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Black? White? Asian? More Young Americans Choose All Of The Above


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In Hawaii people rarely take offense when asked about their ethnicity. Most are proud of their heritage and enjoy talking about it. It wasn't always this way. Today interracial marriages are quite common. It is difficult and foolish to discriminate against your relatives. Would you shun your grandchildren if they were of a ethnicity that you disliked or did not understand?

When I mention to someone that my wife is Thai they usually open up about how much they like Thai food. They never ask why did I marry a Thai woman.

I am often asked by newcomers, "How long have you been here?" They are usually surprised that I was born here and so was my mother. Perhaps it is because I do not speak pidgin to them and have taught my children to speak "proper english" in order to communicate with "foreigners."

When it comes to racial relations, Hawaii is light years ahead of the rest of the U.S. Of course there is racial tension, but not to the degree that is found in other states.

Edited by Hawaiian
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