've been discussing.

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Kananga you're at it again, please read posts before replying. Was a supermarket mentioned? Or some moneygrubbing female and her disgusting groceries? No sir no mention at all, you are determined to stray from the point at issue.

I do most certainly mind my own business and leave people alone. I have no desire at all to make the acquaintance of some fat, jowly, shuffling loser with the dress sense of a bag of shit, which usually describes the appearance of these social inadequates. A nod of the head and a curt hello is quite sufficient.

Farang or Thai? Well quite obviously it's code for a) were you cheated and B) is the place likely to collapse around us?

Now be about your business cully and leave me in peace.


Was a supermarket mentioned?

Yes a supermarket was mentioned. Learn to read if you are going to attempt to be a smart arse.

A nod of the head and a curt hello is quite sufficient.

For what purpose exactly? Odd behaviour.

Farang or Thai? Well quite obviously it's code for a) were you cheated and B) is the place likely to collapse around us?

And you need to ask those types of questions in code? Thats really odd behaviour too.

Now be about your business cully and leave me in peace.

Leave you in peace? I was replying to a post you directed at me. Aggressive, blind and Alzheimer's to boot. You really are odd. A CIA code talker with tendencies to do freemasonesque winks and nods in Issan supermarkets who initiates conversations and then asks to be left in peace. They don't call it the Nutty North East for nothing!

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To Rott and JK, (singled out because you are the most recent positive posters), thanks for more great comments. I am still amazed at the cynicism that just pops out from some of these guys. They have said that their perceived ideas about what I was witnessing and the reason I decided to start the topic up again was that I am exhibiting "bizarre behavior". I find their mindless and deliberately taunting posts to be bizarre.Like I have said NUMEROUS times now in multiple posts, I do not wish to strike up a conversation at all whenever I see another westerner. Let me reiterate another way. When I see a western person on the street, in a store, or anywhere else, I do notice them almost immediately as I see light clored skin and sandy blonde hair a handful of times a month. It is an uncommon occurence. As such, I do look to see if they are looking back and ready a nod or smile of some other small form of acknowledgment and do not even contemplate having any conversation at all with any of them any more than I would with the cashier or security guard at the door of the Tesco store. (Incidentally, the Thai guard and Thai cashier always gives me a bow and sawasdee krap.) That having been said, I have no problem talking to, nodding to, smiling at, or talking to ANYONE. What exactly can be the harm? I'm a reasonably intelligent adult with the capability of shutting down a conversation if it turns south for some reason. The possiblity of a conversation going badly is still no reason to not talk in the first place. Your paranoias are sad. I'm actually amazed at the ongoing retouching of this topic by those who intitially complained about opening this topic again as though they were really bored of it or loathing of it. In the end, they are addicted to it and like a moth drawn to the flame, they just can't stay away and keep bumping their thickly calcified skulls against their computer monitors, eagerly typing their next negativistic quips. So on top of everything else, you guys are hypocrites as YOU are the ones who really need the western contact yourselves. Why else would you be on this western forum every day making comments galore to other westerners. (And of course they won't even see the irony in that either. LOL)

Those of you who "get" what I am saying, all your posts were great. If you're ever passing through Maesot, give a holler. I'll make sure you get that friendly acknowledgment we've been discussing.

(Incidentally, the Thai guard and Thai cashier always gives me a bow and sawasdee krap.)

Thats in their job description. They do that to everyone.

Your paranoias are sad. I'm actually amazed at the ongoing retouching of this topic by those who intitially complained about opening this topic again as though they were really bored of it or loathing of it. In the end, they are addicted to it and like a moth drawn to the flame, they just can't stay away and keep bumping their thickly calcified skulls against their computer monitors, eagerly typing their next negativistic quips.

As opposed to this positive quip? LOL!

Those of you who "get" what I am saying, all your posts were great.

So you dont want honest opinions, you just want 'western' strangers on a website to agree with you? If I nodded at someone with blonde hair in a supermarket and he ignored me I wouldn't care less, let alone write about it to strangers on the internet 8 hours later and get upset when people find that weird and overdramatic. Think about that for a minute.

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There is no mention of a supermarket in post 214, and I've never been to a supermarket in Issan, though I did once have a very, very nice labscause in the Norwegian bar in Surin. And the night before that, some excellent Thai food in Mukhdahan.

And I am not being aggressive, similarly you can not appreciate post-ironic humour. :o

Also, where are you getting the ''smartarsed'' bit from? The :D at the end was indicative of good-humoured banter. You'd better f...ing watch yourself if I see you in the supermarket!!!!

Anyway, must dash.

Pip Pip

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There is no mention of a supermarket in post 214, and I've never been to a supermarket in Issan, though I did once have a very, very nice labscause in the Norwegian bar in Surin. And the night before that, some excellent Thai food in Mukhdahan.

And I am not being aggressive, similarly you can not appreciate post-ironic humour. :o

Anyway, must dash.

Pip Pip

Correction, I don't appreciate poor/non existent post-ironic humour. Please work at it or leave me in peace.

Nod nod, wink wink.

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I love all this neo-colonial attitude towards judging people as to how they are dressed/look.

Some of you should really hear yourselves.

It's laughable...or do you all don the top hat and tails for a spin around Lotus with Teerak?

My guess is that most of you who bleat on about other people's appearances wear the awful, 'ex-pat' uniform of an ugly shirt, an 'I'm at one with the Thais' amulet, khaki shorts and socks and sandals yet think you're Sean Connery.

Such prejudices show an utter lack of social skills. You should be deeply worried.

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I love all this neo-colonial attitude towards judging people as to how they are dressed/look.

Some of you should really hear yourselves.

It's laughable...or do you all don the top hat and tails for a spin around Lotus with Teerak?

My guess is that most of you who bleat on about other people's appearances wear the awful, 'ex-pat' uniform of an ugly shirt, an 'I'm at one with the Thais' amulet, khaki shorts and socks and sandals yet think you're Sean Connery.

Such prejudices show an utter lack of social skills. You should be deeply worried.

The amulet, gotta love the amulet. Any amulet wearers here? New age Buddists! LOL!

Perhaps there could be a specific amulet for 'farang' in need of that nod and a wink at the weekly shop? A sort of singles amulet/pink carnation for 'farang' who need complete strangers to nod at them in the supermarket.

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Judging by the replies to this thread there must be a lot of very strange barangs in thailand.

In australia people still acknowledge strangers in the street with a gday mate or a nod of the head.

In cambodia we,barangs and khmers often say sua sdey just as we would in australia.

In thailand people whether they be thai or barang often say sawatdee.

Its called common courtesy,isnt it?

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Judging by the replies to this thread there must be a lot of very strange barangs in thailand.

In australia people still acknowledge strangers in the street with a gday mate or a nod of the head.

In cambodia we,barangs and khmers often say sua sdey just as we would in australia.

In thailand people whether they be thai or barang often say sawatdee.

Its called common courtesy,isnt it?

Very well said.

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Judging by the replies to this thread there must be a lot of very strange barangs in thailand.

In australia people still acknowledge strangers in the street with a gday mate or a nod of the head.

In cambodia we,barangs and khmers often say sua sdey just as we would in australia.

In thailand people whether they be thai or barang often say sawatdee.

Its called common courtesy,isnt it?

I recently travelled to the US with an Australian colleague, a big guy who every where we went was greeting people with a big smile and a loud "G'day mate". People were surprised but usually appreciated it

Australian are great people.

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I am finding this a very interesting thread.

I am not aware that I notice the nationanality/skin colour of people as I go about my business. Maybe I'm too preoccupied/self-obsessed...

When I am out shopping, I don't think, There's a Thai, There's a whitey, There's a black person, or decide who I acknowledge from such a superficial viewpoint. (I"m not sure where black people fit in within the Thai system of racial labelling. Are they considered farangs?)

So if I pass you by on the street, or are close to you in a shop, and don't acknowledge you, please don't take it personally. I just haven't noticed your skin colour.

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I am finding this a very interesting thread.

I am not aware that I notice the nationanality/skin colour of people as I go about my business. Maybe I'm too preoccupied/self-obsessed...

When I am out shopping, I don't think, There's a Thai, There's a whitey, There's a black person, or decide who I acknowledge from such a superficial viewpoint.


and what sort of psychological problems do those that do have?

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I am finding this a very interesting thread.

I am not aware that I notice the nationanality/skin colour of people as I go about my business. Maybe I'm too preoccupied/self-obsessed...

When I am out shopping, I don't think, There's a Thai, There's a whitey, There's a black person, or decide who I acknowledge from such a superficial viewpoint.


and what sort of psychological problems do those that do have?

Some people don't walk through life with their heads down or blinded to whats around them......if you do not notice difference in things, people included....then I assume you are just walking blindly through life.

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Pretty sure it depends where you were brought up.

Not good or bad either way, but folks from smaller towns learn to smile and nod as a point of simple respect and acknowledgement of another's presence.

Folks from more populated areas are taught not too acknowledge other people and, generally, that it would be odd and inviting trouble to do so.

My guess is that a large amount of the conflicting opinions come from people raised in different atmospheres.

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I am finding this a very interesting thread.

I am not aware that I notice the nationanality/skin colour of people as I go about my business. Maybe I'm too preoccupied/self-obsessed...

When I am out shopping, I don't think, There's a Thai, There's a whitey, There's a black person, or decide who I acknowledge from such a superficial viewpoint. (I"m not sure where black people fit in within the Thai system of racial labelling. Are they considered farangs?)

So if I pass you by on the street, or are close to you in a shop, and don't acknowledge you, please don't take it personally. I just haven't noticed your skin colour.

In answer to your query, black people would automatically be classed by a Thai as either ''chocolate man'' or ''chocolate lady''.

No doubt you will find this disgusting but Thais do tend to notice gender characteristics as well as racial ones.

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Judging by the replies to this thread there must be a lot of very strange barangs in thailand.

In australia people still acknowledge strangers in the street with a gday mate or a nod of the head.

In cambodia we,barangs and khmers often say sua sdey just as we would in australia.

In thailand people whether they be thai or barang often say sawatdee.

Its called common courtesy,isnt it?

I recently travelled to the US with an Australian colleague, a big guy who every where we went was greeting people with a big smile and a loud "G'day mate". People were surprised but usually appreciated it

Australian are great people.

So you guys are saying we should be friendly to everyone, regardless of skin color. Nothing wrong with that. Of course, that's not what the OP is suggesting.

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After thinking about this since the thread opened. I decided to try being a bit nicer, friendly to people. Understand in the past I was not hostile, I just ignored people.

My main reason for doing this, is I just don't want to talk with some stranger. That and I only like to associate with Americans, and there are not to many Americans where I live.

Over the last few weeks I have made a point to smile and give the head nod to my fellow farangs.

I was surprised that aside from the look of astonishment, everyone seemed pleased.

Only one man, a Brit in Bangkok Bank wanted to strike up a conversation with me. I quickly pretended to get a phone call and it was over.

I am now making it more of a habit to smile and acknowledge everyone.

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