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Yes I agree a very gray past not that I would believe all of the news articles as being accurate to the exact situations at the time. Knowing that the expenditures and resources of the cold war was having and picking the best of 2 evils specially when you have extended responsibilities through out asia and with the european theaters.

I did not see anything about the nuclear power plant that the Isrealis took out or

other nations diatribes throughout the years in these news worthy articles. I guess the U.S. is the only ones that ever had relations with the Iraqes and Iranians. ###### I guess the americans are the only ones that need oil or have had relations in the region. I am sure when decisions were made there was no other contributing factors such as a communist Russia and China. This info could be dangerous in Kwiz's hands. Oh well maybe he is on his way to N.Korea, I know he was concerend

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Anyone want to offer help paying the billions that has been put on the U.S tax payer these last 13 years.

sell a few drums that should do it - I am sure the cost effectiveness of this war was worked out already.


Australia just discovered 340 million barrels of oil. If we only had enough to keep our electric plants going (we do, but coal for the next 100 years or more, real nasty though) and economies going without the middle east. I am lucky I only use a tank of gas in my little car about every 3 months 40 litres.


SADDAM's last request

I can use anything that you leave behind when leaving Iraq. pans, garden stuff, pots, furniture, books, rugs and clothes. I have 650 kids living in 4 different places. Anything

Where does it say cover your nasty arse up or your not going outside?

what about a man can marry any pig dog he wants to but a

woman can only marry her religon all others need not apply.

I am lucky I only use a tank of gas in my little car about every 3 months 40 litres.

Here we go..Tank of gas for 3 months..40 lts..???

I was wondering how you missed so much happenings around you.. :D

Were you sleeping at home all this time and suddenly woke up to see Sadam? :o

You know what? I am waiting to hear Sadam saying who gave him Arms to fight against Iran , Against Kuwait , and chemical weapons to kill so many Kurdish people .

Do you think Sadam is so intelligent and he had all this latest Technology to develop WMD inside Iraq? [Not now..but one time he had them]

What do you think? B)

I will ask again though if the USA wants people to "believe" them in what they do is just why havent they gone after N Korea with the same vigour or why didnt they help "free" east timor from the muderous Indonesians.

Simply there was nothing to gain was there?

Because you just can't go stomping on to the Chinese continent waving your dick around. Are you kidding? Those mo' fo's can protect themselves! They DO have weapons of mass destruction and would fight simply to protect one of the fellow last bations of communism.

I'm a Yank, mate. I do not agree with the invasion of Iraq. Particulary, it's the pretenses under which my government presented to justify its course of action. You wouldn't believe how many people I've spoken with who honestly believe that:

there are still hidden caches of WMD in Iraq

that Hussein was in collusion with Bin Laden regarding WTC

that the last 500,000 people to die in Iraq before our latest soirée did so at the hands of Hussein and not the economic and trade sanctions imposed by the US and our junior partner, England

that we didn't bomb Iraq after the gulf war/desert storm/kuwaiti fiasco or whatever you want to call it.

But take it easy, huh? Better friends than foes.


T-52 tanks are from where along with AK-47's

A couple street kids in Japan made sarin chemical agents

I drive about 700 meters a few times a week to pick my food and bring it back to work where I eat and sleep.

See I told you they could not use oil for everything.

Many bombs were dropped on Radar sites while monitoring the no fly zone and when they refused the inspectors access to palaces and delayed entry to other places in a timely manner.

Ask Japan about China they seem to be the only ones that seen a need to occupy

the place.

Why does only 20% of the world if that much use unleaded fuel.


Hmm have to ask the question after reading this topic.

Is Khun really this incredibly stupid or is he just winding us all up ??

Extracting the urine, I believe it is sometimes called !!


Why does so many people think they know so much when they only have access to pay for information sources (news sales, especially sensationalised news).

I get free dailt the Arab news.

Is it true most people from India are engineers and most english speaking farangs

are english teachers (compliments of Khao San rd.)

Human nature most people side with the underdog

Good riddance! Now, insn't it time to get rid of the other two tyrants:

1. Bush, for making war not peace. Having lived in the Arab world for many years, his capture will I garantee you, fuel more hatred and terrorist attacks against innocent Brits, Americans and especially Israelis...

2. Sharon, for not making concessions and "sticking to his guns" most o the time. He could in theory stop these settlements in occupied land as a gesture of goodwill...


Amen to that !!!


What I am really wondering is, do all these functional illiterates really understand each other?

If so, they must write codebooks in their spare time.

I feel at a great disdvantage trying to battle it out with them using actual English. :o


I knew we would do it.  And if the dog osama is still alive, we'll find him too.

But at least NOW this filthy pig saddam will be tried as a war criminal and the entire world will see his attrocities and his defiance.  He will rot in prison for his war crimes.

Once again, the U.S. has lead the way.  We've done the world a huge favor.  Thanks to our allies and to the individual men and women who made this possible.


You must be joking, right ??

Osama will find you and this time it will be more than 2 towers for sure

You haven't done the world a favor since 911

Why is it that no matter what the U.S. does, it's never enough? Is just a simple "Thanks" just too hard to say?

We've spent our own blood and money to get rid of this guy, and there is still grumbling. No one ever says "Hey, thanks to the Americans, now this bad guy is finally gone".

Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what? Some of you people are worse than my ex-wife--she could never be pleased either!

Look, no one else did anything to get rid of him, once and for all. The U.N. sat around for years and was completely ineffective. Saddam stayed in power. The U.S. tried sanctions, tried working through the U.N., tried just about everything. Saddam stayed in power. If it was an "Arab world situation that should be dealt with by the Arabs", then what did the Arab world do, to get rid of Saddam? Nothing. And still, Saddam stayed in power. What did Europe do? What did Asia do?

Who always winds up having to spend their own money and lives, to get rid of these guys--the U.S. And when we do, we're always then blamed for having to use "guns and bullets to get our way" and "killing innocent children". Please--give me a freaking break!

A simple "thanks" would be appreciated.

yeah what about a "fuk you very much" !!!! and "Go Home Yankees"

How is that for a "thank you" note ?

If you want to kill innocent children and removed dictators, why don't you bomb your own country ? you would do the world a favor for sure.

The US has officially become a "terrorist state" to the world.

No go back watching "Faux News" and go cheer up with the rest of the clowns.

When are they going to capture Bush?


Bush is in Nana Plaza and has been in hiding for some time before A.P.E.C. cover up job me think, as posted before by someone. :o

Oh it is so Sad.Dam that there is no Bush showing there anymore. LOL B)

Sorry, but I could not resist that one……………… LOL

Opps I did it again. B)

Tks Rabkk you made my day B)

No, it was Santa down that hole!


Me thinking on Sunday evening this past, Santa came early this year, when the

"Live News on the Beeb" (UBS) showed him (Santa) in Iraq. “We got Him” they cried.

Good on you Khun Pnustedt, you beat us all to your Avatar LOL. :D

Opps I did it again B)

Me think, nice Avatar Khun Pnustedt :o

You really are getting into the Christmas Spirit early..... B)


Just made my first posting on the visa section and have now got the information I wanted. But why are people on this site so weird?

Before I go, let me do an impersonation.

Bush just caught Saddam B) BTW, do you read the Washington Post? B) Do you think Saddam is really good or bad? :o

Is there any truth in the rumour that gratuitous clicking on smilies is an indication of an advanced or retarded intelligence? :D

Goodbye, god bless. B)

Guest IT Manager
2. Sharon, for not making concessions and "sticking to his guns" most o the time. He could in theory stop these settlements in occupied land as a gesture of goodwill...

peace! LOL

It is a perversion of English that the name of the Sharon thing and goodwill in the same sentence is grammatically correct.

Whoever shot at Sharon and missed should be hung in chains at the gates of the Ratican city.

not that I would believe all of the news articles as being accurate

No, it was Santa down that hole!

Funny, I thought that it was Fidel Castro that was fished out and presented to Georgie Jr as a Xmas offering on Sunday. The soldiers were disappointed to find they'd only caught the Ace of Spades instead, who can spill far more beans on past WMD benefactors than certain ex-Presidents and Prime Minsters would be comfortable with. Let's hope he's kept the receipts. :o


Anyone has any news about who gave all these Arms and technology to Sadam?

If Sadam put forward all these information, I am sure it will be more deadly than his WMD. Wonder what Bush and Blair really meant by WMD.

May be it is not what all of us think.

May be the WMD is yet to come from his mouth...


If US helped him to come to this stage then, who should be indirectly accountable for all the death he commited? These questions will disapear as conspiracy theories for ever..


Kwiz wrote:

Ok..this is not your solution..also you do not have one..  Interesting..

Then why you support Bush. His solution is to hunt each an every terrorist and clean the world

Re-read my posts. There is nothing in there that states my support for Bush and his polocies. You assumed that I supported him, just because I am proud to be an American and I am passionate about witnessing the loss of innocent American lives.

Tsk, Tsk. You have not given any viable solutions, just a bunch of word salad with a few history here and there. Although, you have done me a favor by validating my point-of-views:


they give their two cents with such conviction and no validity

You and others have continuously jump to conclusions before absorbing the information, processing it, and then conveying your views.


I am interested in what you guys have to say,only to the point of sensibility.

My posts were intended to ask Anti-Bush and Anti-American posters on how they think the world problems should be resolved and how the world should react to international trajedies. Rather than giving concrete answers, a lot you have resorted to name-calling, finger-pointing, and American bashing. As a result of that, some Americans have taken offense, and refuted your replies.

This is not about Saddam, Iraq, death of innocent lives, or polotics, but merely a deep-seeded hate for not just Americans or America, but for anything that you do not believe in. How self-centered and unempathetic that is. This is not a debate, it's a play-ground fight. End.



Was it not already determined by the UN they could not find the chemicals that was purchased that could be used for WMD. On the other hand they did find several thousand artillery shells that were built with the ability to deliver chemical weapons, of course this is the norm, right? The suppliers were from Europe at least the several tons they could prove was purchased. UN report below.



Iraq admitted prior to the Gulf War that it maintained large stockpiles of mustard gas and the nerve agents Sarin (GB) and Tabun (GA).

Iraq had a large VX production underway, and has not offered any evidence that the capability and stockpile have been destroyed. In 1996, Iraq admitted it had produced at least 3.9 tons of VX and at least 600 tons of ingredients to make it. (It is one of the deadliest forms of nerve gas and easily storable.)

Defection of Iraqi Lt. Gen. Hussein Majid, formerly in charge of WMD programs, led Iraq to admit its bio-weapon program in August 1995. Baghdad admitted to producing 90,000 liters of Botulinium toxin, 8,300 liters of Anthrax, and significant quantities of other agents, plus a laboratory and industrial-scale facility to continue production.

Defectors reported in December 2001 and March 2002 the existence of mobile germ laboratories disguised as milk delivery trucks, and a network of underground bunkers for chemical and biological weapons production. U.S. officials released evidence on March 8, 2002, allegedly showing that Iraq has been converting dump trucks bought through a UN humanitarian program into military vehicles, in violation of UN sanctions. An Iraqi defector stated that he had converted Renault trucks into mobile laboratories with incubators for bacteria, microscopes and air conditioning.

Bush is in Nana Plaza

sure is!! :o

I don't think, he would survive there for 14 1/2 minutes.

People, who need to make war, cannot be in possession of a general acceptable IQ!.

Let him go back to Texas next year.

bush and monica seen buying cigars at tobacconist in nana plaza :o

Then seen nipping round to the khazi behind the petrol station for a strategic piercing..........monica went in first and came out with a conventional nipple ring, followed by bush who came out with a pierced wee-WMD, which was later seen being flaunted on stage at DC-10 to much mirth. Needless to say, monica stuck with her cigar that night. B):D

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