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Condom Hat Symbolises Ineffectual Govt, Pheu Thai MP Says


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Condom hat symbolises ineffectual govt, Pheu Thai MP says

By The Nation

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's sporting of a hat made of prophylactics a few months ago was testimony to his government's haphazard approach to addressing critical issues, an opposition MP said yesterday.

"Aids is also a big problem. But I have never seen any prime minister trying to solve the problem by wearing condoms on his head," Prasit Chaiwiratana, a Pheu Thai MP from Chaiyaphum, said during a House meeting.

The government appeared to be running the country blindly, as many problems remained unresolved, including the widespread drug trade, poor education, commonplace abortions, and costly consumer products and food.

It was high time to dissolve the House, he said.

Abhisit had appeared with a wide-brim hat decorated with condoms of various hues during a function to mark World Aids Day in late November. Critics said then that it was improper for a country's leader to wear such a hat.

Abhisit responded to the MP's interpolation by saying that his administration had tackled the country's chronic problems effectively without resorting to unlawful means to stamp out the drug problem, as certain past governments did.

He said he wore the condom hat in a bid to raise public awareness of HIV and Aids.

"It's my head, anyway," he added.

Earlier, in an apparent character attack, a photo of a smiling Abhisit wearing the condom hat was put up at the yellow shirts' rally site outside Government House with the caption "Dimwit". The yellow shirts are protesting against what they describe as the government's indecisiveness in settling the border dispute with Cambodia.

Trairong Suwankhiri, the deputy prime minister in charge of economic affairs, said the government had done its best to surmount economic difficulties despite legal and political limitations.

He said he looked forward to the censure debate to be headed by marketing whiz Mingkwan Sangsuwan from the opposition Pheu Thai Party.

Judging from Mingkwan's personality, his views during the grilling should be constructive, Trairong said.

"I don't think he'll just attack the government. He's likely to provide possible solutions to the problems too," said Trairong, a key figure from the ruling Democrat Party.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban, who is the Democrat secretary-general, refused to confirm a Twitter message by the party's election-campaign director, Korbsak Sabhavasu, that the next general election would likely be held in August.

"Anyone can say anything but the prime minister is the only person with the power to dissolve the House," Suthep said.

And the prime minister will not stay on to complete his term at the end of this year, as has been speculated by some political observers, he said.

"But frankly speaking, I don't know when the House will be dissolved," he added.


-- The Nation 2011-02-04

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As a metaphor I don't think that a condom on the head actually symbolises ineffectual anything.

That illustrates either the confusing nonsense that is Thai logic and how the mind works, or, the fact that the use of symbolism, metaphor, hardly simile and a poorly translated figurative speech are not understood.

Compounding this is the reference to Aids, because the condom is a most effective safe sex prevention of infection. Ergo, effective, effectual.

What it does illustrate by way of ineffectuality is the speaker himself.

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If Prasit is looking for a photo that truly "symbolises ineffectual government", I can think of a better example:

Forgive me if I am wrong, but the person above is not in government, is he? I thought the OP was about the current government? But, hey, Bucholz never could miss an opportunity for a thaksin moment.

Nothing gets by you, Thaksin apologist guy lol

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That illustrates either the confusing nonsense that is Thai logic and how the mind works, or, the fact that the use of symbolism, metaphor, hardly simile and a poorly translated figurative speech are not understood.

Personally, I be going for the second one. Perhaps if he had slipped on some carelessly discarded condoms and landed on his backside it may have, at least, got a laugh.

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Maybe K. Prasit had one worthy point to make: it would be inappropriate for K. Abhisit to be wearing such a condom hat, simply because it would be more befittingly worn on a KNOB such as himself.

Quite agree, and so eloquently put , I must say!!!!!!!

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From the OP:

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's sporting of a hat made of prophylactics a few months ago was testimony to his government's haphazard approach to addressing critical issues, an opposition MP said yesterday.

Abhisit had appeared with a wide-brim hat decorated with condoms of various hues during a function to mark World Aids Day in late November. Critics said then that it was improper for a country's leader to wear such a hat.

I can only assume that k. Meechai V. (aka Mr. Condom) would whole-heartedly applaud any known figure to have the courage to sport such a hat. It was at a very appropriate event as well.

So now let's go back to politics :)

Edited by rubl
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I know yall are having fun, but...

Maybe K. Prasit had one worthy point to make: it would be inappropriate for K. Abhisit to be wearing such a condom hat, simply because it would be more befittingly worn on a KNOB such as himself.


Quite agree, and so eloquently put , I must say!!!!!!!

You all missed the point. In rather stunning fashion. There is nothing ridiculous about a campaign to educate poor people who aren't that psyched about education and can only be reached via publicity stunts of this nature.

The condom hat is noble and honourable and it would be completely wrong for the KNOB Prasit to have his lowly unknown head graced by such a hat. Not to mention his low profile would be largely ineffectual in terms of impact on the target market...who must be educated or the very serious crisis will roll on.

For PTP and Thaksin to highjack something like that - something so clearly uncriticisable - and then just openly ridicule it and attempt to gain political traction as a result (no doubt they'll be successful, if the genuinely bright men above appeared to miss it)...that's probably as low as it gets in politics, right? I mean, people will die as a result of PTP's sleaze. Children will be born with AIDS as a result of this guy's sleaze.

As a metaphor I don't think that a condom on the head actually symbolises ineffectual anything.

That illustrates either the confusing nonsense that is Thai logic and how the mind works, or, the fact that the use of symbolism, metaphor, hardly simile and a poorly translated figurative speech are not understood.

Compounding this is the reference to Aids, because the condom is a most effective safe sex prevention of infection. Ergo, effective, effectual.

What it does illustrate by way of ineffectuality is the speaker himself.

A point perfectly made.

And, perhaps, it also illustrates how ineffectual the Thai media is at identifying news....and distinguishing news from....idiotic propaganda appealing to the lowest common denominator (the very people that require protection from AIDS; but who can only be reached via stunts like this one).

Maybe the attack will have an opposite effect, boosting awareness of AIDS prevention....


Can someone tell me what language this is in - GOBBLEDYGOOK perhaps!!!!!

...then again, perhaps not.

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It takes a confident PM to wear such a condom hat, and with that fetching facial expression, I don't think too many people will be aching to jump his bones either. It's sporting good fun and if that's all the oppositions got, a silly photo, good luck to them.

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