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Export Good From China.

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We all know that many goods are made in China, the question is, has anyone gone over to China to set up some kind of export back to there own country?

Has anyone gone into the many factorys and arranged for goods to be sold to you, take them back to LOS or sell them in China over the net maybe using ebay?

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We all know that many goods are made in China, the question is, has anyone gone over to China to set up some kind of export back to there own country?

Has anyone gone into the many factorys and arranged for goods to be sold to you, take them back to LOS or sell them in China over the net maybe using ebay?

Just guesing, I would say thousands of people have thought of it, considering most western countries as well as Thailand are flooded with Chinese exports. Good try, but not exactly an original idea...


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We all know that many goods are made in China, the question is, has anyone gone over to China to set up some kind of export back to there own country?

i think westybrook was asking for people who have done this already, and actually have useful information that they could share. not someone who is just guessing, :o

god why are there so many of you types on here..

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Well done Lucy :o I hate that too, when people don't read the post but reply with a remark like that!

But if anyone has done this before I would love to know how well you did. I read in the paper yesterday that a city in China makes all the bras for the whole of the UK and most of the world, its massive. They are made for only 1 pound and sold in the UK for 25 pound.

I have a friend who has a company in the UK and he has bikes made in Thaiwan and shipped over to the UK to be sold on here.

I would love to background info on how someone would go on about looking into this, not massive quantitys but small to start off with first and then get bigger. But I need the pros, cons and things that make it work.


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  • 2 weeks later...
..or sell them in China over the net maybe using ebay

I am an Ebayer and sometimes I buy chinese dvd/cd from Hong Kong.

The unusual thing is that I buy them from England but items are sent from China.

Usually delivery costs are higher than the items (i think they earn from that too). :D

I think that a good idea could be to find an affordable chinese partner who can do deliveries and contact firms while you control the ebay payments with your paypal account from your country (LOS too). :o

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Just few things, which I heard just while ago when eating dinner here in Beijing.

So one guy had a problem to send out few hundred binoculars(good profit when

sell in Europe) and tried to find good way to arrange this thing.

We have few guys who have done it and first it's quite hard to arrange by yourself,

if you don't have your company office here and license to do export business in China. Evenif somebody say something else, you see it finally when going to airport and try to get your stuff out of country, no paper, sorry cannot help.

You can try to find partner here, who has this license, but be careful with that one,

it's very common that they fool and disappear(also Farang!!!). Sometimes companies offer all kind of deals, which make profit much lower than expected, extra costs everywhere, surprise.

One good advice is that find/make a list of possible suppliers or places where to buy. Buy ticket to China and take L-Visa. Go to see potential companies and try to meet them or visit places where they sell. Some companies are ready to start business(be careful) outside of China or in these "markets" you can find official export offices where you can agree and sign papers and they take care of paperwork and transportation. It's quite easy to find out that the place have this service, because when you walk around and try to make contacts, people are asking are you dealer or not - so it's somewhere there many times.

Small amounts and sizes are not a problem to do it occasionally, but you're not thinking about that.


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We all know that many goods are made in China, the question is, has anyone gone over to China to set up some kind of export back to there own country?

Has anyone gone into the many factorys and arranged for goods to be sold to you, take them back to LOS or sell them in China over the net maybe using ebay?

Teaching started to prove a bit too hard for you to embrace Westy ?

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Nothing wrong with wanting to move on up like the Jeffersons. 


Couldn't agree more, but after living in China for a couple of years and seeing the hundreds of expats trying to make a go of this export stuff was just commenting that it is not exactly an original idea and the market is saturated. If you can find something no else is doing then, yeah, go for it and good luck to you.

There has probably been more money lost by westerners in China thinking they were doing real business then anyplace in history. Lots of companies are quietly easing out.


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There has probably been more money lost by westerners in China thinking they were doing real business then anyplace in history.

I agree with you. I think the only way to test a good business, expecially abroad, is to find a niche and first to spend a cent take as many informations as possible about it (where you buy and where you sell) to be competitive. Ebay is a wonderful instrument to test that for B2C (Business to Customers). B2B (Business to Business) could be the next step if you have enough money to invest. :D

About "license to do export business in China", seeing chinese ebayers, Hong Kong seems to be ideal to do everything with less burocracy (it's only a deduction). :o

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To buy a few chopsticks, so to speak, and offer it on e-bay is one thing, let's say a hit-and-run.

To export goods from China is another and done by many, established for decades in the trade and many more new comers. The majority operates out of Hong Kong.

Start with a niche, some item you think can be of interest back home. Get samples and find a buyer. Offer your own price, fob or c&f/cif. Offer a deadline for delivery (which must be agreed to by the maker as well).

Now comes the money-question. The maker will want to know if and how they get money before they start producing. So up2u to advance and to get cover by the buyer, if you do not have own funds.

You might be able to get 40% advance payment when order is placed and balance to be paid against shipping documents. Important is, that you know both sides very well, maker and buyer. You are the go-between or agent and you are as well responsible for quality. So go to the factory for QC-tests during production and final QC (that's quality control) before the stuff is packed in the factory.

The factory will have the licence to send it out of China, you raise your own invoices, collect the remaining 60% and pay the maker. The balance is your profit

out of which you pay for your costs in Hong Kong, travel to the factory etc.

Good luck!

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Nothing wrong with wanting to move on up like the Jeffersons.  


Couldn't agree more, but after living in China for a couple of years and seeing the hundreds of expats trying to make a go of this export stuff was just commenting that it is not exactly an original idea and the market is saturated. If you can find something no else is doing then, yeah, go for it and good luck to you.

There has probably been more money lost by westerners in China thinking they were doing real business then anyplace in history. Lots of companies are quietly easing out.


:D The market is saturated? You mean the world market? I'm sure there's something that can be supplied to someone (who might need it in bulk), somewhere in the world, and I'd bet you can ship it there via Evergreen or Fedex.

Westerners aside, the local entrepreneurs there are probably doing better in the last 20-30 years than any time in their 5000 year history, so there's probably some opportunity in there somewhere.


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We all know that many goods are made in China, the question is, has anyone gone over to China to set up some kind of export back to there own country?

Has anyone gone into the many factorys and arranged for goods to be sold to you, take them back to LOS or sell them in China over the net maybe using ebay?

I suggest this link to contact an asian partner : http://www.exportid.com

I have found it today, it seems serious and full of firms (many chinese) and their best salesmen. There are thai firms too. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Like a few guys have suggested, you want to find a gap in the market, no point selling dvds on ebay or anything like that as 100's of people are doing so. Also i should point out that to import you either need to pay duty which will bite into profits along with delivery charges or have them sent as gift, Which will arrise suspicion if you have a 'birthday' every week.

I have just placed an order for goods from china, if all goes well i should make a HEFTY profit selling in the UK, ill let you know how i get on :o

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I have just placed an order for goods from china, if all goes well i should make a HEFTY profit selling in the UK,  ill let you know how i get on  :D

What kind of goods?

If you have made commercial surveys in the china-uk markets can you share them with us?

Someimes be 1 of 100s works better than be 1 with an untested new job.

I work in the multimedia field from 5+ years and I assure you that this field offer enough to live respectably (not in LOS of course where piracy is high and without control), you have to consider that many of this 100s stop working after 1-2 years or less, only the best ones survive :o

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I have just placed an order for goods from china, if all goes well i should make a HEFTY profit selling in the UK,  ill let you know how i get on  :o

What kind of goods?

If you have made commercial surveys in the china-uk markets can you share them with us?

So that the 20,000+ members of this forum, majority of them from the UK, will do the same? :D

More Seriously now - Axel gave some good advices. The way I see it, it all starts from the market. Just because you found a product you like, it does not mean you can sell it with a profit which will even cover your marketing expenses, not to mention making it worth while.

If you've got your contacts in the market or you've got a way to get to the customers without spending too much money doing that, start looking for products. Do the Selling first, and the buying later! :D

Edited by ~G~
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Unfortunatly I cannot reveal what kind of products I am selling, I can tell you that I am basicly buying for very cheap, then selling to people I know, once I make a few hundred pounds I can spend a few bob on advertising .

I did meet an English lad in Pattaya who made a living on ebay by selling goods from china, apparently hes even got people working for him, he said something about creditcard holders or something, I looked it up but i never found out what he was talking about

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I did meet an English lad in Pattaya who made a living on ebay by selling goods from china, apparently hes even got people working for him, he said something about creditcard holders or something,  I looked it up but i never found out what he was talking about

Well, it's not difficult to imagine what kind of products this man (and may be u) is selling on ebay, i have colleagues that buy a lot of dress stuff (north face, and other big firms), watches, phones, etc.. for less than 1/3 of the regular price. And sometimes they arrive from Thailand..but it cannot replace a regular job, it's ok if you haven't a better choice now but you have to consider that for high volumes each country apply taxes and you will always risk to be found to do an illegal job abroad, it's less uncommon than anyone think. But good luck anyway. :o

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Ive attempted selling stuiff on ebay, like dvds and stuff but it wasnt a business or anyhthing, I just wanted rid of the dvds i had watched while making a few bob, I was soon suspended from ebay tho, so anyone planning on doing the same think twice!

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We all know that many goods are made in China, the question is, has anyone gone over to China to set up some kind of export back to there own country?

Has anyone gone into the many factorys and arranged for goods to be sold to you, take them back to LOS or sell them in China over the net maybe using ebay?


I met a chap on plane to bangkok who was staying in Thailand for week then heading over to china to do business export mobile phones to uk for sale .... I didnt go into detail with him so couldnt really tell u how to go about it .... mobiles are big business if ya can buy in bulk at good price i think you would b onto a winner mate so id look in that direction ....

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Ive attempted selling stuiff on ebay,  like dvds and stuff but it wasnt a business or anyhthing,  I just wanted rid of the dvds i had watched while making a few bob, I was soon suspended from ebay tho, so anyone planning on doing the same  think twice!

I have sold a lot of dvds on ebay, of course you cannot sell copies, only originals. I did it for six months, and it works. Of course it's a secondary job (you can earn 2-5 euro for each single delivery), and you need to buy them at a good low price to be competitive. If you don't work in this field it's not simple of course (like every field i suppose).

I stopped it only because it was stealing me a lot of free time, i discovered that i can earn the same if i works one more hour with my 9-18 job.

Everyone try to sell chinese stuff to the rest of the world, but the real business is to sell stuff to chinese. For ex. expensive dresses (Armani, Versace, etc...) and expensive cars (Ferrari, etc), i have a friend who works for the firm that produces the parts of this cars, they are selling millions of them to chinese rich people.. :o

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