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Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying Abreast Of Nude On Our Beaches


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In many countries around the world it is illegal to go topless. Not only in Thailand. In many countries around the world you'd get fined or jailed. If the casual farang has a problem with that, then perhaps they should look for another place to spend their holidays.Perhaps take a cruise boat. I guess it will be allowed there.

I think it is very normal NOT to show any nudity in the public. This is not backward. Only a citizen of the USA would plead for a 'permissive society' and 'down with cultural prudes'. Its very obvious why ...

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...In Europe going topless is generally acceptable and has been since the sixtiesIn the anally retentive US it isn't.

Watch the generalities, please... there are scores of openly, completely clothing optional beaches & rivers in California - less so in other states. In the Bible-thumping fly-over states, it's severely uptight, but the women there... well, lets just say we prefer them covered anyway laugh.gif

Actually I would agree - but as your post clearly shows it isn't a "generalisation" - I assume that's what you mean.....it's a pretty good summation of US society in total.As you point out they actually have to have places set aside and they tend only to be in California.

It's not just with nudity, but with language, media, drugs even underwear! - and every aspect of US life is dominated by the heritage of religious anal relation.

After more than 200 years the US still hasn't come to terms with SEX - even the mammary gland sends them into paroxysms of either horror or Oedipal dribbling.May I draw your attention to Terry Thomas' short soliloquy on the brassier in "It's a MAD>MAD>MAD> MAD world"... or even the "big M". McDonald"s logo which is clearly a subliminal reference to a pair of breasts.....not to mention the nation's obsession with drinking milk. Humans are the only species to continue drinking milk after weening (with the exception of a few clever hedgehogs).

.........and what do you see on top of capitol hill????

there you have it... case elegantly sealed with an incoherent rant. I think you're late for your next beer.

oh, just an FYI or two:

No, I meant "generalities" - as in, you were speaking in generalities.

generality |ˌjenəˈralitē|noun ( pl. -ties)1 a statement or principle having general rather than specific validity or force :he confined his remarks to generalities.the quality or state of being general : policy should be formulated at an appropriate level of generality.

Oh, and the US Capitol building was closely patterned after Wren's St Paul's Cathedral in LONDON.

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Lessons can be learned from one love-struck Thai woman who whipped off all her clothes and ran down Soi Bangla after her fiancée proposed to her last year.

lesbians are allowed to marry in Thailand? :huh:

Of course they are, so long as they marry a man!

Edited by 13budgies
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As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

what a pathetic statement, gogo bars are where adults go to see this sort of thing, beaches are public places where children can go, this is a Muslim area where such things are frowned upon and decent Thai parents struggle to bring up children without the bad influence of us westerners. This is Thailand, it is illegal! end of story!

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

hope grandma shy does not sell childporn dvd's sth. i find disgusting and anyway never saw disgusting beer belly's covered up on beaches (the should put up some signs about that ;)

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As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

what a pathetic statement, gogo bars are where adults go to see this sort of thing, beaches are public places where children can go, this is a Muslim area where such things are frowned upon and decent Thai parents struggle to bring up children without the bad influence of us westerners. This is Thailand, it is illegal! end of story!

man where do you live???

there are many things in thailand illegal and far worse for you and your children (child prostitution, driving like a maniac and risking peoples life on the streets, bla bla bla bla.....)

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Do you really think that the daughters tell mom and dad that they are off to sell sex, you need a wake up call.

A scout comes to their village and tells the parents or parent or grandparent that they will be food and drink servers at a nice nightclub or restaurant and in many cases pay the family 1,000 baht and put the girls on a bus.

They find out later that if they want to be able to send baht home, they need to do the wild thing, most do as they have promised to send baht home, more often then not the family never knows or don't want to.

When they bring the buffalo home, they say they met on the beach or in the restaurant, seldom do they find out, some do and are ashamed, they are a proud people and your a bad judge.

this is a major (sex) industry and mom knows but she dont want to know :)

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

It is called self-righteousness

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on one of my first trips to thailand 7/8 year ago i took a short cut through a jewish shop to the alleys behind koh san rd and to my suprise and delight ( to see tradition and freedom, not a free show) there was a couple of middle aged plump ladies in only sarong up to the waist going around quite naturally and casual, in many early 20th and late 19th century photos many women are topless and natural on the streeet at market etc etc so when folk say covered is culture that is BS it's just modern day fashion and prudes the farang topless on the beach are bringing back true thai culture and should be welcomed and applauded by right minded thai and farang alike, i have been told that unmarried girls covered up but after marrage was ok.

i've heard that in india the small blouse that women wear with saris was only introduced when muslim influence became stronger there, the burka and veils are to stop the men getting too exited muslim men have told me, shame they can't control themselves and we could all have a bit more freedom

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One should accept and respect the extreemly high morale standards Thailand has when it come to the human body and sex. WESTERNERS should stop think about the other tourists such as our Arabic, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese friends just to name a few who come here just to enjoy the sun, food and culture. If Thaiand does not take a stance now these imorale acts displayed by those from the WEST could see this tropical paradise slide into decay.

Before we know it bars could open up in whole streets where WESTERN women will be dancing and flirting thier bodies have naked. We will have men dressing in womens clothing prouncing around the streets in a sexually provocative way flashing thier fake boobs at tourists. Heavens forbid we could even have whole cities dedicating themselves to this way of life where WESTERN men will flock for the flesh. Crime may increase and tourists from the East and Asia could find themselves the victims of scams.

Yes Westerners cover up on the beach and stop this quasi-nudism. This is not the Gold Coast or Surfers Paradise in Australia this is Thailand.

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..... Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

As far as I know it's not just any funny rule for farangs (I'm one, too).

It's forbidden by Thai law - valid for ALL people in Thailand. But this good law needs to be strictly enforced. Fine these few nudists before more and more beaches are occupied by topless or even naked Europeans (I am German), let them spend some hours with the police, let them inveign or bluster about Thailand, let them decide to spend their next holiday not here - and everything will be ok again.

It's not your bedroom, not your livingroom, not your home, not your country! It's Thailand - and all people visiting Thailand have to obey Thai law!

I am not prude, no.

I am married, living here in Thailand without my wife and dating 2 women (not only to talk about beautiful Thai nature ... ;) ... ) and my post here has nothing to do with any religious morality. No.

My former German girlfriend used to go topless on European beaches - but before we decided to visit Thailand in 1994, we tried to read a bit about Thai culture. Easy to find that it's not common to go topless.

So - she was wearing a bikini! That's it! Easy and simple.


Watch out! The next thai law may outlaw adultery. Then we'll all be in trouble....

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Ahh yes........the old "respect the local culture" argument.

In that case, I suppose we must respect:-

Female circumcision in the Sahel countries because it's the culture.

The caste system in India because it's the culture.

Bull-fighting in Spain because it's the culture.

Cock-fighting to the death in the Philippines because it's the culture.

The oppression of women in Arab countries because it's the culture.

Frankly, any culture that makes "face" more important than "truth", I regard as inferior to my own.

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...In Europe going topless is generally acceptable and has been since the sixtiesIn the anally retentive US it isn't.

Watch the generalities, please... there are scores of openly, completely clothing optional beaches & rivers in California - less so in other states. In the Bible-thumping fly-over states, it's severely uptight, but the women there... well, lets just say we prefer them covered anyway laugh.gif

Actually I would agree - but as your post clearly shows it isn't a "generalisation" - I assume that's what you mean.....it's a pretty good summation of US society in total.As you point out they actually have to have places set aside and they tend only to be in California.

It's not just with nudity, but with language, media, drugs even underwear! - and every aspect of US life is dominated by the heritage of religious anal relation.

After more than 200 years the US still hasn't come to terms with SEX - even the mammary gland sends them into paroxysms of either horror or Oedipal dribbling.May I draw your attention to Terry Thomas' short soliloquy on the brassier in "It's a MAD>MAD>MAD> MAD world"... or even the "big M". McDonald"s logo which is clearly a subliminal reference to a pair of breasts.....not to mention the nation's obsession with drinking milk. Humans are the only species to continue drinking milk after weening (with the exception of a few clever hedgehogs).

.........and what do you see on top of capitol hill????

there you have it... case elegantly sealed with an incoherent rant. I think you're late for your next beer.

oh, just an FYI or two:

No, I meant "generalities" - as in, you were speaking in generalities.

generality |ˌjenəˈralitē|noun ( pl. -ties)1 a statement or principle having general rather than specific validity or force :he confined his remarks to generalities.the quality or state of being general : policy should be formulated at an appropriate level of generality.

Oh, and the US Capitol building was closely patterned after Wren's St Paul's Cathedral in LONDON.

Sadly you had to get a dictionary to find out what you had written? Kind of sums you up?

Secondly, if you know your history you will know that St Paul's is actually a fake dome - they didn't know how to make a real one - which would account for the US's obsession with constructing false tits I suppose.

BTW - I"m guessing you think I"m British? - you are good at jumping to conclusions.

The concept of "dome" comes from Italy/Latin cathedral - again another country with an obsession with tits - NB the current PM.

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Ahh yes........the old "respect the local culture" argument.

In that case, I suppose we must respect:-

Female circumcision in the Sahel countries because it's the culture.

The caste system in India because it's the culture.

Bull-fighting in Spain because it's the culture.

Cock-fighting to the death in the Philippines because it's the culture.

The oppression of women in Arab countries because it's the culture.

Frankly, any culture that makes "face" more important than "truth", I regard as inferior to my own.

I would agree with everything you say apart from your last comment - I don't think I'd say "inferior" - looking at the world in a hierarchical manner is VERY misleading.

But calling for change anywhere in the world if you believe something is wrong surely is your duty?

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The majority of comments above show about the same amount of ignorance, when it comes to Thai mores, as the "boobies.

This is NOT your country or a European country. Before you came here you should have done your homework and read up on what is expected of visitors. And using the small percentage of Thais who are in the sex trade is not good form when arguing a point.

As an expat of 6+ years, I find myself ashamed of the way farangs dress, both on the beach and on the streets. Someone should also say something to the hairy men who insist on wearing underwear shirts in public, such as at the mall and in theatres.

All of us should remember our manners while in this great (with exceptions) country.

Mitch, I used to think like you that it was only a small percentage of Thais working in the sex trade, but I now realise that it is a very large percentage, including the good old cops... Sex busines is huge in Thailand and growing... even mom and dad at home accepting the moneys are involved, the banks sending and taking the moneys ...are involved... and the promoters of Thai holidays use the sex angle to sell their holidays, they too are involved... Sex sells.... Amazing Thailand..

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Since the days of empire, colonialism and other forms of domination are mostly over, isn't it also time that foreigners stop griping because they can't change the places they visit to be just like "home". If where one comes from is so perfect, why go somewhere else to complain about its differences? I am all for topless beaches but if the culture here frowns on it, it shouldn't be cause for derision, sarcasm or disrespect. I am much more offended by shirtless displays of massively jiggling farang men who insist on parading their obesity on foot or on motorbikes, in the faces of others who prefer not to see their grossness.

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As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

what a pathetic statement, gogo bars are where adults go to see this sort of thing, beaches are public places where children can go, this is a Muslim area where such things are frowned upon and decent Thai parents struggle to bring up children without the bad influence of us westerners. This is Thailand, it is illegal! end of story!

Thing is though, it's not the end of the story because, as previously stated here, you don't see very many signs on beaches, and you don't see many police disturbing tourists' full body sunbathing sessions b/c of a pair of tits when tourism represents a substantial percentage of Thailand's GDP, not to mention profits off the books. If you want to get angry at somebody get angry at the law enforcers who don't enforce the law. You can't really blame people for coming to a country where seemingly anything goes and then testing that theory out. Often times they're right, except for the few who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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very simple, when in Rome do as the Romans do. Not many tourists strip on St Peters Square. There used to be something like common courtesy and respect for other cultures. Thailand has its red light corners, so keep it there. Most saggy exposed tit should not ever see the sunlight ever anyay, and hairy octagenarian men should not run along the street in Phuket in speedos at any time. So say middle aged gay man who lives quiet happely with his cloth on :jap:

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I could not agree more - live by the etiquiette rulles of the country you visit! You should be honoured to be guest down here - otherwise - stay home! We in sweden hate those who immigrates and bring the muslim behavior with them. Think of that you all (sorry you all good muslim people for this example - I know a lot of you are really good people) who is rude towards the siam people!!!.

..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

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Having only lived in Thailand for two years what surprises me most are the contradictions relating to the article and the apparent ignorance of many of the posts. Older married Thai women certainly "go topless" in front of children and males in many of the villages. Why is a beach different?

Secondly whilst travelling on a long distance bus across Thailand I witnessed the Thai censor's amazing double standards. The Thai movie showing on the bus, repeatedly showed the male penis fully exposed (and even cut off!) but had the hazy cover-up applied to female breasts and genitalia. My Thai wife indicated this was normal for movies in Thailand and I have since witnessed the same on Thai TV.

Come on folks, just what are the "cultural standards" we're supposed to respect if we wish to live in Thailand ???

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I agree with the comments made about inappropriate dress in public places such as the street and shopping malls. However personally I see nothing wrong with beach nudity provided beaches are set aside for such purposes. It's about time the authorities and the general Thai population at large stopped applying double standards to themselves as well as visitors to this country and move it into the modern era.


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while most of the "older" members here agree with accepting the rules in Thailand, many of the new member doesnt. Shows me what I see day by day here since many years on the streets and on the beaches in Phuket. Thailand has changed a lot during the past 25 years and to be honest not in a good way when it comes to the "NEW" farang community.

It was much better here 15 years ago, not at least because there was foreigners here reading something about the country they are travelling too and just behave to the rules, Thailand is NOT

our country, if you dont like it here the way it is feel free to go, I honestly appreciate less cars on the streets and less idiots around.

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Very funny all these puritan opinions. There is nothing wrong with nudism, every idea about it comes from your own mind. That is mostly influenced by religious indoctrinations. By the way, how can you ask any respect from tourists about this when the hookers are around the corner or even closer? This is a hypocritical world we live in, except that and your life will be much more pleasant.

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Many times here in Kamala i have approched topless females and told them that this is a Moslem communnity and to please cover up as they are offending their host.

I'd say 95% of them should not have gone topless in the privacy of their own homes much less in Public. :bah:

Some would cover up and apologize and say they didn't know, some would say its not my country, others would tell me that no thai had told them that so they assumed it was ok,

There should be signs on every beach that it is NOT acceptable behavior in Thailand. Note not just the words but a pair of sagging breasts with a big red X thru them

This is a predominately Buddhist country.

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