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Is Stupidity A Pre Requisite To Being A Taxi Bike Rider ?

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Since the theme of the OP is not exactly about taxis, I will offer this:

There is a guy who plies the beach selling cheap, traditional cut-out Thai-style figures on cloth. He's seen me for the past five years, but NEVER remembers that I not only live here, but don't want to buy his wares.

Similarly, there is a Indian/Nepalese guy who sells copy watches out of a sling-bag from bar to bar, shop to shop...same deal, he cannot remember that I am not a tourist.

I guess you have to chalk it up to the old saw, "(Insert ethnicity) all look the same."

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not thinking basically.

i say no meter no taxis.......

Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

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u mean like apoo in the quikie mart in the simpsons. Everytime a costomer walks out weather they are in a bad mood or weather he has just ripped the customer of. he always says " thank you come again "

I used to play games with them but now i just ignore them. i used to baffle them. whilke they were trying to work out that my coded sentence did not make any sense i was gone.

like they would say TAXI TAXI !! i would reply. sorry mate i do not do the horse. they would stand there with a mosquito flying around there head while they were trying to work if they what is going on. then i would be off. sometimes for 2 hours come back and they are still sitting there trying to worki out what i siad. i think taxis are more like homer simpson.

by the way that last but i was lying about. but i did u sed to say thing like no thanks i do not do the horse and then do a walker.... B)

Hmm. I think it is not only the Thais that are baffled ...



it is a skill. take years to perfect !

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not thinking basically.

i say no meter no taxis.......

Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

i just tell them that i have no money which means no honey. which also means i cannot afford a bike taxi because honey comes first. even if i have to walk 10 miles to get it. if i have enough money for taxi then bonus on the way back but i am not wasting all my honey money on some dirty taxi driver. better off in front of the telly or surfing the web for some artistic material and bioligy .) the femAL biology.

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

OK on the subject of stupidity I gotta tell you guys about my return trip from the UK, after checking in at the airport I proceeded to the security check point on route to departures, my carry on luggage contained a few bits for friends here on samui, after my bag was scanned xrayed and swabbed for everything ranging from cash to explosives the very dilligent security lady who had just watch me place said bag on belt asked "is this your bag sir" ok well done sherlock for observation, "yes it is" I reply, "ok I need to check it

OK on the subject of stupidity I gotta tell you guys about my return trip from the UK,

After checking in at the airport I proceeded to to the security check point on route to departtures, my carry on luggage contained a few bits for friends here on samui,

after my bag was scanned xrayed and swabbed for everything from cash to explosives the very dilligent security lady who had just watched me place the said bag on the belt asked "is this your bag?"

err ok well done sherlock for observation "yes it is" I replied "ok I need to check it" on opening the bag and rummaging around she pulled out 2 tinned steak n kidney puddings,

" aahhh you can't take these she says" so I reasured her that they where pre cooked and conformed to regulations, "ok I'll check with the boss" on her return I was sadly informed that I definately can not take them on board, asking for the reason why I was told " these puddings have gravy in and thats a liquid and you aint allowed liquid on aircraft" well knock me down with a bunch of grapes, I couldnt believe it.

I asked if I could photo the puddings going into the bin so my friend would understand that his precious pudds where in the bin, "eerrr sorry sir this is a security area and photos are not allowed"

so be aware on your next travell not to try and carry exploding gravy, on a serious note I do appreciate that the security is for my benifit, but come on somebody give these clowns the authority to make a

decision rather than have an unflexible rule.

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

OK on the subject of stupidity I gotta tell you guys about my return trip from the UK, after checking in at the airport I proceeded to the security check point on route to departures, my carry on luggage contained a few bits for friends here on samui, after my bag was scanned xrayed and swabbed for everything ranging from cash to explosives the very dilligent security lady who had just watch me place said bag on belt asked "is this your bag sir" ok well done sherlock for observation, "yes it is" I reply, "ok I need to check it

OK on the subject of stupidity I gotta tell you guys about my return trip from the UK,

After checking in at the airport I proceeded to to the security check point on route to departtures, my carry on luggage contained a few bits for friends here on samui,

after my bag was scanned xrayed and swabbed for everything from cash to explosives the very dilligent security lady who had just watched me place the said bag on the belt asked "is this your bag?"

err ok well done sherlock for observation "yes it is" I replied "ok I need to check it" on opening the bag and rummaging around she pulled out 2 tinned steak n kidney puddings,

" aahhh you can't take these she says" so I reasured her that they where pre cooked and conformed to regulations, "ok I'll check with the boss" on her return I was sadly informed that I definately can not take them on board, asking for the reason why I was told " these puddings have gravy in and thats a liquid and you aint allowed liquid on aircraft" well knock me down with a bunch of grapes, I couldnt believe it.

I asked if I could photo the puddings going into the bin so my friend would understand that his precious pudds where in the bin, "eerrr sorry sir this is a security area and photos are not allowed"

so be aware on your next travell not to try and carry exploding gravy, on a serious note I do appreciate that the security is for my benifit, but come on somebody give these clowns the authority to make a

decision rather than have an unflexible rule.

^^^the terrorists have won

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OK on the subject of stupidity I gotta tell you guys about my return trip from the UK, after checking in at the airport I proceeded to the security check point on route to departures, my carry on luggage contained a few bits for friends here on samui, after my bag was scanned xrayed and swabbed for everything ranging from cash to explosives the very dilligent security lady who had just watch me place said bag on belt asked "is this your bag sir" ok well done sherlock for observation, "yes it is" I reply, "ok I need to check it

OK on the subject of stupidity I gotta tell you guys about my return trip from the UK,

After checking in at the airport I proceeded to to the security check point on route to departtures, my carry on luggage contained a few bits for friends here on samui,

after my bag was scanned xrayed and swabbed for everything from cash to explosives the very dilligent security lady who had just watched me place the said bag on the belt asked "is this your bag?"

err ok well done sherlock for observation "yes it is" I replied "ok I need to check it" on opening the bag and rummaging around she pulled out 2 tinned steak n kidney puddings,

" aahhh you can't take these she says" so I reasured her that they where pre cooked and conformed to regulations, "ok I'll check with the boss" on her return I was sadly informed that I definately can not take them on board, asking for the reason why I was told " these puddings have gravy in and thats a liquid and you aint allowed liquid on aircraft" well knock me down with a bunch of grapes, I couldnt believe it.

I asked if I could photo the puddings going into the bin so my friend would understand that his precious pudds where in the bin, "eerrr sorry sir this is a security area and photos are not allowed"

so be aware on your next travell not to try and carry exploding gravy, on a serious note I do appreciate that the security is for my benifit, but come on somebody give these clowns the authority to make a

decision rather than have an unflexible rule.

maybe not stupid maybe some stupid forang got the thai person hooked on the UK stuff and they took the pudding and cooked them up later B)

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Dunc: Stupid they are, but callous is a better word. I put an op in two weeks ago about the taxi drivers, but just have a drink in Bondi some time and ask the manager about them. They have been slashing tires, damaging motorcycles, and threatening anyone who gets near what they deem as their parking area, which is basically the entire beach road. I asked one of the local bar owners why they don't get a group of guys and smash some heads and he said that his bar would be fire-bombed the next day. If I owned a bar in that area I would not be able to put up with it.

Thats a point. The meaning of public area is unknown but not only in Chaweng: Had to go to Koh Tan last week and parked my truck close to the Pier in front of a small coffee shop (sign "best coffee in Thailand"). Thai owner came out and said I should parc elsewhere. On my explanation he said "You not crazy this is Thailand". Well, avoiding probs for nothing I parked opposite side. Day after came back from Koh Tan, then the Farang owner of the Restaurant I parked in front of his property (still public road) told me to park elsewhere next time...

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Dunc: Stupid they are, but callous is a better word. I put an op in two weeks ago about the taxi drivers, but just have a drink in Bondi some time and ask the manager about them. They have been slashing tires, damaging motorcycles, and threatening anyone who gets near what they deem as their parking area, which is basically the entire beach road. I asked one of the local bar owners why they don't get a group of guys and smash some heads and he said that his bar would be fire-bombed the next day. If I owned a bar in that area I would not be able to put up with it.

Thats a point. The meaning of public area is unknown but not only in Chaweng: Had to go to Koh Tan last week and parked my truck close to the Pier in front of a small coffee shop (sign "best coffee in Thailand"). Thai owner came out and said I should parc elsewhere. On my explanation he said "You not crazy this is Thailand". Well, avoiding probs for nothing I parked opposite side. Day after came back from Koh Tan, then the Farang owner of the Restaurant I parked in front of his property (still public road) told me to park elsewhere next time...

sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right. B)

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sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right. B)

Is it their Road then, do they own it ??

Is that why you can't park in fron of someone's Business ??

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sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right.

The taxis neither own the businesses nor the streets and are slashing tires of vehicles owned by the management in front of their restaurants. When I told the manager of one restaurant that the taxi drivers were chasing customers away from his place and damaging all vehicles parked in front, he laughed and said that they had attacked his car several times. If I owned or managed a restaurant here I would eventually have to confront these criminals.

Edited by parallaxtech
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because stupidity is a request for being a taxi driver. if i get into another taxi. iam going to ask him/her. " are u stupid" if they say no then i not gey in. if they say yes then i will because i know that they a certifie taxi drivers. i would feel more safe with registered taxi driver with a certificate saying stupid :rolleyes:

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sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right. B)

Is it their Road then, do they own it ??

Is that why you can't park in fron of someone's Business ??

i dunno mate. if it is the law or not but when i am with a thai and i park infront of a shop then they tell me that if i park there infront of someones business then it might be a problem. also when i was in phuket an enlgishman that owned the hotel told me that i could park infront f his hotel if there was a space and in his word he said" this is thailand and u cannot park infront of other peoples businesse but there is an empty shop down the road so u can park your car there".

so law or not it seems to be the way of the thailand and thais seemed to respect other thais business in this way because it blocks there bunsiness.

as for the law in dunno but but thais don't really do it to other thais. i am not saying it is right or wrong but i have just exepted it over the years

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sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right. B)

Is it their Road then, do they own it ??

Is that why you can't park in fron of someone's Business ??

i dunno mate. if it is the law or not but when i am with a thai and i park infront of a shop then they tell me that if i park there infront of someones business then it might be a problem. also when i was in phuket an enlgishman that owned the hotel told me that i could park infront f his hotel if there was a space and in his word he said" this is thailand and u cannot park infront of other peoples businesse but there is an empty shop down the road so u can park your car there".

so law or not it seems to be the way of the thailand and thais seemed to respect other thais business in this way because it blocks there bunsiness.

as for the law in dunno but but thais don't really do it to other thais. i am not saying it is right or wrong but i have just exepted it over the years

The law is pretty easy:

If the curbs are painted black and white - car can park there

If no curbs: Car can park outside of an imaginary line between the two next power poles

The standart attitude is: Me have business I give a sh*t about the law and me will damage your car.

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sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right. B)

Is it their Road then, do they own it ??

Is that why you can't park in fron of someone's Business ??

i dunno mate. if it is the law or not but when i am with a thai and i park infront of a shop then they tell me that if i park there infront of someones business then it might be a problem. also when i was in phuket an enlgishman that owned the hotel told me that i could park infront f his hotel if there was a space and in his word he said" this is thailand and u cannot park infront of other peoples businesse but there is an empty shop down the road so u can park your car there".

so law or not it seems to be the way of the thailand and thais seemed to respect other thais business in this way because it blocks there bunsiness.

as for the law in dunno but but thais don't really do it to other thais. i am not saying it is right or wrong but i have just exepted it over the years

The law is pretty easy:

If the curbs are painted black and white - car can park there

If no curbs: Car can park outside of an imaginary line between the two next power poles

The standart attitude is: Me have business I give a sh*t about the law and me will damage your car.

I cannot believe this conversation is going on, have you people not learnt about respect,what good can a persons business have if you park right outside there entrance.

I agree with the thais, if somebodys car is affecting there business, they have the right to do what they do.

Times are hard enough for businesses here, just because farang doesn,t want to walk an extra 20m,he thinks he can park anywhere,no no

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I cannot believe this conversation is going on, have you people not learnt about respect,what good can a persons business have if you park right outside there entrance.

I agree with the thais, if somebodys car is affecting there business, they have the right to do what they do.

Times are hard enough for businesses here, just because farang doesn,t want to walk an extra 20m,he thinks he can park anywhere,no no

You missed the whole point. If YOU owned a restaurant in Chaweng and I told you not to park in front of YOUR restaurant or I would either kill you or damage your car what would you say to me? I can understand somebody getting upset with non-customers taking up parking places in front of their restaurant, even though it's a public road, but not customers, owners, and employees parking in front of their own establishment. I have no respect for Thai thugs and neither should anyone else.

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Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

i cannot tell if they are joking, winding us up or stupid. I mean i have parked my bike out side a motorbike taxi stop. walked about 5 steps towards the family mart. they shout out. " Taxi " whilst on my way in then " taxi" when i walking back to my bike.

i don't even give them a response any more. they don't deserve one. you grow a thicker skin here after a while. i don't even notice suite shop people, flower sellers or taxis' well i always need a taxi when there isn't one avalable. funny that.

I don't know if a thicker skin is required. My wife (Thai) is a very pleasant woman that you would think could never be rude. But she can walk away from a conversation acting like nothing was ever going on. I think it is sort of expected here.

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sorry but in thailand u cannot park infront of other peoples businesses without the owners permission. i learnnt the hard way also. they are right. B)

Is it their Road then, do they own it ??

Is that why you can't park in fron of someone's Business ??

i dunno mate. if it is the law or not but when i am with a thai and i park infront of a shop then they tell me that if i park there infront of someones business then it might be a problem. also when i was in phuket an enlgishman that owned the hotel told me that i could park infront f his hotel if there was a space and in his word he said" this is thailand and u cannot park infront of other peoples businesse but there is an empty shop down the road so u can park your car there".

so law or not it seems to be the way of the thailand and thais seemed to respect other thais business in this way because it blocks there bunsiness.

as for the law in dunno but but thais don't really do it to other thais. i am not saying it is right or wrong but i have just exepted it over the years

:annoyed: One wonders why my naming the eight (so far) hotels in South Chaweng that have no car parking was not printed. The object of my post was to query who granted them permits to build or operate in the first place, until this is sorted, the road is only going to get more congested ?

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:annoyed: One wonders why my naming the eight (so far) hotels in South Chaweng that have no car parking was not printed. The object of my post was to query who granted them permits to build or operate in the first place, until this is sorted, the road is only going to get more congested ?

What was not printed Crusty? Where?

PM me the details.

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:annoyed: One wonders why my naming the eight (so far) hotels in South Chaweng that have no car parking was not printed. The object of my post was to query who granted them permits to build or operate in the first place, until this is sorted, the road is only going to get more congested ?

What was not printed Crusty? Where?

PM me the details.

Oh I thought I was being banned again for naming the hotels ? Never mind we all know who they are :rolleyes: and I guess I pressed the wrong button.

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Many people had posts vanish. One of the reasons is for some unknown factor, an extra bar was showing when you reply. It said " SAVE SEND LATER " for some reason it displaced the normal post button.Fixed now.

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Many people had posts vanish. One of the reasons is for some unknown factor, an extra bar was showing when you reply. It said " SAVE SEND LATER " for some reason it displaced the normal post button.Fixed now.

"SAVE SEND LATER" bar is not a good bar. :rolleyes:

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