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Uk Tax Rebate

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I did 2 months work this Tax year in the UK. The tax year is due to end 28th Feb .

I worked March and April 2010, and my P45 stated i was taxed 800 Pounds, and i didnt reach my tax free limit of 6000 Pounds ( as stated in my tax letter )

How do i reclaim my 800 Pounds? , i have seen there are services on the internet, but they charge 20%.

I will be in the UK shortly, do i go to a certain office to collect my money? , i do know i am owed it, but just need to know how to collect it


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"I did 2 months work this Tax year in the UK. The tax year is due to end 28th Feb ".

Tax year always ends on 6th April?

"I worked March and April 2010, and my P45 stated i was taxed 800 Pounds, and i didnt reach my tax free limit of 6000 Pounds ( as stated in my tax letter )"

These fall into two different tax yeara - March is in 2009/2010 tax year and most of April in 2010/2011 which has not yet finished...

The easiest way may be to complete a tax return but I think if so you need to do it by the end of this month for 2009/2010 latest. I claimed back tax from taxed interest using a form from the HMRC website - http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/index.htm - sorry i have not got the exact link to hand so you will need to go in and find it in the non resident section.

They will pay by cheque to your address or direct to your bank account - eventually.... I do not think you can collect it

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Assuming you are a UK citizen, you can go online and register with HM Revenue & Customs at www.hmrc.gov.uk and submit a 'self assessment' tax return for the tax years ending 5th April, 2010 and possibly 2011, (not due until 31Jan 2012),if some of your income was earned in the current tax year. You will need your National Insurance number to register.

Somewhere in the online self assessment process you will be asked for details of a UK bank account where any tax refunds can be sent.

Alternatively, you will find some contact phone numbers on the website quoted above where you can phone in and get more information on how to deal with your particular case.

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The easiest way may be to complete a tax return but I think if so you need to do it by the end of this month for 2009/2010 latest

The tax return deadlines are to avoid fines - there's no problem submitting the paperwork after the deadline. If you don't owe any tax you won't be fined for your late tax return.

Assuming you are a UK citizen, you can go online and register with HM Revenue & Customs at www.hmrc.gov.uk and submit a 'self assessment' tax return

However, if you need to complete the non-resident pages you can't do this online with the HMRC website - you'll need to submit a paper tax return (or buy expensive software to submit electronically).

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I'm not sure as to what you are referring. I have been submitting self assessment tax returns on line for more than 5 years, and throughout that period I have been non resident and have had 'non -resident' income as well as UK taxable income, except for the past 2 tax years when I have had no UK taxable income but have still submitted an on-line tax return.

If you have no taxable income, you simply put nil in the appropriate boxes, and if you want to advise them how long you have been non- resident and other pertinent information, there is a blank box entitled 'additional information' in which this information can be input, or you can up load a a file attachment (in PDF format) on which you can also submit additional, pertinent information to your tax return.

There is no need to buy any expensive software to do this, as I have proven.

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"I did 2 months work this Tax year in the UK. The tax year is due to end 28th Feb ".

Tax year always ends on 6th April?


I assumed OP was referring to the Thai tax year?

If not, note that the UK tax year ends on 5th April.

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"I did 2 months work this Tax year in the UK. The tax year is due to end 28th Feb ".

Tax year always ends on 6th April?


I assumed OP was referring to the Thai tax year?

If not, note that the UK tax year ends on 5th April.

sorry my mistake,

i worked July 2009 to may 1st 2010

as i am paid the month after, my paycheck was showing april and may , as i got paid at the end of April and the end of May.


Edited by Boater
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I have just received a cheque from HMCR for 788 pounds for the Thai wife of a deceased friend on tax paid for the year ending 2010.. This was done by internet as she had not received the full tax allowance for the year but tax was deducted so she has received the refund and a small amount of interest. The cheque was sent to her in Thailand but she has to clear it through her Thai bank a/c. The HMCR are undertaking a review of all tax deductions and some people l know have received under payment requests.

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