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60 nations agreed to end it once and for all.

Only a couple wanted to wait in order to fill their pockets as they had done with Saddam for many years. I guess it is hard giving up a good customer to some. Even Al-Qeada by their actions requested us to do more. They are either killing women and children or hiding behind them. Real smart putting military operations in public schools and hospitals or hiding amoungst them for protection.

It is people like you that caused several 100's of thousand to end up in mass graves from stopping the first actions.

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No more 50 virgins or family in heaven with them and all the other lies they believe. 

Gotta agree membrane have been saying this for a long while, they wanna blow up innocent people for their belief then turn their belief against them.

Actually from what I understand, it's supposed to be 72 virgins..

But then again, if a German scholar is correct, then Islamic Terrorists have an interesting afterlife ahead of them. In reference to the verses in the Qur'an that talk about the "72 wide-eyed virgins" the Qur'an promises to the departed faithful:

Arguing that today's version of the Qur'an has been mistranscribed from the original text, scholar Christoph Luxenberg (a pseudonym) says that what are described as "houris" with "swelling breasts" refer to nothing more than "white raisins" and "juicy fruits."

Now I wonder--did they mean "juicy fruits" or "Juicy Fruit"?? :o



I guess Saddam arrests was not due to the efforts of the US Army after all.

Saddam Hussein was captured by US troops only after he had been taken prisoner by Kurdish forces, drugged and abandoned ready for American soldiers to recover him, a British Sunday newspaper said.

Saddam came into the hands of the Kurdish Patriotic Front after being betrayed to the group by a member of the al-Jabour tribe, whose daughter had been raped by Saddam's son Uday, leading to a blood feud, reported the Sunday Express, which quoted an unnamed senior British military intelligence.

I think my friend Osama has still a few good days left in front of him :o


All Muslims are not terrorists, but a very high percentage of them support the slaughter of innocent civilians to accomplish Islamic goals, and very, very few speak out against their terrorist brethren's evil activities. It is no wonder that civilized human beings find their morals wanting, and, after that, it doesn't take much deep thinking to question what sort of religion this is, that they are following. :o

Saddam came into the hands of the Kurdish Patriotic Front

. (snip)

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I think my friend Osama has still a few good days left in front of him  :o

If it happened that way, then the only logical conclusion would be that the Kurds left him as a "Thank You" gift to the Americans.

If you take the time to think about it, especially if there really was a "blood feud", then why else would they capture him, drug him and leave him behind?? It's obvious--so the Americans could "get their man". If it's true, then I say "Thank You" to the Kurds!

But it's a moot point, isn't it? Because, the situation is still.... :

"We got him!"


Saddam came into the hands of the Kurdish Patriotic Front

. (snip)

. (snip)

. (snip)

I think my friend Osama has still a few good days left in front of him   :o

If it happened that way, then the only logical conclusion would be that the Kurds left him as a "Thank You" gift to the Americans.

If you take the time to think about it, especially if there really was a "blood feud", then why else would they capture him, drug him and leave him behind?? It's obvious--so the Americans could "get their man". If it's true, then I say "Thank You" to the Kurds!

But it's a moot point, isn't it? Because, the situation is still.... :

"We got him!"


No, the point was "you didn't get him" he was "handed" to you and "staged" as if you "caught" him so that the brainless masses (your people) keep drinking the Koo Aid

Do you speak English or is this also hard for you to understand the difference ? B)

Please do not be so foolish as to paint all Muslims as terrorists, that woulfd be like saying all Catholic/Christians are Pedophiles. Quoting Islamic text in this thread is bullshit.

1) I never said all Muslims are terrorists. I simply pointed out that according to one scholar, the interpretation promising 72 virgins seems to be in dispute. So they are blowing themselves up for nothing--except a big plate of food...

2) I will quote the Qur'an (or any other text) that I want. This is an open and uncensored board (within reason, I believe) and I've put up with reading far worse things said about my country by the likes of Butterfly and others. Far worse than what I had to post about the Qur'an.

Having said that, I will admit I probably should not have made a joke about the Juicy Fruit gum, especially in these very sensitive times. I was tempted to edit it out, but I won't. Instead, I will leave it and say "No disrepect was meant to any peace-loving Muslim". But again, I've never seen anyone bash the U.S. or the current administration, and then go back and retract it. Have you?

All Muslims are not terrorists, but a very high percentage of them support the slaughter of innocent civilians to accomplish Islamic goals, and very, very few speak out against their terrorist brethren's evil activities. It is no wonder that civilized human beings find their morals wanting, and, after that, it doesn't take much deep thinking to question what sort of religion this is, that they are following. :o

Exactly, that's why you have to "slaughter innocent civilians" to counter-prove that their Islamic goal is less important than our "Christian" or even "Anti-Islamic" goals

Are you really that stupid ?

Did you have a brain fart again ? :D

No, the point was "you didn't get him" he was "handed" to you and "staged" as if you "caught" him so that the brainless masses (your people) keep drinking the Koo Aid

Do you speak English or is this also hard for you to understand the difference ?  :o

And can you freakin' read English? Can you think? Do you have at least two freakin' neurons to click together??

As I said:

IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT, especially if there really was a "blood feud", then why else would they capture him, drug him and leave him behind?? It's obvious--so the Americans could "get their man".

If it happened that way--IF there really was a blood feud and they really hated saddam--then the only logical conclusion would be that the Kurds left him as a "Thank You" gift to the Americans.

Anyway, who cares? Because still.... :

"We got him".

...and he's going to go on trial for crimes against humanity and there's nothing you can do about it, is there?

Now Butterfly, I know your intelligence is severly limited, but what part of that don't you understand?? You poor pathetic little hate-filled man? Are your emotions so overwhelmed that you can't think straight? Are you really running out of comebacks already? Can't use logic and reason so you have to resort to name-calling right? :D

Exactly, that's why you have to "slaughter innocent civilians" to counter-prove that their Islamic goal is less important than our "Christian" or even "Anti-Islamic" goals

1) We go out of our way not to harm innocent civilians. If we didn't care about that, then our weapons would not have evolved past the "version 1.0" type first used in World War II against the Japanese. (And by the way, as I've pointed out before, we helped the Japanese rebuild after the war and they are now one of our peaceful allies--even though a lot of times they kick our butts in business).

2) America is the great melting pot, haven't you ever heard of that? There are Christians here in the U.S., AS WELL AS Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics--every possible variety of religious (or non-religious) belief possible. That's because America is made up of people from all over the world, who come here for a better life and opportunity, and they bring there religions with them. Freedom of religion is part of the foundation of our society. So you can keep trying to spew your "the west wants a war on Islam" CRAP, but it's not true.

If anything is true, it's that SOME ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS (your buddies, Butterfly) want to pick a fight with the west, then try to make it look like we are the ones starting it.

and anyway...

You never answered my question since again, YOU ALWAYS SIDE-STEP questions and just put up more propaganda and slop:

Why is it you never complain about the real terrorists who strap on bombs and kill innocent Israeli women and children? Because they're "just Jews"? Why is it you never mention the REAL ATTROCITIES committed by your friends, the Muslim extremist terrorist groups?

Sorry Dumbest, but I don't "slaughter innocent civilians", so nothing else you said makes any sense: Situation normal! :o

hahaha !!! another dodge

Nice try !!!

Try again, dumb boy

hahaha !!! another dodge

Nice try !!!

Try again, dumb boy

Hey Butterfly, speaking of dodges, when are you going to answer me? Hmmm?

Why is it you never complain about the real terrorists who strap on bombs and kill innocent Israeli women and children? Because they're "just Jews"? Why is it you never mention the REAL ATTROCITIES committed by your friends, the Muslim extremist terrorist groups?

Why is it you never complain about the real terrorists who strap on bombs and kill innocent Israeli women and children? Because they're "just Jews"? Why is it you never mention the REAL ATTROCITIES committed by your friends, the Muslim extremist terrorist groups?

But you keep dodging my questions with more non-sense. I know in your world that "war is peace" and "black is white" but still this is too much. Nobody is that blind or stupid, or maybe there is.

I don't know, do you care as much about the Palestinians children being killed by the Israeli army ? oh wait, they are expandable because they are "muslims" and "scums" and nobody care about them (translate: they have NOT funded Bush political campaign)

A question for you if you dare to answer: are you a NeoCon or a "Christian" extremist ? I think you are both but you are too pussy to admit anything.

I will answer your question when you are starting to make more sense and stop applying "double standard" to those atrocious events. You don't deserve a reply from me at least for now, dimwit.

Grow up, grow smart and then we will have a meaniningful debate. Until then keep repeating your crap from that script.



Can you tell us the unwashed masses, the benefits of the daisycutter bomb the next thing down in the W.M.D. dept to nuclear weapons.

If there are any people alive after one has been dropped perhaps you can give them a few tips as well.


Can you tell us the unwashed masses, the benefits of the daisycutter bomb the next thing down in  the W.M.D. dept to nuclear weapons.

If there are any people alive after one has been dropped perhaps you can give them a few tips as well.

But you don't understand those "muslims" are our ennemies, without an ennemy we are nothing, hey give me back my beer ??? -- Membrane after his meds


Back when he was a kid, in "Mentally Challenged' class, teacher told little Butterfly to just "keep being persistent, no matter how much people of normal intelligence laugh at, and make fun of you", and he always remembers what she said, and he is persistant, even to this day. He never gives up, no matter what a horses ass he makes of himself.

Back when he was a kid, in "Mentally Challenged' class, teacher told little Butterfly to just "keep being persistent, no matter how much people of normal intelligence laugh at, and make fun of you", and he always remembers what she said, and he is persistant, even to this day. He never gives up, no matter what a horses ass he makes of himself.

Sounds like you are running out of arguments. What's wrong genius ? your script didn't go that far.


Well from the news in todays local newpaper Arab news. The GCC countries are now going to get rough on these extremist who have twisted their faith to be murders and criminals now that Sadam and Mohmar is in line. Saddam can no longer buy young suicide bombers for a few $. Some of these people have never worked a day in their life. They have survived off twisting religion to make everyone feel sorry for them. I guess when it comes down to work or being a religous fanatic they just are not up to the task of making a honest living and being useful.

Butterfly, persistently stupid. :o

Keep repeating it to yourself until you start to believe it. How old are you son ? B)

And thanks again for the compliment. I don't know what could prompt you to be so generous, but I take it :D

Please do not be so foolish as to paint all Muslims as terrorists, that woulfd be like saying all Catholic/Christians are Pedophiles. Quoting Islamic text in this thread is bullshit.

1) I never said all Muslims are terrorists. I simply pointed out that according to one scholar, the interpretation promising 72 virgins seems to be in dispute. So they are blowing themselves up for nothing--except a big plate of food...

2) I will quote the Qur'an (or any other text) that I want. This is an open and uncensored board (within reason, I believe) and I've put up with reading far worse things said about my country by the likes of Butterfly and others. Far worse than what I had to post about the Qur'an.

Having said that, I will admit I probably should not have made a joke about the Juicy Fruit gum, especially in these very sensitive times. I was tempted to edit it out, but I won't. Instead, I will leave it and say "No disrepect was meant to any peace-loving Muslim". But again, I've never seen anyone bash the U.S. or the current administration, and then go back and retract it. Have you?

why would anyone want to retract what they have written regarding Bush, pro or against - its what we/you feel - as Ive said earlier I will agree to disagree - thats it. The "72 virgins in dispute", well whatever, remember the bible was rewritten, so religion is killing this world in every facet - personally I dont beleive in reliving all the points of this war, I just disagree with the way it happened and what it was actually over - thats it, my point. Please everyone agree to disagree, Sadam and Bush are getting to much airtime, whatever you think is right or wrong.

Why is it you never complain about the real terrorists who strap on bombs and kill innocent Israeli women and children?  Because they're "just Jews"?  Why is it you never mention the REAL ATTROCITIES committed by your friends, the Muslim extremist terrorist groups?

But you keep dodging my questions with more non-sense. I know in your world that "war is peace" and "black is white" but still this is too much. Nobody is that blind or stupid, or maybe there is.

I don't know, do you care as much about the Palestinians children being killed by the Israeli army ? oh wait, they are expandable because they are "muslims" and "scums" and nobody care about them (translate: they have NOT funded Bush political campaign)

A question for you if you dare to answer: are you a NeoCon or a "Christian" extremist ? I think you are both but you are too pussy to admit anything.

I will answer your question when you are starting to make more sense and stop applying "double standard" to those atrocious events. You don't deserve a reply from me at least for now, dimwit.

Grow up, grow smart and then we will have a meaniningful debate. Until then keep repeating your crap from that script.

No, I'm not dodging anything. I'm not the one answering questions with more questions, insults and rhetoric. But setting all that aside, you asked me direct questions and I'll answer your questions--provided you do exactly the same and not dodge any more of my direct questions.

Q) Do you care as much about the Palestinians children being killed by the Israeli army? oh wait, they are expandable because they are "muslims" and "scums" and nobody care about them (translate: they have NOT funded Bush political campaign)

A) Of course I care about Palestinians, and I care about their children as well. I care about their lives, their welfare and about the fact that apparently so many are brainwashed by their own parents, schools, and churches into fear and hatred of the Israelis and the west, and to believe that there is a "war on Islam" being waged by the west (when in fact there's no truth to that at all).

I believe we desparately need to stop people like Saddam Hussein, and anyone else, who has ties to Al Qaeda and/or other terrorist groups. We desparately need a road map to peace to be followed by all--the Israelis and the Palestinians. Enough is enough! The Palestinians now have the attention of the world. Congratulations! Now what are they going to do with it? Are they going to allow the extremists in their own group to send out more suicide bombers every time there is a cease-fire and a legitimate attempt to sit down and hammer out the peace?

I did not vote for George Bush. That does not mean I don't think he's doing a good job for the world now, however. I think he could improve in many, many ways. No one is perfect. But I do believe he's getting far more flack than he should be, from people who simply have no other way to express themselves other than immature name-calling and cheap emotional tactics that perpetuate hatred and fear.

And by the way, I have no reason to feel that Muslims are "scum". I reserve that name (and others) for anyone who refuses to sit down and attempt to find a way to peace and whose only goal is to perpetuate hatred and fear.

Q) Are you a NeoCon or a "Christian" extremist? I think you are both but you are too pussy to admit anything.

A) I'm neither. I am not a neoconservative or a Christian. I do not belong to the democratic party or the republican party. I make up my own mind on each issue as I see it. The world is not black and white. But sometimes people act like it is (for instance, like always blaming the Americans OR always blaming the Palestinians).

OK Butterfly. I've answered your questions. And without directly attacking you or calling you names. Now can you do the same?

So... once again:

Q) Why is it you never complain about the Palestinian or other terrorist groups who strap on bombs and kill innocent Israeli women and children? Is it OK to kill Israelis because after all, they're "just Jewish scum"? You show absolutely no concern for Israeli children being killed by the Palestinian terrorist, and yet you are so deeply concerned about Palestinian children being "killed by the Israeli army". Don't you believe all human beings are created equal? Don't both deserve to live in peace and safety?

Q) Are you an Islamic or Muslim extremist? Are you a terrorist or a supporter of terrorism? Why is it you only have disdain for the alledged Israeli and American "attrocities", but always fail to mention the attrocities committed by the Palestinian/Muslim extremist terrorist groups?

has ties to Al Qaeda and/or other terrorist groups.


Can you tell us where you read that Saddam Hussein has any deallings with Al Qaeda, besides American government stuff as that don't count?

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