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Anyone Do A Vasectomy?


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I never though about doing a vasectomy before, even though I haven't wanted any children for many years but I am now considering this procedure.

Has anyone done one in CM? If "yes" where did you do it and how much was it? Did you have any complications?

If you don't want to post publicly then can you PM me with your personal experience.

Thanks. :)

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I had mine done years ago back in the UK but ----

I was told all sorts of scare stories before and was bricking it on the day. Having listened to all the stories I turned up at hospital ready for the OP. 2 weeks before I had had to go see the nurse about the OP. I was informed to shave the area of the operation prior to going to the hospital. I duly did that morning. I turned up with the wife in tow to drive us home wearing some jogging pants 2 sizes to big to accommodate the coming swelling of said equipment. I was taken into the theatre and laid on the bed sweating. The surgeon removed the cover and complemented me on the shaving job. Then told me a small 1/2 inch strip would ave been sufficient rather than the complete plucked turkey look :o

At this point a junior doctor turned up and the surgeon proceeded to give him a bollocking about turning up for another operation late. All this whilst never stopping what he was doing down below. Around 7 minutes or less and never feeling any pain at all I walked out of the theatre, drove the wife home and went back to work. I spent weeks worrying about swelling and intense pain and all for nothing.

I am sure that if you select a hospital with a good reputation you will be fine and regardless of all the scare stories you will hear it is a walk in the park :D

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Its not a big deal. Like H2oDunc, I got laughed at about the shaving. I shaved the wrong side, and had to go back and shave the other side.

I am glad I got it done. The wife started talking about a third one a year or so latter, and I had to remind her that it was too late even though she knew already.

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Had it done years ago. Wore a Walkman and listened to Simon and Garfunkel concert in the park while they did the operation. Had Valium intravenously. I was scared.

Nurse asked me to sign a sterilization form, “is it your idea to be sterilized? Heck no, it's my wife's idea.” Nurse, “that's OK then sign here.”

It got infected and swelled up, a bit minor pain. I was OK in two weeks. Shot never seemed to have the same range but it worked OK.

Not that I don't love all of my children but my life would have been a whole lot simpler if I had had it done when I was 15.

Sorry I can't help you with info on CM but it is minor procedure I'd do it at RAM even the most expensive can't be much. I always had good luck at CM RAM and the nurses are pretty.

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how come there are two posts running on this subject by the same OP?

Can someone merge them?

I placed the same post (I left out CM in the title here) in this forum because I wanted member's experience which was not location specific and also in CM forum so I could get some recommendations on where I could get this done or doctor names.

No need to merge.

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I had this done in Los Angeles CA several years ago. I had a No Scalpel open ended vasectomy. Instead of a scalpel the doctor used a punch. I don't think that part was too critical but for me the open ended part was important. What he did was only cauterize one end of the vas deferens and left the side on the prostate open. I had heard this reduced the chance of pressure build up and pain. The only painful part was the injection of the pain killer after that it was no problem and about 10 minutes later it was done. I experienced minor swelling afterwards which I managed with frozen peas on my balls for about a week. The hardest part was not busting a nut for several weeks while everything healed. I have had no problems since and definitely no babies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just learned something new a half an hour ago. Was at the hospital inquiring about the vasectomy. From what I heard before, it is a reversible procedures, but was told by a doctor at Sukhumvit Hospital in BKK that it is very difficult to reverse and more time passes the hardest it gets to reverse. I tried to argue with him telling there are different ways to do it so nothing has to get cut, just tie a knot, to which he said they can't guarantee that the knot will not get loose (what the hel_l, doc doesn't know how to make a good knot???).

Anyways, I left in the same shape as I walked in. Is the doctor right in what he said or I better check with the other hospital?

I don't have any kids yet and not planning to have any for at least 2-3 years. I don't like using condoms and my GF can't use birth control pills as it will mess up with her hormones and can make her melasma (she has a small spot on her face) to get worse, which I don't want to happen.

Any advise?

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Just learned something new a half an hour ago. Was at the hospital inquiring about the vasectomy. From what I heard before, it is a reversible procedures, but was told by a doctor at Sukhumvit Hospital in BKK that it is very difficult to reverse and more time passes the hardest it gets to reverse. I tried to argue with him telling there are different ways to do it so nothing has to get cut, just tie a knot, to which he said they can't guarantee that the knot will not get loose (what the hel_l, doc doesn't know how to make a good knot???).

I don't have any kids yet and not planning to have any for at least 2-3 years.

I had mine done many years back, in Canada. Rode my bike to the doctor's office/surgery, lay back on the stretcher, and walked out and rode my bike back across the city twenty minutes later. No problem.

As for being reversible, there is some suggestion that it's possible, but never guarantees. If you know you want to procreate at some time later, don't do it.

And the more possible the reversible procedure, the less guarantee there is in the vasectomy. Make your choice.

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Just learned something new a half an hour ago. Was at the hospital inquiring about the vasectomy. From what I heard before, it is a reversible procedures, but was told by a doctor at Sukhumvit Hospital in BKK that it is very difficult to reverse and more time passes the hardest it gets to reverse. I tried to argue with him telling there are different ways to do it so nothing has to get cut, just tie a knot, to which he said they can't guarantee that the knot will not get loose (what the hel_l, doc doesn't know how to make a good knot???).

Anyways, I left in the same shape as I walked in. Is the doctor right in what he said or I better check with the other hospital?

I don't have any kids yet and not planning to have any for at least 2-3 years. I don't like using condoms and my GF can't use birth control pills as it will mess up with her hormones and can make her melasma (she has a small spot on her face) to get worse, which I don't want to happen.

Any advise?

Go store your sperm in a fertility clinic and then have the vasectomy. Yes the doctor told you true. I had a vasectomy 30+ years ago. Had 2 reversals in England, but neither worked. Came to Thailand with no thought of having anymore children, only for my present wife wishing to have some. We went to the Nawabutr Clinic in Bkk and they removed sperm from my testicles with an hypodermic needle and fertilised 15 of my wife's eggs. We went through 2 implantation treatments resulting in, firstly a daughter, and 17 months after that, a twin boy and girl. 3 children cost us 280,000 Baht including all doctor and medicines fees. All 3 children were delivered in our local government hospital. Highly recommended.

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Had mine done in a Dr's office many years ago, watched him do it, small cut 1/4" either side removed a bit of spagetti from each side under local, no pain no problems.

know someone who had it reversed and fathered a child, so it can work.

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know someone who had it reversed and fathered a child, so it can work.

That is a miracle in it self.

Once the person has the vasectomy, sperm is then seen by the body as an invader and bombarded by antibodies. Come about 5 years after the vasectomy the likelihood of producing healthy sperm is more or less impossible. The tail of the sperm becomes deformed and fails to swim in the right direction, even if the reversal appears to be successful. With IVF the sperm is de tailed and only the head is paired up to the egg. In all, IVF still only carries a 30 ish percent chance of being successful.

These are the words of an IVF doctor as good as I remember. He said any clinic that gives a higher percent success rate is just sales talk. We used him twice and had 3 children at the Nawabutr Clinic.

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Its not a big deal. Like H2oDunc, I got laughed at about the shaving. I shaved the wrong side, and had to go back and shave the other side.

I had mine done 25 years ago and sure they cut on both sides. I know for sure both balls were nestled into my jocks with about 3 inches of cotton wool as a soft support for the trip home. Had it done in the afternoon and back at work the following day complete with nest and alot of jovial work mates. When TW and I married +10 years ago she hinted at a reversal but I believe (or I told her so) it was not possible after 7 years, I maybe wrong!
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Its not a big deal. Like H2oDunc, I got laughed at about the shaving. I shaved the wrong side, and had to go back and shave the other side.

I had mine done 25 years ago and sure they cut on both sides. I know for sure both balls were nestled into my jocks with about 3 inches of cotton wool as a soft support for the trip home. Had it done in the afternoon and back at work the following day complete with nest and alot of jovial work mates. When TW and I married +10 years ago she hinted at a reversal but I believe (or I told her so) it was not possible after 7 years, I maybe wrong!

It ain't worth it. A successful conception after a reversal carries only about a 30-35% chance of being successful. IVF is roughly the same.

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I had mine done in the USA over 20 years ago. All I can say is:

There is no difference that you and anyone you are with can tell, the only sign is 2 scars, one on each testicle and when I had mine done, I was called into by the nurse and given a massive injection of valium as soon as I arrived at the clinic. I don't know if they all do it that way, but it worked well. I've taken the pills, but never had a dose that high before and never had it in the form of an injection, but within a minute I was so high I did not care what they did. It hurt for about 2 weeks after, and you have to ejaculate about 5-10 times before you know you're sperm free.

I've never gone back for a sperm count, but I've never had any complaints about late periods either.

After that, I understood drug abuse better, that big injection of valium and the instant high I got from it was downright fun.

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