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Is Stupidity A Pre Requisite To Being A Taxi Bike Rider ?

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Greetings all. The last few mornings I have been going to the bar in Chawang. I dump the bike then walk round to McD's for a coffee. Just outside the McD's sit the taxi bikes. Every morning as I approach the place to get my coffee the same guy jumps up and asks whether I need a taxi. The first couple of times I can think OK but surely he must have cottoned onto the fact by now that I'm going into McD's and don't need a taxi bike :blink: He has though stopped asking if I want a taxi when I come out with my coffee ;) While I'm on the rant there's more.

The same girl serves me every morning. I get a large black coffee every day. After about 5 days she has finally got this right yet every day she puts the cup under the machine and presses the button to start the filling. EVERY time she pulls the cup out before it has stopped, looks baffled that coffee is still coming and but by the time the penny has dropped and she has put the cup back under the machine has finished pouring. No big deal really but just how hard is it to do ? :o That' the rant over, roll on beer o'clock :D

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

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can't even guess how many times i've driven into the tesco lotus parking lot, very slowly past the half asleep half drunk taxi guys lounging in the shade and generally harassing respectable people, park my truck in the immediate vicinity, get out and walk past them again on my way into the shops and all the while hear them asking me if i need a taxi.

unfortunately they are not as ignorable as they are ignorant.

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i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

I think its simply 50% an automatic offer (them that asks gets) and 50% they simply don't care. You are ignoring them, same as the Thais do, and thats the right response :D

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

Now surely you cannot be the same H2S Dunc that was banging on that "there was a price to pay for living in paradise" in an earlier thread are you? Surely not!

Ooops sorry no! You're H2oDunc not H2S Dunc! I forgot H2S is that horrible smelly gas that smells like the hot air emitted from an over active backside. Sorry.

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I suppose it is the price we pay for living here but it just sometimes gets on your t@ts like this morning. As said just how hard is it especially with the coffee.

1 place cup under nozzle

2 Press button to start the process

3 When coffee finishes coming out of the nozzle remove cup and place lid on cup ;)

Mai Pen Rai as they say :D

It certainly beats the " Got any spare change for a cuppa guv'nor " I used to get every morning back in London :o

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Taxi motorbikes, song taews, taxi metres, they are all the same. You could jump out of one literally and straight into another all day with probably taking three steps. My reaction now is to chuckle to myself and smile at them as it is the little things like this than now make me smile.

I used to get quite worked up by tailors, taxis, bar girls, time share folks all vying for my attention and then it dawned on me that they are only trying to make a living like the rest of us and on some people the hard work of hassling people for whatever reason does actually work. I'm not being all high and mighty (in case it sounds like that) I'm just sharing how I get through the day.

I'm not on Koh Samui but on a tourist beach in the west of the country. We have a lovely little house smack bang in the middle of the action (trust me not much goes on here and it's usually over by 10-11pm). When we first moved in my wife went out to the tailors, massage lady, Indian restaurant, clothes stall and got them together and told we had just moved in. In her best people skills mode she explained we didn't need a suit, swimming costume, dress, shorts, massage or Indian food but if we did or know anyone that did we would send those people to them. We've been here a year and it is absolute bliss and all we all get on fine.

Saying that when I walk the opposite way or a new shop opens it is the occasions I just chuckle to myself and walk or drive on...

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

Now surely you cannot be the same H2S Dunc that was banging on that "there was a price to pay for living in paradise" in an earlier thread are you? Surely not!

Ooops sorry no! You're H2oDunc not H2S Dunc! I forgot H2S is that horrible smelly gas that smells like the hot air emitted from an over active backside. Sorry.

wow that was one bitchy statement . whats the saying better say it thai style twice as we do live in paraidise and we souldn't get annoyed ever again for some reason so i will say it.

oooo hand bags !!!

0000 hand bags !!!

0000 hand bags !!! sorry i said 2 times but 3 is my lucky number .)

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i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

I think its simply 50% an automatic offer (them that asks gets) and 50% they simply don't care. You are ignoring them, same as the Thais do, and thats the right response :D

u mean like apoo in the quikie mart in the simpsons. Everytime a costomer walks out weather they are in a bad mood or weather he has just ripped the customer of. he always says " thank you come again "

I used to play games with them but now i just ignore them. i used to baffle them. whilke they were trying to work out that my coded sentence did not make any sense i was gone.

like they would say TAXI TAXI !! i would reply. sorry mate i do not do the horse. they would stand there with a mosquito flying around there head while they were trying to work if they what is going on. then i would be off. sometimes for 2 hours come back and they are still sitting there trying to worki out what i siad. i think taxis are more like homer simpson.

by the way that last but i was lying about. but i did u sed to say thing like no thanks i do not do the horse and then do a walker.... B)

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Was there something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......;)

lets face it there is allot o rubbish that gets posted on here. at least this thread everyone can relate to.

not every story on here has to be writing for newspaper viewing or for a nobel peice prize. Or a best post of the year award.

infact there should be. a best post of the year awrd. we would have to vote it.

users would have to nominate a post or forum thread then the winner could win a ... i dunno 100 kilos of empty plastic bottles. which is rubbish but u get 7 baht a kilo for plastic rubbish.

so if i could get paid to post rubbish then. well watch my bank statment rise . whoo hooo

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate

Inaccurate? The title maybe just a little. I was all ready for a thread about farangs who are stupid enough to ride on the back of a taxi bike. Instead it's about taxibikers.

Anyway, the same stupid taxibiker asks you everytime maybe for the same reason the same girls call out "Handsome man, welcome!" everytime. 1) They are trying to make a baht; 2) They are stupid; 3) Both?

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate

Inaccurate? The title maybe just a little. I was all ready for a thread about farangs who are stupid enough to ride on the back of a taxi bike. Instead it's about taxibikers.

Anyway, the same stupid taxibiker asks you everytime maybe for the same reason the same girls call out "Handsome man, welcome!" everytime. 1) They are trying to make a baht; 2) They are stupid; 3) Both?

INACARUATE. if u have just got off your bike then into a family mart then back on your bike and u have been offered a taxi 2 times then something is not riight.

so on your bike son

anyway there are some people than try to ruijn this so called paradise and it eally pissses me off.

list of some of them are

motor bike time share tricksrters

ide cream and saron and nail cutter and foot massage people on the beach. i have no problem with them walking up and down. it is just when u r in a conversation or sun bathing and u have some old women with some dirty nail clipper ryting to persuade u to cut your nail.

the other is those cambodian kids reall y piss me of. start of offer me roses when i am sitting with a male friend. i mean stupid or what.

the taxis of caose

the people who illegally try to get iu to take pictures with animals. funny thing is once i thai tried to inject me so people could take photos with a human animanl .)

i know i don't have to live here. abd i expect these comments but i do i have chosen to settle down here start a business and a family.

so what am i suppose to do if i not like something. leave my business and wife and amily behinde becasue some orangeinegr has a bee in rtheir bonnet about complaining.

i don't care anyway. i only expect word attacks as most people would not have the bottle or the decent nature to say these things to ones ace but that is what make this site speciall is that u can hear ewal opinions. :D

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Dunc: Stupid they are, but callous is a better word. I put an op in two weeks ago about the taxi drivers, but just have a drink in Bondi some time and ask the manager about them. They have been slashing tires, damaging motorcycles, and threatening anyone who gets near what they deem as their parking area, which is basically the entire beach road. I asked one of the local bar owners why they don't get a group of guys and smash some heads and he said that his bar would be fire-bombed the next day. If I owned a bar in that area I would not be able to put up with it.

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Dunc: Stupid they are, but callous is a better word. I put an op in two weeks ago about the taxi drivers, but just have a drink in Bondi some time and ask the manager about them. They have been slashing tires, damaging motorcycles, and threatening anyone who gets near what they deem as their parking area, which is basically the entire beach road. I asked one of the local bar owners why they don't get a group of guys and smash some heads and he said that his bar would be fire-bombed the next day. If I owned a bar in that area I would not be able to put up with it.

kill two birds with one stone, take care of the motor bike drivers on the beach road while inviting the taxi cab drivers into your bar for a few drinks "on the house"

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Greetings all. The last few mornings I have been going to the bar in Chawang. I dump the bike then walk round to McD's for a coffee. Just outside the McD's sit the taxi bikes. Every morning as I approach the place to get my coffee the same guy jumps up and asks whether I need a taxi. The first couple of times I can think OK but surely he must have cottoned onto the fact by now that I'm going into McD's and don't need a taxi bike :blink: He has though stopped asking if I want a taxi when I come out with my coffee ;) While I'm on the rant there's more.

The same girl serves me every morning. I get a large black coffee every day. After about 5 days she has finally got this right yet every day she puts the cup under the machine and presses the button to start the filling. EVERY time she pulls the cup out before it has stopped, looks baffled that coffee is still coming and but by the time the penny has dropped and she has put the cup back under the machine has finished pouring. No big deal really but just how hard is it to do ? :o That' the rant over, roll on beer o'clock :D

I remember once in Pattaya I was at the red light in my car with the window down and a motorbike taxi asked me if I wanted a taxi!!!!

The guy looked serious!


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Greetings all. The last few mornings I have been going to the bar in Chawang. I dump the bike then walk round to McD's for a coffee. Just outside the McD's sit the taxi bikes. Every morning as I approach the place to get my coffee the same guy jumps up and asks whether I need a taxi. The first couple of times I can think OK but surely he must have cottoned onto the fact by now that I'm going into McD's and don't need a taxi bike :blink: He has though stopped asking if I want a taxi when I come out with my coffee ;) While I'm on the rant there's more.

The same girl serves me every morning. I get a large black coffee every day. After about 5 days she has finally got this right yet every day she puts the cup under the machine and presses the button to start the filling. EVERY time she pulls the cup out before it has stopped, looks baffled that coffee is still coming and but by the time the penny has dropped and she has put the cup back under the machine has finished pouring. No big deal really but just how hard is it to do ? :o That' the rant over, roll on beer o'clock :D

I remember once in Pattaya I was at the red light in my car with the window down and a motorbike taxi asked me if I wanted a taxi!!!!

The guy looked serious!


LOL - I had the same thing driving to the Pier on the way to Koh Samet. I'm at a set of traffic lights (about 5-10km from the pier) and a motorbike taxi taps my window. I wondered <deleted>, but thought positive (that maybe my light was broken or something).... when I lowered my window an inch, he asked... Taxi ??? it was so stupid I had no choice but to laugh.... However, there was reasoning in his question - he was asking if we need directions to the pier (its a good chance that foreigner driving a car in that area is looking for the pier). A moto-taxi who thinks !!!! somewhat entrepreneurial I thought.

Anyway - In short, is Stupidity a prerequisite for most... I think so anyway, which is why I never trust my safety to a moto-taxi, I can't remember the last time I used one.

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u mean like apoo in the quikie mart in the simpsons. Everytime a costomer walks out weather they are in a bad mood or weather he has just ripped the customer of. he always says " thank you come again "

I used to play games with them but now i just ignore them. i used to baffle them. whilke they were trying to work out that my coded sentence did not make any sense i was gone.

like they would say TAXI TAXI !! i would reply. sorry mate i do not do the horse. they would stand there with a mosquito flying around there head while they were trying to work if they what is going on. then i would be off. sometimes for 2 hours come back and they are still sitting there trying to worki out what i siad. i think taxis are more like homer simpson.

by the way that last but i was lying about. but i did u sed to say thing like no thanks i do not do the horse and then do a walker.... B)

Hmm. I think it is not only the Thais that are baffled ...



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