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Strange Farang Phenomenon


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I remember the old Bangkok immigration office once.

Some drunken Brit chappie was trying to talk to me while I was waiting for my number to come up. By the looks of him he was drinking his retirement money and his Thai in Tow didn't look too happy about it.

The thing is though, I didn't know he was talking to me for ages because he had an eye that went in the wrong direction. I just assumed he was a nutter who was talking to himself or maybe talking to another person. He seemed to get quite irate before I caught on he was talking to me, he must have assumed I was deliberately being rude and ignoring him.

I suspect that must happen to him quite a lot.

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After thinking about this since the thread opened. I decided to try being a bit nicer, friendly to people. Understand in the past I was not hostile, I just ignored people.

My main reason for doing this, is I just don't want to talk with some stranger. That and I only like to associate with Americans, and there are not to many Americans where I live.

Over the last few weeks I have made a point to smile and give the head nod to my fellow farangs.

I was surprised that aside from the look of astonishment, everyone seemed pleased.

Only one man, a Brit in Bangkok Bank wanted to strike up a conversation with me. I quickly pretended to get a phone call and it was over.

I am now making it more of a habit to smile and acknowledge everyone.

But what about the bitter disappointment you produce in people when they realise they cannot talk to you ??

I applaud your decision to stick to American chat........less for me to bump into.

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When I came to Hua Hin in 1987 overseas tourists had only just discovered Hua Hin and there were only a few farang living here, and for most farang it was very much a case of either a Nod and Go or a Stop and Chat.

The atmosphere was friendly and there was a genuine camaraderie amongst the farang residents.

Now with the increase in overseas tourists and at least 3000 farang living here there is definitely a less friendly atmosphere and that to me is quite normal and I don't have a problem with it.

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  • 8 months later...


I first came to Bangkok in 1979...been here at least twice a year for 2 week stays since that time.

Now I'm retired full time and living in Bangkok.

In my experience at least half the times someone has tried to scam me while I have been here in Bangkok was some fellow farang I met in a bar in Bangkok.

Real nice fellow, who wanted to buy me a beer, then said, "Listen, maybe you can help me with a problem I have...."

That's why I generally pass friendly farangs by.

Rce, ethnicity, orgin...that has nothing to do with it.

What does have a lot to do with it is the amazing amount of friendly farang scammers hanging around the bars in Bangkok.

I suspect Pattaya or Phuket is worse.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I first came to Bangkok in 1979...been here at least twice a year for 2 week stays since that time.

Now I'm retired full time and living in Bangkok.

In my experience at least half the times someone has tried to scam me while I have been here in Bangkok was some fellow farang I met in a bar in Bangkok.

Real nice fellow, who wanted to buy me a beer, then said, "Listen, maybe you can help me with a problem I have...."

That's why I generally pass friendly farangs by.

Rce, ethnicity, orgin...that has nothing to do with it.

What does have a lot to do with it is the amazing amount of friendly farang scammers hanging around the bars in Bangkok.

I suspect Pattaya or Phuket is worse.


Yes, agreed.

Been there, seen the movie, read the book and have the tee shirt.

But some do seem to go deliberately out of their way to make obvious that they don't like you. Either by body language, pushing passed out in public, letting a door slam in your face in a shopping mall or public building, even giving how I describe as, the look.

Over my many years here in Thailand, I have also experienced this and now makes me wary of even approaching another farang to ask the time.

This is an attitude that no matter how long I've visited and lived in Thailand, I will never understand.

They seem to come in three varieties, the good, the bad and the plain old nasty.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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For me, it depends upon my instant impression of the "falong". If he has a nice haircut, clean clothes, and is sober, I might say hi to him if he looked like he was a friendly type or a family type.

If he is missing a lot of teeth, wearing old clothes, or is drunk, or otherwise looks like a homeless person, I generally ignore them.

Just like I would anywhere in the world (including my home country of the USA).

There are many male "falongs" in Thailand that are either sex tourists, or sex-patriates, neither of which I would want to become BFF (best friends forever).

Although some of these 'falongs' might be pretty good people deep inside, it is hard for me to accept people who choose that kind of a lifestyle.

However, to each his own.

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Its the same for Thais, we where in London and we bum-pt into some big money Thais on Holiday they just looked through my wife, You would have thought an Sawadee would have gone down well, but apparently they look down on Thai women who marry farangs.

A farang is not a derogatory name but a name for a foreign person who comes from the west. Just as Ker is a name for people who are from India or the Middle East.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Its the same for Thais, we where in London and we bum-pt into some big money Thais on Holiday they just looked through my wife, You would have thought an Sawadee would have gone down well, but apparently they look down on Thai women who marry farangs.

Where i live which is close to London there are 1000s of Asians and the Thais i know round here cant tell who is from where ie Thailand, Philippines, China etc etc..

A farang is not a derogatory name but a name for a foreign person who comes from the west. Just as Ker is a name for people who are from India or the Middle East.

And even if it were racist, surely a whitey calling another whitey a farang couldnt be racist in the context that we are all from the white race, much as blacks are not pulled up for being racist for using the N word.

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Its the same for Thais, we where in London and we bum-pt into some big money Thais on Holiday they just looked through my wife, You would have thought an Sawadee would have gone down well, but apparently they look down on Thai women who marry farangs.

A farang is not a derogatory name but a name for a foreign person who comes from the west. Just as Ker is a name for people who are from India or the Middle East.


Other Thais positively blanked the girlfriend when we lived in England and in the United States, unless she was accepted as part of their group and in their click.

It is exactly the same here for farangs, whiteys, honkeys, pale faces, master plonkers and those that speak with forked tongues or any other ways people like to describe us.

I don’t care what anyone calls me, as long as it isn’t, Jane, because that was the name of my mother’s cleaning lady that beat me when I was a child and I am planning to create a thread about that incident next week.

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Its the same for Thais, we where in London and we bum-pt into some big money Thais on Holiday they just looked through my wife, You would have thought an Sawadee would have gone down well, but apparently they look down on Thai women who marry farangs.

A farang is not a derogatory name but a name for a foreign person who comes from the west. Just as Ker is a name for people who are from India or the Middle East.

If I understood correctly, "Kaek" is derogatory

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That is just crazy. Why should I be expected to say hello to other farangs just because we might be from the same continent?

It is as if me and my thai GF would spot a philippine person while we are in Sweden, and I would tell my GF: "Oh look honey! It is an asian person!! here!!?? And she looks almost like you!! Why dont you wave or go say hello to that asian girl!?? Oh just do it. Why wont you?? WHY? She is an asian too!!"

Edited by ricku
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That is just crazy. Why should I be expected to say hello to other farangs just because we might be from the same continent?

It is as if me and my thai GF would spot a philippine person while we are in Sweden, and I would tell my GF: "Oh look honey! It is an asian person!! here!!?? And she looks almost like you!! Why dont you wave or go say hello to that asian girl!?? Oh just do it. Why wont you?? WHY? She is an asian too!!"

But there is difference between being elusive and obviously outright rude and obnoxious, such as how I described in my previous posts.

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If you can't raise the effort to say hello to someone that is a reflection on your parents.....If you can't be bothered to reply to said hello then that is also a reflection upon your parents.

So get over yourselves with all the garbage about " Why would I want to talk to say hello to someone just because they are from the same ethnic group / continent ". You are pathetic beyond words for even thinking that never mind taking the time to post it.

I'm with the earlier poster who mentioned sociopaths, some of the replies on this topic are at the severe end of sociopathic, and by the very nature of sociopaths, they don't realize it. Get over yourselves, it's not your Thailand, you don't have exclusive domain over your district, you are doing nothing special, you are nothing special, and you will most likely never achieve anything special.

Once your realize that then maybe you will come out of your fantasy existence that dwells between your ears and become a normal, regular member of the human race, and possibly, who knows, even develop the common courtesy that your mother tried to instil in you.

I've had five stints at living as an ex-pat, and speaking for myself I've come across broadly two groups of ex-pats in my time. The first group are the most relaxed, wonderful, accomplished and sociable people you could ever hope to meet. They are typified by the fact that they know who they are and they are comfortable with it, and this group have greatly enriched my life.

The other group are pathetic needy nonentities, fantasists, and fugitives from their own REAL lives. It doesn't matter where these people go in the world their personalities follow them. I remember reading a post on thaivisa a while ago where the guy described himself as a nobody in very humorous terms, in my mind, if you are comfortable in your own skin, and happy with who you are, then you are not a nobody. We can't all be David Beckham.

So the next time a farang say's hello.......ask yourself......am I a sociopath? and respond accordingly.


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Its the same for Thais, we where in London and we bum-pt into some big money Thais on Holiday they just looked through my wife, You would have thought an Sawadee would have gone down well, but apparently they look down on Thai women who marry farangs.

A farang is not a derogatory name but a name for a foreign person who comes from the west. Just as Ker is a name for people who are from India or the Middle East.

Did it not occur to you that you burst their bubble? They've spent fortunes coming to the UK on holiday only to find that your wife had beat them too it?

That reminds me, is there a more vicious species in Thailand than the " Lonely Planet Adventurers "?. You see them pouring over maps and guides and just when you think it would be polite, gracious and helpful to give them a little bit of local knowledge you get met with a withering and contemptuous look that says " How dare you undermine MY LONELY PLANET GUIDE AND HOURS POURING OVER THE INTERNET ". Another bunch of sociopaths if you ask me.

Edited by theblether
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Saying that farang is a derogatory term instantly indicates that the person saying that has very little knowledge about Thailand or the Thai language. It is in fact one of the stupidest things I have heard here, and that is saying a lot.

Agreed and it is repeated over and over again by these types. :rolleyes:

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Haha.. the last few post were spot on.

The expats in Thailand are a mix of the good, bad and ugly with a lot falling into the latter two categories. Take caution!

I agree, sat hello to one of them or buy them a beer and the next thing you know they will be asking for a loan. Met a lot of scum bags while here.

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I'm probably guilty as charged, every other farang I meet seems to be ex CIA or SAS or trying to sell me something so I tend to avoid them. I've met some good people out here but it's hard seperating the wheat from the chaff sometimes.

Saying that if someone offers me a hello, I'll return it :)

LOL - I have also met a few "SAS" guys "Millionaires" and "gangsters" what a bunch of wanke_rs - Now as soon as I see a ponytail or who dares wins tattoo I exit.

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I think it has a lot to do with, farangs who come as tourists or who come to make a life here. I have no interest in farang tourists. You soon realise that even those that come to live here may not be the sort of person you would socialise with in you're own country.

We are all here for different reasons. I'm not particularly interested in talking with the drunk farangs who hang out in the bars all day. Or those that are here teaching on forged diplomas. I have lived here for 3 years now and have only met one guy from my home country who is worth socialising with. Others who I know as acquaintances, I can take or leave, preferably leave.

You end up compromising your standards sometimes just to be able to speak in you're own language. But I find some fanrangs are real f*ckups who are best given a wide berth. Besides you don't know where the farang may come from, I can't speak russian, not that I would talk with a russian person anyway.

As said in other posts you wouldn't walk around saying hi to everyone back home so why do it here?

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Its the same for Thais, we where in London and we bum-pt into some big money Thais on Holiday they just looked through my wife, You would have thought an Sawadee would have gone down well, but apparently they look down on Thai women who marry farangs.

A farang is not a derogatory name but a name for a foreign person who comes from the west. Just as Ker is a name for people who are from India or the Middle East.

I would say that possibly has a lot to do with the fact that Thai's on holiday in London know most thai ladies abroad do not come from the same background. Not all Thai's have/want to live abroad for a better life. though for sure hi so Thais are just as prejudiced as some farangs towards their own countryfolk.

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If you can't raise the effort to say hello to someone that is a reflection on your parents.....If you can't be bothered to reply to said hello then that is also a reflection upon your parents.

So get over yourselves with all the garbage about " Why would I want to talk to say hello to someone just because they are from the same ethnic group / continent ". You are pathetic beyond words for even thinking that never mind taking the time to post it.

I'm with the earlier poster who mentioned sociopaths, some of the replies on this topic are at the severe end of sociopathic, and by the very nature of sociopaths, they don't realize it. Get over yourselves, it's not your Thailand, you don't have exclusive domain over your district, you are doing nothing special, you are nothing special, and you will most likely never achieve anything special.

Once your realize that then maybe you will come out of your fantasy existence that dwells between your ears and become a normal, regular member of the human race, and possibly, who knows, even develop the common courtesy that your mother tried to instil in you.

I've had five stints at living as an ex-pat, and speaking for myself I've come across broadly two groups of ex-pats in my time. The first group are the most relaxed, wonderful, accomplished and sociable people you could ever hope to meet. They are typified by the fact that they know who they are and they are comfortable with it, and this group have greatly enriched my life.

The other group are pathetic needy nonentities, fantasists, and fugitives from their own REAL lives. It doesn't matter where these people go in the world their personalities follow them. I remember reading a post on thaivisa a while ago where the guy described himself as a nobody in very humorous terms, in my mind, if you are comfortable in your own skin, and happy with who you are, then you are not a nobody. We can't all be David Beckham.

So the next time a farang say's hello.......ask yourself......am I a sociopath? and respond accordingly.


"So the next time a farang say's hello.......ask yourself......am I a sociopath? and respond accordingly."

Before I reply I usually size up the woman the said farang has in tow, hooker clothes and tattoos may influence my reply, especially in he says hello in the mobile phone section or gold shop in some place like Teso/Lotus On Nut.

If he is on his own, his choice of attire may well influence my reply, the chang fumes may also play a part.

Before replying I dont ask "am I a sociopath?" I ask myself, does this guy look like a psycho?

I may well have been here too long, flame away.

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If you can't raise the effort to say hello to someone that is a reflection on your parents.....If you can't be bothered to reply to said hello then that is also a reflection upon your parents.

So get over yourselves with all the garbage about " Why would I want to talk to say hello to someone just because they are from the same ethnic group / continent ". You are pathetic beyond words for even thinking that never mind taking the time to post it.

I'm with the earlier poster who mentioned sociopaths, some of the replies on this topic are at the severe end of sociopathic, and by the very nature of sociopaths, they don't realize it. Get over yourselves, it's not your Thailand, you don't have exclusive domain over your district, you are doing nothing special, you are nothing special, and you will most likely never achieve anything special.

Once your realize that then maybe you will come out of your fantasy existence that dwells between your ears and become a normal, regular member of the human race, and possibly, who knows, even develop the common courtesy that your mother tried to instil in you.

I've had five stints at living as an ex-pat, and speaking for myself I've come across broadly two groups of ex-pats in my time. The first group are the most relaxed, wonderful, accomplished and sociable people you could ever hope to meet. They are typified by the fact that they know who they are and they are comfortable with it, and this group have greatly enriched my life.

The other group are pathetic needy nonentities, fantasists, and fugitives from their own REAL lives. It doesn't matter where these people go in the world their personalities follow them. I remember reading a post on thaivisa a while ago where the guy described himself as a nobody in very humorous terms, in my mind, if you are comfortable in your own skin, and happy with who you are, then you are not a nobody. We can't all be David Beckham.

So the next time a farang say's hello.......ask yourself......am I a sociopath? and respond accordingly.


"So the next time a farang say's hello.......ask yourself......am I a sociopath? and respond accordingly."

Before I reply I usually size up the woman the said farang has in tow, hooker clothes and tattoos may influence my reply, especially in he says hello in the mobile phone section or gold shop in some place like Teso/Lotus On Nut.

If he is on his own, his choice of attire may well influence my reply, the chang fumes may also play a part.

Before replying I dont ask "am I a sociopath?" I ask myself, does this guy look like a psycho?

I may well have been here too long, flame away.

You've been watching too many horror movies.

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Yea, I kind of get that feeling from Westerners I've never met. Not looking to make friends, better than thou attitude. However, as someone posted it may be a good thing as so many try to be something they are not and are phoney, especially in an environment as this. If their like that, so what, you probably don't want to know them anyways. Westerner friends are few and far between in a place like this and probably just as well. .

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