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Cambodia Refuses to Remove Flag

The Cambodian government has issued a counter statement saying it will not remove its national flag from the Kaew Sikha Kiri Svara Temple as the temple is on Cambodian territory. It also affirms the usage of the 1:200,000 ratio map for border demarcation.


-- Tan Network 2011-02-01



Border Tension Rises over Troop Mobilization

Tension along the Thai Cambodian border has escalated once again after the Thai Foreign Ministry demanded Cambodia remove its flag from a disputed border area.

Cambodia has reportedly dispatched new troops and weapons to the area.

Tension at the Thai Cambodian border in Surin province, particularly at Kabcherng district's border checkpoint, has remarkably risen following the Thai Foreign Ministry's demand that Cambodia remove its national flag from the Kaew Sikha Khiri Sawara Temple and withdraw its troops from parts of the disputed 4.6 square kilometer border area.

There have been reports that the Cambodian government has ordered troops, tanks, artillery and heavy weapons to be mobilized from the capital of Phnom Penh to Komui village adjacent to the Preah Vihear Temple.

Cambodian troops have also been reinforced opposite Ta Muanthom and Ta Kwai temples in Surin's Phanom Dongrak district earlier this morning where an unusually high number of Cambodian patrols near both temples have been reported.

Meanwhile, Thai troops were ordered to be prepared and stay on their highest alert as tension continues to grow.

Despite the growing tension, some Cambodian vendors from Udon Meechai's Sumrong district have continued to cross the border for trade and business.

Locals living near the border wish that both governments resolve the dispute peacefully since violence will severely affect the livelihood and business in border towns of both countries.


-- Tan Network 2011-02-01




RT @tulsathit: Urgent: Veera sentenced to 8 yrs and Ratree 6 yrs. #thailand #cambodia

This is staggering. No suspension for the jail terms handed down on Veera and Ratree.

Reporters in Cambodia say the two Thais are being moved straight back to jail.

Big cloud hanging over Thai-Canmbodian relations now.

RT @Aim_NT: The other five Thais were sentenced 9 mth suspended jail term + 1m riel fine. Veera and Ratree got extra penalties for spying.


-- The Nation 2011-02-01



Thai engineer Siwarak got 7 yrs but was eventually pardoned. Hopes for salvaging ties hinge, therefore, on possible amnesty for Veera, Ratri /@thenation


Verdict just announced on PAD stage. Angry reaction from crowd. (Actually, should give their protest a boost for a day or 2) /@TerryF (Bangkok Post)

The other 5 Thais were given 9 mth suspended jail term + 1m riel fine. Veera, Ratree got extra penalties 4 spying. /@Thenation


Cambodian court hands down 8-year jail term, 1.8 mln riel fine for Veera, 6-year jail term,1.2 mln riel fine for Ratree /MCOT

Cambodian court has sentenced PAD activist Veera to 8 years in prison & Ratree 6 years on espionage charges /BkkPost


TR @noppatjak Veera, while leaving court, said he didn't accept "unjust" verdict and would appeal. #NationTV

TR @thapanee3miti: Court has confiscated Veera's vdo camera, a recording device and two notebooks. via @suthichai


The stranded Thais in #Egypt will be flying from Jordan on board of THAI flight TG 8851, arriving in Bangkok at 02.45am on Feb 2. /The Nation


RT @tulsathit: TR @Neaw_NBC: Chamlong said PAD would never accept any verdict in first place, that it's time for PM to act, not talk.


RT @alarabiya_ar: #Jordan Monarch dissolves current government. Appoints Maarouf Bakhit to form new cabinet. #Jo #egypt #jan25

Is Jordan next? King Abdullah has dismissed the Government & promised reforms /@WilliansJon

Jordan's King Abdullah dismisses government, appoints new prime minister - Reuters


Phuket Rotary continues fire relief efforts


Rotary Club of Patong Beach volunteers at the emergency relief center.


Waterproof mattresses have already been handed out.

Follow this link:


to be continued

Thailand Live Wednesday 2 February

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. β€” George Bernard Shaw


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