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Lucky Lottery Numbers, Dreams And Ghosts

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Is it just me or does every Thai seem to dream about lucky lottery numbers and have seen ghosts?

Sometimes both at the same time.

Not seen any myself and never won the lottery.

I've heard some cracking Isaan ghost stories though!

Whats going on?


Don't leave your bedroom door open at night mate (or is that closed?).

I only seem to dream about unlucky lottery numbers and <deleted> who are still alive, go figure. must be bad luck. :unsure:


All the Thai's I know seem to dream of lottery numbers, Just not sure which lotterythey dream about as they rarely win. My wife often asks me about my dreams just before buying a lottery ticket.

Once when I discovered how much she had just spent on lottery tickets I made her promise that if she did not win, she would never buy another ticket. That was the one and only time she won she won anything more than a few hundred baht. So now I have given up,


They seem to be superstitious as a group. A few winters ago I spent some time in Alaska, and as a way to help pass the time, I learned how to do tarot readings. I told my TG I could do a reading for her if she wanted and she refused...said she's scared of that stuff. :lol:


The only time I had any luck on the Thai lottery was when I used to come here on holiday, and try to impress my 'holiday hostess' of the time that I could afford all the lottery tickets in the world - well, you do, don't you, when you're a newbie to LOS! On an investment over a week of about - well, let's just say a good few baht - my 'present' of lottery tickets to the lady produced a win of 6000 baht. She was delighted - I thought I was the bee's knees. How crazy in hindsight! Good old days, in a funny kind of way.

Years on, and now maried and settled in Isaan, I carefully budget for the odd lottery ticket, and, yes, my missus dreams up the lucky numbers. She has books, charts - you name it. Other times, a friendly pee (ghost for the uninitiated) will predict the winning numbers. A day or two before the next draw, she'll ask me, "Did you dream last night?" I shrug and say, "I can't remember." Nett result. Zero. Anyone want to join my wife's syndicate? Wealth NOT 100% assured.


For some bizzare reason i continue to buy the odd lottery ticket here and there,guess im looking for that big win,silly really as i remember the first time i played the Thai lottery,i said to my GF what time is the draw shown on television,television she replied its not done like that here,oh i understand i replied,it depends on who they want to win it does it,yes she quietly replied.


The official Thai lottery draw is shown on TV.

Oh please divulge,channel time etc etc.regards.

It'll be on the first news channel who gets a cameraman up here in Isaan to witness the missus bashing me with a rolling pin when she loses.

The official Thai lottery draw is shown on TV.

Oh please divulge,channel time etc etc.regards.

It'll be on the first news channel who gets a cameraman up here in Isaan to witness the missus bashing me with a rolling pin when she loses.

i rarely remember my dreams but if i mention that i did dream, hubby wants to know immediately as the thais here play thai lottery thru some convoluted grey area money system, embassy sponsored(?)... at any rate, if i saw two cats and dog, eating fish, then i have to say how many fish, or whatever. an easier method is playing by the number of the car i get from the kibbutz car fleet. i signed up for a car on saturday, i got imara number 18, its liscense plate number is xxxxxx, he uses that as a guide. go figure. some of the guys get quite a bit from this lottery, which they promplty turn in to a big party payed by them.



Recently the general manager of the local wat died (locals refered to him as the big monk).

Nice guy actually, he once offered me tea (i am the only farang in this area), he ran a Lourdes style operation in the mountains of Kitchakut.


Soon as he died, magic numbers started to circulate, based on the day and hour of his death.

If i were religious, i would scream "blasphemy".

If i had not lived in thailand for 2 years, i would scream "disrespect".

No, i did not scream.


Recently the general manager of the local wat died (locals refered to him as the big monk).

Nice guy actually, he once offered me tea (i am the only farang in this area), he ran a Lourdes style operation in the mountains of Kitchakut.


Soon as he died, magic numbers started to circulate, based on the day and hour of his death.

If i were religious, i would scream "blasphemy".

If i had not lived in thailand for 2 years, i would scream "disrespect".

No, i did not scream.

But did you win?


Ghosts, Karma and other supernatural "things" are common in Thailand. (Up to this very day.) = My wifes older daughter works in a major bank in Bangkok. Everytime a major business decision has to be made, a "Ghost-Expert" or "Ghost-Buster" (depending on the situation) will be hired to give his input. Normal procedure !

This procedure does not stop at the banking (business) level but goes much higher.

This happens in the year 2011. But: Eighter one accepts this as a farang and finds a certain humor in it, or he lives in the wrong country. TIT !



Ghosts, Karma and other supernatural "things" are common in Thailand. (Up to this very day.) = My wifes older daughter works in a major bank in Bangkok. Everytime a major business decision has to be made, a "Ghost-Expert" or "Ghost-Buster" (depending on the situation) will be hired to give his input. Normal procedure !

This procedure does not stop at the banking (business) level but goes much higher.

This happens in the year 2011. But: Eighter one accepts this as a farang and finds a certain humor in it, or he lives in the wrong country. TIT !


There is hope!

My wife used to believe that kind of nonsense.

After 3 years with me, she has now developed a Monty Python type sense of humour.

She actually came up with some statements that took Europeans centuries to formulate.

In the airplane: hey, where are those angels?

Or: The difference between many marriages and prostitution is long term/short term (being an optimist, i hope she was not referring to her and me 555).

Or: When bad karaoke singing woke us up in the middle of the night: ghosts! i hear ghosts!

Or: at the Magic Golden Rock in Kitchakut mountains, where people were using mirrors to see magic numbers under it: why you not bring mirror? You no love me?

The expression "manager" as a reference to "the big monk", is hers too.

Need i say that i consider myself lucky?


Ghosts, Karma and other supernatural "things" are common in Thailand. (Up to this very day.) = My wifes older daughter works in a major bank in Bangkok. Everytime a major business decision has to be made, a "Ghost-Expert" or "Ghost-Buster" (depending on the situation) will be hired to give his input. Normal procedure !

This procedure does not stop at the banking (business) level but goes much higher.

This happens in the year 2011. But: Eighter one accepts this as a farang and finds a certain humor in it, or he lives in the wrong country. TIT !


There is hope!

My wife used to believe that kind of nonsense.

After 3 years with me, she has now developed a Monty Python type sense of humour.

She actually came up with some statements that took Europeans centuries to formulate.

In the airplane: hey, where are those angels?

Or: The difference between many marriages and prostitution is long term/short term (being an optimist, i hope she was not referring to her and me 555).

Or: When bad karaoke singing woke us up in the middle of the night: ghosts! i hear ghosts!

Or: at the Magic Golden Rock in Kitchakut mountains, where people were using mirrors to see magic numbers under it: why you not bring mirror? You no love me?

The expression "manager" as a reference to "the big monk", is hers too.

Need i say that i consider myself lucky?

555...that's some funny stuff!


Ghosts, Karma and other supernatural "things" are common in Thailand. (Up to this very day.)

This procedure does not stop at the banking (business) level but goes much higher.

This happens in the year 2011. But: Eighter one accepts this as a farang and finds a certain humor in it, or he lives in the wrong country. TIT !

It does in the rest of the world too, just the supernatural things are usually referred to as God, Jesus, Allah, etc., and then for some reason people think they're less supernatural...

Blasphemy is a victimless crime :)


Pointless in Thais dreaming up lottery numbers as they cannot choose the numbers their ticket seller has !

There are ways

Normally they only dream of a 2 or 3 digit combination which is easily bought.

To avoid breaking any forum rules I will not mention the possibility of illegal gambling on the lottery results which allegedly takes place in many communities


my girlfriend once bought a lottery ticket, based on a 3 legged buffalo with 2 sets of genitalia she saw on TV.

she said the baby buffalo was lucky.

i disagreed.


About one year ago, my wife requested I drive her and her mother to a small temple some 90 kilometers on the other side of Khon Kaen to see a Monk. Khon Kaen is 140 kilometers from our place so that made it a one way trip of about 230 kilometers.

My wife goes to the local temple regularly so I thought nothing of it and drove the two of them on the 460 kilometer round trip on the designated day.

On the drive back, I heard the two of them discussing some numbers. Not being fluent in Thai but being fluent in numbers, I guessed they might have obtained some lottery numbers from the Monk.

About one week later, my wife asked me to take them there again. I asked if this might somehow be related to obtaining lottery numbers and she rather sheepishly admitted that was the reason for the trips. She then went on to say her mother had won 10,000 baht and she had won 5,000 with some of the numbers they had obtained from the previous excursion.

I took them but made them buy the fuel and food the second time.


Blasphemy is a victimless crime :)

It shouldn't be a crime at all; God is a bit above and beyond human insults (and apparently above your grubby imaginings).

I agree it shouldn't be a crime. Not sure why you found it necessary to resort to a personal attack? Your belief in a supernatural being doesn't make it true.


The latest madness I have come accross and not seen mentioned anywhere on TV or any hostelry I have been to in Thailand .........is a Pawp.

Whats a Pawp ?

I can only figure its a combination between a Werewolf and Dracula. But you can be living next door to one and not know. No ordinary Thai mortal sees them. They get inside your body and eat your liver and kidneys.. Luckily for my GF her village has a man "who is like a monk but not a monk" "He sits like a monk".....her words............. and for a small fee (no surprise there) he jabbers in tongues and he can talk to the Pawp and make it go away....

Villagers that are told there is a Pawp around will not go out at night.

Now being the ultimate cynic and non believer.

I suspect this is

1) a money making scam.

2) a way of controlling simple folk with fear and suspicion

and sadly

3) someone is killing people and and selling body parts.......!!!

It would appear that many people "are found dead with bits missing"

Or people just go "missing"

Sadly the locals believe all this guff just as much as I believe I can see the computer screen in front of me on a desk as I type.

Many Thais will not talk about this for fear of ridicule from foreigners......but watch out - you never know who are living next to in an Issan Village............it could be a Pawp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P

Just like the the Buffalo with two sets of genitalia...its a load of b*ll*cks...


My wife this past week came back from the local market and as she was taking items out of the plastic bag found a 100 baht note. She was jumping up and down saying "my lucky day". OK it was, so what does she do, she plays the black market lottery for the 1 February. She uses the last 3 digits of the serial number on the bill. She not only plays it 1 time but twice. You guessed it she hits the lottery on each play for 60,000 baht that's time 2 for 120,000 baht. She bought me a case of Tiger beer.:lol:


My wife this past week came back from the local market and as she was taking items out of the plastic bag found a 100 baht note. She was jumping up and down saying "my lucky day". OK it was, so what does she do, she plays the black market lottery for the 1 February. She uses the last 3 digits of the serial number on the bill. She not only plays it 1 time but twice. You guessed it she hits the lottery on each play for 60,000 baht that's time 2 for 120,000 baht. She bought me a case of Tiger beer.:lol:

You are lucky.

While in HK my Then wife won a small amoount (I forget how much) on the HK lottery. She bought some new outfits, and had a big party for her friends.. By the time the bills were settled she had spent more than she won, and guiess who had to make up the difference :realangry:

I told her I never wanted her to win the lottery again as I could not afford it!!


Blasphemy is a victimless crime :)

It shouldn't be a crime at all; God is a bit above and beyond human insults (and apparently above your grubby imaginings).

I agree it shouldn't be a crime. Not sure why you found it necessary to resort to a personal attack? Your belief in a supernatural being doesn't make it true.

No, I don't know why I did either; my apologies! (So many other people on TV deserve that more!). I must have been feeling particularly grouchy that day. Obviously my 'lucky numbers' hadn't been very lucky!

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