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Pattaya Jet Ski Scammers Emboldened

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I've absolutely NO sympathy for these selfish bloody tourists (note they're ALL male) who think nothing of ruining one's quiet day at the beach because they want to race noisily about the ocean destroying the coral and putting bathers lives at risk regardless.

They should (and I repeat 'should') by now be aware of these so called scams, given that jet skis are 'illegal', believe the word 'scam' inappropriate. How can one be scammed by someone conducting an illegal business in the first place, rather like a john complaining to a brothel keeper about having been ripped off by one his sex workers, given all the publicity this particular aspect of Thai tourism has been given worldwide. Or do they not have access to international news in India and Iran?

Do you really think people going on holiday scan the web to see if holiday activities at their dream holiday are legal or not. When they get there, Jet ski, speed boats are all lined up on the beach for tourists fun.

No. :huh:

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I've been down to Pattaya a few times and have been approached by different scammers down there mostly along that road that connects into Walking street, or the beach areas. I just raise my middle finger and tell them to go ....... off.


Next time I'm in Pattaya I'm going to rent one of those jet ski from the scammers and the last they will see of me when I disappear out of the bay headed for my house in Rayong....and I'll have a nice jet ski I will give away to someone.


You won't have a "nice" jetski - you will have a crappy one.


I've absolutely NO sympathy for these selfish bloody tourists (note they're ALL male) who think nothing of ruining one's quiet day at the beach because they want to race noisily about the ocean destroying the coral and putting bathers lives at risk regardless.

Let me guess....you are an overweight American woman ?

Too easy !!


Another case of great journalism, sit and watch and let the tourists get suckered in. Oh, and then come up and say, "we saw it all, it's so wrong... Tells your story."


No where on the face of the planet have I seen a more disgusting place than Pattaya. It is full of thieves, drunks, crazies, whores, corruption, and so on. It is a good thing that it seems to be all in one place. The rest of the civilized world is on to Pattaya. Here is what the N.Y. Times has to say about the place....PATTAYA, THAILAND — Somewhere in the world there may be a city with a more seedy reputation, a place more devoted to the sex industry and more notorious as a haven for criminals on the lam. But probably not. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/16/world/asia/16iht-pattaya.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper When you leave Pattaya (and you will) don't look back or you will be turned into a pillar of salt.

yes and all this also feeds, clothes, schools 100's of 1000's of mums dads and children

builds houses condos businesses

etc etc

you cant have one without the other

one day when Pattaya grows up it will be Los Vegas

I do partly agree with blackjack. Over the 20 years that I have been living and working in Thailand, I have seen a substantial improvement of the Pattaya area steadily growing into a more decent place than it ever was before, although I do admit that the way is still long to go (the Municipality has a number of Farang advisors). What definitely is going down the hill is Phuket. Prices are threefold of Pattaya, transport is hijacked by tuk-tuk maffiosi, katoeys are aggressively disturbing you and out for stealing whatever they can grab, whilst police seems to be overloaden with all sorts of complaints. I honestly can tell that police in Pathong is doing a fine job. They can't do it all, that's sure, but they are helpful and most of the time extremely efficient in finding a criminal.

Give Pattaya some credit and be hopeful for the future. At least you can make a ride for 10 THB/person what you will cost 200 THB in Phuket for exactly the same... B)


By the way, the stuff going on here, in Pattaya and all of Thailand, does effect tourism, my sister and family were coming to visit and were going to stay in Phuket,but the travel agent advised them to go elsewhere and actually frightened her with the goings on here, she went to Fiji, the agent could have been on a better commission selling Fiji,but the stories,stay in the minds of people and the word gets around, really wish something could be done about this bad energy that is clouding thailand, i really don't want to leave, nor does my GF, pretty shitty,to hear negative stuff all the time and very frustrating......pooo....:angry:


We need big warning signs near the beach , beware of jetski scams.

Maybe the Mayor of Pattaya, Mr. Ithiphol Khunplume would like to get involved ? After all he wants to clean the city for criminals.


Guys - this is OLD NEWS. Everyone knows that these "fleas" exist and that they will scam you 100%. If someone has 1/2 a brain they would give a wide berth to these scammers and keep their jetski's idling on the beach. Dont rent them...full stop! I feel sorry for the newbie's who come under their spell. Surely the embassies could organise handouts at all the hotels - Hire a jetski and you will get scammed! Quickest way to stop these scammers is DONT HIRE THEIR JETSKI's!

Put warning signs in all the bars - English, German, Arabic & Hindi...that about cover it.

Me, I avoid Pattaya beach and try the pool instead. No Jetski scammers there.


This, or similar should be handed out (In multi language) to tourists at the entry points to Thailand.

Dear Guest,

Welcome to Thailand, the land of simles.

We wish to make your holiday here a memorable one.

Please be aware that it is illegal to drop litter, including ciggarette buts, the fine is 2,000 baht.

It is illegal to feed elephants whilst they are on the streets, the fine is XXXX baht

It is advisable to use caution when hiring a jet ski, as the operators may try to charge you for pre existing damage

Be aware of XXXXX



It would be a long note, but at least it would prevent some of the blatent rip offs.


Oh dear. We have still have a lot to learn, don't we.

The golden rule when being flagged down by the police is not to stop. Simple as that. They're not going to chase you, they'll just go for the guy behind you.

This has happened to me countless times on Rama 2 Road. I haven't stopped once in the last 2 years. It's not rocket science.

How many more years must this go on?

Ban the jet skis as they are illegal to pilot without a skippers license.

Oh, that's right that would require law enforcement.jap.gif

It's like the police ,who stop you for notting and ask 400bht OR they take your car

and you can go with a taxi to central BKK police station to pay a lot more .

Sulution for the jet-ski: dont do it ,put the skammers out of business !

Or just ban it,not safe annyway !

Look at the colour of the water ,who want to risk his health in it?

I dont understand.


How many more years must this go on?

Ban the jet skis as they are illegal to pilot without a skippers license.

Oh, that's right that would require law enforcement.jap.gif

Neevr had a problem in years of doing this.

Can you point me to where the law identifies the need for a "jet ski" licence in Thailand?


I have in the past hired many cars in Thailand, and before leaving the yard take pictures of the front back and both sides

I make sure the company rep knows I have done this

In my 10 years of doing this not once has my car been checked when I return, yet to other I talk to who have hired from the same yard have found damage on their return and had to pay a waiver fee

I also use my own GPS in the car when driving and it records the highest speed in the last 15 mins

The wife explains this at all Police stops and I see them grumble under their breath and say "Okay Move on"

Maybe a water proof bag and a basic camera will stop these scams on the spot

Once a Thai scammer had an argument with my Thai Wife

Saying she was bad Thai

She should look after Thai as she is Thai

and Farlang can afford to pay

Sadly my Thai wife believe my money is her money

and no way will she part with what belong to her


Next time I'm in Pattaya I'm going to rent one of those jet ski from the scammers and the last they will see of me when I disappear out of the bay headed for my house in Rayong....and I'll have a nice jet ski I will give away to someone.


Was thinking along the same lines, except get a group of people to hire several jet skis at the same time and take 'em around to another bay and sink 'em! I am sure there will be many people that would want to contribute to a 'sinking fund'! :lol:


I actually have a twisted sort of fun with the police here in CMX. I ride a CBR, and always wear a padded racing jacket, full REAL helmet with sunglasses beneath when necessary, racing gloves, jeans and appropriate shoes/socks. Most of the time when I get stopped in one of their little "checkpoints", once I take off the gloves, raise the visor and take off the sunglasses, and they realize I'm farang, they simply wave me on. Twice, though, I've been stopped and they demanded to see insurance and license, and a 400 baht fine for some imagined violation. I take out my billfold, but instead of taking any cash out, I hand them the business card of the husband of my wife's cousin. On the front is the official symbols for the CMX police, with name & phone #, and on the back it says, in Thai: "This man is the husband of my wife's older cousin. If you have a problem with him, you call me." Signed: "Senior SgtMajor Khun XXXXX". I love the looks on their faces when they read that, then tell me "Go".


What is the biggest source of outside revenue for Thailand? Tourism.

Nahhhh. Tourism contributes approx 6 - 7% of GDP.

Foreign investment contributes (gross fixed): 26.8% of GDP (2007 est.)

All 2007 figures.


I have in the past hired many cars in Thailand, and before leaving the yard take pictures of the front back and both sides

I make sure the company rep knows I have done this

In my 10 years of doing this not once has my car been checked when I return, yet to other I talk to who have hired from the same yard have found damage on their return and had to pay a waiver fee

I also use my own GPS in the car when driving and it records the highest speed in the last 15 mins

The wife explains this at all Police stops and I see them grumble under their breath and say "Okay Move on"

Maybe a water proof bag and a basic camera will stop these scams on the spot

Once a Thai scammer had an argument with my Thai Wife

Saying she was bad Thai

She should look after Thai as she is Thai

and Farlang can afford to pay

Sadly my Thai wife believe my money is her money

and no way will she part with what belong to her

I agree with you , I photo anything I hire or buy - it has proved useful simply as a deterrent. once they see you have a photo they are much more reluctant to even start on that sort of scam.sorry about your last comment though - if you look at your marriage vows and your moral obligations, you'll find your wife is right.


I've absolutely NO sympathy for these selfish bloody tourists (note they're ALL male) who think nothing of ruining one's quiet day at the beach because they want to race noisily about the ocean destroying the coral and putting bathers lives at risk regardless.

They should (and I repeat 'should') by now be aware of these so called scams, given that jet skis are 'illegal', believe the word 'scam' inappropriate. How can one be scammed by someone conducting an illegal business in the first place, rather like a john complaining to a brothel keeper about having been ripped off by one his sex workers, given all the publicity this particular aspect of Thai tourism has been given worldwide. Or do they not have access to international news in India and Iran?

What a facile post!Completely misses the point just to take a poke at Jetski users, but even then doesn't address the real issues, just regurgitates a couple of stereotypes.Why do some people bother???


Could not some lawyer be found, to present the facts to the United Nations, and protect the good-name of Thai jet-ski operators throughout the land, and bring these wicked tourists to justice ?

Where oh where is RA when his country & its downtrodden workers need him ? B)

I have never heard of a good name jet ski operator in Thailand. Most of us who live here consider jet ski operator to mean scumbag, mafia criminal operator. I have never heard of a reliable operator in

Thailand. Perhaps if the tourists would simply avoid them altogether, things might change. Or if the police got serious about resolving this, they could change it overnight. But, there seems to be little will

on the part of the police, to reform the thugs, and it is having a tremendous impact on tourism. It is being talked about, all over the world, as one of the primary Thailand scams.

Humour is wasted on some people, I'd thought the smilie sufficient, never mind. :jap: Spidermike I agree with you, although I did once rent a jet-ski without being hassled, that was 20+ years ago, and on Jomtien-Beach. :rolleyes:


What is the biggest source of outside revenue for Thailand? Tourism.

Nahhhh. Tourism contributes approx 6 - 7% of GDP.

Foreign investment contributes (gross fixed): 26.8% of GDP (2007 est.)

All 2007 figures.

Bramburgers comment underlines a HUGE problem with foreigners in Thailand - they have a completely "farang-centric" view which is usually highly distorted.

Tourism in Thailand is NO WAY the biggest source of foreign money - at about 7% it IS very large compared to most countries, but it also shows that this person has never ventured out of the usual "retiree" haunts - if they had they would see the colossal amount of industry here that is financed and run even by foreigners - US, Japan Korea China etc.I find it sad that apparently intelligent people should be so profoundly ignorant of the economy of the country they choose to live in.It also explains some of the really stupid appraisals on this thread of Pattaya and its economy.


I cant understand people who fall for this scam?

Just tell them youll go to the hotel to get the money and then dont come back.. if they persist tell them you spoke to a lawyer on the phone and you arent paying anything goodbye.

If the police come.. call your insurance company and tell them to deal directly with them. Most travel insurace covers you from liability and damage to peoples goods anyway.

Just tell them to get f**ed!!!


I've absolutely NO sympathy for these selfish bloody tourists (note they're ALL male) who think nothing of ruining one's quiet day at the beach because they want to race noisily about the ocean destroying the coral and putting bathers lives at risk regardless.

They should (and I repeat 'should') by now be aware of these so called scams, given that jet skis are 'illegal', believe the word 'scam' inappropriate. How can one be scammed by someone conducting an illegal business in the first place, rather like a john complaining to a brothel keeper about having been ripped off by one his sex workers, given all the publicity this particular aspect of Thai tourism has been given worldwide. Or do they not have access to international news in India and Iran?

One illegal act does not wipe out another illegal act even if they are connected.

If you park your car at a red/white marker, does not mean that another car can crash into yours and get away with it. Or may be you are prepared to pay for both cars if you are the one that parked wrong (illegaly). Dont think so.

Actually, that is the Law. I know this because my company car conked out a few weeks back and I left it to the side of the road (actually off the road) overnight until the mechanic could come and have a look in the morning. My boss was adamant that a mechanic come straight away as, if someone crashed into my car, the company would be liable. My boss is a former Thau public prosecutor, appeals court judge and criminal court judge.

Back on topic though, from my experience the jet ski operators are mostly scammers and the BiB are intimately involved. When I was young and long-haired, I used to manage a small bungalow resort on Chaweng Beach (Samui) and we rented out space to an operator so he could keep his jet skis next to the beach. I rented two, having known him personally for a while, when my brother was visiting. My brother was a little reckless and he had a prang - a side panel was dented and probably needed replacing. I know how much this costs to fix, but the owner (a policeman) told me that he "had to charge me 600 Baht an hour for each day that the jetski was being repaired - in Pattaya". I told him to ____ off and said I'd pay a 2x inflated price for a fibre glass panel, which I would fit myself, or I'd report him to the public prosecutor. He took the cash, shut up and left, but he never spoke to me again. Since then I have always advised against use of hired jetskis.

Having said that, I'm sure there are some reasonable ones in quieter places like Hua Hin, Khanom and Koh Tarutao... and maybe one or two in Phuket and Samui. Not sure about Pattaya though!


I've absolutely NO sympathy for these selfish bloody tourists (note they're ALL male) who think nothing of ruining one's quiet day at the beach because they want to race noisily about the ocean destroying the coral and putting bathers lives at risk regardless.

They should (and I repeat 'should') by now be aware of these so called scams, given that jet skis are 'illegal', believe the word 'scam' inappropriate. How can one be scammed by someone conducting an illegal business in the first place, rather like a john complaining to a brothel keeper about having been ripped off by one his sex workers, given all the publicity this particular aspect of Thai tourism has been given worldwide. Or do they not have access to international news in India and Iran?

One illegal act does not wipe out another illegal act even if they are connected.

If you park your car at a red/white marker, does not mean that another car can crash into yours and get away with it. Or may be you are prepared to pay for both cars if you are the one that parked wrong (illegaly). Dont think so.

Actually, that is the Law. I know this because my company car conked out a few weeks back and I left it to the side of the road (actually off the road) overnight until the mechanic could come and have a look in the morning. My boss was adamant that a mechanic come straight away as, if someone crashed into my car, the company would be liable. My boss is a former Thau public prosecutor, appeals court judge and criminal court judge.

Back on topic though, from my experience the jet ski operators are mostly scammers and the BiB are intimately involved. When I was young and long-haired, I used to manage a small bungalow resort on Chaweng Beach (Samui) and we rented out space to an operator so he could keep his jet skis next to the beach. I rented two, having known him personally for a while, when my brother was visiting. My brother was a little reckless and he had a prang - a side panel was dented and probably needed replacing. I know how much this costs to fix, but the owner (a policeman) told me that he "had to charge me 600 Baht an hour for each day that the jetski was being repaired - in Pattaya". I told him to ____ off and said I'd pay a 2x inflated price for a fibre glass panel, which I would fit myself, or I'd report him to the public prosecutor. He took the cash, shut up and left, but he never spoke to me again. Since then I have always advised against use of hired jetskis.

Having said that, I'm sure there are some reasonable ones in quieter places like Hua Hin, Khanom and Koh Tarutao... and maybe one or two in Phuket and Samui. Not sure about Pattaya though!

Theres no coral reef off pattaya beach


All these "conservative" people who have no tolerance for this that and the other. Blacks, young people, drugs, jet skiiers, blah blah. Just go out and pick up whores every night.

Too many bloody asians in england and australia.. lets move to asia.

Complain about corruption, Thai people being dumb, living in a third world country... of course they will complain if the prices go up.

Western hypocracy?



Small cutting from Pattaya Times on the knife incident recently

Steven noted, “The guys immediately went to check this damage as I came out of the water, as though they knew what to look for. They then demanded 18,000 baht for it.”

Being in no way a reasonable estimation of the damage, and having not damaged the machine anyway, he refused to pay.

To the shock of all watching this incident unfold, one member of the jet ski gang pulled off his shirt and wrapped it around a long-bladed knife, thrusting it at Steven, threatening to stab him unless he paid the extortionate amount of cash demanded. This happened in broad daylight in full view of dozens of members of the public, both Thai and foreign, on the busiest stretch of road in this tourist orientated city.

The rest of the jet ski gang surrounded Steven and his two friends, and the physical encounter threatened to spill over.

A phone call was made by one of the jet ski gang, and, within minutes a number of men in uniform, who looked like police but may only have been volunteers, or imposters, arrived on the scene. What is certain, they only made matters worse by ignoring the tourist’s request for help and not doing anything about the man who had pulled the knife.

The local residents told the pleading tourists to ask for the tourist police to attend. A sympathetic bystander allowed them to use his phone to call a lawyer and the Irish Embassy to report the situation. cont



All these "conservative" people who have no tolerance for this that and the other. Blacks, young people, drugs, jet skiiers, blah blah. Just go out and pick up whores every night.

Too many bloody asians in england and australia.. lets move to asia.

Complain about corruption, Thai people being dumb, living in a third world country... of course they will complain if the prices go up.

Western hypocracy?


Have you been to see someone about your anger issues ?.....:whistling:


So it`s, do not call the police, save the nice policeman from showing his face and becoming officially implicated with the scam, settle for little less money and give the nice policeman his percentage discretely later on for turning a blind eye and appearing oblivious to what havoc these thugs are creating in the tourist attractions of Thailand.

This BS is now becoming Internationally renewed and like the Kingpower scams will soon be exposed for what it is and heads will roll.

The corrupt police involved know this and are trying to keep a low profile to protect they`re own asses.

In the meantime tourists should be made aware and avoid Pattaya until the authorities can offer some sort of statement that tourists will receive full protection under Thai law and that any perpetrators of scams will be severely dealt with.

As I said, avoid these places and once the area begins losing money something will be done, pronto.

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