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Who Is He ?


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That man from Norway,previously mentioned , who is he ??

Tonight he made a big problem AGAIN in Jetyod,by refusing to pay his bill at a bar after drinking a lot , not just for himself but the people he bought for. He then had an argument with a Thai customer in the bar then attacked him.

The fight was pushed into the street where he put the Thai man on the floor and pounded him senseless. The girls from the bar also smashed many bottles on the Norwegians head along with several real heavy hits with a bar stool . A big English guy called Steve , turned up at the scene , picked the Norwegian man uplike a doll from who he was attaking and read him the riot act. The English Guy was cool as hell , stopped the fight , dragged the Norwegian man away and restored order. He sent the bad arse packing , checked on the damaged Thai and the staff of the bar then went on his way . Some may say idiot for getting involved but from what I witnessed tonight he saved the life of the Norwegian and from what I hear has so much respect here in Chiang Rai amongst the Thai people. Personally I would like to meet this man . As for the other who is making big problems , rumour has it that he will not be with us for much longer ?? Dont ask !!

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As a former enthusiastic participant in the South East Asian bar scene I witnessed many such incidents.

People like your Norwegian friend seldom last long, their lifestyle shortens their span on this planet without any outside interference.

I hope his bill was paid by his "friends" who were enjoying his generosity. :rolleyes:

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Elliot : " Hey Gunthersonn, i haven't got any satangs left for the drinking rage tonight, what do ya think about staging that mess again? "

Gunthersonn : " Yes Sir, i think it's a great idea, not easy to get scotfree with drinks nowadays, lets go for it..."



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Two Strikes already in the last week for the recently infamous Norwegian :wacko::crazy:

He didn't learn from the first encounter with the :ph34r:

He would be well advised to stay away or beter yet, leave the area. Or most likely :hit-the-fan:

I had to ban a Scottish guy from my bar as he was starting arguments with my customers and fighting with them. Its people like that we dont need as they upset everyone else from having a good time.

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Two Strikes already in the last week for the recently infamous Norwegian :wacko::crazy:

He didn't learn from the first encounter with the :ph34r:

He would be well advised to stay away or beter yet, leave the area. Or most likely :hit-the-fan:

I had to ban a Scottish guy from my bar as he was starting arguments with my customers and fighting with them. Its people like that we dont need as they upset everyone else from having a good time.

not Chang35baht again Big G !? :D

or maybe SunnyDelight :)

Edited by jubby
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As a matter of fact it wasn't me Jubby. But I know of the incident that happened quite a while ago.

And as Gary has seen fit to comment on it without telling the whole story, so will I.

You're out of order for commenting about it and your exaggereating about the person involved.

That's why your custom has gone down.


Edited by chang35baht
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As a matter of fact it wasn't me Jubby. But I know of the incident that happened quite a while ago.

And as Gary has seen fit to comment on it without telling the whole story, so will I.

You're out of order for commenting about it and your exaggereating about the person involved.

That's why your custom has gone down.


I Imagine its 'between a Rock and a Hardplace' ; being a Bar Owner in certain situations. I'll make no further comments on this thread ;)

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As a matter of fact it wasn't me Jubby. But I know of the incident that happened quite a while ago.

And as Gary has seen fit to comment on it without telling the whole story, so will I.

You're out of order for commenting about it and your exaggereating about the person involved.

That's why your custom has gone down.


Its only a matter of time before he does it again. Customer numbers fell bugger all, only his clan dont come.

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Sometimes things do get out of hand due to too much alcohol being consumed and the wrong things said at that time can cause offense to some who will react. Sadly were talking about several individuals that are all over 50 years old and should know better , sadly they dont know what they are doing when they have drank so much. It is the responsibility of the bar owner and staff to insure that when some one has had too much they DONT serve them any more.

In Jetyod again the Norwegian man turned up with a plastic gun and allegedly threatened the staff of the bar he was fighting in the day before . The police were called and he was arrested , taken to the police station along with the owner of the bar , he apologized to the owner and was released. He then went back to Jetyod , sat in a bar , got totally drunk to the point of comatose, then attempted to drive home . The man crashed into some parked cars and the Bank and was arrested again. Other than the man having some sort of mental problem ( possibly ) the owner of the bar shouldnt sell alcohol to someone so drunk , Coconut bar take note.

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