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I am writing now in simple sentences. For you to understand.

1. You can not be an American. You are the one who quoted news paper articles and asked from us ?What we think??.

All I have taken is just 2 New paper Articles. Count how many you have taken. Poor Orgy-Porgie can not even count.

2. Then you are telling me no one interested in my replies here.

Wonder how many have backed you. I did not see any. Except for some who came in and they moved out.

3. If you want real opinion, then in another thread, read the results of the poll. That will say what the majority think.

4. I am not going to write more for a person like you.

All you say is..Sadam is Bad and Bush is good..

Dady Dady?this Asian in this forum is insulting my Dummy.. Please Dady..What should I write..? Oh! Orgy-Porgie..You deserve some sympathy here..

Just stop your crab at least now. If you need a constructive argument, let?s have it.

If you understand this far, then you understand my English and do not act like a Stupid Idiot saying my English is poor. I have spent many months in this forum and no one ever complained about my poor English except you.

Anyway I do not mind, even anyone complain coz I am an Asian.

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HEY BUTTERFLY--Again, since YOU ALWAYS SIDE-STEP questions and just put up more slop:

Why is it you never complain about the real terrorists who strap on bombs and kill innocent Israeli women and children?  Because they're "just Jews"?  Why is it you never mention the REAL ATTROCITIES committed by your friends, the Muslim extremist terrorist groups?

Did you look at a mirror recently ? no, thought so.

You are not replying to my questions and you keep dodging with tangent and other issues. Not that I am really surprised by this move, since you are a "light headed" conservative redneck. You hide behind values long gone and destroyed by the same people you voted for. Kind of ironic, isn't it ?

During WW2, the French resistance who help the American planning for the liberation were labelled "terrorists" by the germans. You get my drift ?

For the Palestinians, Israel is the terrorist state (if you don't see this then you definitely need help), and for the Israeli government, the Palestinians are the terrorists.

For the people of the world, the US has become a terrorist in Iraq and has been a terrorist secretly for years during the cold war. It's not because it does not make the front page on CNN or "Faux News" that it does not mean it didn't happen.

But again, relax, don't worry about all this. These issues are far too complex for your little narrow mind. NASCAR and Oprah should be all you need to worry about for now. Don't let the truth blind you, it could put into question your little "confortable" life.

Peace for all, but not for you :o


I am writing now in simple sentences. For you to understand.


If you understand this far, then you understand my English and do not act like a Stupid Idiot saying my English is poor. I have spent many months in this forum and no one ever complained about my poor English except you.

Anyway I do not mind, even anyone complain coz I am an Asian.

How convenient to claim not to understand English when those same people have themselves poor English skills, and they are native Americans :o

Gotta love the US education system. Brainwashing and under-educating the masses to make them the perfect live stock for the corporate world


This has nothing to do with the topic of the post anymore, does it? I am just tired of a few ignorant bullies monopolizing this thread with the pushy perseverance of the seriously stupid.

You boys don't know what to do when someone points out how foolish and full of crap you are, so you keep on doing what you have done all along; completely ignore logic and truth and repeat the same silly, senseless, rambling arguments and "politically " correct stereotypes over and over, in garbled English, and hope that people get worn out by your pointless stupidity. Too bad for you that some people have such a difficult time suffering fools gladly.

Jiz117, I answered your important question that you kept bugging me about, but you don't seem to have bothered to address it. That would lead one to believe that you have no interest in a true debate. You just want to write down a bunch of silly gobbledygook with a bunch of smileys and pretend that someone, somewhere understands you and that you have won a great victory for half-wits everywhere.

Well guess what? You are never going to Disneyland! :o



you're ricky aren't you?

don't forget in your patriotic's ... frenchies helped you out to become america ...

some 200+ years ago ... forgot?

if not, you would have been britts :o

time to jump into history books again :D

written by an American, long but worth it!

By Leon Fisher


Having gotten out of bed early Sunday morning but not having turned on the TV or radio till mid-morning, I was completely unaware of the capture of Saddam Hussein.

As I finally got around to it,  .....

straight ... but some truth there ..


Well, I think the threat is not too far off the topic. For me, as non-American (and non-Iraqi) quite interesting to see the reactions. Finally, I read one comment, that not everybody is America-bashing who is against George Dubious Bush.

So, they got Saddam and Bush is still running around. My proposal:

Put Saddam in a court in the USA. I am sure it will be a fair trial and he will get help by the best lawyers there are, who will make him look innocent like a new-born baby. Fair to everybody!

As for GWB, let another court decide, if his actions have been legit. As he refused to accept the Internationl Court in The Hague, for reasons best known to himself, perhaps an Iraqi-court will do. This to be set up in Baghdad and supervised by U.N. legal experts to avoid any mistakes in proceedings. I am sure, it will be a fair trial, too. He will get all the support by the people of Iraq to whom he brought freedom.

Am I cynical? Yes.



Things you have to believe when you are a republican or a Bush supporter

Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.

Government should relax regulation of Big Business and Big Money but crack down on individuals who use marijuana to relieve the pain of illness.

"Standing Tall for America” means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.

A woman can’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches while slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.

Group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for governor of California as a Republican.

If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.

A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.

HMOs and insurance companies have the interest of the public at heart.

Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.

Global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion.

A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.

Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

The public has a right to know about Hillary’s cattle trades, but George Bush’s driving record is none of our business.

You support states’ rights, which means Attorney General John Ashcroft can tell states what local voter initiatives they have a right to adopt.

What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the ’80s is irrelevant.

Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.

God bless Amerika and freedom


for how long US did not pay their share to UN?

anyone can remember that?

loosing memory ...  :o

What is it about you guys and money. The U.N. is worthless other than paying out big bucks for nothing. We need money, we need someone to fight our battles.

George finally showed you if we are doing the fighting and paying go screw yourselves. Saddam could not buy Mr. Bush like he did Clinton and the rest. Even Mohmar said he will not mess with the man.

Iraq will even have christmas this year.

Osama will not have his drugs this holiday season with this second bust.

for how long US did not pay their share to UN?

anyone can remember that?

loosing memory ...  :o

What is it about you guys and money. The U.N. is worthless other than paying out big bucks for nothing. We need money, we need someone to fight our battles.

George finally showed you if we are doing the fighting and paying go screw yourselves. Saddam could not buy Mr. Bush like he did Clinton and the rest. Even Mohmar said he will not mess with the man.

Iraq will even have christmas this year.

Osama will not have his drugs this holiday season with this second bust.

Thanks for showing a perfect example of your stupidity. Does it come naturally or do you work hard on it ?

Ahh... a nice shiny new avatar!  I love it!

hey, how was Oprah today ?

Just fine, thanks!

How was your bread line, comrad? Had to wait only 5 hours this time? Say hello to Osama for me.

for how long US did not pay their share to UN?

anyone can remember that?

loosing memory ...  :o

What is it about you guys and money. The U.N. is worthless other than paying out big bucks for nothing. We need money, we need someone to fight our battles.

George finally showed you if we are doing the fighting and paying go screw yourselves. Saddam could not buy Mr. Bush like he did Clinton and the rest. Even Mohmar said he will not mess with the man.

Iraq will even have christmas this year.

Osama will not have his drugs this holiday season with this second bust.

Thanks for showing a perfect example of your stupidity. Does it come naturally or do you work hard on it ?

It all is much easier now that the U.N. Iraq operations is in Cyprus with Russian hookers and beaches now paid instead of Khemer peasants. I wonder what armed forces we will have to pay salaries for and provide all their equipment too. The U.N. must have about a million Landcruisers by now anyone know where they keep

these or do they become private vehicles to the worthless admin hired after each operation. Saddam has helped keep many of them employed with 6 figure incomes along with purchasing kickbacks for 13 years now. Is this why Herr Buterfly is so sensitive this time. Are you not high enough on the totem pole to get a position in Cyprus with $50 meals 3 times a day paid for by guess who. The largest contributor to the U.N. and NATO by large amounts of course the good Old U.S.

This is really what brung Saddam and Mohmar out of a hole isn't it. They want some more of these U.N. funds. Next will be Osama who was already getting the drugs ready for the big ole party in Cyprus. Did you not get your drugs this morning Butterfly, oh yes they are a it wet after being thrown off the boat but we

will have them dried and delivered to you and the rest of the U.N. soon. Sorry the U.N. decide to move operations to Cyprus instead of Kuwait for this recent event.

I guess less days in 5 star hotels this time so they went for a better place but they should of changed the order on the drug delivery to the same. Time for you guys to get a real job and not leach off the good ole USA. Spread your wings and fly away come back to bother us another day.



The United States is a generous supporter of key UN programs, funding:

51.4% of the World Food Program budget to help feed 72 million people in 82 countries.*

17.1% of the United Nations Children’s Fund budget to feed, vaccinate, educate and protect children in 162 countries.*

14.1% of the United Nations Development Program core budget to eradicate poverty and encourage democratic governance.*

25.8% of the International Atomic Energy Agency budget to ensure safe and peaceful application of nuclear energy and prevent the illicit use of nuclear material for weapons.**

22% of the World Health Organization core budget as well as significant voluntary resources, helping to prevent and control epidemics and to improve standards of health.**

25% of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees budget to help protect refugees and facilitate their return home or re-settlement in another country.*

25% of the International Civil Aviation Organization budget to ensure safe, efficient and economical air travel.**

* These programs operate strictly on voluntary contributions.

** These programs operate on a combination of assessed and voluntary contributions.

Ahh... a nice shiny new avatar!  I love it!

hey, how was Oprah today ?

Just fine, thanks!

How was your bread line, comrad? Had to wait only 5 hours this time? Say hello to Osama for me.

well, at least it's good bread and not GM bread

Osama is fine, having a drink now with him

He said he will come soon to visit you :D

Don't forget your ducktape :o

Hey, Khun, I think you forgot to take your meds this morning.


No Medication problems but this hash is hard to smoke being wet and all now.

Also having problems with visa to Cyprus. So the meeting with Osama Bin Hidding

I guess is going well with you. Tell him tomorrow will be the big smoke out on the beach if we can get enough of this stuff dry but it is somewhat salty. Does he prefer blonds or brunettes.

Now we just find out one of the people involved in the Turkish bombings was

paid by a top Al-Queda person in Iran.

Libya had WMD factories that no one knew about along with advanced Nuclear


You liberal loving tycoons think these mad men will behave with words.

Keep living in your dream world while the rest of us put up with your bad mouthing

while we make the sacrifice for you to do so.

Big George your the man with the plan guiding this promise land.

Two in the BUSH (Saddam and Mohmar) and one almost in hand (Osama).

These extremist are going to pay a big price very soon and by years end Iraq

will be completely free of Saddams half million thugs.

Osama is fine, having a drink now with him

He said he will come soon to visit you  :o

Great! Yeah, tell him to come on by! I'll be sure to have the bullets dipped in pig fat, pigskins and pork entrails ready! :D

Don't know what I'm talking about? Read To Stymie Terrorists, Wrap Their Remains in Pork-- a surefire way to stop terrorism! Who cares if it's not "politically correct"? We'll fight the bastards anyway we need to fight 'em.

To Stymie Terrorists, Wrap Their Remains in Pork[/url][/b]-- a surefire way to stop terrorism!  Who cares if it's not "politically correct"?  We'll fight the bastards anyway we need to fight 'em.

Are suicide bombers politically correct ? Let pigs wander freely and the suiciders will get covered in pig guts when the bomb blasts. Slow ' em up on their way to eternal life eh ? I kinda like it.


No more 50 virgins or family in heaven with them and all the other lies they believe.

Gotta agree membrane have been saying this for a long while, they wanna blow up innocent people for their belief then turn their belief against them.

Now we just find out one of the people involved in the Turkish bombings was

paid by a top Al-Queda person in Iran.

It was suggested on BBC this evening that

Israel / USA were behind these bombings.

Seems the number of cars parked in the road

outside the Synagogue were much fewer than normal...

It was suggested on BBC this evening that

Israel / USA were behind these bombings.

Yeah... "suggested"....

No proof, no evidence, nothing to back it up--just lies and innuendo. It's called disinformation: "False information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth".

No proof, no evidence, nothing to back it up--just lies and innuendo. It's called disinformation: "False information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth".

Now to this statement I can agree, however, it should be evenly applied to all

parties. To George Dubious Bush for his nonsense-announcement of WMD in Iraq, contrary to all (non)-findings of the experts. Bush's connecting Iraq with Al Quaida,

and using such lies to influence public opinion and to get support for sending his army down to Baghdad.

CNN with all the propaganda-news certainly helps him a lot.

Pork against terror? I like it although one official was fired in Thailand for a similar suggestion. Tom Clancy copied it in his latest book, ok he was the same guy who wrote how to run airplanes into the Capitol.

The solution: Pork to the terrorists and brezels to GWB! :o


Tom Clancy also said

"Four planes? That many people willing to die for the same cause at the same time?

If any writer had turned in a story like this,the publisher would have handed it back and said'No way Not believable"

See www.public-action.com

It was suggested on BBC this evening that

Israel / USA were behind these bombings.

Yeah... "suggested"....

No proof, no evidence, nothing to back it up--just lies and innuendo. It's called disinformation: "False information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth".

You mean like Iraq WMD ? :D

I think you are a big hyprocrite on the top of being a big dummy :o

Keep living in your dream world while the rest of us put up with your bad mouthing while we make the sacrifice for you to do so.

And who asked you to make that sacrifice ? and who are you to make that sacrifice ? nobody asked you to and that's exactly the problem. Unless you think God "named" you and your like to make this sacrifice. Tell me, what's the difference with the other "terrorists" who claim they sacrifice their life for God and their cause ? see you are the same people and that's why you will never win the "war on terra" because you will destroy yourself while trying to destroy your ennemy, which is nothing more than your reflecting image.

And are you a Christian extremist ?

The solution: Pork to the terrorists and brezels to GWB! :D

only if he could think and chew at the same time, we would be truely fuked. Hopefully there is hope in this, that if he tried to eat another one, he will end up dead. Unfortunately, secret service has banned all brezels in the White House. You can never be too careful with those brezels :o

Unless you think God "named" you and your like to make this sacrifice.

Yep. Allah is on our side. That's why we keep winning and will continue to win. He loves the U.S.! Alluah Akbar! :o

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