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Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying Abreast Of Nude On Our Beaches


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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

thai double standards. Dont fully enforce nudity laws, but fully cover up smoking, drinking, and guns on tv. Go figure. We have similar laws in Hawaii, but Europeans disrespect the laws there too. The law enfarcement should book em, fine em 1000, euro, dollars BP, hold for 24 hrs :lock:, then transport to airport and send em home. Word would spread fast internationally.

Thank god you're not in charge - why not move to Saudi Arabia then you can be happy that people are forced to obey the law better yet why not behead people for laying in the sun with bare breasts - word would really spread fast then right and you would have an end to the horror that is a naked breast - hey monkeys and apes should be made to cover up too heaven forbid an inoccent child sees one of their breasts.


And YOU show you ignorance and lack of eduction with such a ridiculous response..... now, might I suggest you go back to the drawing board and come up with a response that is slightly more thought out and actually addresses the argument?sleep.gif

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

Just give me a call. I'll be glad to talk to the offenders for you :D


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And my apologies, I should have clarified myself by pointing out that a Toyota is interchangeable with a scooter for this exercise.....I also note you don't put the age of your Thai wife?? And none of us will ever know the reason/s you married this women - genuine or not, nor will I go there, but there are certain generalisations that can be alluded to and that we are all aware of....nothing you have said has removed you from being under the microscope as being possibly 'one of those men'.

All that aside, topless bathing is culturally insensitive as the original article points out, and that is that.

I'm going to assume that you 'manage' the Thai staff you refer to? This puts you in a position of superiority and would ergo mean that they would not feel comfortable complaining to you about this issue. Even if you are working at the same level as your Thai colleagues, I will make an assumption that you are being paid more as is common practise. Whatever way you cut the cake, they would be highly unlikely to complain to you about topless customers who have paid to be there and spend more on one pool-side drink that your Thai colleague earns in a day!

So, would you like to put your arrogance aside, show some consideration for your Thai colleagues/neighbours/friends/staff etc etc, and respect the dominant culture!



You are kind of funny Darwinite and I like you :rolleyes: but........... Toyota doesn't make a "scooter" here at least so yes I drive a car, the wife is 33 so I think that's fairly normal? She is also in hospitality as a manager (actually in a higher position than mine) we met OUTSIDE of Thailand and decided to move back here. I don't think that I fit into your stereotype but that's niether here nor there the issue is weather this is actually that big of deal to Thais as the author of this garbage article believes. I don't talk to my staff about it but rather observe their reaction to it as I was also (wrongly) under the impression that they would break down and lose it if the saw this but guess what they hardly blinked an eye as I said before only a giggle. As I visit the beach quite often I see all the Scandinavian babes out topless with Thais walking by them as if NOTHING is going on. This is MY experience on the subject after 5 years of being here - no Thai cares! The prudes on here can dream all they want about the BIB doing anything about it because they don't care either, nobody is going to pay a huge fine for this and nobody is going to get sent home - keep dreaming.

p.s. try not to put all expat men in your little box as it's so over done already ;) peace baby xoxo

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And my apologies, I should have clarified myself by pointing out that a Toyota is interchangeable with a scooter for this exercise.....I also note you don't put the age of your Thai wife?? And none of us will ever know the reason/s you married this women - genuine or not, nor will I go there, but there are certain generalisations that can be alluded to and that we are all aware of....nothing you have said has removed you from being under the microscope as being possibly 'one of those men'.

All that aside, topless bathing is culturally insensitive as the original article points out, and that is that.

I'm going to assume that you 'manage' the Thai staff you refer to? This puts you in a position of superiority and would ergo mean that they would not feel comfortable complaining to you about this issue. Even if you are working at the same level as your Thai colleagues, I will make an assumption that you are being paid more as is common practise. Whatever way you cut the cake, they would be highly unlikely to complain to you about topless customers who have paid to be there and spend more on one pool-side drink that your Thai colleague earns in a day!

So, would you like to put your arrogance aside, show some consideration for your Thai colleagues/neighbours/friends/staff etc etc, and respect the dominant culture!



You are kind of funny Darwinite and I like you :rolleyes: but........... Toyota doesn't make a "scooter" here at least so yes I drive a car, the wife is 33 so I think that's fairly normal? She is also in hospitality as a manager (actually in a higher position than mine) we met OUTSIDE of Thailand and decided to move back here. I don't think that I fit into your stereotype but that's niether here nor there the issue is weather this is actually that big of deal to Thais as the author of this garbage article believes. I don't talk to my staff about it but rather observe their reaction to it as I was also (wrongly) under the impression that they would break down and lose it if the saw this but guess what they hardly blinked an eye as I said before only a giggle. As I visit the beach quite often I see all the Scandinavian babes out topless with Thais walking by them as if NOTHING is going on. This is MY experience on the subject after 5 years of being here - no Thai cares! The prudes on here can dream all they want about the BIB doing anything about it because they don't care either, nobody is going to pay a huge fine for this and nobody is going to get sent home - keep dreaming.

p.s. try not to put all expat men in your little box as it's so over done already ;) peace baby xoxo

To be fair on this point I did talk with one Thai man who touts diving, so his English is very passable. He said that they do mind, but most Thais may appear to not care when in fact it's just culturally outside most of them to make a scene. I mean, come on, we've all seen it. Excluding the violent, criminal elements of the country, most proper Thais would rather ignore problems to avoid confrontation, and then when that is not an option many of us have probably seen them go over the top and lose it when confrontation can't be avoided.

It's still my feeling that they're not wrong to avoid making waves on the tourist boat. I mean lots of things that are typically frowned upon in regular Thai culture are brushed aside to allow for content tourists. In the vein of illegal activity that law enforcement turns a blind eye to in tourist areas, I think topless sunbathing is pretty minor. If a Thai person were going to speak up, or police officers were going to get strict, I'd much rather see them attack issues like treating windy mountainous roads like a personal racetrack or do something about drunk driving. Trying to head off aggression to curb drunken fighting wouldn't be so bad either, or how about cutting the insanely drunk off at a bar? You won't see it. The topless sunbathing? Honestly, who cares.

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And my apologies, I should have clarified myself by pointing out that a Toyota is interchangeable with a scooter for this exercise.....I also note you don't put the age of your Thai wife?? And none of us will ever know the reason/s you married this women - genuine or not, nor will I go there, but there are certain generalisations that can be alluded to and that we are all aware of....nothing you have said has removed you from being under the microscope as being possibly 'one of those men'.

All that aside, topless bathing is culturally insensitive as the original article points out, and that is that.

I'm going to assume that you 'manage' the Thai staff you refer to? This puts you in a position of superiority and would ergo mean that they would not feel comfortable complaining to you about this issue. Even if you are working at the same level as your Thai colleagues, I will make an assumption that you are being paid more as is common practise. Whatever way you cut the cake, they would be highly unlikely to complain to you about topless customers who have paid to be there and spend more on one pool-side drink that your Thai colleague earns in a day!

So, would you like to put your arrogance aside, show some consideration for your Thai colleagues/neighbours/friends/staff etc etc, and respect the dominant culture!



You are kind of funny Darwinite and I like you :rolleyes: but........... Toyota doesn't make a "scooter" here at least so yes I drive a car, the wife is 33 so I think that's fairly normal? She is also in hospitality as a manager (actually in a higher position than mine) we met OUTSIDE of Thailand and decided to move back here. I don't think that I fit into your stereotype but that's niether here nor there the issue is weather this is actually that big of deal to Thais as the author of this garbage article believes. I don't talk to my staff about it but rather observe their reaction to it as I was also (wrongly) under the impression that they would break down and lose it if the saw this but guess what they hardly blinked an eye as I said before only a giggle. As I visit the beach quite often I see all the Scandinavian babes out topless with Thais walking by them as if NOTHING is going on. This is MY experience on the subject after 5 years of being here - no Thai cares! The prudes on here can dream all they want about the BIB doing anything about it because they don't care either, nobody is going to pay a huge fine for this and nobody is going to get sent home - keep dreaming.

p.s. try not to put all expat men in your little box as it's so over done already ;) peace baby xoxo

Alrighty then, we'll just agree to disagree on this one my friend and I'll happily remove you from the box (please note however that one doesn't have to be a prude in order to disagree with topless bathing in Thailand, as I can assure you that I am not - my argument is based solely on 'mutual respect'), but if you don't mind, and as I have already adopted a guilty until proven otherwise approach on this topic, the rest can stay there - agreed wai.gif and kisses and hugs returned with overwhelming enthusiasmcool.gif

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And my apologies, I should have clarified myself by pointing out that a Toyota is interchangeable with a scooter for this exercise.....I also note you don't put the age of your Thai wife?? And none of us will ever know the reason/s you married this women - genuine or not, nor will I go there, but there are certain generalisations that can be alluded to and that we are all aware of....nothing you have said has removed you from being under the microscope as being possibly 'one of those men'.

All that aside, topless bathing is culturally insensitive as the original article points out, and that is that.

I'm going to assume that you 'manage' the Thai staff you refer to? This puts you in a position of superiority and would ergo mean that they would not feel comfortable complaining to you about this issue. Even if you are working at the same level as your Thai colleagues, I will make an assumption that you are being paid more as is common practise. Whatever way you cut the cake, they would be highly unlikely to complain to you about topless customers who have paid to be there and spend more on one pool-side drink that your Thai colleague earns in a day!

So, would you like to put your arrogance aside, show some consideration for your Thai colleagues/neighbours/friends/staff etc etc, and respect the dominant culture!



You are kind of funny Darwinite and I like you :rolleyes: but........... Toyota doesn't make a "scooter" here at least so yes I drive a car, the wife is 33 so I think that's fairly normal? She is also in hospitality as a manager (actually in a higher position than mine) we met OUTSIDE of Thailand and decided to move back here. I don't think that I fit into your stereotype but that's niether here nor there the issue is weather this is actually that big of deal to Thais as the author of this garbage article believes. I don't talk to my staff about it but rather observe their reaction to it as I was also (wrongly) under the impression that they would break down and lose it if the saw this but guess what they hardly blinked an eye as I said before only a giggle. As I visit the beach quite often I see all the Scandinavian babes out topless with Thais walking by them as if NOTHING is going on. This is MY experience on the subject after 5 years of being here - no Thai cares! The prudes on here can dream all they want about the BIB doing anything about it because they don't care either, nobody is going to pay a huge fine for this and nobody is going to get sent home - keep dreaming.

p.s. try not to put all expat men in your little box as it's so over done already ;) peace baby xoxo

To be fair on this point I did talk with one Thai man who touts diving, so his English is very passable. He said that they do mind, but most Thais may appear to not care when in fact it's just culturally outside most of them to make a scene. I mean, come on, we've all seen it. Excluding the violent, criminal elements of the country, most proper Thais would rather ignore problems to avoid confrontation, and then when that is not an option many of us have probably seen them go over the top and lose it when confrontation can't be avoided.

It's still my feeling that they're not wrong to avoid making waves on the tourist boat. I mean lots of things that are typically frowned upon in regular Thai culture are brushed aside to allow for content tourists. In the vein of illegal activity that law enforcement turns a blind eye to in tourist areas, I think topless sunbathing is pretty minor. If a Thai person were going to speak up, or police officers were going to get strict, I'd much rather see them attack issues like treating windy mountainous roads like a personal racetrack or do something about drunk driving. Trying to head off aggression to curb drunken fighting wouldn't be so bad either, or how about cutting the insanely drunk off at a bar? You won't see it. The topless sunbathing? Honestly, who cares.

I have to agree with you that as a matter of priorities, it's more a frustration than something that needs to be administratively attacked in light of the other matters you so correctly pointed out. BUT myself and other like minded individuals are still going to feel very frustrated and angry at peoples ignorance and/or refusal to accept that : "...when in Rome [as they say], don't get around with your mammaries out at the beach in Thailand!" It's just plain rude!dry.gif

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And my apologies, I should have clarified myself by pointing out that a Toyota is interchangeable with a scooter for this exercise.....I also note you don't put the age of your Thai wife?? And none of us will ever know the reason/s you married this women - genuine or not, nor will I go there, but there are certain generalisations that can be alluded to and that we are all aware of....nothing you have said has removed you from being under the microscope as being possibly 'one of those men'.

All that aside, topless bathing is culturally insensitive as the original article points out, and that is that.

I'm going to assume that you 'manage' the Thai staff you refer to? This puts you in a position of superiority and would ergo mean that they would not feel comfortable complaining to you about this issue. Even if you are working at the same level as your Thai colleagues, I will make an assumption that you are being paid more as is common practise. Whatever way you cut the cake, they would be highly unlikely to complain to you about topless customers who have paid to be there and spend more on one pool-side drink that your Thai colleague earns in a day!

So, would you like to put your arrogance aside, show some consideration for your Thai colleagues/neighbours/friends/staff etc etc, and respect the dominant culture!



You are kind of funny Darwinite and I like you :rolleyes: but........... Toyota doesn't make a "scooter" here at least so yes I drive a car, the wife is 33 so I think that's fairly normal? She is also in hospitality as a manager (actually in a higher position than mine) we met OUTSIDE of Thailand and decided to move back here. I don't think that I fit into your stereotype but that's niether here nor there the issue is weather this is actually that big of deal to Thais as the author of this garbage article believes. I don't talk to my staff about it but rather observe their reaction to it as I was also (wrongly) under the impression that they would break down and lose it if the saw this but guess what they hardly blinked an eye as I said before only a giggle. As I visit the beach quite often I see all the Scandinavian babes out topless with Thais walking by them as if NOTHING is going on. This is MY experience on the subject after 5 years of being here - no Thai cares! The prudes on here can dream all they want about the BIB doing anything about it because they don't care either, nobody is going to pay a huge fine for this and nobody is going to get sent home - keep dreaming.

p.s. try not to put all expat men in your little box as it's so over done already ;) peace baby xoxo

To be fair on this point I did talk with one Thai man who touts diving, so his English is very passable. He said that they do mind, but most Thais may appear to not care when in fact it's just culturally outside most of them to make a scene. I mean, come on, we've all seen it. Excluding the violent, criminal elements of the country, most proper Thais would rather ignore problems to avoid confrontation, and then when that is not an option many of us have probably seen them go over the top and lose it when confrontation can't be avoided.

It's still my feeling that they're not wrong to avoid making waves on the tourist boat. I mean lots of things that are typically frowned upon in regular Thai culture are brushed aside to allow for content tourists. In the vein of illegal activity that law enforcement turns a blind eye to in tourist areas, I think topless sunbathing is pretty minor. If a Thai person were going to speak up, or police officers were going to get strict, I'd much rather see them attack issues like treating windy mountainous roads like a personal racetrack or do something about drunk driving. Trying to head off aggression to curb drunken fighting wouldn't be so bad either, or how about cutting the insanely drunk off at a bar? You won't see it. The topless sunbathing? Honestly, who cares.

I have to agree with you that as a matter of priorities, it's more a frustration than something that needs to be administratively attacked in light of the other matters you so correctly pointed out. BUT myself and other like minded individuals are still going to feel very frustrated and angry at peoples ignorance and/or refusal to accept that : "...when in Rome [as they say], don't get around with your mammaries out at the beach in Thailand!" It's just plain rude!dry.gif

Point taken. smile.gif

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

lol anyone can buy sex dvd's not just thai's and no-one can sunbathe nude not just westerners. I think your point is their is a contradiction of beliefs, but maybe they believe that you wont project the sex dvd onto a 4x4 wall at the beach for all to see?

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Phuket Opinion: Beach nipples not naughty


PHUKET: I note there is no space [for a reader to] comment on Blair Christopher's online story 'Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying abreast of nude on our beaches'.

So [as a Phuket resident] I’d like to comment here on how it is apparently perfectly acceptable for the male walking along the beach in the accompanying picture to have his nipples and rather prominent breasts uncovered.

I’m quite sure that up until the religion-obsessed colonialists began spreading their uptight, sexist anti-female doctrines, that indigenous women walked around the tropics all over the globe, freely bare chested in order to best enjoy the cool breezes.

The genital-izing and criminalization of women’s chests has been fought in the US and women in New York City now enjoy freedom like most of their European counterparts.

I urge resistance to blatant, unfair sexism.


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-02-13

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Phuket Opinion: Beach nipples not naughty


<snipped the boring words>

Blimey! Is that girl on the right wearing a couple of pom-poms?

And, as they are no longer "naughty", can I post some prime examples of non-naughty-nipples. (At the beach, of course.:))

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Posted 2011-02-03 12:40:42

snapback.pngwiggy221, on 2011-02-03 10:01:53, said:

snapback.pngHerbalEd, on 2011-02-03 09:51:45, said:

snapback.pngwiggy221, on 2011-02-03 09:32:17, said:

..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

Gee really, i didnt know that.

I didnt mean to tar everyone with the same brush but most Thais are hypacrits, i am married to a Thai by the way and have been for years so i think i am a pretty good judge and have lived in the country and city for most of that time (UK now). Most of the country elders frown upon this stuff and disagree with it but at the same time have daughters who sell sex, the elders then have no problems accepting the money they send back home.

I know its gone a bit off the original topic but sex and flashing/showing the body naked is along the same lines.

Well you did tar them all with the same brush. Just because your wife is a hypocrite dosen't mean all Thai's are. Mine is not.

In case you didn't know it and obviously you didn't they are two separate issues.

Your view of sex is clouded understandably so judging every thing in Thailand by it's sex capitol If they were one and the same how come we don't have it here in Chiang Mai. How come you don't have it in your front yard they are one in the same according to you.

Get a life in the UK and pretend to be a expert on the Thai culture because you have a hypocrite for a wife.


Sorry, where did i mention my wife was a hypacrit? Please read the post again as i did not in any way say SHE was a hypacrit.

Edited by metisdead
Removed insulting part.
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I would also like to point out, before i get bashed any more... That i DO value Thai cultire and traditions and i DO live and mix in with Thais.

It was just a point that although it is law and i fully agree with law and order, things like corruption are AGAINST the law but are common place in Thailand.

I also wonder how many of you expats who have gave me a bash acttually speak Thai as i DO to fit in? Bit off topic i know but still just a thought.

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It is stange the best posted threads on this website are about sex in any form.

This one is seems to be threatened farang women and guys with the old adage of tits, sex and nubile girls.

If it is a problem to Thai sensibility then let the Thai,s sort it out, their country their rules.Stop putting your values on things.

And for the record I am married to a 53 year old farang, it is nice to window shop and that is ok as it is for her although her opportunities are more limited.

Just get a sodding life people.

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Phuket Opinion: Beach nipples not naughty

PHUKET: I note there is no space [for a reader to] comment on Blair Christopher's online story 'Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying abreast of nude on our beaches'.

So [as a Phuket resident] I'd like to comment here on how it is apparently perfectly acceptable for the male walking along the beach in the accompanying picture to have his nipples and rather prominent breasts uncovered.

I'm quite sure that up until the religion-obsessed colonialists began spreading their uptight, sexist anti-female doctrines, that indigenous women walked around the tropics all over the globe, freely bare chested in order to best enjoy the cool breezes.

The genital-izing and criminalization of women's chests has been fought in the US and women in New York City now enjoy freedom like most of their European counterparts.

I urge resistance to blatant, unfair sexism.


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-02-13

:o What hippy bus have you just jumped from? You're seriously comparing men being topless in public to women!!

The fact of the matter is, topless women on beaches IS against what Thai people consider normal behaviour. People are getting confused with what's tollerated by Thais and what is normal practice.

Thai people know that trying to inforce such a thing, at tourist destinations would be futile. That is not the same thing as them finding it acceptable and being happy that it happens. They just tolerate it as they do most other obnoxious behaviour by Farangs.

People constantly talk about hypocrisy, when it come to the laws and customs here. So what? What's that got to do with you or any other Farang. You're not in a position to question the law here.

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Ancient history is irrelevant as to this discussion, else one could make the argument that head-shrinking is perfectly acceptable behavior when visiting Sarawak. Current Thai culture is modest as far as public nudity is concerned. Those who chose to ignore this fact may face some 'inconveniences' with the BIB as a consequence of their insensitivity. Not a problem AFAIC - one needs to be respectful of the local culture when an auslander.

Spot on.:thumbsup:

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:o What hippy bus have you just jumped from? You're seriously comparing men being topless in public to women!!

The fact of the matter is, topless women on beaches IS against what Thai people consider normal behaviour. People are getting confused with what's tollerated by Thais and what is normal practice.

Thai people know that trying to inforce such a thing, at tourist destinations would be futile. That is not the same thing as them finding it acceptable and being happy that it happens. They just tolerate it as they do most other obnoxious behaviour by Farangs.

People constantly talk about hypocrisy, when it come to the laws and customs here. So what? What's that got to do with you or any other Farang. You're not in a position to question the law here.

The "not finding it acceptable" part will eventually manifest itself in other forms. It will eventually grow to an intolerance of "obnoxious behavior by farangs" and blow up somewhere at some point. I already see it in many areas and many cases where the once very tolerant Thais here are giving as much abuse as they now take from obnoxious tourists. Even Thai tolerance has its limits it seems.

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Phuket Opinion: Beach nipples not naughty

PHUKET: I note there is no space [for a reader to] comment on Blair Christopher's online story 'Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying abreast of nude on our beaches'.

So [as a Phuket resident] I'd like to comment here on how it is apparently perfectly acceptable for the male walking along the beach in the accompanying picture to have his nipples and rather prominent breasts uncovered.

I'm quite sure that up until the religion-obsessed colonialists began spreading their uptight, sexist anti-female doctrines, that indigenous women walked around the tropics all over the globe, freely bare chested in order to best enjoy the cool breezes.

The genital-izing and criminalization of women's chests has been fought in the US and women in New York City now enjoy freedom like most of their European counterparts.

I urge resistance to blatant, unfair sexism.


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-02-13

:o What hippy bus have you just jumped from? You're seriously comparing men being topless in public to women!!

The fact of the matter is, topless women on beaches IS against what Thai people consider normal behaviour. People are getting confused with what's tollerated by Thais and what is normal practice.

Thai people know that trying to inforce such a thing, at tourist destinations would be futile. That is not the same thing as them finding it acceptable and being happy that it happens. They just tolerate it as they do most other obnoxious behaviour by Farangs.

People constantly talk about hypocrisy, when it come to the laws and customs here. So what? What's that got to do with you or any other Farang. You're not in a position to question the law here.

clap2.gifhear hear!!

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:o What hippy bus have you just jumped from? You're seriously comparing men being topless in public to women!!

The fact of the matter is, topless women on beaches IS against what Thai people consider normal behaviour. People are getting confused with what's tollerated by Thais and what is normal practice.

Thai people know that trying to inforce such a thing, at tourist destinations would be futile. That is not the same thing as them finding it acceptable and being happy that it happens. They just tolerate it as they do most other obnoxious behaviour by Farangs.

People constantly talk about hypocrisy, when it come to the laws and customs here. So what? What's that got to do with you or any other Farang. You're not in a position to question the law here.

The "not finding it acceptable" part will eventually manifest itself in other forms. It will eventually grow to an intolerance of "obnoxious behavior by farangs" and blow up somewhere at some point. I already see it in many areas and many cases where the once very tolerant Thais here are giving as much abuse as they now take from obnoxious tourists. Even Thai tolerance has its limits it seems.

If that's what it takes for the average joe to stop thinking he's the centre of the universe, and that he can do what ever he wants, regardless of who it upsets, then so be it.

All the Thai haters on this forum (who bizarrely seem to be plentiful for a Thailand Forum) won't agree, but Thai people, for the best part, are too tolerant for their own good. So for them to turn around and say enough is enough one day, might not be a bad thing.

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:o What hippy bus have you just jumped from? You're seriously comparing men being topless in public to women!!

The fact of the matter is, topless women on beaches IS against what Thai people consider normal behaviour. People are getting confused with what's tollerated by Thais and what is normal practice.

Thai people know that trying to inforce such a thing, at tourist destinations would be futile. That is not the same thing as them finding it acceptable and being happy that it happens. They just tolerate it as they do most other obnoxious behaviour by Farangs.

People constantly talk about hypocrisy, when it come to the laws and customs here. So what? What's that got to do with you or any other Farang. You're not in a position to question the law here.

The "not finding it acceptable" part will eventually manifest itself in other forms. It will eventually grow to an intolerance of "obnoxious behavior by farangs" and blow up somewhere at some point. I already see it in many areas and many cases where the once very tolerant Thais here are giving as much abuse as they now take from obnoxious tourists. Even Thai tolerance has its limits it seems.

If that's what it takes for the average joe to stop thinking he's the centre of the universe, and that he can do what ever he wants, regardless of who it upsets, then so be it.

All the Thai haters on this forum (who bizarrely seem to be plentiful for a Thailand Forum) won't agree, but Thai people, for the best part, are too tolerant for their own good. So for them to turn around and say enough is enough one day, might not be a bad thing.

Although I know what you're saying, I would disagree that it's a good thing. In fact we're now the ones that are all painted with the same brush. Even the best intentioned farangs will be judged by the bad behavior of the worst of them.

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The fact of the matter is, topless women on beaches IS against what Thai people consider normal behaviour. People are getting confused with what's tollerated by Thais and what is normal practice.

People constantly talk about hypocrisy, when it come to the laws and customs here. So what? What's that got to do with you or any other Farang. You're not in a position to question the law here.

Interesting, given that toplessness of either sex only became stigmatised with American funded Thai-ification (or perhaps '-fiction' would be a more accurate term)

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Many times here in Kamala i have approched topless females and told them that this is a Moslem communnity and to please cover up as they are offending their host.

I'd say 95% of them should not have gone topless in the privacy of their own homes much less in Public. :bah:

Some would cover up and apologize and say they didn't know, some would say its not my country, others would tell me that no thai had told them that so they assumed it was ok,

There should be signs on every beach that it is NOT acceptable behavior in Thailand. Note not just the words but a pair of sagging breasts with a big red X thru them

You actually walk around the beach telling topless females to cover up....Get a life!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prostitution has been in thailand for ????

The trade in sex as quoted in many places such as




You will find this event as the turning point for prostitution in thailand legal or not.

clearly indicate that the sex trade (sex tourism) not Prostitution was introduces when the Amenicans used thailand for RnR

Err No, I dont have to state who and how things happen, they just happen. and for the good of the girls and families.

Err, no. Sex trade was not introduced in Thailand by the Americans in the sixties. And if it is on decline, then please give your information source to that. And tell how you and other heroes (how many?) are shutting down brothels, clubs and pubs here. And where you do it. And as that would be classified as work, I take it you have work permits for it?

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Interesting note, where did you find this version or are you just another thai hater that wants to impose european standards in thailand for your own satisfaction with no interest in the local standards or rules and people.

Sex tourism began with tourists? interesting contribution.

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  • 7 months later...

What a crock this thread is. Western women can not go topless on the beach because it goes against Thai culture. Thai's are for the most part fully dressed at the beach, or under an umbrella. They don't want their skin dark. It makes them look like a farm worker, they want light skin. Culture, and styles change. Any Vietnam vet can tell you that in Vietnam, Lao and Thailand it was not uncommon for women to be working in the rice fields topless. Sure they wore tops in the cities, the cities had western influence. Ladies in the cities dressed like western women, and tried to keep the sun off their skin. The west brought them the bra as well, and even worse, the padded bra so they could look like big breasted western women.

In my own country, it was considered bad manners for a man not to wear a hat in public from the 1920's until the late 1940's. It was the culture of the era, and has since changed. Check out a beach picture from 1922, every man on the beach is wearing a straw hat. Have you ever seen a man not in costume wear a hat like that?

OK, westerners are coming to Thailand in droves. Thailand is becoming more multicultural. Again they will follow western influence. As more European women come to Thai beaches, the more being topless will become acceptable. It won't be any different than a beach in France, or sunbathing Russians. People that cling to tightly to old traditions, culture and styles are usually disappointed, as they always change.




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What a crock this thread is. Western women can not go topless on the beach because it goes against Thai culture. Thai's are for the most part fully dressed at the beach, or under an umbrella. They don't want their skin dark. It makes them look like a farm worker, they want light skin. Culture, and styles change. Any Vietnam vet can tell you that in Vietnam, Lao and Thailand it was not uncommon for women to be working in the rice fields topless. Sure they wore tops in the cities, the cities had western influence. Ladies in the cities dressed like western women, and tried to keep the sun off their skin. The west brought them the bra as well, and even worse, the padded bra so they could look like big breasted western women.

In my own country, it was considered bad manners for a man not to wear a hat in public from the 1920's until the late 1940's. It was the culture of the era, and has since changed. Check out a beach picture from 1922, every man on the beach is wearing a straw hat. Have you ever seen a man not in costume wear a hat like that?

OK, westerners are coming to Thailand in droves. Thailand is becoming more multicultural. Again they will follow western influence. As more European women come to Thai beaches, the more being topless will become acceptable. It won't be any different than a beach in France, or sunbathing Russians. People that cling to tightly to old traditions, culture and styles are usually disappointed, as they always change.

Thailand is not your country. It is against the law here.

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I asked some of the Thai women in my local bar what they thought of the female tourists who went topless on the beach. Their response was that they did not like it, (definitely goes against Buddhist and Islamic culture), but that they assumed these women were prostitutes in their home countries...

So, if you're foreign and female, and think the local Thais are not concerned when you break the law, perhaps you will think again when you understand what they really think about you :)


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