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Do You Prefer To Travel Alone Or With Someone?


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I guess everyone's different but personally I don't mind either but prefer to travel with a friend.

I guess I'm faced with a bit of a dilema (and I might even end up tossing a coin to decide this one). Was planning a trip to LOS in a couple of weeks time and my mate can't make it this time. So I'm still geared up to go but don't really want to go on my own....I guess I don't mind really but it's when you go to bars/clubs it just feels a bit crap (Billy-no-mates) going on my own...? Am I showing a bit of lack of self-confidence here...? Almost desparately thinking of any friends I can ask.....

I know Thailand's the kind of place where you can always make friends and be very sociable and enjoy yourself but...

Shall I come on my own or not?? Or shall I wait until November and come with my mate (he'll be able to then) and risk the rainiest month of the year.... :o

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Before getting married (the second time), I preferred travelling alone. It was during my 3 week vacation to Thailand that I met my wife-to-be. I think travelling to Thailand is better by yourself. I met so many people during my trip that I wouldn't hesitate to do it again if I wasn't married with a growing family. Get yourself booked on some tours such as elephant riding in Chiang Mai or take scuba diving lessons in Phuket.


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This is true Khall and I'd love to meet each and every one - especially the most prominent members such as yourself, Bambi, Icey and all the guys too. I guess the TV party is also on (?) while I'll be there too and I'd definately come to that. Oh decisions decisions....

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Just come by yourself... you'll meet loads of people. I have travelled quite a few times on my own and it can be more interesting as you never, never know who you will meet next and sometimes it's easier to have open experiences without a travel buddy. Give it a shot! :o

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Just come by yourself... you'll meet loads of people. I have travelled quite a few times on my own and it can be more interesting as you never, never know who you will meet next and sometimes it's easier to have open experiences without a travel buddy. Give it a shot!  :o

Agreed 100% . Also , when you you with other people , you are always a littlebit responsible for the other ( and the other way around ) . The freedom experiencing things on your own cannot be accomplished travelling with others .

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Just go for it mate I did when I first came over didnt know anyone. I Just headed to the first Aussie bar that I could find in Phuket which at the time was the Bamboo bar in Kata beach with one arm Bob and old Brett and made a heap of friends in the first day. And after many years I am still in contact with some of the guys I met that first day.

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Don't Worry, Zaz, Just come by yourself!

Every time I go to Thailand, I travel alone.

All my friends and Family at home always worry that I'll disapear somewhere or something... Traveling in a Foreign land, at a time where everyone in the world seems to hate Americans... :o

But I've had no problems so far, and plan to continue to do so as long as I can, at least before I go crazy and end up getting married or something - then I'll have no choice but to bring someone else along.... :D

As for going to the Bars by yourself, don't worry, it's often better that way......You certainly won't be alone for long if you do..... :D

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Aha!!! I knew you were an Aussie, Rigger!   :o

Hi Khall64au yes you got me I am Aussie from Port auguter mate SA not that I will ever return there as it has got to be the ###### of Australia

and what about you Khall64au which part of Aus do hail from

Originally a Sydney gal but moved to sunny QLD many moons ago and last lived in Cairns before I moved to LOS. Over and out! :D

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I know Thailand's the kind of place where you can always make friends and be very sociable and enjoy yourself but...

Shall I come on my own or not??  Or shall I wait until November and come with my mate (he'll be able to then) and risk the rainiest month of the year.... :D

emm ask yourself how much you want to go to LOS , if you want that much , so GO ALONE..dont change a plan, it will be your new experience ..maybe after this you will like it..many people travel alone, and they have a nice experience and feel free ..and i reckon you will know new friend here

BTW , when i travel... i like to have a friend (or more ) it make me have more fun (have some1 to talk with ) ..but you have to understand one thing , im a TH girl so .. i dont dare to approch myself to make friend with stranger (opposite sex ) first ... so this prob won't happend with you.

yes i travel alone sometime .. it was nice too ..

if i was you, i would go to TH alone!!

Bambi :o

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Just come by yourself... you'll meet loads of people. I have travelled quite a few times on my own and it can be more interesting as you never, never know who you will meet next and sometimes it's easier to have open experiences without a travel buddy. Give it a shot!  :D

Agreed 100% . Also , when you you with other people , you are always a littlebit responsible for the other ( and the other way around ) . The freedom experiencing things on your own cannot be accomplished travelling with others .

Agree. I also found that people (locals as well as foreigners) are less hesitant to take contact with you when you are alone - approaching a single individual is easier than confronting a crowd. Never found loneliness a problem when I travelled alone - the advantage is that you can choose solitude when it suits you - and easily find company when you wish to.

Unfortunately, since getting married, I am no longer allowed to travel alone...... :o:D

Edited by WhiteShiva
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Easy, do both – then you’ll know for sure which you prefer. Come on over in a couple of weeks by yourself, and back again in Nov with your mate.

If you can not swing both:

It appears you have never traveled here alone before – so come on over by yourself and consider it a learning experience.

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Easy, do both – then you’ll know for sure which you prefer.  Come on over in a couple of weeks by yourself, and back again in Nov with your mate.

If you can not swing both:

It appears you have never traveled here alone before – so come on over by yourself and consider it a learning experience.

I agree. Until about 3 years ago, i would never have travelled alone, thinking i'd be bored etc. Until a mate of mine did the same thing and had to back out a few weeks before we where due to travel. I was looking forward to it so much, i thought stuff it, i'm going. The best thing i ever did. After that i always sorted myself out first as to when i wanted to go and if someone wanted to come with me, great, if not, even greater.

The only other thing i will say is, if you do come next month, you are going to be as jealous as <deleted> in November when your mate is coming and your not :o Choices, choices

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Just do it. I've travelled many times on my own and prefer it if i am honest. You dont have to worry about asking your mate. Do you wanna do this? Do you wanna do that? You can do what you want. No need to try and keep someone else happy. I've travelled with mates before. We had a good time. But You will meet like minded people that are also travelleing on their own. Much easier. If for example someone was travelling on their own and they saw you on your own then it is most likely that you can spark up a conversation. He might turn out to be a ######ing idiot. But then again he might turn out be a great mate for life. Who knows? Enjoy life, live it, take chances. You only get one. :o

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The previous 3 times I've been to LOS with my mates. I have travelled alone also and like both types of travel. I think I will book it - I'm too geared up for it to cancel it now.

Thanks for all the replies!! :o

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This is true Khall and I'd love to meet each and every one - especially the most prominent members such as yourself, Bambi, Icey and all the guys too.  I guess the TV party is also on (?) while I'll be there too and I'd definately come to that.  Oh decisions decisions....

Go on yer own matey.

Before i got married i always travelled on my own. At the end of the day i was travelling for new experiences, new people new places etc and if your with someone else, everything has to have a joint decision where if your on your own you do what you want when you want.

Get out there and meet loads of new people and dont worry about being on your own. Like Khall said there are plenty of members who are out there that i am sure would be happy to hook up and have a beer on you :o:D

Have fun :D

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Easy, do both – then you’ll know for sure which you prefer.  Come on over in a couple of weeks by yourself, and back again in Nov with your mate.

Better yet, overlap your trip so that you spend time by yourself before meeting up with your buddy.

I've traveled alot by myself, with groups and with only 1 other person. All have pluses and minuses.

Only you can weigh them up against each other and find which is most suitable for yourself.

Edited by Gazza
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I guess everyone's different but personally I don't mind either but prefer to travel with a friend.


:o I've been to Thailand many times and have always preferred flying the 18 - 22 hour flight with a friend.

When it was a close friend, we spent much time together in Thailand and it was always enjoyable.

When flying with just an acquaintance, the flight at least was more bearable having someone to talk to that you knew you weren't bothering.

Once in the LOS however, I seemed to go it alone, basically pairing off from each other, having our own agendas.

If I have to choose, I prefer having a friend along for the duration of my holiday, It's nice having a person there where-as we have much in common. For one, chatting about what transpired when each were apart........... what shall we do today ............. stuff like that, etc, etc, etc.............. DJM

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hmmmm, I think if you need to ask, you had better travel with someone!!

you never know, by yourself some girl may run away with all your money, or some guy may sell you some diamonds.......

better have a friend to hold your hand :D

or come by yourself, have a good time and grow up quickly :o

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hmmmm, I think if you need to ask, you had better travel with someone!!

you never know, by yourself some girl may run away with all your money, or some guy may sell you some diamonds.......

....or you might wake up one morning and find you're missing a kidney. :o

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Good post

in the last 12 months i have done both, 1 2week holiday on own and 1 2 week holiday with a friend, I enjoyed them both very much

In October i am returning from a month first 32 weekds on my own then meeting up with a friend

both have plusses and minus's, I probably enjoyed being on my own more, On my next trip i will be travellingb btewteen towns on rail and bus at my own pace and as and when I want, i prefer this kind of travelling on my own, and in Thailand it is very easy to speak to all kinds of people

biggest drawbacks on my own i found were your family do worry far more about you on your ownm even when you say, but mum i am 43!, plus there are times where if you go on an day type excursions, it is far easier if you have someone you know to talk to, and you probably feel safer if you get really very drunk, I did once but never felt in any danger

on your own you can chill out in your own way much better without having to take someone else into account, howver if you do go with someone its best to be in a position where you can say, look i want to go ion my own way for a day or so.

do either, whichever you feel is most appropriate for you, you will enjoy

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