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Bangkok Needs To Change Its Thinking On South


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...spouting the national anthem twice daily from cradle to grave. The words are extreme and offensive...scrap it...The Thais are incapable of diplomatic negotiation...They remain a smiling murderous cruel people who beat to death the mentally ill on the streets of Bangkok who damage buddha images. That rivals any Iranian stoning or Pakistani cruelty...Four kilometres of nothing land have the country poised on the brink of war. A turf war...The reds and yellows on the streets of Bangkok manage to paralyse the capitol now year in and year out. That small local difficulty is beyond the Thai mind as being unfathomable...Then you have something that mirrors international problems by way of it being terrorisism. Complete meltdown...the hopless political situation and the threadbare democracy and you have a state balanced on the edge of failure...The situation is hopeless.

Well! that was a highly enlightening post. I've contacted my therapist and requested a straight jacket and a padded cell; They've agreed to put me on suicide watch for 2 weeks while I try to recover.

Edited by TimTang
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1) Allah says in Quran<this is a book that makes things clear>

2)so i know u understood but have decided 2 to try and corrupt the unread 4 worldly gain.

3)if u sow seeds well u get flowers otherwise thorns,may Allah make your garden grow,amin.

Firstly, the quran consists of 114 chapters or suras all arranged by SIZE; the largest to smallest, except of coarse the first sura which is basically a form of prayer to Alla something to the effect "Oh Alla you are most loving and merciful blah, blah, blah...". That alone proves that someone ELSE wrote the quran not Alla, otherwise it would read "I am most loving and merciful blah, blah, blah...".

The quran is filled with contradictions and when this was pointed out mohammed conveniently got another message from Alla instructing that if you find contradictions the later verse will supersede the earlier one (abrogation). Since the quran isn't in chronological order the only way to know which is later is to study the hadiths and sunna. For example, sura 9 is believed to be the final chapter. It is THE MOST VIOLENT of all suras thus abrogates everything and anything that could even remotely be considered loving and peaceful. You think that makes things CLEAR.

If you try to quote the quran muslims will rebuke you with "you're taking it out of context". Then you provide the context and they say "you can't really understand the quran unless you read it in Arabic". If you find someone that does know Arabic to explain the context they will recite the verse where Alla has created some people that cannot understand. Yeah! that's really CLEAR; the supposedly most important message from Alla to the world can only be understood in ARABIC! That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Secondly, I regularly encourage people to read the quran because it's the best way to understand how sick the religion is

The only worldly gain I desire is to be able to live out my natural life without being forced to believe in something I consider to be complete and utter bull$hit, or be killed by idiots that believe they will receive 72 virgins if they die in the process(apparently Haven is a brothel for men, but no mention of what the women have to look forward to) .

And finally, If you believe that killing thousands of people every year in the name of Alla is sowing seeds to grow flowers, then you can take Alla and Islam and stick'em where the sun don't shine.

Edited by TimTang
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Thanks for that! I'd never seen that before. It certainly does makes more sense (or you can more easily understand the non-sense) when it's in chronological order.

Good link!

Thanks. I've read a few of the articles at that site.

It's written on a basic level, so a lot of information can be taken in in a single session.

Edited by jkolak
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stick'em where the sun don't shine.

Just to clarify in case anybody thought I was being impolite or derogatory, I was referring to an region specified in the Holy Quran where the sun truly "don't shine". Here are some quotes directly from the Quran:

18:83 They will ask thee of Dhu'l-Qarneyn.

(Most scholars consider Dhu'l-Qarneyn ("The Two-Horned Lord") to be Alexander the Great, who is here presented as a devout Muslim.

18:84 Lo! We made him strong in the land and gave him unto every thing a road.

18:85 And he followed a road

18:86 Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.

So you see, according to the quran the sun sets in a muddy spring which was actually witnessed by Alexandra The Great, who unbeknownst to us was actually a devout muslim. So there's a place where the sun don't shine, but it'd probably make a great hot tub; somebody bring me a beer while we chillax!

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Thailand conquered the northern Malay provinces back in 1902, when they were referred to as the Pattani Sultanate. Has anyone ever given any serious thought to the idea of returning Pattani, Narathiwat, Yala, and Songkla to the Malaysians? Though it would be a potential "loss of face", what about the upside? Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists. No longer Thailand's problem. Think of what the country could achieve with lasting peace, and the potential prosperity that would ensue from it. What would they lose really?

"1785 - An Islamic takeover of Thailand was prevented by a Thai victory in over the Sultanate of Pattani in 1785. But for the people of Pattani, this war has not ended. The Muslim converts of Pattani never reconciled to the reconquest of Pattani by the Thais and continued to terrorize the Buddhist population intermittently throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 20th and 21st centuries this rebellion has taken the form of an insurgency."

So you see they don't just want the bottom 5 provinces, they want the whole country. They've tried it many times before.

"Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists." Malaysia is already doing just that! Where do you think the weapons, foot soldiers, and financial support is coming from. Who do you think protects the terrorists when they flee south of the border?

You think by giving the provinces to Malaysia all fighting will stop? What will happen to the non-muslims that live there? Infidels are considered second class citizens in an Islamic theocracy. They are given three choices: 1)convert, 2)pay jizya tax and live as second class citizens, 3)DIE.

Why doesn't India just give Kashmir to Pakistan? Why doesn't Greece just give Cyprus to Turkey? Why doesn't Spain just rename the country to Andalusia and give it back to the muslims? Why doesn't East Timor give the country back to Indonesia? Why doesn't Israel give Gaza back to the Palestinians? Oh wait!...They already did, and we can see from the daily news how peaceful that turned out.

You say that Israel gave Gaza back to the Palestinians. Aren't you quite the apologist for what may be the greatest form of Apartheid on earth today. No, they did not give it back. contrary to the wishes of the history professor. They occupy Gaza, and set up 502 checkpoints. The average Palestinian has to spend 2 hours getting through a checkpoint, to shop, pray, or do nearly anything. Their lives are sheer misery, due to their apartheid masters. Is that what you are suggesting for the south? Are you saying colonialism, and the right to take over, and keep land is righteous and good? What is your solution? Blame all of the earth's problems on the Muslims? I do not believe it is their intention to take over thailand. they have other projects to keep them busy. How many Muslim problems does Thailand face, apart from the south. Use your God given reason please.

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...You want to fix this problem its simple. Punish the people on both sides that comment this terrible crime. The people in the south see a corrupt country filled with alcoholics that don't care about them and they have a point...

"...I have been waiting for more of the racist to post..."

First of all Islam is not a race it's a religion and political ideology. Mohammed the so called prophet was WHITE and had RED HAIR. So don't throw the race card into the mix, that's already been tried and failed before.

So you say the entire country, with the exception of muslims, are a bunch of corrupt drunken alcoholics and you share their point of view. So it's OK for muslim terrorists to chop off the heads and burn the bodies of innocent rubber workers, bomb market places with the intent to kill as many innocent non-muslims as possible, murder teachers, policemen, and soldiers that have done absolutely nothing to anybody? In the mean time the GOOD muslims quietly support their actions both morally and financially while refusing to report the ones doing the killing.

Punish the people on BOTH SIDES? Have you been hiding in a cave for the last 20 years? Here's a news flash for you: It's the muslim terrorists that are committing the "terrible crimes". The reason that the army is down there in the first place is BECAUSE of the muslims committing those terrible crimes.

People like you that APOLOGIZE for the heinous crimes committed by muslims are just as guilty as the ones that swing the machetes. Muslims have been terrorizing their infidel neighbors for 1400 years and what we see happening in the south right now is straight from their war manual called the qaran.

Then you have the audacity to quote Ghandi to support you sick point of view. Ghandi realized that muslims simply cannot coexist with others and the only way to crate peace was to separate them from the rest of the population, so he created Pakistan.

Pakistan is now the number one terrorist state in the world. Along with exporting terror throughout the world they are also killing each other for being the wrong kind of muslim, not being muslim enough, or being non-muslim.

The new scam in Pakistan is killing Christians for blasphemy; last week a woman was charged with blasphemy for offering water to thirsty muslims. The muslims claimed the water was impure because it had been handled by an infidel. The lawyer that defended her case was shot cold blooded in broad daylight in front of hundreds of people. The shooter is now considered a national hero.

I agree on all but one point. That is

"So it's OK for muslim terrorists to chop off the heads and burn the bodies of innocent rubber workers, bomb market places with the intent to kill as many innocent non-muslims as possible"

They will also kill innocent Muslims.

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It is a cowardly article that offers nothing other than criticism.

The ultra nationalism engered amongst Thais is considerably by way of spouting the national anthem twice daily from cradle to grave. The words are extreme and offensive.

Do something about that. Like scrap it. In a sentence I have done more by way of positive proposal than you will find in the entire article. And yet Thais will not criticise their own system at the same time as suggesting alternative change.

Criticising reporting methods and then aping them is pure hypocrosy.

The Thais are incapable of diplomatic negotiation; they do not function at home and certainly not on a world stage; an igorant, violent people can not embrace peace. They remain a smiling murderous cruel people who beat to death the mentally ill on the streets of Bangkok who damage buddha images. That rivals any Iranian stoning or Pakistani cruelty.

Four kilometres of nothing land have the country poised on the brink of war. A turf war. And yet this article questions why there isn't a resolution for the South. The reds and yellows on the streets of Bangkok manage to paralyse the capitol now year in and year out. That small local difficulty is beyond the Thai mind as being unfathomable.

Then you have something that mirrors international problems by way of it being terrorisism. Complete meltdown.

The system like all rotten countries is awash with rampant corruption that allows for bottom of the barrell standards of Police, justice, education and welfare. Add to the mix the standard of living [in poverty] and the amount both debt and of prostitution, the hopless political situation and the threadbare democracy and you have a state balanced on the edge of failure.

The problems in Thailand are massive. You have thrid world amoral people in power.

The situation is hopeless.

We will continue to cherry pick and as soon as the mess impacts on expats and tourists we'll be on the next flight elsewhere.

Here's a little bit of reality for you.

1 Thailand does not need you

2 there is a plane at the airport now you can purchase a ticket and go back to what ever sewer you crawled out of

3 There is nothing holding you back other than fear and the law of gravity.

A question is your life so meaning less you can only feel useful by condemning others. And making false statements about them to support your illusions of grandeur.

The way you carry on one would be led to believe The rest of the world was perfect. Dream on.

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An Easier Way to Read the Quran:


Thanks for that! I'd never seen that before. It certainly does makes more sense (or you can more easily understand the non-sense) when it's in chronological order.

Good link!

Another point to take into consideration when dealing with Muslims is there treatment of women.

It should come as no surprise when one stops to consider at one point in his life Mohammad worked for his wife. then he starts a religion that treats them like second class human beings.:(

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Thailand conquered the northern Malay provinces back in 1902, when they were referred to as the Pattani Sultanate. Has anyone ever given any serious thought to the idea of returning Pattani, Narathiwat, Yala, and Songkla to the Malaysians? Though it would be a potential "loss of face", what about the upside? Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists. No longer Thailand's problem. Think of what the country could achieve with lasting peace, and the potential prosperity that would ensue from it. What would they lose really?

"1785 - An Islamic takeover of Thailand was prevented by a Thai victory in over the Sultanate of Pattani in 1785. But for the people of Pattani, this war has not ended. The Muslim converts of Pattani never reconciled to the reconquest of Pattani by the Thais and continued to terrorize the Buddhist population intermittently throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 20th and 21st centuries this rebellion has taken the form of an insurgency."

So you see they don't just want the bottom 5 provinces, they want the whole country. They've tried it many times before.

"Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists." Malaysia is already doing just that! Where do you think the weapons, foot soldiers, and financial support is coming from. Who do you think protects the terrorists when they flee south of the border?

You think by giving the provinces to Malaysia all fighting will stop? What will happen to the non-muslims that live there? Infidels are considered second class citizens in an Islamic theocracy. They are given three choices: 1)convert, 2)pay jizya tax and live as second class citizens, 3)DIE.

Why doesn't India just give Kashmir to Pakistan? Why doesn't Greece just give Cyprus to Turkey? Why doesn't Spain just rename the country to Andalusia and give it back to the muslims? Why doesn't East Timor give the country back to Indonesia? Why doesn't Israel give Gaza back to the Palestinians? Oh wait!...They already did, and we can see from the daily news how peaceful that turned out.

You say that Israel gave Gaza back to the Palestinians. Aren't you quite the apologist for what may be the greatest form of Apartheid on earth today. No, they did not give it back. contrary to the wishes of the history professor. They occupy Gaza, and set up 502 checkpoints. The average Palestinian has to spend 2 hours getting through a checkpoint, to shop, pray, or do nearly anything. Their lives are sheer misery, due to their apartheid masters. Is that what you are suggesting for the south? Are you saying colonialism, and the right to take over, and keep land is righteous and good? What is your solution? Blame all of the earth's problems on the Muslims? I do not believe it is their intention to take over thailand. they have other projects to keep them busy. How many Muslim problems does Thailand face, apart from the south. Use your God given reason please.

What has reason got to do with it. It is a fact that they want to take over Thailand. Why do you deny it they don't. They openly admit they want to take over the world.

Live and let live is not in there language. To them it is live as I tell you or I will kill you.:(

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An Easier Way to Read the Quran:


Thanks for that! I'd never seen that before. It certainly does makes more sense (or you can more easily understand the non-sense) when it's in chronological order.

Good link!

Another point to take into consideration when dealing with Muslims is there treatment of women.

It should come as no surprise when one stops to consider at one point in his life Mohammad worked for his wife. then he starts a religion that treats them like second class human beings.:(

Well that cosy little observation is more than enough to earn you a fatwa all of your own, i think.

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http://upload.wikime...doChina1886.jpg Thailand is the rightful owner of what is now call Northern Malaysia. At one time at least. The British must have stole it from the Thai Kings. Just like what the French did for Laos and Cambodia.

Nice find Jill. It is interesting to see that at the time, Siam extended even further south into the Malaysian Peninsula.

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"1785 - An Islamic takeover of Thailand was prevented by a Thai victory in over the Sultanate of Pattani in 1785. But for the people of Pattani, this war has not ended. The Muslim converts of Pattani never reconciled to the reconquest of Pattani by the Thais and continued to terrorize the Buddhist population intermittently throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 20th and 21st centuries this rebellion has taken the form of an insurgency."

So you see they don't just want the bottom 5 provinces, they want the whole country. They've tried it many times before.

"Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists." Malaysia is already doing just that! Where do you think the weapons, foot soldiers, and financial support is coming from. Who do you think protects the terrorists when they flee south of the border?

You think by giving the provinces to Malaysia all fighting will stop? What will happen to the non-muslims that live there? Infidels are considered second class citizens in an Islamic theocracy. They are given three choices: 1)convert, 2)pay jizya tax and live as second class citizens, 3)DIE.

Why doesn't India just give Kashmir to Pakistan? Why doesn't Greece just give Cyprus to Turkey? Why doesn't Spain just rename the country to Andalusia and give it back to the muslims? Why doesn't East Timor give the country back to Indonesia? Why doesn't Israel give Gaza back to the Palestinians? Oh wait!...They already did, and we can see from the daily news how peaceful that turned out.

Your quote has one perspective, but it's not a balanced perspective.

You mention the Kashmir issue. Fair enough. The problem is that intransigence on both sides that made the issue unsolvable. Each side wants EXACTLY what they want. Pretty much the same in all the examples give. But, everyone can't have everything they want. And therein lies the problem(s).

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Thailand conquered the northern Malay provinces back in 1902, when they were referred to as the Pattani Sultanate. Has anyone ever given any serious thought to the idea of returning Pattani, Narathiwat, Yala, and Songkla to the Malaysians? Though it would be a potential "loss of face", what about the upside? Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists. No longer Thailand's problem. Think of what the country could achieve with lasting peace, and the potential prosperity that would ensue from it. What would they lose really?

"1785 - An Islamic takeover of Thailand was prevented by a Thai victory in over the Sultanate of Pattani in 1785. But for the people of Pattani, this war has not ended. The Muslim converts of Pattani never reconciled to the reconquest of Pattani by the Thais and continued to terrorize the Buddhist population intermittently throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. In the 20th and 21st centuries this rebellion has taken the form of an insurgency."

So you see they don't just want the bottom 5 provinces, they want the whole country. They've tried it many times before.

"Let Malaysia deal with their factions, and their extremists." Malaysia is already doing just that! Where do you think the weapons, foot soldiers, and financial support is coming from. Who do you think protects the terrorists when they flee south of the border?

You think by giving the provinces to Malaysia all fighting will stop? What will happen to the non-muslims that live there? Infidels are considered second class citizens in an Islamic theocracy. They are given three choices: 1)convert, 2)pay jizya tax and live as second class citizens, 3)DIE.

Why doesn't India just give Kashmir to Pakistan? Why doesn't Greece just give Cyprus to Turkey? Why doesn't Spain just rename the country to Andalusia and give it back to the muslims? Why doesn't East Timor give the country back to Indonesia? Why doesn't Israel give Gaza back to the Palestinians? Oh wait!...They already did, and we can see from the daily news how peaceful that turned out.

You say that Israel gave Gaza back to the Palestinians. Aren't you quite the apologist for what may be the greatest form of Apartheid on earth today. No, they did not give it back. contrary to the wishes of the history professor. They occupy Gaza, and set up 502 checkpoints. The average Palestinian has to spend 2 hours getting through a checkpoint, to shop, pray, or do nearly anything. Their lives are sheer misery, due to their apartheid masters. Is that what you are suggesting for the south? Are you saying colonialism, and the right to take over, and keep land is righteous and good? What is your solution? Blame all of the earth's problems on the Muslims? I do not believe it is their intention to take over thailand. they have other projects to keep them busy. How many Muslim problems does Thailand face, apart from the south. Use your God given reason please.

What has reason got to do with it. It is a fact that they want to take over Thailand. Why do you deny it they don't. They openly admit they want to take over the world.

Live and let live is not in there language. To them it is live as I tell you or I will kill you.:(

But you are lumping the extremists, in with all of the Muslim world. Don't you think YOUR attitude is a little extremist? Less than 1% of the Muslim world feels the way you fear they do. Do you want mass extermination? The Muslims do not want to take over Thailand. I can assure you of that. There may be some extremists that do. But, we are talking about a tiny, tiny percentage. I am not saying we should not be guarded against the freaks. But, they do not represent the masses. Do not allow your vision to be this clouded.

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But you are lumping the extremists, in with all of the Muslim world. Don't you think YOUR attitude is a little extremist? Less than 1% of the Muslim world feels the way you fear they do. Do you want mass extermination? The Muslims do not want to take over Thailand. I can assure you of that. There may be some extremists that do. But, we are talking about a tiny, tiny percentage. I am not saying we should not be guarded against the freaks. But, they do not represent the masses. Do not allow your vision to be this clouded.

This point of view is not quite accurate, and it doesn't distinguish between Muslims and Islam. The 1% figure is somewhat misleading as well too. 1% of Muslims are personally involved in terrorism. But support for terrorists varies from 20% to over 50% depending upon the country. Support for Sharia law is even higher according to the most recent Pew Poll.


As for Islamic doctrine, most Muslims are ignorant of what Islam actually teaches. In Islam, knowledge is the domain of the religiously learned elite, the ulema or ulama. Ordinary Muslims are called ummi, (unlettered). So this means that Muslims are dependent on their clerics for knowledge about Islam. In Muslim countries, they are pretty open about the duty to conquer non-Muslim lands and kill non-believers, but in Western countries, they are in stealth jihad mode and use the earlier, peaceful Mecca verses to insinuate themselves into the culture. The Islamic doctrine of abrogation means the later, violent Medina-period verses cancel the peaceful verses, and the doctrine of dualism and progressive revelation means they can use the peaceful Mecca verses where Muslims are weak. But Mecca phase Muslims are expected to mature into Medina Muslims as they get stronger. This is explained by Dr. Peter Hammond in his book, "Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat":

"When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable' Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States --1.0%; Australia --1.5%; Canada --1.9%; China --1%-2%; Italy --1.5%; Norway --1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark --2%; Germany --3.7%; United Kingdom --2.7%; Spain --4%; Thailand - -4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves --along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).

France --8%; Philippines --5%; Sweden --5%; Switzerland --4.3%; The Netherlands --5.5%; Trinidad &Tobago --5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris --car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam-Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana --10%; India --13.4%; Israel --16%; Kenya --10%; Russia --10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia --Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia --40%; Chad --53.1%; Lebanon --59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania --70%; Malaysia --60.4%; Qatar --77.5%; Sudan --70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh --83%; Egypt --90%; Gaza --98.7%; Indonesia --86.1%; Iran --98%; Iraq --97%; Jordan --92%; Morocco --98.7%; Pakistan -97%; Palestine --99%; Syria --90%; Tajikistan --90%; Turkey --99.8% United Arab Emirates --96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' --the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan --100%; Saudi Arabia --100%; Somalia --100%; Yemen --99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons."

Some good sources to get familiar with Islam are the web site, Inquiry into Islam. It's on a basic level and easy to understand. The entire site can be read in a single sitting. A good place to start is the video, Three Things about Islam, and the articles, What Makes Islam So Successful and An Easier Way to Read the Quran:


A couple of good quick reads are from the Center for the Study of Political Islam. They have a 10-page study, Statistical Islam. It shows that the Quran is 65% political rather than religious, and has some other good tidbits like the Quran has more anti-Semitic content than Mein Kampf, and that the jihad verses are 2% on jihad as an inner struggle and 98% on jihad of the sword.

The referring page is here:


The direct download is here:


Also Bill has put together a brief 50 page book, Sharia Law for the Non-Muslim. It's available for purchase above, but it is also offered free, either to read in installments here:


or as a download here:


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http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/IndoChina1886.jpg Thailand is the rightful owner of what is now call Northern Malaysia. At one time at least. The British must have stole it from the Thai Kings. Just like what the French did for Laos and Cambodia.

I seem to remember that much of Thailand was once owned by the Khmer Empire. So I guess all of that land should be given back to Cambodia?

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I seem to remember that much of Thailand was once owned by the Khmer Empire. So I guess all of that land should be given back to Cambodia?

This is why I strongly disagree with efforts to change borders in today's environment. People need to learn to get along in peace without looking to border changes to solve their problems. Otherwise we would still be arguing about Europe restoring Germany to pre-WWI boundaries and American returning land to Mexico. Today we don't agree with the ways of the past, but let's just take the world as we have it and make the best of it. When citizens respect their neighbors wherever they live, there is no need for being unhappy with where they live.

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  • 7 months later...

The southern Muslim should have some gratitude to the Thai people and especially the <reference removed>. Thai people take them in, provide shelter, and protection from the Malay bandit. Thai people even allow Muslim to buy land (unlike Farang), and allow them 100% freedom to settle in Thailand with equal voting rights as Thai people (go ask a Kurd or Tibetan if they can vote). Give them an inch, and now they want a foot. What's next? A mile? ? ? Just imagine this story. A man was on his way back from market spot a helpless and homeless dog ran over by a bus. He pick it up, carry him home, nurse it, feed it, and provide a small shelter at the back of the house for the poor dog. He even provid it the freedom to roam around at will; unlike the chicken & pigs the owner kept. The dog survived and grew stronger everyday due to the celestial love given by the owner of the house. However, the dog think to itself. If I can chase the owner away, I will have the whole house to myself and all the food from the fridge, plus be a master of the chickens and pigs. So it began to bite the owner, trying to chase him off the house. This is no Aesop Fables or George Orwell, but kind of similar to the situation in Southern Thailand right now.

You are a racist. You are also are ignorant of Thai Malay history or the legal rights of all Thai ciitizens. The Muslim Thai are held in equal right before Thai Law as are Budhist Thai. Thailand stands before the world as a committed secular Nation wherein the rights of all faiths are protected. The Muslims want nothing from you or Thailand except to live freely and peacefully on their traditional lands. Of course they also have the right to buy and own the land which came into Thailand with their forefathers a centurary ago.

Edited by indyuk
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